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Rana Md. Masud Sulaiman Norela Sivertsen Bjarne Khan Md Firoz Nasreen Sabera 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2016,23(17):17393-17403
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Dhaka and its neighboring areas suffer from severe air pollution, especially during dry season (November–April). We investigated temporal and... 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2001,35(32):5537-5551
In June 1996–June 1997 Berner impactors were used in the Helsinki area to measure size distributions of atmospheric aerosols simultaneously at an urban and at a rural site. Ten sample pairs were collected in the size range of 0.03–15.7 μm of equivalent aerodynamic diameter (EAD). Average size distributions at the two sites were calculated for 29 elements, particulate mass, and sulphate. At both sites especially sulphate, As, B, Bi, Cd, Ni, Tl, and V were enriched in fine particles (EAD<2.3 μm). In order to estimate local fine-particle sources of the various chemical components, the similarities and dissimilarities in the accumulation-mode parameters were studied separately for both sites. It was observed that often in different samples, different components had similar accumulation modes. At both sites, particulate mass, As, and Pb had similar accumulation modes to sulphate which suggests that long-range transport (LRT) is important for these components. V, Ni, Mo, and Co formed another group of similar accumulation modes at both sites suggesting that these elements largely originated from local and regional oil combustion. In addition, other groups of similar accumulation modes were observed but these groups were different between the sites. The meteorological parameters indicated that seven sample pairs formed a subset of the data in which the local emissions of the Helsinki area were transported to the urban site but not to the rural site. For this subset the rural fine-particle concentrations were considered to represent an upper limit estimate for the LRT. These upper limit LRT estimations were further improved by utilising the quantitative relative size distributions (QRSD) method at the rural site. The QRSD method supposes that in the fine-particle size range the LRT fractions of all chemical components have a similar shape in their size distributions. Fine-particle sulphate is typically long-range transported, and was therefore selected as the model component that represents the shape of LRT material. Sulphate size distribution was then scaled to give an estimation of the LRT contribution of each component at the rural site. These rural “sulphate scaled” LRT estimates were subtracted from the corresponding urban concentrations to give the local contributions (ng/m3) downwind of the Helsinki area. In particles with EAD below 2.3 μm, the highest absolute and relative downwind local contributions were observed for several common sea-salt and road-dust components. Also the combustion-related elements Ni and V showed fairly high downwind local contributions. Because of the limited number of samples, the local and LRT contributions were not estimated for different wind directions. 相似文献
Bilkis A. Begum 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(9):1046-1057
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) samples were simultaneously collected on Teflon and quartz filters between February 2010 and February 2011 at an urban monitoring site (CAMS2) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The samples were collected using AirMetrics MiniVol samplers. The samples on Teflon filters were analyzed for their elemental composition by PIXE and PESA. Particulate carbon on quartz filters was analyzed using the IMPROVE thermal optical reflectance (TOR) method that divides carbon into four organic carbons (OC), pyrolized organic carbon (OP), and three elemental carbon (EC) fractions. The data were analyzed by positive matrix factorization using the PMF2 program. Initially, only total OC and total EC were included in the analysis and five sources, including road dust, sea salt and Zn, soil dust, motor vehicles, and brick kilns, were obtained. In the second analysis, the eight carbon fractions (OC1, OC2, OC3, OC4, OP, EC1, EC2, EC3) were included in order to ascertain whether additional source information could be extracted from the data. In this case, it is possible to identify more sources than with only total OC and EC. The motor vehicle source was separated into gasoline and diesel emissions and a fugitive Pb source was identified. Brick kilns contribute 7.9 μg/m3 and 6.0 μg/m3 of OC and EC, respectively, to the fine particulate matter based on the two results. From the estimated mass extinction coefficients and the apportioned source contributions, soil dust, brick kiln, diesel, gasoline, and the Pb sources were found to contribute most strongly to visibility degradation, particularly in the winter.
Implications: Fine particle concentrations in Dhaka, Bangladesh, are very high and cause significant degradation of urban visibility. This work shows that using carbon fraction data from the IMPROVE OC/EC protocol provides improved source apportionment. Soil dust, brick kiln, diesel, gasoline, and the Pb sources contribute strongly to haze, particularly in the winter. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment(England)》1987,21(9):1877-1889
A statistical analysis is presented of atmospheric aerosol element composition data collected at five monitoring stations in Copenhagen in 1983. The objective is to identify sources of air pollution, to estimate the variation of total suspended particles (TSP) for the different sources and to calculate the annual average source contribution to TSP. The basis for analysis is the chemical mass balance equations. Factor analysis methods are used to identify major sources of pollution and the contribution from each of the sources to the variation in TSP is estimated by an additional multiple regression. Finally, the influence of serial correlations between daily element contributions is discussed and it is stressed that the result of the analysis is not seriously affected by these correlations. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment(England)》1986,20(6):1291-1300
This paper presents a study or the elemental characterization of the Atlanta area aerosol at one rural and several urban sites. It includes a determination of the concentrations of major elemental components of the aerosol and a statistical analysis of the relationships between these components as a means of investigating possible sources. This research has emphasized the study of the graphitic carbon, Ce, and elemental sulfur, S, components of the aerosol (these two components are important in visibility reduction studies). The measurements show that Ce and S represent, respectively 3.1–9.9% and 1.9–4.4% of the total suspended paniculate, TSP, mass. The concentrations of Ce, S and TSP exhibit strong seasonal variations with Ce decreasing from winter to summer and S and TSP increasing over this period. All elemental components exhibit less concentration at the rural site than at the urban sites. Analysis results show that Ce appears to be statistically separate from S, which is assumed to be present as sulfate, indicating that the sources for Ce and particulate sulfate are distinct. S and TSP, however, appear to be linked through common regional scale meteorological processes. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2001,35(4):693-702
Measurements on size distribution of atmospheric aerosol were made at Dayalbagh, Agra during July to September 1998. A 4-stage cascade particle sampler (CPS - 105) which fractionates particles in sizes ranging between 0.7 and >10.9 μm, was used. Samples were collected on Whatman 41 filters. The filters were analyzed for the major water-soluble ions. The anions (F, Cl, NO3 and SO4) were analyzed by Dionex DX-500 ion chromatograph while atomic absorption and colorimetric techniques were used for the analysis of cations (Na, K, Ca and Mg) and NH4, respectively. The average mass of aerosol was found to be 131.6 μg m−3 and aerosol composition was found to be influenced by terrigeneous sources. The mass size distribution of total aerosol and the ions NH4, Cl, NO3, K, Ca, Mg, SO4 and Na was bimodal while that of F was unimodal. SO4, F, K and NH4 dominated in the fine mode while Ca, Mg, Cl and NO3 were in abundance in coarse fraction. Na was found in both coarse as well as fine mode. Coarse mode SO4 and NO3 have been ascribed to contribution from re-suspension of soil and formation by heterogeneous oxidation on soil derived particles. Preponderance of K in fine mode is attributed to emissions from vegetation and from burning of plant materials. Ca, Mg, Cl and NO3 are largely soil derived and hence dominate in coarse fraction. Equivalent ratios of NH4/(SO4+NO3) were calculated for both fine and coarse aerosols. The coarse mode ratio varied between 0.7 and 1.4 while in fine mode it ranged between 1.4 and 1.9. It shows that aerosol is basic, the basicity of coarse mode is due to higher concentration of soil-derived alkaline components while the basicity in fine mode is due to neutralization of acidity by NH3. 相似文献
Oscar Pindado Rosa Ma Pérez Susana García Miguel Sánchez Pilar Galán Marta Fernández 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2009,43(17):2796-2803
The results from a year-long study of the organic composition of PM2.5 aerosol collected in a rural area influenced by a highway of Spain are reported. The lack of prior information related to the organic composition of PM2.5 aerosol in Spain, concretely in rural areas, led definition of the goals of this study. As a result, this work has been able to characterize the main organic components of atmospheric aerosols, including several compounds of SOA, and has conducted a multivariate analysis in order to assign sources of particulate matter. A total of 89 samples were taken between April 2004 and April 2005 using a high-volume sampler. Features and abundance of n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alcohols and acids were separately determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography analysis. The Σn-alkane and ΣPAHs ranged from 3 to 81 ng m?3 and 0.1 to 6 ng m?3 respectively, with higher concentrations during colder months. Ambient concentrations of Σalcohols and Σacids ranged from 21 to 184 ng m?3 and 39 to 733 ng m?3, respectively. Also, several components of secondary organic aerosol have been quantified, confirming the biogenic contribution to ambient aerosol. In addition, factor analysis was used to reveal origin of organic compounds associated to particulate matter. Eight factors were extracted accounting more than 83% of the variability in the original data. These factors were assigned to a typical high pollution episode by anthropogenic particles, crustal material, plant waxes, fossil fuel combustion, temperature, microbiological emissions, SOA and dispersion of pollutants by wind action. Finally, a cluster analysis was used to compare the organic composition between the four seasons. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment(England)》1973,7(11):1117-1125
The concentrations of 18 trace elements in atmospheric aerosol are measured by neutron activation and γ-ray spectrometry using Ge(Li)-detectors. Trace element concentrations of different filter materials used for aerosol deposition are determined. The trace element concentrations measured in Heidelberg are reported for the measuring period (April–June, 1971) and the average values are compared to values given in the literature for Paris. East Chicago and Niles (U.S.A.). Considering the concentrations of the different elements in the aerosol relative to the concentration of sodium, three groups of elements are of interest which are related to the ocean (Na and Cl), the earth crust (La, Fe, Sc, Mn, Cr, Ce, Sm), and to anthropogenous production (Cd, Ag, Sn. Sb, Hg, Co, Br) as the main sources. 相似文献
César Oliveira Casimiro Pio Alexandre Caseiro Patrícia Santos Teresa Nunes Hongjun Mao Lakhumal Luahana Ranjeet Sokhi 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2010,44(26):3147-3158
At urban areas in south Europe atmospheric aerosol levels are frequently above legislation limits as a result of road traffic and favourable climatic conditions for photochemical formation and dust suspension. Strategies for urban particulate pollution control have to take into account specific regional characteristics and need correct information concerning the sources of the aerosol.With these objectives, the ionic and elemental composition of the fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) aerosol was measured at two contrasting sites in the centre of the city of Oporto, roadside (R) and urban background (UB), during two campaigns, in winter and summer.Application of Spatial Variability Factors, in association with Principal Component/Multilinear Regression/Inter-site Mass Balance Analysis, to aerosol data permitted to identify and quantify 5 main groups of sources, namely direct car emissions, industry, photochemical production, dust suspension and sea salt transport. Traffic strongly influenced PM mass and composition. Direct car emissions and road dust resuspension contributed with 44–66% to the fine aerosol and with 12 to 55% to the coarse particles mass at both sites, showing typically highest loads at roadside. In fine particles secondary origin was also quite important in aerosol loading, principally during summer, with 28–48% mass contribution, at R and UB sites respectively. Sea spray has an important contribution of 18–28% to coarse aerosol mass in the studied area, with a highest relative contribution at UB site.Application of Spatial Variability/Mass Balance Analysis permitted the estimation of traffic contribution to soil dust in both size ranges, across sites and seasons, demonstrating that as much as 80% of present dust can result from road traffic resuspension. 相似文献
福州市东郊大气气溶胶物理特性及其来源分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用GRIMM180环境颗粒物监测仪观测了2012年12月至2013年11月福州市东郊气溶胶数浓度和质量浓度,分析了该地区气溶胶粒子的主要物理特征。结果表明,福州市东郊气溶胶数浓度和质量浓度都有着明显的季节变化特征,冬季最高,夏季最低;与京津冀、长三角和西部大城市相比,福州市东郊气溶胶质量浓度较低,空气质量较好。从PM_(2.5)在PM10中所占比例来看,PM_(2.5)是影响福州市东郊空气质量最主要的因子。在冬季气溶胶数浓度日变化基本呈双峰分布,早晨和傍晚分别出现峰值;夏季呈单峰分布,峰值出现在午后。利用后向轨迹HYSPLIT-4模式,经过聚类分析得到,在春季、秋季和冬季福州市气团输送来源主要是北方内陆和福州本地及邻近地区;而在夏季海洋是气团的主要输送来源。 相似文献
Begum BA Biswas SK Hopke PK 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2006,56(1):85-89
Vehicular air pollution is common in growing metropolitan areas throughout the world. Vehicular emissions of fine particles are particularly harmful because they occur near ground level, close to where people live and work. Two-stroke engines represented an important contribution to the motor vehicle emissions where they constitute approximately half of the total vehicle fleet in Dhaka city. Two-stroke engines have lower fuel efficiency than four-stroke engines, and they emit as much of an order of magnitude and more particulate matter (PM) than four-stroke engines of similar size. To eliminate their impact on air quality, the government of Bangladesh promulgated an order banning all two-stroke engines from the roads in Dhaka starting on December 31, 2002. The effect of the banning of two-stroke engines on airborne PM was studied at the Farm Gate air quality-monitoring station in Dhaka (capital of Bangladesh), a hot spot with very high-pollutant concentrations because of its proximity to major roadways. The samples were collected using a "Gent" stacked filter unit in two fractions of 0-2.2 microm and 2.2-10 microm sizes. Samples of fine and coarse fractions of airborne PM collected from 2000 to 2004 were studied. It has been found that the fine PM and black carbon concentrations decreased from the previous years because of the banning of two-stroke engine baby taxies. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment(England)》1975,9(3):333-338
An approximate solution of the steady state two-dimensional diffusion equation, obtained by an integral method, is presented. The solution can be used to predict dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere over an area-source such as an urban area. The method is applied to the calculation of sulfur dioxide concentration distribution over a 2-h period in Nashville, Tennessee. Calculated values are found to agree well with observations in terms of both the correlation coefficient and the magnitude of relative error. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2005,39(34):6271-6281
For the determination of effects of contaminated crude soil on the content of trace elements in the atmospheric aerosol, trace elements in crude soil samples from within the area of influence of local resuspension were analysed. The obtained results were used for determining the contribution of local resuspension on contents of trace elements in the atmospheric aerosol using the enrichment factors (EF) method. The content of trace elements in a crude soil could arise from the geochemical background of the soil or from anthropogenic contributions. Analysis of the quantile showed that Cd, Se and Ni originate from local emission sources. PCA showed that four groups of sources contributed to the content of trace elements in PM in part of the receptor. Using EF, it was ascertained that local resuspension of crude soil particles had a dominant influence on the content of Fe, Mn and Ti in the atmospheric aerosol, and that local resuspension had no influence on the content of Se in the atmospheric aerosol. Dust originating from deserts of North Africa and Middle East, through long-range transport and through resuspension of settled dust particles, significantly contributes to the content of Fe, Mn and Ti in the atmospheric aerosol. Cd originated from contaminated crude soil. The other investigated elements originated partly from crude soil but also from some other emission sources in the region. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment(England)》1988,22(12):2863-2869
The average hourly variation of particle concentration and its charged fraction has been determined in the city of Oviedo (Spain). The population density in the central zone of Oviedo, a city of 180,000 inhabitants, is one of the highest in Europe. The city is not very industrialized.The average particle size distribution in winter and summer has been studied resulting in unimodal spectra, which are fitted to a log-normal distribution.It has been demonstrated that the average distributions in the city of Oviedo are a direct consequence of two primary sources, traffic and heating systems. 相似文献
《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2004,38(1):135-146
In the modern times, due to high rise multistoried buildings, especially in metropolitan cities, the habitable heights have changed from the ground floor level to higher levels. Present study is focused at generating a vertical profile of aerosols and the elemental concentrations in an un-inhabited environment in the envelope of a high rise building in a relatively clean environment of Mumbai. This can serve as a base line information to study the vertical profile in polluted areas like city centres and street canyons. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) at different floors and particle size distribution of aerosols at 12th floor (top floor) have been estimated. Thirteen trace metals, namely Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn were estimated in the SPM and in size separated aerosols, monitored over a period of 2 months. An attempt is also made to identify the sources of SPM at different heights using correlation matrix and factor analysis. The study indicates insignificant differences in the concentration levels of SPM and trace metals at different heights, when compared to the first floor level in the height range of 4.5–37.5 m. Of the 13 measured elements at the first floor level, Na (64.4%) and Ca (13.9%) constituted the dominant fractions followed by Fe (8.3%), Mg (5.7%), K (3.1%), Al (2.3%), Zn (1.3%) and Pb (0.5%). A similar distribution was also found for the 12th floor level (top floor). Factor analysis carried out using the measured elements, identified soil and sea salt spray as the main sources for the SPM at all the floors monitored. 相似文献
Biswas SK Tarafdar SA Islam A Khaliquzzaman M Tervahattu H Kupiainen K 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2003,53(11):1355-1362
Airborne particulate matter (APM) samples collected at a semiresidential area in Dhaka, Bangladesh, during the periods of 1994 and 1997-2000 have been studied to assess the impact of the use of unleaded gasoline in Bangladesh. According to scanning electron microscopy/ energy-dispersive X-ray microanalyzer studies, lead (Pb) was found as Pb sulfates and Pb halides in motor-vehicle exhaust particles, whose diameters were some hundreds of nanometers. No significant changes in the annual averages of APM mass and black carbon concentrations have been observed over the period. The yearly average Pb concentration reached a maximum value of 370 ng/m3 in the particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm fraction in 1998. In 2000, the concentration decreased to approximately one-third (106 ng/m3) of the high earlier values after the introduction of unleaded gasoline in 1999. A significant lowering of the blood Pb level of the population over next few years is expected as a result of this great decrease in Pb concentration. 相似文献
Md Mostafijur Rahman Shakil Mahamud George D. Thurston 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2019,69(4):478-501
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is among the most polluted cities in the world. This research evaluates seasonal patterns, day-of-week patterns, spatial gradients, and trends in PM2.5 (<2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter), PM10 (<10 µm in aerodynamic diameter), and gaseous pollutants concentrations (SO2, NO2, CO, and O3) monitored in Dhaka from 2013 to 2017. It expands on past work by considering multiple monitoring sites and air pollutants. Except for ozone, the average concentrations of these pollutants showed strong seasonal variation, with maximum during winter and minimum during monsoon, with the pollution concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 being roughly five- to sixfold higher during winter versus monsoon. Our comparisons of the pollutant concentrations with Bangladesh NAAQS and U.S. NAAQS limits analysis indicate particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) as the air pollutants of greatest concern, as they frequently exceeded the Bangladesh NAAQS and U.S. NAAQS, especially during nonmonsoon time. In contrast, gaseous pollutants reported far fewer exceedances throughout the study period. During the study period, the highest number of exceedances of NAAQS limits in Dhaka City (Darus-Salam site) were found for PM2.5 (72% of total study days), followed by PM10 (40% of total study days), O3 (1.7% of total study days), SO2 (0.38% of total study days), and CO (0.25% of total study days). The trend analyses results showed statistically significant positive slopes over time for SO2 (5.6 ppb yr?1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.7, 10.5) and CO (0.32 ppm yr?1, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.56), which suggest increase in brick kilns operation and high-sulfur diesel use. Though statistically nonsignificant annual decreasing slopes for PM2.5 (?4.6 µg/m3 yr?1, 95% CI: ?12.7, 3.6) and PM10 (?2.7 µg/m3 yr?1, 95% CI: ?7.9, 2.5) were observed during this study period, the PM2.5 concentration is still too high (~ 82.0 µg/m3) and can cause severe impact on human health.
Implications: This study revealed key insights into air quality challenges across Dhaka, Bangladesh, indicating particulate matter (PM) as Dhaka’s most serious air pollutant threat to human health. The results of these analyses indicate that there is a need for immediate further investigations, and action based on those investigations, including the conduct local epidemiological PM exposure-human health effects studies for this city, in order to determine the most public health effective interventions. 相似文献
Xu L Chen X Chen J Zhang F He C Du K Wang Y 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2012,19(5):1443-1453
PM10 aerosol samples were simultaneously collected at two urban and one urban background sites in Fuzhou city during two sampling campaigns in summer and winter. PM10 mass concentrations and chemical compositions were determined.Methods
Water-soluble inorganic ions (Cl?, NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? , NH 4 + , K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), carbonaceous species (elemental carbon and organic carbon), and elements (Al, Si, Mg, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, and Pb) were detected using ion chromatography, thermal/optical reflectance, and proton-induced X-ray emission methods, respectively.Results
PM10 mass concentrations, as well as most of the chemical components, were significantly increased from urban background to urban sites, which were due to enhanced anthropogenic activities in urban areas. Elements, carbonaceous species, and most of the ions were more uniformly distributed at different types of sites in winter, whereas secondary ion SO 4 2? , NO 3 ? , and NH 4 + showed more evident urban-background contrast in this season. The chemical mass closure indicated that mineral dust, organic matters, and sulfate were the most abundant components in PM10. The sum of individually measured components accounted for 86.9?C97.7% of the total measured PM10 concentration, and the discrepancy was larger in urban area than in urban background area.Conclusion
According to the principal component analysis?Cmultivariate linear regression model, mineral dust, secondary inorganic ions, sea salt, and motor vehicle were mainly responsible for the PM10 particles in Fuzhou atmosphere, and contributed 19.9%, 53.3%, 21.3%, and 5.5% of PM10, respectively. 相似文献20.
Haque Md. Morshedul Hossain Nur Jolly Yeasmin N. Tareq Shafi M. 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2021,28(37):51329-51341
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Chicken is one of the major protein sources and more affordable for the population of Bangladesh. Its quality monitoring is of high priority for food... 相似文献