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Since its introduction to Nova Scotia in the early 1990s, the invasive green alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides has spread rapidly to become a dominant and persistent component of seaweed assemblages in the rocky subtidal zone. To examine the potential of sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) to regulate Codium, and the potential of the alga to support urchin growth and reproduction, we fed urchins Codium and/or kelp (Laminaria spp., a high quality and preferred native food) in the laboratory for 11 months. Urchins showed a strong and active preference for kelp: they consumed more Laminaria than Codium (as dry weight) in single and mixed diet treatments. Urchins fed only Codium consumed 3.5 times more of the alga than those on a mixed diet, but did not increase their feeding rate in winter when kelp consumption was greatest. Laminaria was consumed at the same rate in single and mixed diets, indicating that the presence of an alternative food had no effect on kelp consumption. Survival and growth (change in test diameter) were lowest on the Codium diet, although the differences among diets were not statistically significant. Urchins on the Codium diet showed no gonadal production over the annual reproductive cycle, compared to a marked rise in gonad index on the Laminaria and mixed diets. Our results indicate that Codium is an unattractive, unpalatable and poor quality food, which is not readily consumed by urchins. Thus we predict that urchins at moderate densities will be much more likely to graze kelp than Codium in mixed stands, creating a mosaic of Codium patches and barren areas. At high densities, however, urchins are likely to destructively graze all seaweeds, although dense stands of the invasive alga may prolong the widespread formation of barrens.  相似文献   

Juvenile red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, aggregate under adult conspecifics, whereas sympatric juvenile green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, are typically more solitary and dispersed. Neither the potential advantage of juvenile sheltering nor the differences in post-settlement behavior between the two species has been demonstrated experimentally, but may be related to protection from predators and/or hydrodynamics. In predation experiments, juvenile vulnerability differed in the two species as the seastar Pycnopodia helianthoides consistently chose juvenile S. franciscanus over S. droebachiensis (100% vs. 0%). When associated with adults, juvenile mortality decreased dramatically in S. franciscanus (90% alone vs. 5% with adults), but very little in S. droebachiensis (85% vs. 75%). Not surprisingly, juvenile behavioral responses in the two species reflect this difference in vulnerability. Juvenile S. franciscanus sheltered under adults when predation risk was high, but not when risk was low (44% vs. 13%), whereas sheltering in S. droebachiensis was infrequent and not related to predation risk (7% for high risk versus 5% for low risk). From a hydrodynamic perspective, the presence of an adult led to the creation of a hydrodynamic refuge for juveniles, where average water velocities were reduced by > 60% around the adult urchin. Again, striking differences in sheltering rate were apparent in S. franciscanus (52% vs. 13% for high flow and low flow, respectively), but not S. droebachiensis (5% for high flow versus 4% for low flow). Sheltering behavior was also species-specific as juveniles did not shelter at high rates under adults of the opposite species (≤ 16%). A field survey confirmed these finding in that juvenile S. franciscanus abundance was associated with both adults and water motion (R 2 = 0.80, P = 0.008, best-subsets regression). These results suggest that sheltering confers juvenile S. franciscanus with a degree of protection from predators and water motion, and that species-specific differences in this post-settlement behavior may be related to the differences in the protection afforded by adults.  相似文献   

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