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This paper presents a surface particle image velocimetry study to investigate the dynamics of shallow starting-jet dipoles formed by tidal flow through inlets and their interaction with vorticity formed at the inlet channel lateral boundaries. Vortical structure in the flow field is identified using a local swirl strength criterion evaluated from the two-dimensional flow field. The starting jet dipole vortices and vortices formed as the lateral boundary layers are expelled during flow reversal are characterized by their trajectory, size, and circulation. Using these quantities, a model is developed to predict the size and strength of the expelled lateral boundary layer vortices based on the inlet velocity, channel length, and width of the lateral boundary layer. The expelled boundary layer vortices are found to disrupt the formation of the primary tidal jet dipole through two mechanisms. First, because the boundary layer vortices themselves form a dipole with each half of the starting-jet dipole, the starting-jet vortices are pulled apart and advected away from the inlet mouth early in the tidal cycle, resulting in a reduction in the spin-up time and the amount of vorticity input during starting-jet vortex formation. Second, the advection of each dipole away from the inlet disconnects each starting-jet vortex from the starting jet; hence, the vortices are not fed by fluid in the jet or energized by shear in the jet boundary layers. These influences of the lateral boundary layer on the starting-jet vortices’ formation and propagation are found to be a function of the channel length L, maximum velocity U, and tidal period T, resulting in a predictive value to characterize their trajectory, strength, and evolution.  相似文献   

Tidal vortices play an important role in the flushing of coastal regions. At the mouth of a tidal inlet, the input of circulation by the ebb tide may force the formation of a starting-jet dipole vortex. The continuous ebb jet current also creates a periodic sequence of secondary vortices shed from the inlet mouth. In each case, these tidal vortices have a shallow aspect ratio, with a lateral extent much greater than the water depth. These shallow vortices affect the transport of passive tracers, such as nutrients and sediment from the estuary to the ocean and vice versa. Field observation of tidal vortices primarily relies on ensemble averaging over several vortex events that are repeatable in space and can be sampled by a fixed Eulerian measurement grid. This paper presents an adaptive approach for locating and measuring within tidal vortices that propagate offshore near inlets and advect along variable trajectories set by the wind-driven currents. A field experiment was conducted at Aransas Pass, Texas to measure these large-scale vortices. Locations of the vortices produced during ebb tide were determined using near real-time updates from surface drifters deployed near or within the inlet during ebb tide, and the paths of towed acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) transects were selected by analysis of the drifter observations. This method allowed ADCP transects to be collected within ebb generated tidal vortices, and the paths of the drifters indicated the presence of both the starting-jet dipole and the secondary vortices of the unstable ebb tidal jet. Drifter trajectories were also used to estimate the size of each observed vortex as well as the statistics of relative diffusion offshore of Aransas Pass. The field data confirmed the starting-jet spin-up time (time until the vortex dipole begins to propagate offshore) measured in the laboratory by Bryant et al. [6] and that the Strouhal condition of \(St=0.2\) predicts the shedding of secondary vortices from the inlet mouth. The size of the rotational core of the vortex is also shown to be approximated physically by the inlet width or by \(0.02UT\) , where U is the maximum velocity through the inlet channel and T is the tidal period, and confirms results found in laboratory experiments by Nicolau del Roure et al. [23]. Additionally, the scale of diffusion was approximately 1–15 km and the apparent diffusivity was between 2–130  \(m^2/s\) following Richardsons law.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The morphodynamic evolution of river deltas is intimately tied to flow and sediment partitioning at bifurcations. In this work, the long-term equilibrium...  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - In order to address the problem of limited water renewal in restricted lagoons of moderate size having at least two tidal inlets, a method is proposed to enhance...  相似文献   

A number of methods were applied to assess disturbance in macrozoobenthic communities in three Mediterranean lagoons with different levels of stress. Tsopeli, Ionian Sea, with no obvious source of stress, harbours a fauna typical of brackish-water lagoons. Vivari, Aegean Sea, also without apparent source of disturbance, is characterised by a few typical lagoonal species and some species characteristic of perturbation. Goro lagoon, in the northern Adriatic, is much larger and more open to the sea. At the centre of the lagoon, where anoxia is known to occur in the summer (Goro polluted), the fauna is dominated by species typical of disturbance and a few lagoonal species. A dredged area closer to the sea (Goro dredged) is totally dominated by species characteristic of disturbance. The species diversity in all lagoons ranges from low to very low. According to the distribution of individuals in geometric abundance classes, all the lagoons are characterised as stressed. The distribution of individuals in geometric size classes shows dominance of larger specimens in the least disturbed Tsopeli and exclusively small sizes in the greatly disturbed dredged area of Goro. The abundance/biomass comparison curves characterise Tsopeli as undisturbed, Vivari and Goro polluted stations as moderately disturbed and Goro dredged station as disturbed. The last two methods agree with the characterisation derived by examining the dominant species. It is concluded that methods based on size changes of the fauna are more sensitive than those based on relative abundance in assessing disturbance in coastal brackish-water lagoons.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Riparian and floodplain tree-like emergent vegetation alter significantly the flow field and lead to complicated three-dimensional flow patterns, characterized by...  相似文献   

The sandy-bottom macrobenthic community of Mugu Lagoon, a relatively pristine southern California (USA) marine lagoon, demonstrated (1) nearly constant community composition over 37 months of observation, (2) relatively little temporal variability in the population densities of the most abundant species over 37 months, and (3) a pattern of depth stratification in which very little vertical overlap existed among the six most abundant species. The only two species whose vertical distributions overlapped broadly showed horizontal spatial segregation, each abundant in different areas within the sand habitat. These community characteristics imply the importance of biological factors in structuring the sand benthos. The relatively large volume required for living space by these macrofauna suggests that competition for space may be the biological factor most important in determining the observed temporal and spatial abundance patterns. The muddy-sand community and the mud community of Mugu Lagoon also revealed similar patterns of stratification: new abundant species replaced species at the same sedimentary level while not greatly affecting species populations at other non-overlapping levels. In the sand community of Tijuana Slough, two of the abundant species of Mugu Lagoon's sand community were nearly absent as an apparent result of human over-exploitation. Probably in response, densities of species living at the sedimentary levels normally occupied by the missing species were much higher than would be predicted if competition for space were unimportant. In field experiments, removal of the deposit feeder Callianassa californiensis resulted in high recruitment of Sanguinolaria nuttallii, whereas control areas showed no S. nuttallii recruitment. Experiments also suggest that negative intraspecific interactions between Cryptomya californica individuals may explain the observed rapid emigration from areas of artificially high density. Perhaps the relatively great environmental predictability of southern California lagoons has permitted competitive interactions to play a singnificant role in determining the temporal and spatial abundance patterns of the soft-bottom macrobenthos.  相似文献   

按生态学方法建立和培育模型池塘生态系统,选择符合要求的生态池分别添加0.8 mg L-1、4.0 mg L-1、20.0mg L-1和100 mg L-1盐酸土霉素,定期采集水样和底泥样品,用高效液相色谱方法进行药物浓度测定.结果表明,水中药物在用药后消除迅速,其消除半衰期分别为27.32 h、34.10 h、45.25 h、56.07 h.底泥中土霉素消除较缓慢,底泥0~2 cm表层中的土霉素消除半衰期分别为38.18 d、36.75 d、46.75 d、33.38 d.底泥2~4 cm中的土霉素消除半衰期分别为53.45 d、59.58 d、47.17 d、50.83 d.结果提示,底泥中的土霉素大部分以原形药物形式存在,并有明显的从表层向下层迁移的过程;土霉素的浓度对底泥中土霉素的半衰期和平均滞留时间无明显影响.表8参15  相似文献   

Transport of the radioactive tracer Iodine-129 (129I, T 1/2 = 15.7 Myr) in the northern North Atlantic Ocean has been investigated using a global isopycnic Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) and observed data. 129I originates mainly from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plants in Sellafield (UK) and La Hague (France), and is transported northwards along the Norwegian coast, and then into surface and intermediate layers in the Arctic Ocean through the Barents Sea and the Fram Strait, but also partly recirculating south along the eastern coast of Greenland. In the North Atlantic Subpolar Seas, 129I is mainly found in dense overflow waters from the Nordic Seas being exported southwards in the Deep Western Boundary Current, and to a lesser extent in surface and intermediate layers circulating cyclonically within the Subpolar Gyre. Observed concentration of 129I along a surface transect in the eastern Nordic Seas in 2001 is captured by the OGCM, while in the Nansen Basin of the Arctic Ocean the OGCM overestimates the observed values by a factor of two. The vertical profile of 129I in the Labrador Sea, repeatedly observed since 1997 to present, is fairly realistically reproduced by the OGCM. This indicates that the applied model system has potential for predicting the magnitude and depth of overflow waters from the Nordic Seas into the North Atlantic Subpolar Seas. To supplement the information obtained from the 129I distribution, we have conducted a number of idealized tracer experiments with the OGCM, including tracers mimicking pure water masses, and instantaneous pulse releases. New insight into time-scales of tracer transport in this region is obtained by utilizing a few recently developed methods based on the theory of Transit Time Distribution (TTD) and age of tracers. Implications for other types of “anomalies” in the northern North Atlantic Ocean, being anomalous hydrography or chemical tracers, and how they are interpreted, are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the fate of the drug ivermectin in the soil. We found that ivermectin was transformed solely by photos, leading to the formation of two ivermectin isomers. We indeed failed to detect any biotransformation reaction of the chemical either in the soil or in fungal liquid cultures. According to its limited water solubility, the bioavailability of ivermectin was very low in the soil solution. Here, we show that ivermectin, transferred to the soil from faeces of drug-treated cattle, could be stored for long periods in the soil.  相似文献   

抗生素在土壤中的归趋及不可提取态残留   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饶怡璇  汪斌  何玉洁  季荣 《环境化学》2022,41(2):549-560
抗生素是近年来备受关注的一种新兴环境污染物,进入环境后会被降解或残留在环境介质和环境生物体内.在土壤中形成不可提取态残留(NERs)是抗生素重要的环境归趋,然而有关土壤中抗生素NERs形成机理和环境风险的研究尚处于起步阶段.NERs的形成能在一定程度上降低抗生素的环境危害,但当土壤环境条件改变时NERs仍有重新释放的潜...  相似文献   

叶旌  周琪 《生态环境》2002,11(4):409-412
主要从挥发、吸附与解吸、渗滤三个方面介绍了二氯苯在土壤中的迁移行为以及生物降解过程。探讨了二氯苯的物化性质、三种同分异构体的构型、土壤特性、外界环境条件等因素对二氯苯迁移行为的影响,以及迁移行为与生物降解的相互关系;同时介绍了可降解二氯苯的微生物种类、二氯苯好氧生物降解机理、共代谢现象,以及实验室研究方法。这些研究对于受二氯苯污染的土壤的修复具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Metal concentrations were measured monthly during an annual cycle (December 2004 to January 2006) in the tissues of Nereis diversicolor ragworms and sediment from two Moroccan Atlantic coastal lagoons: Oualidia in the north, situated in a highly industrialised urban area and Khnifiss in the south, far from anthropogenic influences. Relatively high levels of Zn, Ag and Cd were found in the sediment of Oualidia lagoon, while Ni concentrations were shown to be high at Khnifiss. The significant metal levels at Oualidia are a result of industrial and urban discharges, coupled with discharges from adjacent phosphate ore processing plants. Trace metal concentrations in worms vary according to season; they are usually high in winter and spring, in relation to the animal's reproductive cycle. Comparing the two lagoons, trace metal levels appear to be higher in worms from Khnifiss lagoon, suggesting a higher bioavailability of these elements in a relatively pristine area.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Turbidity from glacial meltwater limits light penetration with potential ecological consequences. Using profiles of temperature, conductivity, and turbidity, we...  相似文献   

类固醇激素在环境中的污染现状及归趋   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
类固醇激素是一类典型的环境内分泌干扰物(endocrine disrupting chemicals,EDCs),具有极强的内分泌干扰效应和生物活性,因其在各种环境介质中频繁被检出,近几十年来受到了人们的广泛关注。本文系统综述了环境中类固醇激素的主要来源、途径与污染现状及其环境行为,并对未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Lagoon-based municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are facing difficulties meeting the needs of rapid population growth as well as the more stringent requirements of discharge permits. Three municipal WWTPs were modified using a high surface area media with upgraded fine-bubble aeration systems. Performance data collected showed very promising results in terms of five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), ammonia (NH3) and total suspended solids (TSS) removal. Two-year average ammonia effluents were 4.1 mg·L-1 for Columbia WWTP, 4 mg·L-1 for Larchmont WWTP and 2.1 mg·L-1 for Laurelville WWTP, respectively. Two- year average BOD5 effluents were 6.8, 4.9 and 2.7 mg·L-1, and TSS effluents were 15.0, 9.6 and 7.5 mg·L-1. The systems also showed low fecal coliform (FC) levels in their effluents.  相似文献   

Sediment cores, obtained in 2004–2005 and in 2008 from seven coastal lagoons of Central Vietnam (Lang Co, Nuoc Man, Nuoc Ngot, Thi Nai, O Loan, Thuy Trieu and Dam Nai), were analysed to assess changes in 210Pb, porosity, grain size, and depth distributions of selected major and trace elements (Al, As, Ni, and Zn). The aim was to trace sedimentary processes in areas periodically subject to extreme events. The occurrence of lateral sedimentary inhomogeneities has been hypothesised to explain the differences observed at depth for some tracer profiles, whereas topmost levels present evidence that accounts for the loss of a sediment layer (from 2.0 to 7.5 cm thick) between the two samplings. These losses might be attributed to major typhoons that impacted the coasts of Central Vietnam during the study period.  相似文献   

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