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Identification of a sex pheromone from a rotifer   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The first isolation and characterization of a sex pheromone from a zooplankter is reported. A 29 kdalton glycoprotein on the surface of females of the marine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis acts as a contact-mating pheromone. This glycoprotein (gp29) is glycosylated with oligosaccharides containing Nacetylglucosamine, mannose, and fucose residues, and these oligosaccharides are necessary for male recognition of females. Males detect this signal by contact chemoreception with receptors located in their corona. Binding of purified glycoprotein to male receptors reduces mating attempts by 93%. An antibody to the glycoprotein binds to females, reducing male mating attempts by 86%. When purified gp29 is bound to sepharose beads, it is sufficient to elicit male mating behavior. This glycoprotein is likely to play a key role in the evolution and maintenance of reproductive isolation in rotifers.  相似文献   

The patterns of stimulus available to moths flying along pheromone plumes in a 3-m-long wind tunnel were characterized using a high frequency photoionization detector in conjunction with an inert tracer gas. Four contrasting flow regimes and source conditions were produced: odor released in pulses from a vertical and horizontal array of four sources, odor released continuously from a point source, and odor released continuously from a point source into an oscillatory wake. Although the four flow regimes produced plumes of intermittent and fluctuating concentration, there were considerable differences in the structure of the signal presented to the sensor. Pulses of tracer gas released at 10 Hz retained most of their longitudinal and lateral separation. The plume growing in the disturbed flow (`oscillatory'), was broader in its lateral extent than the plume growing in an undisturbed flow (`continuous'), and the concentrations in the former were lower at each downstream position. The signal recorded in the disturbed flow had higher intermittency, but the ratio between the peak concentration and the signal mean was lower than in the continuous plume. Time scales were typically longer in the tunnel than in a field setting, but length scales and the main features of intermittency and fluctuation were similar. Moths flying along plumes of pheromone in this and similar wind tunnels typically slow their velocity and narrow the lateral excursions of their flight track as they approach a pheromone source. Which features of the plumes measured in this study account for these behavioral reactions remains to be determined.  相似文献   

D. S. Stoner 《Marine Biology》1994,121(2):319-326
The rate at which larvae successfully recruit into communities of marine benthic invertebrates is partially dependent upon how well larvae avoid benthic predators and settle on appropriate substrata. Therefore, to be able to predict recruitment success, information is needed on how larvae search for settlement sites, whether larvae preferentially settle on certain substrata, and the extent to which there are adequate cues for larvae to find these substrata. This article describes how larvae of the colonial ascidian Diplosoma similis find settlement sites on a coral reef. Direct field observations of larval settlement were made on a fringing reef in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, between September 1985 and April 1986. A comparison of the substrata that larvae contacted prior to settlement relative to the percentage cover of these substrata on the study reef suggests that larvae are using a non-contact mode of substratum identification to locate suitable settlement sites. This mode of substratum identification allowed 74% of larvae to evade predation by benthic organisms who would otherwise have eaten larvae if they had been contacted. Of those larvae that evaded predation, 88% subsequently settled on the same two substrata upon which most adults are found (dead coral or the green alga Dictyosphaeria cavernosa). This pattern of settlement was probably a result of active selection, since the two substrata cover only 14.4% of the reef's surface and currents had little effect on the direction in which larvae swam. An important contributing factor to the high success rate of larval settlement on suitable substrata was the lack of any temporal decay in substratum preference. It is concluded that for Diplosoma similis larval supply is a sufficient predictor of larval settlement rate. However, for marine invertebrates whose larvae are passively dispersed and exhibit a greater temporal decay in substratum preference, larval settlement should generally have a greater dependency on spatial variation in the abundance of benthic predators and suitable substrata.  相似文献   

Mixing in rivers is an important issue with many applications in water quality and water resource management. Mixing of effluents with ambient river water is especially important, particularly in river bends, where secondary circulation complicates the mixing process. By comparing measured trajectories from dye tests to velocimetry data measured with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter, this paper models the trajectory of a jet in an open channel bend using a modified formula for a jet trajectory in a straight crossflow. The original formula is shown to be insufficient for modeling the trajectory in the bend. Modifications are proposed using the position of the centre of the main secondary circulation cell to account for the bend effects. In the absence of secondary circulation, the modified formula reduces to the original formula. Once the secondary circulation has developed, the proposed formula is shown to have better residuals, lower root mean squared error, and higher \(R^2\) than the original formula.  相似文献   

Flights of rotorcraft over the desert floor can result in significant entrainment of particulate matter into the atmospheric boundary layer. Continuous or widespread operation can lead to local and regional impacts on visibility and air quality. To account for this pollutant source in air quality models, a parameterization scheme is needed that addresses the complex vertical distribution of dust ejected from the rotorcraft wake into the atmospheric surface layer. A method to parameterize the wind and turbulence fields and shear stress at the ground is proposed here utilizing computational fluid dynamics and a parameterized rotor model. Measurements taken from a full scale experiment of rotorcraft flight near the surface are compared to the simulation results in a qualitative manner. The simulation is shown to adequately predict the forward detachment length of the induced ground jet compared to the measured detachment lengths. However, the simulated ground vortex widths and vorticity deviate substantially from the measured values under a range of flight speeds. Results show that the method may be applicable for air quality modeling assuming slow airspeeds of the rotorcraft, with advance ratios of 0.005–0.02.  相似文献   

Taking account of the Bertalanffy's differential equation on animal growth, plant growth is also considered as the net result of anabolism and catabolism. When we, however, consider the growth of a plant organ, it is necessary to add a term of translocation because it plays an important role in the growth of plant organs, such as leaf and fruit. Considering translocation, therefore, a growth model of a plant organ was proposed on the basis of the compartment model for estimating the carbon balance in the organ by using the experimental data on translocation, photosynthesis and respiration of a tropical fruit of durian (Durio zibethinus Murray). The present growth model of a plant organ belongs to an extended Bertalanffy's growth equation, and was possible to be transformed into the simple Bertalanffy's growth equation on the basis of the proportionality between the growth and translocation rates. The Bertalanffy's growth equation of a plant organ was also possible to apply to that of the whole plant on the assumption of the allomeric relationship between a plant organ and the whole plant.  相似文献   

A harvesting function is developed to described the rate of removal of fish from a fish population. The function incorporates the effects of both the handling or processing time of the catch and the competition, between boats in the fleet, for the fish.We will assume that the growth rate of the fish population can be modelled with a concave, dome shaped growth curve. With this assumption, it has been shown that if the rate of harvesting the fish is linearly related to both effort (which can be thought of as some measure of the number of boats in the fleet) and the population size, then the population will tend towards a single equilibrium level which is globally stable. This paper shows that the saturation effects due to the handling time may generate two equilibrium levels (one stable, one unstable) rather than a single globally stable equilibrium. The results of competition between boats are economically undesirable because of the decrease in efficiency. However, this competition may be beneficial to the exploited fish population.Using the harvesting model derived earlier, the steady state or long term optimal harvesting policies as well as the transition paths to these states are developed. The only constraint is on the maximum allowable effort which is effectively an upper limitation on the fleet size or number of man-hours of fishing.  相似文献   

Clonal reproduction, a common life history strategy among sessile marine invertebrates, can lead to high local abundances of one to a few genotypes in a population. Analysis of the clonal structure of such populations can provide insight into the ecological and evolutionary history of the population, but requires markers that can identify individual genets. Forensic and demographic studies have demonstrated that DNA fingerprinting can provide markers that are unique for an individual genotype. We have generated DNA fingerprints for over 70 colonies of the clonal gorgonian, Plexaura A (Plexaura sp. A) collected from June 1990 through July 1991 in the San Blas Islands, Panama. DNA fingerprints within a singic individual were identical and fingerprinting resolved multiple genotypes within and among reefs. On one reef in the San Blas Islands, Panama, 59% of the colonies sampled were of one genotype and this genotype was not found on any other sampled reefs. A previous study using tissue grafts identified 13 putative clones on these reefs, while DNA fingerprints of the same colonies differentiated 17 genotypes. The present study demonstrates the utility of DNA fingerprinting for distinguishing clones and for identifying clonal structure of marine invertebrate populations.  相似文献   

Change in a bacterial population during the process of degradation of a phytoplankton bloom was investigated at Lake Hamana, Japan in June 1981. The predominant phytoplankton were Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg and P. triestinum Schiller. While most phytoplankton cells were living and moving actively, most bacteria were those in a free-living state (free-living bacteria) and the number of bacteria associated with particulate materials (attached bacteria) was less than a few percent of the total bacterial number. As the decline process proceeded, the number of free-living bacteria remained almost constant or decreased slightly; on the other hand, the number of attached bacteria increased gradually and reached about 40% of the total bacterial number. These results indicate that some of the free-living bacteria become attached to particulate organic matter and grow on the surface of the particles.  相似文献   

The preference of the hermit crab, Calcinus californiensis, among six species of shells, was tested by two different experiments. The first experiment used pair-wise trials, analyzing the preference by Chi-square tests using two different constructions of the null hypothesis. One hypothesis was based on a no-preference among shell species, the second on comparing the number of crabs changing for a particular shell species when two options were given versus the changing when no options were offered. The second experiment was a multiple-alternative test based on a rank ordering of the shell preference. This method has both statistical and resource-saving advantages over the traditional pair-wise comparisons. The sequence of shell preference was similarly independent of the procedure used. The preferred shell species are heavy and might be associated with hydrodynamic advantages and with the protection against predation. The shell preference matches with the pattern of shell occupancy indicating that the shell use in nature is determined by the crab’s preference. The information generated may be used for further research on shell preference as a methodological alternative.  相似文献   

In contrast with recent advances on the dynamics of the flow at a forest edge, few studies have considered its role on scalar transport and, in particular, on CO2 transfer. The present study addresses the influence of the abrupt roughness change on forest atmosphere CO2 exchange and contrasts the concentration and flux fields against those of a uniform forested surface. We use an atmospheric boundary layer two-equation closure model that accounts for the flow dynamics and vertical divergence of CO2 sources/sinks within a plant canopy. This paper characterizes the spatial variation of CO2 fluxes as a function of both sources/sinks distribution and the vertical structure of the canopy. Results suggest that the ground source plays a major role in the formation of wave-like vertical CO2 flux behavior downwind of a forest edge, despite the fact that the contribution of foliage sources/sinks changes monotonously. Such a variation is caused by scalar advection in the trunk space and reveals itself as a decrease or increase in vertical fluxes over the forest relative to carbon dioxide exchange of the underlying forest. The effect was more pronounced in model forests where the leaf area is concentrated in the upper part of the canopy. These results can be useful both for interpretation of existing measurements of net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) from flux towers in limited fetch conditions and in planning future CO2 transport experiments.  相似文献   

In the management of a fishery with many year-classes, a standard objective is to maximize the biomass yield. If the fishing effort is fixed, this objective can be attained by prescribing an optimum size limit. This implies that only fish which are larger than the optimum size limit should be caught. The theory for computing the optimum size limit when fishing is carried out continuously is well established. In contrast the theory for computing the optimum size limit when the fishing season is limited to the same period in each year has not been developed in spite of the fact that many fisheries are exploited in this manner. A fishing season may be limited because the weather or the migration patterns of the fish population permits fishing only during a certain period in the year. A fishing season may also be limited because it is necessary to reduce the fishing mortality in order to conserve the fish population.A theory for computing the optimum size limit when the fishing season is limited is developed in this paper. It is applied to a hypothetical fishery. The data for this example comes from the North Sea plaice fishery. It is found that for a given fishing effort the optimum size limit is 44.5 cm if fishing is carried out continuously, 41.3 cm if fishing is limited to 6 months in a year and 28.7 cm if fishing is limited to a period of one tenth of a year in each year.  相似文献   

In the dance flyEmpis borealis (L.) (Diptera: Empididae) females gather to swarm and males visit swarms for mating. A model was constructed, based on previously published data, simulating how males may choose among females of different sizes in swarms of different sizes. The focal question was, what influences the number of individuals in the swarm in this and possibly other swarming insects? The relationships between original swarm size and both the number of males arriving per minute and the proportion of males mating are both logarithmic. The model predicted that if these relationships were linear, or if males were able to judge absolute female size, the mean swarm size should increase and be at least four times as large as those found in the field. The only type of male mate choice strategy that gave rise to very large swarms (>25) was size-related choice (if males are able to assess the size of a female in relation to the entire population and not merely to the swarm). Furthermore, no swarming behaviour would occur if males mate independently of swarm size. Thus, the numbers of females attending a given swarm site are influenced by male arrival pattern, male preference for larger swarms, the inability of males to judge the absolute body size of females, and female polyandry. Males searching for mates seem to prefer larger swarms than females searching for a swarm to join, but the mean swarm size is primarily set by the swarm size preference of females. Optimal swarm size predicted from the model was 4.68±0.53 females. In order to test model predictions, 69 natural swarm sites were studied during one season. The mean swarm size was 4.85±4.54 females (median 4.03), and about 90% of swarms consisted of 11 females or fewer. Predicted and observed swarm size did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,168(3):319-341
To evaluate a specific form of resource management, for example, the maintenance of valuable cultural landscapes, the contributions of many different viewpoints must be considered. In this paper, a model for assessing and integrating the different aspects contributing to landscape evaluation is proposed. Some results of its use in landscape assessment in the Madrid region (central Spain) are discussed.The model takes into account five assessment dimensions which are considered to be independent—the ecological, productive, economic, social and cultural evaluative systems and it recognises and assumes conflicts and trade-offs between these components. The inclusion of the production system as an independent assessment dimension is original and is justified because it is the link that connects the ecological and economic systems. Since this dimension acts most directly on the ecosystem, the production system includes the attribute of ecological or strong (in the sense of [For the Common Good, Beacon Press, Boston, 1994]) sustainability.The evaluation method places special emphasis on defining a conceptual framework, and from this defines scenarios in comparison with which particular development models (landscape planning, resources management) can be evaluated. Seven scenarios, coming from a hypothetical, traditional sustainable scenario of resources management, are defined. One of these, the sound sustainable scenario, is defended as the only one viable in the long term, particularly in developing countries.This method was employed to evaluate the agricultural and natural landscape of the Madrid region municipalities. The multivariate approach adopted was based on the selection of indicator sets for each evaluative dimension. The structure of relationships among indicators was then analysed separately for each dimension and values assigned to the municipalities according to their position on the main axes of the multivariate analyses. Each municipality was assigned to one of the seven development scenarios by means of discriminant analysis. The approach’s greatest assets are its flexibility in the selection of the indicators and the efficacy in its monitoring and comparison of the different analysed cases once a rigorous conceptual framework was established.The paper discusses the conditions for the sustainability of the human activities and provides a method for evaluating and comparing scenarios of resources management.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - A series of experiments were conducted to quantify the dynamics of a filling box driven by a line plume that spans the full width of the enclosure. Three...  相似文献   

The spatial development of a passive scalar plume is studied within the inhomogeneous turbulence of a boundary layer flow in a recirculating laboratory flume with a smooth bed. The source of the scalar is located flush with the bed, and the low-momentum source design is intended to simulate a diffusive-type scalar release. A weakly diffusive fluorescent dye is used as the scalar. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) techniques were used to record the structure of the plume at a spatial resolution of 150 μm. The measured structure of the mean concentration field is compared to an analytical solution for shear-free, homogeneous turbulence. The laboratory plume exhibits spatial development in the mean concentration field that deviates from the self-similar behavior predicted by the analytical solution; this deviation is due to the mean shear and inhomogeneity of the turbulence. In particular, the influence of the viscous sublayer on the plume development is seen to be significant. Nonetheless, the analytical solution replicates some of the features seen in the laboratory plume, and the solution suggests methods of reducing the laboratory data even for cases where the results deviate from the analysis. We also examine the spatial development of the root-mean-square (rms) fluctuating concentration field, and use scalar probability density functions to examine the relationship between the mean and fluctuating concentrations.  相似文献   

When reproduction competes with the amount of resources available for survival during an unpredictable nonbreeding season, individuals should adopt a risk-sensitive regulation of their reproductive allocation. We tested this hypothesis on female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), which face a trade-off between reproduction and acquisition of body reserves during spring and summer, with autumn body mass functioning as insurance against stochastic winter climatic severity. The study was conducted in a population consisting of two herds: one that received supplementary winter feeding for four years while the other utilized natural pastures. The females receiving additional forage allocated more to their calves. Experimental translocation of females between the herds was conducted to simulate two contrasting rapid alterations of winter conditions. When females receiving supplementary feeding were moved to natural pastures, they promptly reduced their reproductive allocation the following summer. However, when winter conditions were improved, females were reluctant to increase their reproductive allocation. This asymmetric response to improved vs. reduced winter conditions is consistent with a risk-averse adjustment in reproductive allocation. The ability of individuals to track their environment and the concordant risk-sensitive adjustment of reproductive allocation may render subarctic reindeer more resilient to climate change than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the nesting success of an individually marked population of Kentucky Warblers ( Oporornis formosus ), a species that nests in disturbed and undisturbed forests, in a heterogeneous, managed forest site in the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois from 1992 to 1995. We examined the effects of forest stand type (clearcuts of various ages, tree plantations, and older forest) and distance from habitat edges on rates of nest predation and brood parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (   Molothrus ater ). Brood parasitism levels gradually decreased from 60% to 3% ( nests) over a distance of 2 km from an agricultural edge proximal to a known cowbird foraging site (a pig feedlot), but they did not vary with distance from any other kinds of edges or with forest stand type. Rates of nest predation ( nests) did not vary with distance from any edges, but they were significantly lower in older forest than within even-aged clearcuts, a tree plantation, and in successional vegetation adjacent to a residential facility. These results suggest that, even in fragmented landscapes with high overall levels of parasitism and nest predation, management practices within and immediately adjacent to forest tracts can affect the nesting success of some species, but not necessarily as a simple function of distance from edge. For the Kentucky Warbler, our results suggest that a management strategy that avoids even-age silviculture and leaves core stands of older forest far from cowbird feeding areas can increase nesting success to levels similar to those measured in more forested landscapes.  相似文献   

Forecasts of industrial emissions provide a basis for impact assessment and development planning. To date, most studies have assumed that industrial emissions are simply coupled to production value at a given stage of technical progress. It has been argued that the monetary method tends to overestimate pollution loads because it is highly influenced by market prices and fails to address spatial development schemes. This article develops a land use-based environmental performance index (L-EPI) that treats the industrial land areas as a dependent variable for pollution emissions. The basic assumption of the method is that at a planning level, industrial land use change can represent the change in industrial structure and production yield. This physical metric provides a connection between the state-of-the-art and potential impacts of future development and thus avoids the intrinsic pitfalls of the industrial Gross Domestic Product-based approach. Both methods were applied to examine future industrial emissions at the planning area of Dalian Municipality, North-west China, under a development scheme provided by the urban master plan. The results suggested that the LEPI method is highly reliable and applicable for the estimation and explanation of the spatial variation associated with industrial emissions.  相似文献   

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