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Nest site selection in the open-nesting honeybee Apis florea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied nest site selection by swarms of the red dwarf honeybee, Apis florea. By video recording and decoding all dances of four swarms, we were able to determine the direction and distances indicated by 1,239 dances performed by the bees. The bees also performed a total of 715 nondirectional dances; dances that were so brief that no directional information could be extracted. Even though dances converged over time to a smaller number of areas, in none of the swarms did dances converge to one site. As a result, even prior to lift off, bees performed dances indicating nest sites in several different directions. Two of four swarms traveled directly in what seemed to be the general direction indicated by the majority of dances in the half hour prior to swarm lift off. The other two traveled along circuitous routes in the general direction indicated by the dances. We suggest that nest site selection in A. florea has similar elements to nest site selection in the better-studied Apis mellifera. However, the observation that many more locations are indicated by dances prior to lift off also shows that there are fundamental differences between the two species.  相似文献   

With very rare exceptions, queenright worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) forego personal reproduction and suppress reproduction by other workers, preferring to rear the queens sons. This is in stark contrast to colonies that have lost their queen and have failed to rear a replacement. Under these conditions workers activate their ovaries and lay many eggs that develop parthenogenetically into a final brood of males (drones) before the colony perishes. Interestingly, not all workers contribute equally to this final generation of drones in queenless colonies. Some subfamilies (workers that share the same father) contribute a disproportionately greater number of offspring than other subfamilies. Here we explore some of the mechanisms behind this reproductive competition among subfamilies. We determined the relative contribution of different subfamilies present in colonies to laying workers, eggs, larvae and pupae by genotyping samples of all life stages using a total of eight microsatellite loci. Our colonies were headed by free-mated queens and comprised 8–17 subfamilies and therefore differed significantly from colonies used in an earlier study investigating the same phenomena where colonies comprised an artificially low number of subfamilies. We show that, first, subfamilies vary in the speed with which they activate their ovaries after queen-loss and, second, that the survival of eggs to the larval stage is unequal among subfamilies suggesting that some subfamilies lay eggs that are more acceptable than others. However, there is no statistically significant difference among subfamilies in the survival of larvae to pupae, indicating that ovary activation and egg survival are the critical components to reproductive competition among subfamilies of queenless honeybee workers.Communicated by R. Page  相似文献   

Social parasites exploit their host’s communication system to usurp resources and reproduce. In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, worker reproduction is regulated by pheromones produced by the queen and the brood. Workers usually reproduce when the queen is removed and young brood is absent. However, Cape honeybee workers, Apis mellifera capensis, are facultative intraspecific social parasites and can take over reproduction from the host queen. Investigating the manner in which parasitic workers compete with host queens pheromonally can help us to understand how such parasitism can evolve and how reproductive division of labour is regulated. In A. m. capensis, worker reproduction is associated with the production of queen-like pheromones. Using pheromonal contest experiments, we show that Apis mellifera scutellata queens do not prevent the production of queen-like mandibular gland compounds by the parasites. Given the importance of these pheromones in acquiring reproductive status, our data suggest that the single invasive lineage of parasitic workers occurring in the range of A. m. scutellata was selected for its superior ability to produce these signals despite the presence of a queen. Such resistance was indeed less frequent amongst other potentially parasitic lineages. Resistance to reproductive regulation by host queens is probably the key factor that facilitates the evolution of social parasitism by A. m. capensis workers. It constitutes a mechanism that allows workers to evade reproductive division of labour and to follow an alternative reproductive option by acquiring direct fitness in foreign colonies instead of inclusive fitness in their natal nests.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that there are subfamily differences in drone production in queenless honey bee colonies, but these biases are not always explained by subfamily differences in oviposition behavior. Here we determine whether these puzzling results are best explained by either inadequate sampling of the laying worker population or reproductive conflict among workers resulting in differential treatment of eggs and larvae. Using colonies composed of workers from electrophoretically distinct subfamilies, we collected samples of adult bees engaged in the following behavior: true egg laying, false egg laying, indeterminate egg laying, egg cannibalism, or nursing (contact with larvae). We also collected samples of drone brood at four different ages: 0 to 2.5-h-old eggs, 0 to 24-h-old eggs, 3 to 8-day-old larvae, and 9 to 14-day-old larvae and pupae. Allozyme analyses revealed significant subfamily differences in the likelihood of exhibiting egg laying, egg cannibalism, and nursing behavior, as well as significant subfamily differences in drone production. There were no subfamily differences among the different types of laying workers collected from each colony, suggesting that discrepancies between subfamily biases in egg-laying behavior and drone production are not due to inadequate sampling of the laying worker population. Subfamily biases in drone brood production within a colony changed significantly with brood age. Laying workers had significantly more developed ovaries than either egg cannibals or nurses, establishing a physiological correlate for the observed behavioral genetic differences. These results suggest there is reproductive conflict among subfamilies and individuals within queenless colonies of honey bees. The implications of these results for the evolution of reproductive conflict, in both queenright and queenless contexts, are discussed.  相似文献   

Worker-reproduction is rare in queenright honey-bee colonies. When workers do lay eggs, their eggs are normally eaten by other workers presumably because they lack the queen's egg-marking signal. Workers use the absence of this queen signal to enforce the queen's reproductive monopoly by policing any worker-laid eggs. In contrast, in anarchistic colonies, the majority of the males arise from worker-laid eggs. Anarchistic worker-laid eggs escape policing because workers perceive anarchistic eggs as queen-laid. However, in this study, we show that eggs laid by queenless anarchistic workers do not escape policing and have very similar removal rates to worker-laid eggs from queenless wild-type (i.e. non-anarchistic) colonies. This suggests that, under queenless conditions, eggs laid by anarchistic workers lose their chemical protection and are therefore no longer perceived as queen-laid. Hence, the egg-marking signal seems to be only applied to eggs when queen and brood are present. This suggests that in the absence of queen and brood, the biosynthetic pathway that produces the egg-marking signal is switched off.Communicated by L. Keller  相似文献   

Colony integrity is fundamental to social insects and is threatened by the reproduction of non-nestmates. Therefore, discrimination between eggs derived from nestmates and non-nestmates would constitute an adaptation to prevent exploitation of the entire cooperative group by unrelated individuals. The removal of nestmate and non-nestmate queen and worker-laid eggs was evaluated in honeybees using colonies of Apis mellifera capensis to test female and of A. m. scutellata to test male eggs. The data show that honeybees can distinguish between nestmate and non-nestmate eggs of both sexes. Moreover, non-nestmate female queen-laid eggs were removed significantly faster than nestmate female worker-laid eggs in A. m. capensis, indicating that nestmate recognition cues can override caste-specific ones. While the experimental manipulation accounts for 37.2% (A. m. scutellata) or 1.6% (A. m. capensis) of variance in relation to egg removal, nestmate recognition explains 33.3% for male eggs (A. m. scutellata) and 60.6% for female eggs (A. m. capensis), which is almost twice as high as the impact of caste (16.7% A. m. scutellata; 25% A. m. capensis). Our data show a stronger effect of nestmate recognition on egg removal in the honeybee, suggesting that cues other than caste-specific ones (viability/kin) can dominate egg removal behavior. In light of intraspecific social parasitism, preventing the reproduction of unrelated individuals (group selection) rather than preferring queens’ eggs (kin selection) appears to be the driving force behind the evolution of egg removal behavior in honeybees.  相似文献   

In queen-right honeybee colonies workers detect and eat the vast majority of worker-laid eggs, a behaviour known as worker policing. However, if a colony becomes permanently queen-less then up to 25% of the worker population develops their ovaries and lay eggs, which are normally reared into a final batch of males. Ovary development in workers is accompanied by changes in the chemical secretion of the Dufour's gland with the production of queen-like esters. We show that ester production increases with the period that the colony is queen-less. The increased ester production also corresponds to an increase in persistence of worker-laid eggs in queen-right colonies, since the esters somehow mask the eggs true identity. However, in a rare queen-less colony phenotype, workers always eat eggs indiscriminately. We found that the egg-laying workers in these colonies were unusual in that they were unable to produce esters. This apparently maladaptive egg eating behaviour is also seen in queen-less colonies prior to the appearance of egg-laying workers, a period when esters are also absent. However, the indiscriminate egg eating behaviour stops with the appearance of ester-producing egg-laying workers. These observations suggest that esters are providing some contextual information, which affects the egg eating behaviour of the workers.  相似文献   

Tremble dances are sometimes performed by returning forager bees instead of waggle dances. Recent studies by Seeley (1992) and Kirchner (1993) have revealed that this behaviour is part of the recruitment communication system of bees. The ultimate cause of tremble dances is, according to Seeley (1992), an imbalance between the nectar intake rate and the nectar processing capacity of the colony. This imbalance is correlated with a long initial search time of returning foragers to find bees to unload them. However, it remained unclear whether a long search time is the direct proximate cause of tremble dancing. Here we report that a variety of experimental conditions can elicit tremble dances. All of them have in common that the total search time that foragers spend searching for unloaders, until they are fully unloaded, is prolonged. This finding supports and extends the hypothesis that a long search time is the proximate cause of tremble dancing. The results also confirm the previous reports of Lindauer (1948) and others about factors eliciting tremble dancing.  相似文献   

Summary The tremble dance is a behavior sometimes performed by honeybee foragers returning to the hive. The biological significance of this behavior was unclear until Seeley (1992) demonstrated that tremble dances occur mainly when a colony's nectar influx is so high that the foragers must undertake lenghty searches in order to find food storers to unload their nectar. He suggested that tremble dancing has the effect of stimulating additional bees to function as food-storers, thereby raising the colony's capacity for processing nectar. Here I describe vibrational signals emitted by the tremble dancers. Simulation experiments with artificial tremble dance sounds revealed that these sounds inhibited dancing and reduced recruitment to feeding sites. The results suggest that the tremble dance is a negative feedback system counterbalancing the positive feedback of recruitment by waggle dances. Thus, the tremble dance seems to affect not only the colony's nectar processing rate, but also its nectar intake rate.  相似文献   

Honey bee workers are able to distinguish queen-laid eggs from worker-laid eggs, and remove (‘police’) worker-laid eggs. The cue that police workers use is as yet unidentified but is likely to be a chemical signal. This signal benefits queens for it ensures their reproductive monopoly. It also benefits collective workers because it allows them to raise more closely related queen-laid males than the less-related sons of half sisters. Because both parties benefit from the egg-marking signal, it should be stable over evolutionary time. We show that Apis mellifera workers can distinguish queen-laid from worker-laid eggs of the dwarf honey bee A. florea, a phylogenetically distant species that diverged from the A. mellifera lineage 6–10 mya. However, A. mellifera workers are unable to distinguish worker-laid eggs of A. cerana, a much more recent divergence (2–3 mya). The apparent change in the egg-marking signal used by A. cerana may be associated with the high rates of ovary activation in this species.  相似文献   

DNA was extracted from worker and drone pupae of each of five colonies of the dwarf honey bee Apis florea. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were conducted on DNA extracts using five sets of primers known to amplify microsatellite loci in A. mellifera. Based on microsatellite allele distributions, queens of the five colonies mated with at least 5–14 drones. This is up to 3 times previous maximum estimates obtained from sperm counts. The discrepancy between sperm count and microsatellite estimates of the number of matings in A. florea suggests that despite direct injection of semen into the spermatheacal duct, either A. florea drones inject only a small proportion of their semen, or queens are able to rapidly expel excess semen after mating. A model of sexual selection (first proposed by Koeniger and Koeniger) is discussed in which males attempt to gain reproductive dominance by increasing ejaculate volume and direct injection of spermatozoa into the spermatheca, while queens attempt to maintain polyandry by retaining only a small fraction of each male's ejaculate. It is shown, at least in this limited sample, that the effective number of matings is lower in A. florea than in A. mellifera.  相似文献   

The influence of 63 dietary allelochemicals (alkaloids, terpenes, glycosides,etc.) on the feeding behaviour of bees (Apis mellifera) was tested in terms of deterrency and attraction. For 39 compounds a deterrent (mostly alkaloids, coumarins and saponins) and for 3 compounds an attractive response (mostly terpenes) was obtained in choice tests, which allowed the calculation of respective ED50-values. Under no-choice conditions, 17 out of 29 allelochemicals caused mortality at concentrations between 0.003 and 0.6%. Especially toxic were alkaloids, saponins, cardiac glycosides and cyanogenic glycosides. These data show that bees which are confronted with plant allelochemicals in nectar and pollen, are not especially adapted (i.e. insensitive) to the plants' defence chemistry. GLC and GLS-MS data are given on the alkaloid composition of nectar and pollen ofBrugmansia aurea, Atropa belladonna andLupinus polyphyllus.  相似文献   

Sections of brood from colonies of the Cape honeybee ( Apis mellifera capensis), the African honeybee ( A. m. scutellata), and hybrid bees of the two races were exchanged between colonies to study the effect of different brood-origin/nurse-bee combinations on development of caste characters. When Cape larvae were raised by African workers the amount of food provided almost doubled in comparison with Cape larvae reared by their own workers. In contrast, African larvae raised by Cape workers were provided with only half the amount they received from their own workers. After the bees emerged, we found a large degree of plasticity in characters related to caste differentiation, which corresponded closely to the amount of food provided. Super-fed Cape bees had enlarged spermathecae, were heavier than normal workers and developed more rapidly, and had reduced pollen combs, all typical for a more queen-like condition. Ovariole numbers did not appear to be enhanced by additional feeding. Cape bees that behave as social parasites in African bee colonies were most queen-like in the characters studied, albeit within the range that was found for Cape bees from normal colonies, suggesting within-colony selection for characters that enhance reproduction.Communicated by R. Page  相似文献   

Variability exists among worker honey bees for components of division of labor. These components are of two types, those that affect foraging behavior and those that affect life-history characteristics of workers. Variable foraging behavior components are: the probability that foraging workers collect (1) pollen only; (2) nectar only; and (3) pollen and nectar on the same trip. Life history components are: (1) the age the workers initiate foraging behavior; (2) the length of the foraging life of a worker; and (3) worker length of life. We show how these components may interact to change the social organization of honey bee colonies and the lifetime foraging productivity of individual workers. Selection acting on foraging behavior components may result in changes in the proportion of workers collecting pollen and nectar. Selection acting on life-history components may affect the size of the foraging population and the distribution of workers between within nest and foraging activities. We suggest that these components define possible sociogenic pathways through which colony-level natural selection can change social organization. These pathways may be analogous to developmental pathways in the morphogenesis of individual organisms because small changes in behavioral or life history components of individual workers may lead to major changes in the organizational structure of colonies. Correspondence to: R.E. Page, Jr.  相似文献   

Nest-site selection in honeybees is a process of social decision making in which the scout bees in a swarm locate several potential nest sites, evaluate them, and select the best one by means of competitive signaling. We develop a model of this process and validate that the model possesses the key features of the bees' decision-making process, as revealed by prior empirical studies. Next, we use the model to study the “design” of the nest-site selection process, with a focus on how certain behavioral parameters have been tuned by natural selection to achieve a balance between speed and accuracy. First, we study the effects of the quorum threshold and the dance decay rate. We show that evolution seems to have settled on values for these two parameters that seek a balance between speed and accuracy of decision making by minimizing the time needed to achieve a consensus and maximizing the probability that the best site is chosen. Second, we study the adaptive tuning of the tendency of bees to explore for vs be recruited to a site. We show that this tendency appears to be tuned to regulate the positive feedback process of recruitment to ensure both a reasonably rapid choice and a low probability of a poor choice. Finally we show that the probability of choosing the best site is proportional to its quality, but that this proportionality depends on its quality relative to other discovered sites.
Thomas D. SeeleyEmail:

Carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.) act as primary nectar thieves in rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade), piercing corollas laterally to imbibe nectar at basal nectaries. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L) learn to visit these perforations and thus become secondary nectar thieves. We tested the hypothesis that honey bees make this behavioral switch in response to an energetic advantage realized by nectar-robbing flower visits. Nectar volume and sugar quantity were higher in intact than perforated flowers, but bees (robbers) visiting perforated flowers were able to extract a higher percentage of available nectar and sugar so that absolute amount of sugar (mg) removed by one bee visit is the same for each flower type. However, because perforated flowers facilitate higher rates of bee flower visitation and the same or higher rates of nectar ingestion, they are rendered more profitable than intact flowers in temporal terms. Accordingly, net energy (J) gain per second flower handling time was higher for robbers on most days sampled. We conclude that the majority evidence indicates an energetic advantage for honey bees that engage in secondary nectar thievery in V. ashei.Communicated by R. Page  相似文献   

Workers in social groups of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) synchronize their individual free-running circadian rhythms to an overall group rhythm. By monitoring the activity of bees by recording the oxygen consumption and intragroup temperature, it is shown that the rhythm coordination is in part achieved by temperature fluctuations as an intragroup Zeitgeber. Trophallaxis was shown to have only a minor (if any) effect on circadian rhythm synchronization. A model incorporating a feed back loop between temperature and activity can plausibly explain the observed synchronization of individual rhythms in social groups as a self-organization phenomenon. Correspondence to: R.F.A. Moritz  相似文献   

Varroa jacobsoni reproduces both in drone and worker brood cells of honey bees, but in drone cells reproductive success is higher than in worker cells. A simple model using clonal population growth as a fitness measure has been developed to study the circumstances under which specialization on drone brood would be a better strategy than reproduction in both types of cell. For European Apis mellifera, the model suggests that if mites have to wait less than 7 days on average before they can invade a drone cell, specialization on drone brood would be a better strategy. This is close to the estimated waiting time of 6 days. Hence, small differences in reproductive success in drone and worker cells and in the rate of mortality may determine whether specialization on drone brood will be promoted or not. In European A. mellifera colonies, Varroa mites invade both drone and worker cells, but specialization on drone brood cells seems to occur to some extent because drone cells are more frequently invaded than worker cells. In the parasite-host association of V. jacobsoni with African or Africanized A. mellifera or with A. cerana, the mites also invade both drone and worker cells, but the mites specialize on drone brood for reproduction since a large percentage of the mites in worker brood do not reproduce. Only in the parasite-host association of Euvarroa sinhai, a mite closely resembling V. jacobsoni, and A. forea is specialization complete, because these mites only invade drone brood.  相似文献   

Resin is an important building material in the nests of honeybees, but little is known about how it is handled within the nest and how its collection is controlled. We studied the functional organization of resin work to better understand how a colony adaptively controls its intake of resin. Two hypotheses have been proposed for how resin collectors stay informed of the need for additional resin: (1) the unloading difficulty hypothesis (resin need is sensed indirectly by the unloading delay) and (2) the caulking activity hypothesis (resin need is sensed directly while engaged in using resin). A falsifiable prediction of the latter hypothesis, but not of the former, is that resin collectors not only gather resin outside the hive but also regularly handle resin inside the hive (taking it from other bees and using it to caulk crevices). Consistent with this prediction are our findings that in the resin sector of a colony’s economy, unlike in the pollen, nectar, and water sectors, there is no strict division of labor between the collectors and the users of a material. Over the course of a day, bees seen collecting resin were also commonly seen using resin. Moreover, we found that the unloading locations of resin collectors are unlike those of water and nectar collectors, being deep inside the hive (at the sites of resin use) rather than at the hive entrance. This arrangement facilitates the engagement in resin use by resin collectors. We conclude that the caulking activity hypothesis is well-supported, but that the unloading difficulty hypothesis also remains viable, for we found that resin collectors experience variable delays in getting rid of their loads, from less than 15 min to more than an hour, consistent with this hypothesis. The stage is now set for experimental tests of these two hypotheses. Both may be correct, which if true will imply that social insect workers, despite their small brains, can acquire and integrate information from multiple sources to improve their knowledge of conditions within the colony.  相似文献   

A honeybee queen normally mates with 10–20 drones, and reproductive conflicts may arise among a colony’s different worker patrilines, especially after a colony has lost its single queen and the workers commence egg laying. In this study, we employed microsatellite markers to study aspects of worker reproductive competition in two queenless Africanized honeybee colonies. First, we determined whether there was a bias among worker patrilines in their maternity of drones and, second, we asked whether this bias could be attributed to differences in the degree of ovary activation of workers. Third, we relate these behavioral and physiological factors to ontogenetic differences between workers with respect to ovariole number. Workers from each of three (colony A) and one (colony B) patrilineal genotypes represented less than 6% of the worker population, yet each produced at least 13% of the drones in a colony, and collectively they produced 73% of the drones. Workers representing these genotypes also had more developed follicles and a greater number of ovarioles per ovary. Across all workers, ovariole development and number were closely correlated. This suggests a strong effect of worker genotype on the development of the ovary already in the postembryonic stages and sets a precedent to adult fertility, so that “workers are not born equal”. We hypothesize a frequency-dependent or “rare patriline” advantage to queenless workers over the parentage of males and discuss the maintenance of genetic variance in the reproductive capacity of workers.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

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