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Two laboratory experiments were conducted on Ophiocoma echinata (Lamarck, 1816) collected from Missouri Key, Florida, USA, to ascertain the effects of arm regeneration on energy storage and gonad production. In each experiment individuals were divided into non-regenerating (all arms intact) and regenerating (three arms autotomized) groups and maintained together in a re-circulating seawater system for 2 mo. In Experiment 1, individuals were fed once a week, and in Experiment 2 once every 2 wk. The amount of food energy required for maintenance was estimated to be 0.172 kJ d−1. The lower feeding level (Experiment 2) was below maintenance ration and both groups lost material relative to an initial group. At the higher feeding level (Experiment 1), regeneration of three arms resulted in less storage of organic material, mainly lipid in the stomach, and less gonad production. Thus, regeneration may reduce energy reserves and reproductive output. Received: 23 April 1998 / Accepted: 11 January 1999  相似文献   

At 33 salinity a tissue stump formed 2 to 3 d after autotomy and developing ossicles were present by the fourth day inOphiothrix angulata (Say). Regeneration proceeded rapidly from the sixth day until the thirteenth day, when the rate decreased greatly. The length of the regenerated arm and the number of ossicles formed did not vary over a salinity range of 28 to 38 S, but were significantly less at 23 S. The number of ossicles regenerated increased linearly (y=1.9 x-7.7;r=0.9089) with the calcium concentrations ranging from 3.8 to 9.5 mM. No ossicle formation occurred at 3.8 mM calcium concentration. Rate of net uptake of calcium-45 into the ossicles of intact individuals in salinities of 28 and 33 was significantly greater than that in 23 and 38 S. However, net uptake rate of calcium into the soft tissues of the arms was significantly higher at 18S than at the lower two salinities.  相似文献   

Clibanarius longitarsus (De Haan), a hermit crab, feeds by means of both micro- and macrofeeding. Microfeeding is of two types: filter feeding and deposit feeding. In macrofeeding, the animal depends mainly on green algae, barnacles and some worms, etc. In filter feeding, the hermit crab uses its paired antennules for trapping microorganisms drawn into the water current created by the second and third maxillipeds; the antennae do not play any role in filter feeding. In deposit feeding, the hermit crab uses its chelae as well as pereiopods for toughing and obtaining detritus food material. In macrofeeding, the organism employs sharp chelae to collect small pieces of muscle from barnacles and then transfer them to the inner mouth parts. In algal feeding, the chelae as well as maxillipeds help in collecting and moving food material towards the mouth. In this investigation functional organisation ofC. longitarsus mouth parts was studied in detail with reference to the various feeding mechanisms, in specimens collected from the intertidal region of Bheemunipatnam, Andra Pradesh, India, in 1988 and 1989.  相似文献   

To measure amounts of tissue lost in natural populations of the burrowing amphiurid ophiuroid Microphiopholis gracillima (Stimpson), individuals were collected from subtidal mud flats in North Inlet, South Carolina, USA, at monthly intervals between February 1985–February 1987 and December 1989–November 1990. Between 20 and 70% of all individuals were regenerating the disc, and 85% of the 2045 arms examined had regeneration scars; >50% had one scar and some arms had up to 4 scars. Fewer individuals were regenerating discs in warmer months, but there was no seasonality in arm-loss frequency. To quantify rates of arm regeneration in the field, individuals which had 1, 2, or 3 arms removed were placed in mud-filled cores in the field in late July and November 1988 and in March and May 1989, and recovered after periods of about one month. Another set of cores was held in a running seawater laboratory during the May 1989 experiment. No regeneration occurred during the cooler times of year (November and March), and rates of regeneration were slower in May (total: 0.13 mg/d; tissue: 0.03 mg/d) than July (total: 0.17 mg/d; tissue: 0.05 mg/d). These rates indicate complete replacement of lost tissue in 100 to 120 d during the growth season. Within experiments, per arm regeneration rates were similar regardless of the number of arms removed. This finding is complicated by small sample size, high variability and low statistical power, but in general individuals which lost 2 or 3 arms regenerated proportionally more tissue than individuals which lost 1 arm. Individuals held in the laboratory regenerated the same amount of tissue but 30% less skeleton than individuals in the field. Sublethal tissue loss is common in this population, and M. gracillima is capable of regenerating at least 50% (each arm=17% of total body weight x 3) of its standing crop in a single growing season. Burrowing brittlestars probably constitute a significant renewable energy source for higher trophic levels in areas where they occur in dense populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycle, asexual reproduction, and population dynamics of the fissiparous brittle star, Ophiactis savignyi, which inhabits the exhalant passages of the sponge Haliclona sp. were examined monthly from February 1991 to January 1992 at Wanlitung, southern Taiwan (22°N; 120°E). Mature gametes were found from March to December, but release was mainly in May and June. Sexual recruits were found from May to December, with the highest frequency (14.1% of population) in June. Sexual recruits composed 2.4% of the 1-yr sample. Sex ratio of male to female was 24:1. Fission occurred throughout the year, although the frequency of recently split individuals was lower from January to June (6 to 31%), and higher from July to December (42 to 52%). The occurrence of fission was highest after spawning. Regenerating individuals composed 48.2% of the 1-yr sample. Population density fluctuated greatly during summer due to recruitment by fission and mortality or dispersal due to the stressful environmental conditions. Both sexual and asexual reproduction of O. savignyi were successful at this site.  相似文献   

The Boreo-Mediterranean amphiurid Amphiura filiformis (O. F. Müller) occurs in high densities within Galway Bay. This burrowing species consistently shows signs of recent regeneration (of both arms and disc “cap”) at the above locality. Specimens were collected by SCUBA in March, April and May 1980, May 1981, and April 1982. Biomass assays have revealed that individuals with up to 50% (mean ca. 25%) of their entire body weight consisting of regenerated tissue are not uncommon. The occurrence of arm breakage and regrowth was found to be more frequent in the proximal (basal) and mid-arm regions than in the exposed arm tip portions. Roughly 3% of the population were found to be in the process of regenerating the disc “cap” or covering. Preliminary results from gut analyses of potential predators at the sampling station indicate that young flatfish (plaice and dab) actively “crop” the arms of A. filiformis. Records from north western Europe of this species occurring in the diets of fish and invertebrates are considered. In this long-lived species, the continual necessity to regenerate is deemed to be a major drain on bodily resources.  相似文献   

B. W. Munday 《Marine Biology》1993,115(4):661-668
The boreo-Mediterranean amphiurid Amphiura chiajei Forbes occurs in high numbers (700 individuals/m2) in Killary Harbour, a fjordic inlet on the west coast of Ireland. 99.1% of the adult individuals show signs of arm regeneration, while 0.5% show regeneration of the disc. A study of the phenomenon commenced in November 1987 and continued on a seasonal basis until July 1989. Specimens were collected by SCUBA. The overall mean length of regenerated arm tissue over the 21 mo sampling period was 33.5±6.5 mm. Regeneration points were most common in the proximal and in the distal one-third of each arm. An overall mean of 4.21±0.3 arms per individual showed evidence of regeneration, while biomass assays revealed that regenerated tissue accounted for up to 57.9% of the total body weight. Anthropogenic activity (e.g. bottom trawling) may contribute to regeneration, although sub-lethal predation appears to be the main causitive factor of regeneration. Gut analyses of potential predators at the sampling station revealed that fish species (especially the Pleuronectidae) are particularly implicated. This predation seems to vary seasonally, being greatest in the summer months. Since the larger individuals showed the greatest evidence of arm regeneration, it is assumed that such sub-lethal damage is a persistent experience. Whatever the causality, the population of A. chiajei in Killary Harbour is deemed to be highly resilient.  相似文献   

The brittle stars Amphiura filiformis (Müller) and Ophiura albida (Forbes) were exposed to different oxygen saturations (100, 10, 5, 3, and <1% oxygen saturation) and to physiological anoxia (<1% oxygen saturation) at different total sulfide concentrations (0, 2, 20, 200 μM). The mortality was followed during experiments and the median survival time (LT50) was determined. The infaunal A. filiformis had a significantly higher tolerance to both hypoxia and sulfide than did the epibenthic O. albida. After exposure to 10% oxygen saturation for a month, only 2.0% A. filiformis and 0% O. albida were dead. In oxygen saturations <1% A. filiformis and O. albida had a LT50 of 7.5 and 2.5 d, respectively. The presence of even very small concentrations of sulfide decreased the survival significantly. Sulfide is shown to be the key factor for the survival of the two species. Received: 11 October 1996 / Accepted: 12 November 1996  相似文献   

Juveniles of the burrowing amphiurid Ophiophragmus filograneus from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) exhibit a growth pattern unreported in the ophiuroid literature. Two nonadjacent arms grow at a greater rate than the other three arms. This phenomenon might be a developmental adaptation to avoid salinity and temperature fluctuations in surface waters of the shallow-water environment which O. filograneus inhabits. It is proposed that concentration of growth into 2 of the 5 arms permits earlier descent of the disc into the substratum with continued ability to feed on the surface with the arm tips. Larger specimens show a gradual equalization of arm lengths. Changes in growth rates and cropping of the longer arms by breakage and predation might account for such eventual equalization.  相似文献   

The gut contents of specimens of the temperate crinoid Antedon bifida (Pennant) were collected from Dalkey, County Dublin, at monthly intervals for 1 yr, and occasionally from other areas around the Irish coast. Quantitative analysis showed the main components to be detritus (65%), plankton (18%) and inorganic particles (17%). This composition was remarkably constant throughout the year and at all locations, the main variation being in the plankton which was at a minimum in February (4%) and reached a maximum in August (36%). Food particle collection appeared to be nonselective within the appropriate size group, the essential feature of a particle being that it would fit into the ambulacral groove. Fragile planktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates, which occurred in blooms in summer and autumn, were digested by A. bifida, but more robust diatoms passed intact through the gut. Histochemical investigations indicate that the bulk of the detritus is refractory, and it is suggested that its associated micro-flora and micro-fauna may be a major source of nutriment for this crinoid.  相似文献   

Specimens of the deep-sea brittle-star Ophiomusium lymani were collected from six sites in the Rockall Trough (northeast Atlantic_. Four monomorphic and four polymorphic loci were detected, with up to 75 individuals screened at any one locus. The results showed little difference in allele frequencies between sites and, consequently, estimates of genetic identity indicated no significant genetic differentiation between the populations sampled. Deficits of heterozygotes were observed at all polymorphic loci, but the deficiencies were only significant at the phosphoglucose isomerase locus from two locations. The deficit of heterozygotes was not the same across loci, suggesting that inbreeding is not the cause of the excess homozygosity. No relationship between heterozygosity and depth was observed.  相似文献   

The infaunal ophiuroid Amphiura chiajei Forbes is a dominant member of the A. chiajei community in Killary Harbour, a fjord-like inlet on the west coast of Ireland. High density populations (700 individuals/ m2) occur in sediments with a silt/clay content of 80 to 90% and organic carbon levels of 5 to 7%. A study of the population dynamics of this species was carried out from November 1985 to October 1988. At the outset, the population consisted of approximately equal numbers of adults and juveniles. By October 1988, the percentage of adults had increased to 95%, with little or no change in the mean annual dersities. However, there was some degree of variability between the mean monthly densities. Such variability may have been due to very low bottom temperatures, resulting in mortality among the older members of the population. Observations suggest that in Killary Harbour the species may attain an age of 10 yr, with an early annual growth rate of 0.5 mm (oral width). Annual recruitment was variable and low, due presumably to intraspecific competition with the adults; recruitment success may be very closely linked to adult mortality. The Killary Harbour findings are considered in the light of what is currently known of similar amphiurid populations in different geographical locations.  相似文献   

C. Dahm 《Marine Biology》1993,116(3):431-437
Growth and production of the shallow-water ophiuroids Ophiura albida and O. ophiura were investigated at two stations in the German Bight from 1988 to 1991. Growth rings visible on the vertebral ossicles of the ophiuroid arms were interpreted as annual age markers. A correction for overgrown first rings allows for more exact estimations of growth and age. In both species growth could be described by Von Bertalanffy growth functions with the asymptotic disc diameter D =10.1 mm, K=0.229 and t o=-0.192 in O. albida and D =27.7 mm, K=0.084 and t o=0.042 in O. ophiura. Somatic production was calculated from mass specific growth rates. Annual production:biomass (P:B) ratios were estimated at 0.32 for O. albida and 0.43 for O. ophiura.AWI Publication Number: 618  相似文献   

The regeneration rate of arms of the infaunal brittlestar Ophiophragmus filograneus was determined in natural and planted beds of the seagrass (Halodule wrighttii) in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA in 1990. Annually, brittlestar densities did not differ on average between the two beds, but they did show marked differences on individual dates. Rates of arm loss could not be determined for the two sites separately, but were estimated for the entire area. Between 52 and 94% of the brittlestars collected showed evidence of arm regeneration. Approximately one-third of those collected were regenerating one arm, with smaller proportions regenerating two or more arms. Regeneration rate was greater overall for individuals that had lost more tissue; however, the rate of soft-tissue regeneration per arm regenerated was significantly greater for those that had lost one arm compared to those that had lost three arms. The rate of soft-tissue regeneration did not differe between individuals from the two seagrass beds, and regeneration rate was lower than reported for other infaunal brittlestars. Skeletal regeneration per arm was similar in both arm-removal treatments. This result supports the hypothesis that echinoderm skeleton is energetically inexpensive and may help to lengthen arms during early regeneration. The rate of skeletal production was three-fold greater in individuals from the planted seagrass than in those from the natural. bed. As increased skeletal regeneration requires some additional energy, this indicates a greater energy expenditure and differential allocation by brittlestars regenerating in the planted seagrass areas.  相似文献   

The post-larval skeletal plate ontogeny of the ophiuroids Ophiura ophiura (Linnaeus) and Acrocnida brachiata (Montagu) from the recently metamorphosed 0.3 mm disc diameter size to a juvenile size of 2.0 mm disc diameter has been examined using scanning electron microscopy. Post-larval development of O. albida Forbes is briefly described for sizes between 1.0 and 2.0 mm disc diameter. Early post-larval development in the 0.2 to 1.0 mm discsize range involves considerable morphogenetic change and necessitates the use of a developmental series in the identification of newly settled ophiuroids. Comparison of these ophiuroids with other closely related species reveals that the post-larvae are readily distinguishable at even the smallest sizes by their transient post-larval morphologies. Abbreviated larval development in A. brachiata is suggested from the egg size and post-larval form. The ophiuroid post-larvae were collected from the shallow sublittoral of Oxwich Bay, Bristol Channel, UK, during the years 1980 to 1982.  相似文献   

The brittle star Ophionereis schayeri has abbreviated non-feeding development through a reduced ophiopluteus and a vitellaria larva. The metamorphic changes involved with development from a bilateral larva to a radial juvenile were examined in detail. The reduced ophiopluteus has a continuous ciliated band that breaks up into discontinuous ciliary ridges at the vitellaria stage. As the vitellaria develops, the juvenile rudiment forms in the mid-ventral region. The rudiment then undergoes a morphogenetic movement to the left of the larval anterior/posterior axis. This results in a dramatic transformation from bilateral to radial symmetry and is accompanied by development of juvenile structures and settlement, 6–7 days after fertilisation. Ophiuroid development through one larval stage, the ophiopluteus, is termed Type I; whereas development through two larval stages, the ophiopluteus and vitellaria, is termed Type II. We examined the evolutionary changes in the expression of Type II development in Ophionereis by comparing the ontogeny of six species with a range of larval forms. O. fasciata has the ancestral-like planktotrophic ophiopluteus. Vestigial pluteal structures in the larvae of O. schayeri, provide a link between ophiopluteal and vitellarial forms during evolution of non-feeding development. The diversity of larval forms in Ophionereis indicates that evolution of non-feeding development through a vitellaria (Type II) may have involved an increase in egg size, reduction of pluteal structures and shortening of the time to metamorphosis. Assessment of the phylogenetic significance of Types I and II development awaits additional comparative data on the metamorphic stages of other ophiuroid genera.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

The euryalinid brittle-star (snake star) Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar) lives coiled around the branches of black coral (Antipathes fiordensis) colonies. Twenty-two vertical transects, 10 m wide by 30 m deep, were swum in Doubtful Sound over a 2.5 yr period from 1993 to 1995. Numbers, disc diameters and colour morphotypes of brittle-stars inhabiting coral colonies were recorded. 36.3% of the coral colonies >200 mm tall (n = 292) hosted ≥1 Astrobrachion constrictum (range 0 to 12). Overall, the population was patchily distributed on the available coral habitat. The dark red colour morphotype of A. constrictum was most common (87%, n = 279) followed by the yellow, striped, and then spotted varieties. The population was comprised mainly of large (≥10 mm disc diam) individuals, and juveniles were rarely encountered, indicating low rates of recruitment or a high mortality of recruits. Disc-diameter data gathered from this and previous studies indicated that growth in A. constrictum is initially rapid, with individuals reaching a disc diameter of 15 mm in ≃2.5 yr; growth decreases with age, as in other deep-sea ophiuroids. Growth rate within years, however, was not constant, with faster growth in the spring/summer. Maximum size for A. constrictum is reached in ≃8 yr at ˜23 mm disc diam. Anecdotal evidence indicates that A. constrictum may not be confined solely to black coral colonies. Received: 25 September 1996 / Accepted: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

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