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While the benthic infauna of the North Sea has been studied intensively over the past decades, few studies have focused on the larger mobile epifauna. Studies carried out to date have described the distribution of epifaunal communities over the whole of the North Sea, but variability within the identified communities, which occurs on a much smaller scale, has so far remained unstudied. This is the first study to describe seasonal and annual variability of an epifaunal assemblage in the German Bight area, where environmental conditions are highly variable. The benthic community was sampled with a 2 m beam trawl from 1998 to 2001. The echinoderms Ophiura albida and Asterias rubens and the crustacean Pagurus bernhardus were the dominant species caught throughout the study period. Overall the species composition of the catches was relatively consistent, while abundances of dominant species fluctuated considerably between sampling periods. Differences between sampling periods were not only influenced by the abundances of dominant species, but also by less dominant species such as Ophiura ophiura, Astropecten irregularis, Corystes cassivelaunus, Crangon crangon and Aphorrahis pespelicani. The abundances of these species varied annually and seasonally in the assemblage. Clear differences between summer and winter in the species composition, abundance and biomass were identified. Annual and seasonal changes were most likely linked to migratory movements of epifauna into and out of the area under investigation. Temporal changes in species composition and abundance correlated best with water temperatures, while the spatial distribution of the total biomass over the whole sampling period was correlated with sediment characteristics. Anthropogenic influences such as fishing activity and chronic large-scale eutrophication are thought to have influenced the community on a long-term basis, but have been considered unlikely causes for the short-term variability described by this study.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

荣成人工湿地污水处理系统占地面积80 hm2,处理规模2.0万m3.d-1,1998年10月开始投入运行。对1999年1月到2004年12月荣成人工湿地污水处理系统净化效果以及净化效果的季节和年际变化进行分析。结果表明,人工湿地对SS、BOD5、CODC r均有很好的去除效果,出水浓度分别为(27.6±6.6)、(22.7±4.3)和(90.0±12.5)mg.L-1,去除率分别为73.9%、72.5%和63.8%。大肠菌群、粪大肠菌群去除率分别为99.7%和99.6%。对NH4 -N和TP去除效果较差,出水浓度分别为(11.2±2.7)和(2.03±0.29)mg.L-1,去除率分别为45.1%和30.2%。BOD5、CODC r、NH4 -N和TP的去除效果与季节变化有一定关系,NH4 -N受季节变化的影响最大,其次是TP,BOD5和CODC r受季节变化的影响相对较小。分析BOD5、CODC r、NH4 -N和TP去除效果的年际变化发现,BOD5、CODC r和NH4 -N去除率有增加的趋势。TP去除率在2001年和2002年基本相同,从2003年开始下降。  相似文献   

荣成人工湿地净化效果的季节和年际变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

北固山湿地植物对氮磷元素吸收能力的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湿地作为一种高效低耗的污水处理技术,其在脱氮除磷方面的应用倍受人们的关注。为研究北固山湿地植物对氮磷元素的吸收能力,以该湿地优势植物芦苇(Phragmites australis)和虉草(Phalaris arundinaceaLinn)为研究对象,测定3月至11月期间,其地上生物量以及各组织中总氮、总磷的含量,分析其氮磷积累的动态变化规律。结果表明,(1)芦苇、虉草的地上生物量均呈先增加后减少的趋势,且茎的生物量远大于叶和穗。(2)芦苇、虉草叶中的氮、磷含量均高于同期芦苇茎中的含量。芦苇对氮、磷的积累在8月份达到最大值,分别为38.97g·m-2、18.22g·m-2。而虉草对氮、磷的积累在5月份达到最大值,分别为23.19g·m-2、6.32g·m-2。(3)芦苇、虉草对氮、磷的吸收均呈单峰值曲线,对氮的吸收都远大于磷,且芦苇对氮、磷的吸收能力较好。(4)适时收割芦苇、虉草,可从北固山湿地中移除1248.90kg总氮和381.8kg总磷,同时还可以将其作为纸浆来源,创造一定的经济价值。  相似文献   

不同植物人工湿地对污水的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过对栽种芦苇(Phragmites australis)、香蒲(Typha latifolia)和菖蒲(Acorus calamus)3种植物的潜流人工湿地进行试验研究,分析3种植物对污水的净化效果,及在不同水力停留时间下的变化规律.试验结果表明,在最佳运行条件下,COD、TN、TP的去除率分别在50%、75%和65%以上;3种植物对比可以看出,香蒲的净化效果明显好于芦苇和菖蒲,香蒲对COD、TN、TP的去除率分别达到67.2%、89.7%、88.9%.  相似文献   

Summary As foragers of the harvester ant, Veromessor pergandei, travel further from their nest they spend significantly more time sampling seeds in experimental patches. Although accepted seeds are heavier than offered seeds, mass of accepted seed is not correlated with sampling time. Variably sized V. pergandei workers do not size-match; little, if any, variance in size of seed selected can be attributed to body size of forager. The lack of size-matching in V. pergandei suggests individual performance may be an inadequate measure of colony foraging success.  相似文献   

Centralized sewage treatment plants may not be a sustainable solution for a developing country such as India. Therefore, we conducted for the first time an integrated assessment of the different technologies currently used for sewage treatment in the state of West Bengal, India. Five decentralized sewage treatment plants and one centralized sewage treatment plant located in different parts of Kolkata were evaluated. We compared influent and effluent water quality, energy consumed, capital and operating costs, and treated wastewater reuse potential. F test was used to validate results on the effect of working days and holidays and seasons on treated water quality. Wastewater management strategy was assessed by performance indicators. Our results show that treatment efficiency was lowest in anaerobic plants not because of faulty technology but due to unskilled operation. Therefore, performance improvement of plants is expected if factors such as monitoring, training of staff, regular and scrupulous desludging, reuse aspects, and rational water tariff are implemented earnestly.  相似文献   

The influence of winter recreation on wildlife in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), Wyoming and Montana, USA, is a controversial issue. In particular, the effects of road grooming, done to facilitate snowmobile and snowcoach travel, on bison (Bison bison) ecology are under debate. We collected data during winters, from 1997 to 2005, on bison road use, off-road travel, and activity budgets to quantify temporal trends in the amount of bison road and off-road travel and to identify the ecological factors affecting bison movements and use of the groomed road system in the Madison-Gibbon-Firehole (MGF) area of YNP. Using model comparison techniques, we found bison travel patterns to be influenced by multiple, interacting effects. Road travel was negatively correlated with road grooming, and we found no evidence that bison preferentially used groomed roads during winter. Snow water equivalent, bison density, and the springtime melt period were positively correlated with both bison road and off-road travel. From behavioral scans on 68,791 bison, we found that travel is only a small percentage (11%) of all bison activity, with foraging comprising 67% of observations. Also, only 7% of traveling bison and 30% of foraging bison were displacing snow, and we suggest foraging, rather than traveling, is likely the major energetic cost to bison in winter. Bison utilize their own trail network, connecting foraging areas using stream corridors, geothermal pathways, and self-groomed travel routes. Our results indicate that temporal patterns in bison road travel are a manifestation of general travel behavior and that groomed roads in the MGF do not appear to be a major factor influencing bison ecology and spatial redistribution. We suggest that the changes in bison spatial dynamics during the past three decades have likely been the result of the natural phenomenon of density-dependent range expansion, rather than having been caused by the anthropogenic influence of road grooming.  相似文献   

T. Noda  S. Nakao 《Marine Biology》1995,123(4):815-820
The spatio-temporal population dynamics of the subtidal snail Umbonium costatum (Kiener) in Hakodate Bay, northern Japan, are described over a 9-yr period (1982 to 1988, 1992). Annual variations in recruitment success not only caused the highly variable age structure of the population, but also affected its distribution pattern. In heavy recruitment years (1982, 1984 and 1988), location of the densest population differed from the other years, and the areas with 0 yr old individuals were larger. Every year, the distribution of 0 yr olds was mostly restricted to inshore (within 320 m from shore), while the distribution of adults (>0 yr) was mostly restricted to offshore (>320 m from shore). Such patterns may be generated by ontogenetic migration of cohorts to offshore areas. Ontogenetic migration also could have buffered the large annual variation in spat distribution and maintained the small variation in the distribution of adults. (Prince et al. 1988). Density-related migration has also been reported in Acmaea digitalis (Frank 1965), Patella cochlear (Branch 1974) and Patelloida alticostata (Black 1977).Dense populations of the gastropod Umbonium costatum are found in some clean subtidal sandy-bottoms in Japan, e.g. inner part of Hakodate Bay. In the bay, the age structure of U. costatum revealed predominant year-classes. The 0 yr olds were restricted to the shallowest zone (<4 m depth) and most adult (<0 yr) cohorts were restricted to 6 to 7 m depths (Noda 1991a).This paper describes the temporal variability of population structure and distributional patterns of Umbonium costatum, and examines the distribution-regulating processes.  相似文献   

Benthic gross primary production (GPP) and community respiration (BCR) were regularly measured on sandy beach sediment during low tide in a megatidal ecosystem. These measurements were assessed during 2 years in situ within a benthic chamber simultaneously with bacterial production (BP). Results suggested that community respiration in Wimereux sandy beach sediments was probably dominated by bacterial respiration and that the estimated benthic bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) was highly variable. Although temperature significantly controlled both BP and BCR during low tide at the annual scale, the temperature effect on BGE was not significant. The instability and sediment erosion caused by the wave action and the tidal cycle were thus thought to influence the BGE. Since the sampling site is regularly affected by Phaeocystis foam deposit (enhancing the BCR and decreasing the BGE), and since GPP rates were highly variable and supported by high assimilation numbers (i.e., >1 mgC mgChla −1 h−1), phytoplankton organic matter deposit following the immersion of the study site was thought to explain the BGE variability.  相似文献   

Few non-native species have colonized Antarctica, although increased human activity and accelerated climate change may increase their number, distributional range, and effects on native species on the continent. We searched 13 sites on the maritime Antarctic islands and 12 sites on the Antarctic Peninsula for annual bluegrass (Poa annua), a non-native flowering plant. We also evaluated the possible effects of competition between P. annua and 2 vascular plants native to Antarctica, Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis) and Antarctic hairgrass (Deschampsia antarctica). We grew the native species in experimental plots with and without annual bluegrass under conditions that mimicked the Antarctic environment. After 5 months, we measured photosynthetic performance on the basis of chlorophyll fluorescence and determined total biomass of both native species. We found individual specimens of annual bluegrass at 3 different sites on the Antarctic Peninsula during the 2007-2008 and 2009-2010 austral summers. The presence of bluegrass was associated with a statistically significant reduction in biomass of pearlwort and hairgrass, whereas the decrease in biomass of bluegrass was not statistically significant. Similarly, the presence of bluegrass significantly reduced the photosynthetic performance of the 2 native species. Sites where bluegrass occurred were close to major maritime routes of scientific expeditions and of tourist cruises to Antarctica. We believe that if current levels of human activity and regional warming persist, more non-native plant species are likely to colonize the Antarctic and may affect native species.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Global warming may be slowed down by carbon capture and storage systems that allow to sequester carbon dioxide from large fixed point sources such as power plants...  相似文献   

• Framework of indicators was established based on energy efficiency and recovery. • Energy neutrality potential of 970 wastewater treatment plants was evaluated. • Analysis of characteristics and explanatory factors was carried out. • Pathways for improving the energy neutrality potential were proposed. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) consume large amounts of energy and emit greenhouse gases to remove pollutants. This study proposes a framework for evaluating the energy neutrality potential (ENP) of WWTPs from an integrated perspective. Operational data of 970 WWTPs in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) were extracted from the China Urban Drainage Yearbook 2018. The potential chemical and thermal energies were estimated using combined heat and power (CHP) and water source heat pump, respectively. Two key performance indicators (KPIs) were then established: the energy self-sufficiency (ESS) indicator, which reflects the offset degree of energy recovery, and the comprehensive water–energy efficiency (CWEE) indicator, which characterizes the efficiency of water–energy conversion. For the qualitative results, 98 WWTPs became the benchmark (i.e., CWEE= 1.000), while 112 WWTPs were fully self-sufficient (i.e., ESS≥100%). Subsequently, four types of ENP were classified by setting the median values of the two KPIs as the critical value. The WWTPs with high ENP had high net thermal energy values and relatively loose discharge limits. The explanatory factor analysis of water quantity and quality verified the existence of scale economies. Sufficient carbon source and biodegradability condition were also significant factors. As the CWEE indicator was mostly sensitive to the input of CHP, future optimization shall focus on the moisture and organic content of sludge. This study proposes a novel framework for evaluating the ENP of WWTPs. The results can provide guidance for optimizing the energy efficiency and recovery of WWTPs.  相似文献   

Dahlgren JP  García MB  Ehrlén J 《Ecology》2011,92(5):1181-1187
To accurately estimate population dynamics and viability, structured population models account for among-individual differences in demographic parameters that are related to individual state. In the widely used matrix models, such differences are incorporated in terms of discrete state categories, whereas integral projection models (IPMs) use continuous state variables to avoid artificial classes. In IPMs, and sometimes also in matrix models, parameterization is based on regressions that do not always model nonlinear relationships between demographic parameters and state variables. We stress the importance of testing for nonlinearity and propose using restricted cubic splines in order to allow for a wide variety of relationships in regressions and demographic models. For the plant Borderea pyrenaica, we found that vital rate relationships with size and age were nonlinear and that the parameterization method had large effects on predicted population growth rates, X (linear IPM, 0.95; nonlinear IPMs, 1.00; matrix model, 0.96). Our results suggest that restricted cubic spline models are more reliable than linear or polynomial models. Because even weak nonlinearity in relationships between vital rates and state variables can have large effects on model predictions, we suggest that restricted cubic regression splines should be considered for parameterizing models of population dynamics whenever linearity cannot be assumed.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative analysis of demographic variables for three populations of gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada) showed that these were determined by a combination of environmental, demographic and social factors interacting in complex ways. Both birth rates and survivorship were found to be adversely influenced by the severity of local climatic conditions. These independently influenced adult sex ratio, which in turn determined the proportion of multimale reproductive units in the population. Mean harem size was found to be independent of all environmental and demographic factors with the sole exception of the proportion of harem-holding males, suggesting that it is mainly a consequence of social factors related to harem fission rates. Migration rates and band fission rates were related to population growth rates, these in turn being determined largely by local mortality and birth rates.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was reviewed in 106 species of marine teleosts. Two heterozygosity estimates were used, one including all protein and enzyme loci and a second excluding the non-enzymatic protein loci. Mean heterozygosities are 0.055±0.036 based on all loci in 106 species and 0.060+0.038 based on enzymatic loci in 89 species. A significant negative correlation was noted between heterozygosity and the proportion of general protein loci included in the estimate. A comparison was made of heterozygosities among taxonomic orders and families, life zones, reproductive mode, geographical range and size. High levels of genetic variation are found in Clupeiformes, Atheriniformes, Pleuronectiformes, temperate pelagic, tropical, intertidal-sublittoral and wide-range species. Low levels of genetic variation are found in Gadiformes, Scorpaeniformes, temperate demersal, polar, and narrowrange species. The most striking differences in heterozygosities are between temperate demersal flatfishes and temperate demersal round fishes. It is suggested that much of the data can be explained by a habitat specialist-generalist model, with high heterozygosities in specialists and low heterozygosities in generalists, but that this is only one of a mosaic of factors which influence genetic variation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of individual spacing behaviour in a desert baboon population (Papio cynocephalus ursinus). Patterns of neighbour proximity and neighbour density were examined among adults in four groups under different ecological and social conditions (through instantaneous sampling during focal follows). Initial analysis of these data shows that (1) the use of vertical substrates (refuges such as tall trees and cliff faces) can confound patterns of spacing, and (2) individual differences in spacing can depend on the spatial scale over which it is measured. To minimise these substrate and scale effects, this analysis focuses on animals which are off refuges and examines spacing behaviour through its underlying statistical `dimensions' (identified through factor analysis). Analysis of these dimensions indicates that sex, group size, activity-habitat and female reproductive state can all have independent effects on spacing: (1) males are more dispersed than females in smaller groups, (2) male and female dispersion increases with time spent in foraging habitats, and (3) female dispersion is reduced during lactation. According to the hypotheses tested, these results indicate that feeding competition only affects spacing behaviour during foraging while predation risk plays little or no role in spacing. Most aspects of spacing behaviour are best explained by male reproductive strategies and their social repercussions. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 18 July 1998  相似文献   

Summary Dwarf mongooses in the Taru desert region of Kenya form foraging communities with a variety of endemic bird species, especially hornbills. The prey spectra of the mongooses and hornbills overlap almost completely. For the other bird species forming the foraging community only partial overlap exists. The association between the birds and mongooses is actively sought by both parties. The birds wait in tress around the termite mound where the monogooses are sleeping for them to emerge and the mongooses delay their foraging departure if no birds are present. There is a positive relationship between the number of mongooses in the group and the number of birds accompanying them. A true mutualism only exists between the mongooses and the two hornbill species Tockus deckeni and T. flavirostris since their presence or arrival affects the subsequent start of foraging. These two hornbill species have also been observed to influence the start of foraging actively by means of two behaviour patterns termed chivvying and waking. Both the mongooses and birds are exposed to a high predator pressure from raptors with an overlap in the birds of prey predating the various species. This predator pressure is counteracted behaviourally by the mongooses by means of an altruistic behaviour pattern, guarding. Both mongooses and birds warn vocally and flee when a raptor is sighted. The mongooses modify their guarding behaviour to compensate for the warning behaviour of the birds in two ways: (a) fewer mongooses guard when large numbers of birds are present and vice versa, (b) the frequency of the mongooses' intraspecific warning calls is significantly reduced in cases where birds are present in comparison with those where they are absent. The birds also sight and respond to the raptor first on significantly more occasions than the mongooses. In addition, the birds also warn for raptor species which do not predate them but which are mongoose predators, not, however, for raptors which are not mongoose predators. This mutualistic association with its high degree of compensatory behaviour by both parties appears to be unique for free-living vertebrates and has its closest parallel in the trophobiosis described for ants and aphids.  相似文献   

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