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针对当前碱回收锅炉除尘器的除尘效率不能满足排放要求的情况,分析了目前造纸厂电除尘设备运行中出现的主要问题,提出了一些设计观点和相关建议。  相似文献   

李明  张官德 《四川环境》1998,17(1):31-34
本文介绍了用物化法技术,治理山东省临沐县造纸厂10000吨/日造纸废水的环境污染治理工程。此工程具有三个技术特点:黑液稀碱回收、高效复合絮凝剂和合理的工艺技术路线。  相似文献   

地处珙县洛表区南广河畔的珙县造纸厂,是该区民胜乡办的一个小厂,因近年来重视环境保护,搞土法碱回收取得成功,已成为全省同行业的示范样板厂。造纸厂排放含碱废水,既浪费资源,又污染环境,一直是工厂生存与发展的拦路虎。1988年,该厂把治理污染列为保证生产经营  相似文献   

由于沉江造纸厂碱回收车间的设备开开停停,使制浆黑液中的碱、有机物等得不到正常回收和利用,且经常外排,污染洞庭湖。为此,环保部门曾多次提出批评、警告,限期改进。厂和车间领导却置若罔闻,1981年8月又连续两次将储槽中黑液排入水域,造成污染事故。为严肃执行国家“环保法”和省环保条例,沅江县人民政府于同年12月对该厂罚款4万元,并通报全县。通报、罚款终于触动了厂领导。厂党委多次召开会议,讨论环境保护问题,把工作责任心强、热爱环保事业、又懂技术的干部,调入碱回收车间当领导。建立健全各种规章制度,加强岗位责任制,加强环境管理,大搞综合利用。1982年1月至  相似文献   

经济型草浆造纸废水治理技术EconomicalWastewaterTreatmentTechnologyofStraw-pulpPlant由山东省金山口纸业有限责任公司开发、山东省环保局推荐的经济型草浆纸废水治理技术适用于年产1万吨以上的中小型草浆造纸厂。主要技术内容一、基本原理本项目为国家“九五”重点科技攻关成果,包括经济型麦草浆黑液碱回收和物化十生化的中段水处理两部分。碱回收是通过提取、蒸发、燃烧、苛化四步处理,将黑液中的有机物烧掉,同时回收热能。其中产生的无机熔融物(主要成分Na。CO。)通过与生石灰反应生成NaOH,然后回用于生产,达到原…  相似文献   

目前,我国现有造纸企业9000个,其资源、能源的消耗相当可观,对环境的污染也相当严重。尤其是小型造纸企业更是浪费巨大。因此在目前资源和能源都比较缺乏的情况下,采用无污染少污染的新工艺技术和综合防治措施,对污染回收加工利用,变废为宝,化害为利是很重要的。白城造纸厂的经验在这方面为我们提供了一个成功的范例,它们的具体措施是:  相似文献   

一、工艺和设备要有所革新和突破我国造纸工业的污水治理是一大难题。我们总结了重庆造纸厂十多年来治理污水正反两方面的经验教训是:“先内后外,内外结合,抓好两头,治理中段”,当时的解释是:先从厂内治理入手,千方百计压缩排污量;在“厂内治理”的同时要为“厂外治理”创造条件,例如,调整沟道做到清浊分流;污染源就地防治;搞好碱回收和白水封  相似文献   

本文对造纸工业制浆黑液中的碱回收问题进行了探讨,在实验的基础上,提出了一种切实可行而且比传统的燃烧法投资更省的碱回收工艺,即将多效蒸发后的浓缩黑液经等离子处理后得到的黑粉,稀释后用离心过滤脱水的办法再进行碱回收。  相似文献   

目前国内相当一部分中小型锅炉都采用单一的钠碱法工艺脱硫,脱硫副产物抛弃处理,没有得到回收利用,严重浪费资源。钠碱法脱硫可回收亚硫酸钠、焦亚硫酸钠、硫酸钠等,其中亚硫酸钠、焦亚硫酸钠的市场价值较高,回收副产物的钠碱法脱硫法是值得推广的一种有价值的脱硫方法。文章叙述了钠碱法回收涉及到脱硫工艺过程的控制、结晶等。  相似文献   

结合国内棉浆粕行业废水治理的现状,对碱回收技术的原理、工艺进行了介绍分析,并结合工程实例,对碱回收工艺在棉浆粕行业废水治理中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The pulp and paper industry is energy intensive and consumes large amounts of wood. Biomass is a limited resource and its efficient use is therefore important. In this study, the total amount of biomass used for pulp and for energy is estimated for the production of several woodfree (containing only chemical pulp) and mechanical (containing mechanical pulp) printing paper products, under Swedish conditions. Chemical pulp mills today are largely self-sufficient in energy while mechanical pulp mills depend on large amounts of external electricity. Technically, all energy used in pulp- and papermaking can be biomass based. Here, we assume that all energy used, including external electricity and motor fuels, is based on forest biomass. The whole cradle-to-gate chain is included in the analyses. The results indicate that the total amount of biomass required per tonne paper is slightly lower for woodfree than for mechanical paper. For the biomass use per paper area, the paper grammage is decisive. If the grammage can be lowered by increasing the proportion of mechanical pulp, this may lower the biomass use per paper area, despite the higher biomass use per unit mass in mechanical paper. In the production of woodfree paper, energy recovery from residues in the mill accounts for most of the biomass use, while external electricity production accounts for the largest part for mechanical paper. Motor fuel production accounts for 5–7% of the biomass use. The biomass contained in the final paper product is 21–42% of the total biomass use, indicating that waste paper recovery is important. The biomass use was found to be about 15–17% lower for modelled, modern mills compared with mills representative of today's average technology.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the spatial cost efficiency of the Swedish legislation regarding waste disposal handling. We focus on the case of corrugated board and recognize that the different counties in Sweden possess different economic prerequisites in terms of waste paper recovery and utilization potential. We employ data for six corrugated board mills and 20 counties and a non-linear programming model to identify the least cost strategy for reaching the politically specified recycling target of a 65% recovery rate for corrugated board. That is, the total costs of recovering a minimum of 65% in each county are calculated and compared with the case when the country as a whole recovers 65% of all old corrugated board is collected but there exist no uniform target for each county. The conclusion is that from an efficiency point of view the recovery efforts should be concentrated to the highly populated and urbanized counties, and not be uniformly divided throughout the country. In the base case, the results suggest that the cost efficient county-specific recovery rates should range from 51 to 72%.  相似文献   

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data were used to compare average releases (kilograms per metric ton) of paper mills using primarily recovered wastepaper versus mills using primarily virgin wood fiber. Annual releases, for 79 mills, of chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloroform, acids (hydrochloric and sulfuric), volatile organics (methyl ethyl ketone, methanol, and acetone), and ammonia were compared over the years 1987–1992. Both types of mills reported generally lower toxic releases in 1992 than in 1987; however, toxic releases in all categories were significantly lower from mills using recovered wastepaper than from mills using virgin wood fiber, strongly demonstrating that recycling has added benefits beyond reduced resource consumption. These results suggest that environmental policy should concentrate as much on increasing demand for recycled paper and developing wastepaper collection infrastructure as it does on end-of-pipe pollution abatement.  相似文献   

This paper uses an index analogous to Lerner-index in the input market to derive a price–cost margin that measures input exploitation by few large buyers. This paper identifies oligopsony characteristics associated with the old newspaper (ONP) input market for recycled-content newsprint manufacture and then examines the impacts of market performances on ONP input prices. The wastepaper recycling market, in particular, ONP has not been successful in utilizing the ONP generated. The existence of high sunk costs for entry to the market, along with the small numbers of buyers in the old newspapers market, were the reasons to believe that the waste paper industry had oligopsony elements among paper recycling mills. The regional oligopsony/oligopoly indices were derived and the impact of these market powers on ONP input prices were examined for period 1972–1995. The findings of this study were: oligopsony elements were present to certain degrees among the recycled-content newsprint manufacturers; and the oligopsony market power enabled these mills to exert a larger price–cost margin on ONP input market.  相似文献   

在炼油生产中,合理处理产生的大量废碱液,使其不污染环境,一直是我们努力研究的课题。辽河石化分公司所采用的处理方法是:将含硫化物废碱液催化氧化,使其中有毒的硫化物快速氧化成亚硫酸盐、硫代硫酸盐及硫酸盐等物质。经过处理的含硫化物废碱液已进行了脱臭,并且回收了有利用价值的碱液。碱液吸收SO2后生产出合格的亚硫酸钠产品,达到了废液综合利用的目的。  相似文献   

Agro-based pulp and paper mills in India are one of the most polluting industries; in addition, they are high consumers of raw water. Growing scarcity of high quality freshwater as well as stringent regulatory standards is compelling these units to explore appropriate water management options. Based on data obtained through a questionnaire survey and plant visits, this work provides an overview of the water use and effluent treatment status in Indian agro-residue and recycled pulp and paper mills. The challenges faced by this sector are reviewed and practices adopted by progressive units to minimize freshwater use are illustrated through case studies.  相似文献   

Summary Since 1977, stringent environmental regulation has been progressively imposed on Malaysia's most polluting industry, the palm oil mills. The impact of the regulation on international trade and producer welfare has been quite small compared to the relative benefits to society in terms of changes in the levels of dissolved oxygen in the industrial effluents. External benefits from pollution abatement have been derived. This paper presents a preliminary evaluation of the derived benefits which have a long- term potential of recycling valuable resources while maintaining competitiveness in the international palm oil trade.Dr Khalid Abdul Rahim is a member of faculty in the Department of Natural Resource Economics at the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. Wan Mustafa Wan Ali is a research assistant in the Department. This paper is based on part of the "Intensification of Research in Priority Areas" (IRPA) project 1991–95, funded by the Government of Malaysia.  相似文献   

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