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Reaction of bauxite residue with seawater results in neutralization of alkalinity through precipitation of Mg-, Ca-, and Al-hydroxide and carbonate minerals. In batch studies, the initial pH neutralization reaction was rapid (<5 min), with further reaction continuing to reduce pH for several weeks. Reaction with seawater produced a residue pH of 8 to 8.5. Laboratory leaching column studies were undertaken to provide information on seawater neutralization of the coarse-textured fraction of the waste, residue sand (RS), under conditions comparable with those that might be applied in the field. An 0.80-m-deep column of RS was neutralized by the application of the equivalent of 2-m depth of seawater. In addition to lowering the pH and Na content of the residue, seawater neutralization resulted in the addition of substantial amounts of the plant nutrients Ca, Mg, and K to the profile. Similar results were also obtained from a field-scale assessment of neutralization. However, the accumulation of precipitate, consisting of hydrotalcite, aragonite, and pyroaurite, in the drainage system may preclude the use of in situ seawater neutralization as a routine rehabilitation practice. Following seawater neutralization, RS remains too saline to support plant growth and would require fresh water leaching before revegetation.  相似文献   

The effects of addition of carbonated residue mud (RMC) or seawater neutralized residue mud (RMS), at two rates, in the presence or absence of added green waste compost, on the chemical, physical and microbial properties of gypsum-treated bauxite residue sand were studied in a laboratory incubation study. The growth of two species commonly used in revegetation of residue sand (Lolium rigidum and Acacia saligna) in the treatments was then studied in a 18-week greenhouse study. Addition of green waste-based compost increased ammonium acetate-extractable (exchangeable) Mg, K and Na. Addition of residue mud at 5 and 10% w/w reduced exchangeable Ca but increased that of Mg and Na (and K for RMS). Concentrations of K, Na, Mg and level of EC in saturation paste extracts were increased by residue mud additions. Concentrations of cations in water extracts were considerably higher than those in saturation paste extracts but trends with treatment were broadly similar. Addition of both compost and residue mud caused a significant decrease in macroporosity with a concomitant increase in mesoporosity and microporosity, available water holding capacity and the quantity of water held at field capacity. Increasing rates of added residue mud reduced the percentage of sample present as discrete sand particles and increased that in aggregated form (particularly in the 1-2 and >10mm diameter ranges). Organic C content, C/N ratio, soluble organic C, microbial biomass C and basal respiration were increased by compost additions. Where compost was added, residue mud additions caused a substantial increase in microbial biomass and basal respiration. L.?rigidum grew satisfactorily in all treatments although yields tended to be reduced by additions of mud (especially RMC) particularly in the absence of added compost. Growth of A.?saligna was poor in sand alone and mud-amended sand and was greatly promoted by additions of compost. However, in the presence of compost, addition of carbonated mud had a marked depressive effect on both top and root growth. The significant positive effect of compost was attributed to substantial inputs of K and marked reductions in the Na/K ratio in soil solution while the depressive effect of RMC was attributed to its greater alkalinity and consequently higher concentrations of HCO(3)(-) in solution.  相似文献   

Radium (Ra) removal by an unconventional sorbent, a modified bauxite refinery residue (MBRR), is investigated for a groundwater extracted in Missouri, USA. The MBRR treatment causes substantial reductions of both gross α and combined Ra activities from 0.955 ± 0.005 and 0.66 ± 0.005 Bq L to below detection limits (0.037 Bq L or 1 pCi L). Column breakthrough occurs at 0.555 Bq L for gross α and 0.185 Bq L for combined Ra (15 and 5 pCi L; USEPA's maximum contaminant levels) after 54 and 40 d run time, respectively. At 84 d the MBRR media continues to remove 24.3% of raw water gross α and 39.7% of the combined Ra. The treatment effluent has an initial pH of 10.9, outside the USEPA guides (6.5-8.5); this may be readily mitigated by posttreatment acid injection, or by raw water blending. The MBRR simultaneously removes other potentially hazardous trace elements (e.g., Cu, Zn, and Fe) to extremely low concentrations. In addition, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure testing of spent MBRR suggests that metals are bound tightly, such that it is nonhazardous, permitting cost-effective disposal to landfill without special confinement or storage. Consequently, MBRR may be utilized as an alternative adsorbent for treating Ra-contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

Seventeen different wastewater sludges were characterized using both chemical and organic matter fractionation methods (water extraction, Van Soest method, and acid hydrolysis) and 6-mo incubation studies to assess their decomposition in soil. Simple correlation and multiple factor analysis (MFA) were then performed to establish relationships between composition and C and N mineralization of sludges. Carbon and N concentrations covered a wide range of values, but organic carbon (C(o)) to organic nitrogen (N(o)) ratios were relatively low (from 5 to 19). Carbon and N were mainly distributed in the most soluble fractions of the Van Soest method and in the water-insoluble fraction at 100 degrees C. Carbon mineralization varied from 180 to 661 g C kg(-1) organic C added during the 168-d incubation. The addition of sludges led to different inorganic N dynamics: from -3.3 to +120.0 g N kg(-1) sludge organic C mineralized after the 168-d incubation. Fractionation studies showed that the most discriminating method was acid hydrolysis. Carbon mineralization was linked with the proportion of sludge N and C present in the lignin-like fraction (r = -0.68 and -0.65, respectively). Significant relationships were established between N mineralization and N(o) to C(o) ratio (0.88 < r < 0.95) and the C(o) to N(o) ratio of sludges, the C to N ratio of the soluble fraction obtained by the Van Soest method, the water-soluble fraction at 100 degrees C, and the C and N present in the acid-hydrolyzable fraction. Finally, multiple factor analysis also enabled establishing a sludge typology using five clusters based on composition and mineralization characteristics.  相似文献   

Interaction of Cu with dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important physicochemical process affecting Cu mobility in soils. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DOM from anaerobically digested dewatered sludge and sludge compost on the sorption of Cu on an acidic sandy loam and a calcareous clay loam. In the presence of DOM, Cu sorption capacity decreased markedly for both soils, especially for the calcareous soil. The Cu sorption isotherms could be well described by the Freundlich equation (r2 = 0.99), and the binding intensity parameter of soils in the presence of sludge DOM was lower than compost DOM. An increase in DOM concentration significantly reduced the sorption of Cu by both soils. Within the Cu and DOM concentration range studied, the decrease in Cu sorption caused by sludge DOM was consistently greater than that of compost DOM. This might be attributed to the greater amount of hydrophobic fraction of DOM in the compost. Moreover, the reduction of Cu sorption caused by DOM was more obvious in the soil with higher pH. In addition, the sorption of Cu increased with an increase in pH for both soils without the addition of DOM, while Cu sorption in the presence of DOM was unexpectedly decreased with an increase in pH at a pH >6.8. This implied that DOM produced by sludge or other C-enriched organic wastes heavily applied on calcareous soils might facilitate the leaching loss of Cu because of the formation of soluble DOM-metal complexes.  相似文献   

本文研究了活性污泥法处理生活污水处理过程中污泥负荷和PH对液相中总铬和Cr^6 浓度变化的影响,发现总铬和Cr^6 浓度最低值出现的时间随污泥负荷的增大而推迟,在达到最低值后,总铬和Cr^6 浓度呈现不断增大趋势;在污水PH为8左右时,总铬浓度的最低值显著低于PH为7左右时的最低值,液相中的铬主要以Cr^3 的形态被污泥吸附。  相似文献   

The effects of addition of a range of organic amendments (biosolids, spent mushroom compost, green waste compost and green waste-derived biochar), at two rates, on some key chemical, physical and microbial properties of bauxite-processing residue sand were studied in a laboratory incubation study. Levels of exchangeable cations were not greatly affected by additions of amendments but extractable P was increased significantly by mushroom and green waste composts and massively (i.e. from 11.8 to 966 mg P kg?1) by biosolids applications. Levels of extractable NO3?–N were also greatly elevated by biosolids additions and there was a concomitant decrease in pH. Addition of all amendments decreased bulk density and increased mesoporosity, available water holding capacity and water retention at field capacity (?10 kPa), with the higher rate having a greater effect. Addition of biosolids, mushroom compost and green waste compost all increased soluble organic C, microbial biomass C, basal respiration and the activities of β-glucosidase, L-asparaginase and alkali phosphatase enzymes. The germination index of watercress grown in the materials was greatly reduced by biosolids application and this was attributed to the combined effects of a high EC and high concentrations of extractable P and NO3?. It was concluded that the increases in water storage and retention and microbial activity induced by additions of the composts is likely to improve the properties of bauxite-processing residue sand as a growth medium but that allowing time for soluble salts, originating from the organic amendments, to leach out may be an important consideration before sowing seeds.  相似文献   

我国的分散点源生活污水排放量高达5000万t/d,主要来自小城镇、农村等分散的人群聚居地,处理率很低,已成为改善居住环境和水资源保护的关键。常用于城镇污水处理厂的生物处理技术及其衍生技术用于污水分散处理难以正常运行。高负荷地下渗滤污水处理复合技术占地面积较小、运行成本低、处理效果好、运行稳定、维护管理简便、无二次污染,且不受气候条件影响,技术成熟,是一项适合我国国情的污水分散处理和回用技术。  相似文献   

Six sewage sludges from five sewage treatment plants in Australia were incubated for up to 21 months. Carbon losses at the end of the 21-mo incubation varied substantially. The remaining organic matter was isolated by treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF) and characterized using a range of solid-state (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques. By every measure (signal distribution in cross polarization [CP] and Bloch decay [BD] spectra, carbon NMR observability determined by spin counting, and the appearance of proton spin relaxation editing subspectra), the chemical composition of the residual organic matter appeared to be little different from that of the original sludges, even for those sludges that experienced the greatest carbon losses. Importantly, these NMR properties distinguish sewage sludge organic matter from soil organic matter. Thus, it should be possible to follow the decomposition of sewage sludge organic matter applied to soils in the field using solid-state (13)C NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The manufacture of deinked pulp generates large amounts of waste for disposal. The yield loss in the production of recycled paper can be up to 25%. The use of landfills for waste disposal is very expensive and will be prohibited in Europe in the next few years. Thus, there is a great pressure to improve the material efficiency and to reduce the amount of waste that is produced at deinked pulp mills. However, the issue is complex because an improvement of the material efficiency at one process unit may deteriorate the performance of other stages. For example, the attempts to increase the fibre yield in the deinking processes can lead to poor sludge dewatering properties, resulting in that there are no added advantages for the mill anymore.This work aims to determine the limitations between the sludge dewatering properties and the improvements in material efficiency at a deinked pulp mill by investigating the dewatering properties of sludge samples that contained variable amounts of fine screening and flotation froth rejects. The results show that the deinked pulp mill material efficiency can be increased without weakening the sludge dewatering properties if the fibre content is not reduced below a certain limit. The material efficiency can be increased either by (1) recovering fibres at an acceptable quantity where the fibre content does not decrease below the limiting point or by (2) recovering fine materials simultaneously with fibres in a way that maintains the fibre content above a limiting point. The first method provides an opportunity for deinking mills to increase the yield, even though the increase is less than 2 percentage units. With the simultaneous recovery of fibres and fine materials using the second method, it would be possible to improve the material efficiency at the deinked pulp mill by approximately 5 percentage units without affecting the dewatering of the combined sludge.  相似文献   

Two novel solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques, PSRE (proton spin relaxation editing) and RESTORE [Restoration of Spectra via T(CH) and T(1rho)H (T One Rho H) Editing], were used to provide detailed chemical characterization of the organic matter from six Australian sewage sludges. These methods were used to probe the submicrometer heterogeneity of sludge organic matter, and identify and quantify spatially distinct components. Analysis of the T1H relaxation behavior of the sludges indicated that each sludge contained two types of organic domains. Carbon-13 PSRE NMR subspectra were generated to determine the chemical nature of these domains. The rapidly relaxing component of each sludge was rich in protein and alkyl carbon, and was identified as dead bacterial material. The slowly relaxing component of each sludge was rich in carbohydrate and lignin structures, and was identified as partly degraded plant material. The bacterial domains were shown, using the RESTORE technique, to also have characteristically rapid T(1rho)H relaxation rates. This rapid T(1rho)H relaxation was identified as the main cause of underrepresentation of these domains in standard 13C cross polarization (CP) NMR spectra of sludges. The heterogeneous nature of sewage sludge organic matter has implications for land application of sewage sludge, since the two components are likely to have different capacities for sorbing organic and inorganic toxicants present in sewage sludge, and will decompose at different rates.  相似文献   

Six sewage sludges from five sewage treatment plants in Australia were characterized using solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Spectra were acquired both before and after removal of mineral components through treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Carbon mass balance indicated that little organic matter was lost on HF treatment, which significantly improved NMR sensitivity and spectral resolution, and decreased acquisition time and hence cost of NMR analysis. Two NMR techniques were used, the standard cross polarization (CP) technique and Bloch decay (BD). The BD technique had not been applied previously to the analysis of sewage sludge. For each sludge sample, both before and after HF treatment, the BD spectrum contained significantly more alkyl carbon. Spin counting, another technique applied to sewage sludge here for the first time, showed that the BD spectra of the HF-treated sludges were quantitative, while approximately 30% of the CP NMR signal went undetected. The discrepancy between CP and BD spectra was attributed to the presence of alkyl carbon with such high molecular mobility that the efficiency of cross polarization is affected. This study shows that sewage sludge organic matter is significantly different in chemistry to soil organic matter and has implications for the application of sewage sludge to agricultural land.  相似文献   

Earthworms’ body works as a ‘biofilter’ and they have been found to remove the 5 days’ BOD (BOD5) by over 90%, COD by 80–90%, total dissolved solids (TDS) by 90–92%, and the total suspended solids (TSS) by 90–95% from wastewater by the general mechanism of ‘ingestion’ and biodegradation of organic wastes, heavy metals, and solids from wastewater and also by their ‘absorption’ through body walls. Earthworms increase the hydraulic conductivity and natural aeration by granulating the clay particles. They also grind the silt and sand particles, increasing the total specific surface area, which enhances the ability to ‘adsorb’ the organics and inorganic from the wastewater. Intensification of soil processes and aeration by the earthworms enable the soil stabilization and filtration system to become effective and smaller in size. Suspended solids are trapped on top of the vermifilter and processed by earthworms and fed to the soil microbes immobilized in the vermifilter. There is no sludge formation in the process which requires additional expenditure on landfill disposal. This is also an odor-free process and the resulting vermifiltered water is clean and disinfected enough to be reused for farm irrigation and in parks and gardens G. Bharambe—GU & Research Assistant (Under Rajiv K. Sinha), U. Chaudhari—GU (Worked on vermiculture project).  相似文献   

由河南省豫源清生物科技工程有限公司开发的SBQ生物处理污水技术,适用于城市污水和工业污水的处理。  相似文献   

To address the limited application of analytical and modelling techniques in prioritizing revegetation sites for dryland salinity (saline land) management, a case study of the Hodgson Creek catchment in Queensland, Australia, was conducted. An analytical framework was developed, incorporating the use of spatial datasets (Landsat 7 image, DEM, soil map, and salinity map), which were processed using digital image processing techniques and a geographic information system (GIS). Revegetation sites were mapped and their priority determined based on recharge area, land use/cover and sub‐catchment salinity. The analytical framework presented here enhances the systematic use of land information, widens the scope for scenario testing, and improves the testing of alternative revegetation options. The spatial patterns of revegetation sites could provide an additional set of information relevant in the design of revegetation strategies.  相似文献   

The geographical limitations of Singapore, its restricted natural resources and voluminous municipal and industrial waste streams, make environmental management a major challenge for the island state. In an attempt to find ways to reduce importation of raw materials and the waste sent to landfill, light weight aggregates were produced from marine clay and a CaF(2)-rich semiconductor industry sludge. Aggregates were produced in a bench-scale rotary kiln with three clay/sludge loadings (90/10, 70/30 and 50/50%). All three mixtures showed good bloating behavior during firing and the ceramic pellets (1-1.5cm diameter) had densities well below that required for light-weight aggregates. In the initial tests, the pore sizes of the aggregates were in general too large resulting in high water absorption. Comparisons between the composition of the two waste products and the aggregates showed a significant loss of fluorine (40-60%) during processing; a problem which may require flue gas treatment. Leach testing showed that the formed aggregates would not pose a human or environmental hazard in terms of fluorine mobilization.  相似文献   

Organic farming is a form of agriculture that excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. These fertilizers have been traditionally overused in conventional farming to avoid lost revenue, but this often not does not take into account the potential contamination of aquifers and river due to nitrate leaching. Transition to organic farming practices could provide an instrument to reduce contamination and increase potential income. It is difficult to determine to what extent those fertilizers could have been used within a complete traceability of the production process. In this experiment, we evaluated the use of (15)N/(14)N isotopic discrimination in sweet pepper plants to test the hypothesis that synthetic fertilizers significantly reduce (15)N/(14)N compared with exclusively organic practices. Therefore, three common types of organic manures (sheep, hen, or horse) were applied at a rate of 8 kg m(-2) with or without synthetic fertilizer amendments under fully controlled environmental and irrigation conditions. Results indicate that (i) use of synthetic fertilizers significantly reduced (15/14)N(2)vsN(2)atm compared with treatments that only received water; (ii) with respect to the plant organs, old leaves and fruits were more sensitive to the synthetic fertilizer additions with reductions in (15/14)N(2)vsN(2)atm of 24.1 and 27.8%, respectively; and (iii) independently of the organic manure used, no additional fertilization (synthetic or organic) is required before 106 days after transplanting at that dosage because plant fresh weight was not reduced.  相似文献   

文章论述了从微生物处理法中选择适合钻井队生活污水处理的工艺。合理选配相关配套装置,能较好地去除生活水中的COD、BOD5、SS、动植物油、氨氮、总磷等污染物,处理后水质达到GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》二级标准,且装置的处理效果稳定、可靠,运行节能,操作管理简单,设备体积小、便于搬运。  相似文献   

以上海和苏南地区农村生活污水治理的10个示范工程为例,评估研究了农村生活污水治理技术方案的合理性。文章认为,在技术合理性方面,现有示范工程的处理模式选择和工艺设计基本实现了因地制宜,但在成本的有效性方面,现有示范工程还存在较大的成本下降空间。  相似文献   

由苏州克莱尔环保科技有限公司开发、江苏省环境保护厅推荐的SW一体化生活污水处理装置适用于城市:公寓楼、购物中心、宾馆工厂办公区、公共建筑物、医院和学校;郊区:旅游区、疗养院、小城镇及高尔夫球乡村俱乐部、军事基地等。主要技术内容一、基本原理SW系列一体化生活污水处理装置结合了旋转生物接触器和大型污水处理厂的曝气系统的优点,采用获得专利的旋转薄片生物带和将空气强制混入液体的方式,最大限度地提高了污水的处理效率,同时采用了生物带自洁技术,解决了生活污水处理装置中最常见的过生物量所引起的堵塞导致效率降低的问题。…  相似文献   

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