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油库爆炸事故原因分析及安全管理措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对近年油库着火爆炸事故进行分析,分析了油库发生爆炸事故形成因素,找出易导致发生事故的着火点为:油库中的原油、汽油、煤油、石脑油、轻柴油、液化丙烯等;给出事故发生的常见原因为:可燃物质、助燃物质(氧气)、点火源以及油蒸汽浓度在爆炸界限内,并有针对性的对油库明火作业提出事故预防措施为:完善油库作业计划、理顺作业程序、规范前期准备、细化监护过程管理、注重动火作业收尾、狠抓规章制度落实、加强事故问责。切实将安全管理落实到实际工作中,进一步提高企业的安全管理水平。  相似文献   

输油气管道在采用盾构隧道方式穿越含沼气地层时,存在沼气释放的可能性。沼气释放会威胁施工人员的安全,增加工程施工难度,影响工程质量,严重时甚至造成工程损坏等事故。泄漏的沼气达到一定浓度时,遇火可能发生火灾爆炸事故。为减小或避免事故影响,可以从主动排放沼气、对沼气进行监测及监控、加强通风措施、施工器械设计等几方面进行防范,此外建设单位还应采取相应的管理措施防控风险的发生。  相似文献   

通过对大庆油田近15年油水井带压作业施工进行分析,从井筒管柱、地面设备设施、现场管理3个方面找出存在的安全环保风险,评价这些风险产生的机理和危害,完善现场管理制度、研发或配备遏制安全环境事故发生的专业设备装置、优化完井及配合施工工艺等防范措施,有效减少带压作业可能出现的安全环保问题。  相似文献   

长庆油田伴生气回收及综合利用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
根据原油生产过程中伴生气的性质和特点,归纳出目前长庆油田伴生气回收技术及其适应性。通过应用"燃料加热"、"轻烃回收"、"燃气发电"三种方式,达到节能减排的目的。针对长庆油田伴生气回收及利用提出了下一步展望:完善混输工艺,优化集气管网,合理调配气量,从而消除伴生气排放污染,达到环保要求。  相似文献   

文章以石脑油火车装车油气回收装置为例,简单介绍了挥发性有机物"吸附+吸收"的工艺处理流程。针对活性炭罐的换剂及预处理操作,通过作业步骤解析、风险因素辨识、控制手段选取等,提出了相对合理、安全、高效的操作规程。详细阐述活性炭预处理(钝化)的工艺要求和操作流程、重点就温度的控制和预处理过程中出现的其他问题,提出了解决办法,跟踪评价了活性炭的吸附效果,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

井下作业环境污染防治技术研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对井下作业过程中产生的各种污染物及其来源进行分析,有针对性地制订出一系列配套的环境治理工艺技术及控制措施,并对带压作业、循环冲砂车等新技术、新工艺的设备构造、工作原理进行介绍,对其应用效果进行分析。通过采用这一系列控制措施,环境污染防治效果显著;通过带压作业最大限度地保持了油气层原始地层状态,避免了发生溢流或井喷的风险;循环冲砂车的使用年节约用水22500 m~3,回收原油约1000 t。  相似文献   

天然气钻井作业由于地下情况复杂隐藏着多种不安全因素,存在着较大的环境风险。要真正减少钻井施工现场的安全事故,必须充分了解影响钻井施工安全的风险源,评估风险的危害性的大小及范围,通过抓好安全生产管理,对风险进行控制,达到安全生产施工的目标。文章分析了天然气钻井中可能出现的环境风险因素,提出预防或减缓事故的对策和措施,为钻井行业提供安全可靠的参考。  相似文献   

文章结合大港油田井下作业现场特点,通过研究井控装置FZ18-35防喷器在试压过程中存在的"原试压堵塞器不适合350型采油树井口四通"的具体问题,改进研制适合FZ18-35防喷器与350型采油树井口四通配套的ST18-35试压堵塞器来解决井控装置的现场试压问题,确保现场井控装置的完好,有效降低井控风险以及井喷事故污染环境的风险。  相似文献   

在远海海域开展石油勘探开发风险极大,一旦发生事故,不但造成人员和财产损失,而且伴随着溢油事故,还会造成海洋及沿海环境的破坏。文章描述了海域划分、定义及特点。指出远海石油勘探开发具有受海洋环境影响大、高风险、高投资、需求人员素质高等特点。针对高风险特点做出了具体描述,包括井喷、火灾爆炸、船舶溢油、管道泄漏等多个风险。文章针对溢油风险进行研究,提出应急处置原则,分别做出溢油跟踪、溢油围控、溢油清除及后勤保障的处置策略,同时对应急所需物质提出要求,为远海溢油处置提供技术支持。  相似文献   

<正>5月7日,中国石油管道二公司圆满完成中缅天然气管道(国内段)禄丰油气合建站站内动火连头施工。这也是中缅天然气管道(国内段)投运后首次进行的动火连头作业。中缅天然气管道(国内段)投产运行后,为防止其他放空管内可燃气体进入禄丰站排污罐,中国石油西南管道公司要求在禄丰站增加手动球阀。为此,中国石油管道二公司中缅项目部编制了"提前进行管沟开挖及工艺管道预制,最后以氮气置  相似文献   

随着石油库数量的不断增加和公众环境保护意识的增强,石油库环境污染问题越来越引人关注。正确认识和合理预防、控制油库污染对于实现企业经济、社会以及环境效益的协调发展起着非常重要的作用。文章简要分析了石油库的常规环境污染途径、方式及火灾爆炸事故造成的环境风险,分别从规划、设计和运行三个阶段论述了常规环境污染控制以及事故状态下的风险防控,并提出此项工作应贯穿于规划、设计和运行的全过程中。  相似文献   

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles pose hazards different from conventional vehicles. This paper performs a risk assessment on road collision vehicle fires with hydrogen-fueled tank of 70 MPa. The high voltage battery fire caused by road collision can lead to onboard hydrogen release or explosion. Events progressions are analyzed and typical hydrogen consequences are evaluated quantitatively, including hydrogen jet fires and tank catastrophic rupture. Perimeters around the accident scene are proposed for the safety of general public and first responders, respectively. Risks of fatalities, injuries, and damages are all quantified in financial terms to make it possible to combine and compare.  相似文献   

高校消防管理的现状和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校属消防安全重点单位。为有效地防止火灾事故的发生,本文围绕建立一整套消防管理的体系,从四方面展开系统阐述,有很强的操作性,对高校防火工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

锦州油田开发建设中的污染影响及控制措施浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油田开发建设中潜在危险因素主要有自然灾害、环境腐蚀、误操作、设备缺陷、施工及人为破坏等问题,结合锦州油田开发建设及所处周边环境的实际情况,通过对来自于钻井、修井作业及油气集输系统的油气水渗漏等相关的工艺环节进行风险评价与分析,分析了油田开发建设对大气、生态、土壤、水环境的影响,从工艺、管理等方面提出了具体污染预防控制措施,并分析了建立应急预案的重要性。  相似文献   

从消防的角度对消防水的产生与特点进行探讨,阐述消防污水的产生与特点、灭火中应注意的问题以及消防污水紧急处置的措施,对石化企业的防火设计及消防监管提出了一些建议,阐明在消防灭火过程中,应树立强烈的环保意识,避免因火灾引发的突发环境事件造成政治、经济和社会方面的重大影响。  相似文献   

Shrub-Steppe Early Succession Following Juniper Cutting and Prescribed Fire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pinus-Juniperus L. (Piñon-juniper) woodlands of the western United States have expanded in area nearly 10-fold since the late 1800’s. Juniperus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Hook. (western juniper) dominance in sagebrush steppe has several negative consequences, including reductions in herbaceous production and diversity, decreased wildlife habitat, and higher erosion and runoff potentials. Prescribed fire and mechanical tree removal are the main methods used to control J. occidentalis and restore sagebrush steppe. However, mature woodlands become difficult to prescribe burn because of the lack of understory fuels. We evaluated partial cutting of the woodlands (cutting 25–50% of the trees) to increase surface fuels, followed by prescribed fire treatments in late successional J. occidentalis woodlands of southwest Idaho to assess understory recovery. The study was conducted in two different plant associations and evaluated what percentage of the woodland required preparatory cutting to eliminate remaining J. occidentalis by prescribed fire, determined the impacts of fire to understory species, and examined early post-fire successional dynamics. The study demonstrated that late successional J. occidentalis woodlands can be burned after pre-cutting only a portion of the trees. Early succession in the cut-and-burn treatments were dominated by native annual and perennial forbs, in part due to high mortality of perennial bunchgrasses. By the third year after fire the number of establishing perennial grass seedlings indicated that both associations would achieve full herbaceous recovery. Cutting-prescribed fire combinations are an effective means for controlling encroaching late successional J. occidentalis and restoring herbaceous plant communities. However, land managers should recognize that there are potential problems associated with cutting-prescribed fire applications when invasive weeds are present.  相似文献   

The high degree of physical disturbance associated with conventional response options to oil spills in wetlands is driving the investigation of alternative cleanup methodologies. In March 1995, a spill of gas condensate in a brackish marsh at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Louisiana was remediated through the use of in situ burning. An assessment of vegetation recovery was initiated in three treatment marshes: (1) oil-impacted and burned, (2) oil impacted and unburned, and (3) a nonoiled unburned reference. We compared percent cover, stem density, and biomass in the treatment marshes to define ecological recovery of the marsh vegetation and soil hydrocarbon content to determine the efficacy of in situ burning as a cleanup technique. Burning led to a rapid decrease in soil hydrocarbon concentrations in the impacted-and-burned marsh to background levels by the end of the first growing season. Although a management fire accidentally burned the oil-impacted-and-unburned and reference marshes in December 1995, stem density, live biomass, and total percent cover values in the oil-impacted-and-burned marsh were equivalent to those in the other treatment marshes after three years. In addition, plant community composition within the oil-impacted-and-burned marsh was similar to the codominant mix of the grasses Distichlis spicata (salt grass) and Spartina patens (wire grass) characteristic of the surrounding marsh after the same time period. Rapid recovery of the oil-impacted-and-unburned marsh was likely due to lower initial hydrocarbon exposure. Water levels inundating the soil surface of this grass-dominated marsh and the timing of the in situ burn early in the growing season were important factors contributing to the rapid recovery of this wetland. The results of this in situ burn evaluation support the conclusion that burning, under the proper conditions, can be relied upon as an effective cleanup response to hydrocarbon spills in herbaceous wetlands.  相似文献   

可燃介质泄漏是炼化企业的重要风险源,是发生火灾爆炸事故的最主要因素。通过对泄漏的分析和阐述,防治措施的理解和运用,根据炼化企业生产特点,探索可燃介质泄漏特点及危害性,并提出如何防止泄漏以及泄漏后应采取的防护措施,达到防止可燃介质工业泄漏,保障安全生产的目的。  相似文献   

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