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国家劳动总局已于今年一月一日正式设立矿山安全监察局,并开始办公。 矿山安全监察局在国家劳动总局领导下,代表政府对矿山安全卫生工作执行国家监督,保护矿山职工在生产中的安全健康。其主要任务是:督促并配合有关部门贯彻执行党和国家的安全生产方针、政策、法令;组织起草、审查有关矿山的安全卫生法规;参与对重点矿山的设计审查和竣工验收,参加对有关矿山安全卫生新产品、新技术、科研成果的鉴定;总结推广矿山安全监察和矿山安全技术方面的工作经验;统计分析矿山职工伤亡事故;与忽视安全生产、不关心矿山职工安全健康的现象作斗争,对矿山…  相似文献   

劳动部印发《矿山安全卫生检测检验机构资格认证管理办法》本刊讯1997年10月30日,劳动部印发《矿山安全卫生检测检验机构资格认证管理办法》,要求各地、各部门认真执行。为规范矿山安全卫生检测检验机构的建设和管理,加强对矿山作业场所和危险性较大的在用设备...  相似文献   

韩俊  晁岳云 《劳动保护》1993,(11):43-45
以劳动部矿山局韩俊为团长,来自十个省市劳动局矿山安全卫生监察和检测检验工作的一行15人,1993年9月3日至25日,就有关矿山粉尘危害治理措施这一专题接受了全美矿山安全卫生学院的培训。在此期间,我们对美国的矿山安全卫生监察进行了简要调查,作此掠影式浅文,供同行参考。 美国联邦矿山安全卫生监察体制 一、因事而立法 1910年以前,美国矿山工业安全问题突出,每年事故死亡达2000多人。主要原因是工人素质较低,技术和设备落后,法律不健全。1910年,国家和各州开始考虑矿山安全卫生的立法问题,颁布了矿务局法。该法规定了矿山生产管理等内容和…  相似文献   

赴澳考察矿山的见闻与体会田宝余今年5月3日至18日.中国劳动保护学会矿山安全卫生专业委员会专家代表团应邀对澳大利亚矿山安全情况进行了考察,现将主要情况提供给读者,以供参考。-、两座矿山的安全管理经验1.安哥斯煤矿安哥斯煤矿位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州(N...  相似文献   

1996年矿山安全卫生监察工作要点(劳动部矿山安全卫生监察局)1996年矿山安全卫生监察工作以贯彻《矿山安全法》为中心,继续完善有关配套法规和标准,加快矿山安全卫生监察工作的规范化,制度化建设,突出预防性监察,狠抓执法,促进矿山安全状况的改善。一、深...  相似文献   

浅谈英国职业安全健康细节管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学习先进的市场经济国家职业安全卫生管理经验和方法,可以有效促进我国职业安全健康管理水平的提高。本文介绍了英国职业安全健康管理在法律法规、过程管理、现场管理、职业卫生等方面的细节表现,揭示出先进安全管理国家严谨细致的一面,为我国安全生产工作如何做好细节管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

矿山安全卫生检测检验机构资格认证管理办法劳动部发[1997]317号第一章总则第一条为规范矿山安全卫生检测检验机构(以下简称检测机构)认证工作,保证检测检验质量,依据《中华人民共和国矿山安全法》和《中华人民共和国矿山安全法实施条例》的有关规定,制定本...  相似文献   

1995年矿山安全卫生监察工作要点(劳动部矿山安全卫生监察局)1995年矿山安全卫生监察工作以贯彻《矿山安全法》为中心,继续抓紧完善配套法规,加大执法力度,全面履行矿山安全卫生监察职责,引导和督促企业建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的安全生产自我约束...  相似文献   

美国是世界上主要产煤国之一,其煤矿安全卫生状况也是世界上最好的国家之一。下面对美国矿山安全卫生监察立法和矿山安全卫生监察机构情况进行介绍。1 美国矿山安全卫生立法过程1891年,美国国会通过了第一部管理矿山安全的联邦法规,这标志着美国开始用联邦法规对采矿业进行约束。当时的法规条文对安全的要求比较简单,只制定了井工开采的矿井最低通风量标准和禁止一切矿山经营者雇佣12岁以下的童工。1910年,在20世纪最初的10年,由于美国每年平均煤矿死亡人数超过2 000人,国会批准建立了矿业局,隶属内务部管理。矿业局负责实施采矿业…  相似文献   

一九九六年矿山安全卫生监察工作要点(劳动部矿山安全卫生监察局)1997年矿山安全卫生监察工作要以继续贯彻《矿山安全法》为中心,以学习、实施国务院批准的《矿山安全法实施条例》为重点,加强监察机构,队伍建设,全面履行矿山安全卫生监察职责,强化执法监督工作...  相似文献   

In order to enhance Chinese workers’ occupational safety awareness, it is essential to learn from developed countries’ experiences. This article investigates thoroughly occupational safety and health (OSH) in China and the UK; moreover, the article performs a comparison of Chinese and British OSH training-related laws, regulations and education system. The following conclusions are drawn: China’s work safety continues to improve, but there is still a large gap compared with the UK. In China a relatively complete vocational education and training (VET) system has been established. However, there exist some defects in OSH. In the UK, the employer will not only pay attention to employees’ physiological health, but also to their mental health. The UK’s VET is characterized by classification and grading management, which helps integrate OSH into the whole education system. China can learn from the UK in the development of policies, VET and OSH training.  相似文献   

Problem: In response to the demands of competitiveness, there has been a proliferation of management delayering in order to move responsibility to those people carrying out the operations and to focus on working as a team. Teams can be managed in different ways: using supervisors, team leaders, or self-managed. The management of health and safety and other business risks is dependent on the way in which the team is managed. Method: This study has assessed, through the use of semistructured interviews, how UK manufacturing companies have addressed a range of health and safety management issues (i.e., the setting, communication, and measurement of company objectives, employee participation and empowerment, and risk assessment) in relation to different styles of group working (i.e., supervised groups, groups with team leaders, and self-managed groups). Discussion: Although the differences are not always significant, it is noticeable that within organizations using supervised work environments, there is a lack of communication of specific health and safety information, little involvement and participation in safety activities, and a greater reliance on the safety function. However, in organizations using team leaders and self-managed groups, there is evidence of greater management involvement, more open communication, and greater employee involvement in health and safety, although empowerment in its true sense was still limited in these organizations. Impact on industry: The results obtained illustrate the impact of different working groups on the management of health and safety in the UK manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2004,42(9):825-839
The current study is concerned with the evaluation of a process of behavioural safety within the nuclear industry. The focus of the investigation is on personal inputs to, and experiences of a behavioural safety process (BSP), over a 4-year period, rather than organisational safety performance per se. Its purpose is to describe how employees within participating UK reactor plants regard behavioural approaches to safety management. In particular, the study addresses the perceived strengths and weaknesses of behavioural approaches to safety management and identifies both current and future potential for individual and organisational learning.Personnel from three representative UK reactor sites and other key stakeholders participated in the investigation. Several methods were utilised to gather data in relation to the study objectives, including semi-structured interviews, plant observations and questionnaires. Findings indicate a positive commitment to behavioural safety at all levels within the study organisation. Interviewees articulated a number of specific examples of individual learning and possibilities for learning enhancement. Results from the questionnaire study indicate that the BSP is embedded at all levels and within all representative sites participating in the current study. However, the issue of sustainability has been identified as a potential problem at one of the participating sites. The investigation findings are discussed in relation to existing theoretical frameworks of behavioural change.  相似文献   

安全工程专业学历教育方案的中西对比研究   总被引:8,自引:12,他引:8  
根据学科研究对象的异同 ,对中外不同名称的安全科学技术学科领域间对应关系的分析表明 ,我国的安全科学技术学科与美国、英国等西方国家称为公共健康的学科 ,我国的安全工程与西方国家的职业安全健康学科分别在宽泛和具体的意义上基本对应 ,相应的学历教育方案具有可比性。以此为据 ,运用案例比较研究了安全工程与职业安全健康学科专业学历教育方案中课程设置的多方面差别 ,分析了通过改善学历教育方案、加强职业安全培训途径来提高我国安全管理水平的努力方向。  相似文献   

职业健康安全管理体系是当今先进的安全管理方法.文章根据化工企业的实际特点,分析了化工企业建立和实施职业安全健康管理体系的必要性和注意事项,讨论了化工企业建立职业安全健康体系的方法.  相似文献   

我国与欧洲钢铁企业安全管理的差异与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国和欧洲大型钢铁企业安全管理现状进行了分析,较全面地考察和讨论了欧洲大型钢铁企业先进的安全管理经验和安全理念,包括:企业的安全管理机构和管理模式、精干有效的安全管理人员配置、先进的安全管理理念和方法、安全指标与绩效、欧洲的行业安全管理等。在此基础上,从管理理念、发展科学技术、宣传教育、管理人员、责任和考核、消防和急救资源、外协管理、安全信息化等方面,提出提升我国企业安全管理水平的对策。  相似文献   

石化工程建设项目安全管理的内部控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
健康、安全与环境管理体系简称为HSE管理体系,它集各国同行管理经验之大成,体现当今石油天然气企业在大城市环境下的规范运作,突出了预防为主、领导承诺、全员参与、持续改进的科学管理思想,是石油天然气工业实现现代管理,走向国际大市场的准行证。健康、安全与环境管理体系的形成和发展市石油勘探开发多年管理工作经验积累的成果,它体现了完整的一体化管理思想。本文按照项目建设的生命周期特性,探索性的把内部控制理论引入项目安全管理中来,阐明了项目安全管理内部控制理论的概念和功能,并详细介绍了惠州炼油项目、内部控制理论的具体实现及措施,成功运用在惠州炼油项目中,取得了优异的控制结果。  相似文献   

Certified management systems have increasingly been applied by firms in recent decades and now cover the management of health and safety, principally through the OHSAS 18001 standard. In order to become certified, firms must not only observe the relevant legislation, but also improve performance and raise goals within health and safety on a continuous basis. The article examines how certified occupational and health management systems influence this process to evaluate how far they hinder or support learning. It presents a model with which it is possible to identify and analyse improvement processes. The model is applied to five cases from a qualitative study of Danish manufacturers with certified health and safety management systems. The cases illustrate the wide variation in health and safety management among certified firms.Certification is found to support lower levels of continuous improvement performance in handling health and safety issues. However, more advanced improvement practices are shown to be connected to the integration of health and safety in other managerial areas, as well as to the employment of similar advanced improvement processes within firms. The article argues that certified health and safety management does not obstruct learning, and can support advanced learning. Improvement practices with regard to health and safety are mainly dependent upon the firm’s overall organisational processes and do not automatically arise from the standard alone.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo better understand the information that is used in business cases for employee health activities.MethodsInterviews with 18 occupational health and safety professionals at major organisations in the UK were conducted to explore attitudes, motivations, behaviours and information needs about employee health investment.ResultsThe occupational health and safety professionals interviewed for this study have described how employee health issues are discussed in their organisations. Ethical arguments about it being the ‘right thing to do’ are common and are believed to have impact. Unsurprisingly legal compliance is stated to be the driver of most employee health activity. Higher-level activities and resource do require a business case. It is suggested that currently business cases for employee health are often not overly empirical, with more intuitive arguments appealing to people management issues, notions of corporate reputation and alignment with business objectives. Data on benchmarking and some kind of return-on-investment assessment are normally required. Data on cost of illness (mostly expressed via sickness absence), direct health expenditure per employee and insurance premiums are also used. These data are mostly captured by existing sources and procedural systems, although sickness absence data especially is often thought to be unreliable. Data on staff retention and productivity were considered relevant but not currently used or analysed by this sample. There was support for the notion that more robust empirical business cases may help overcome some of the barriers that were identified, for example where costs are more quantifiable than benefits.ConclusionsThere is scope to make significant improvements to the business case for employee health investments in UK organisations through better measurement of impact on productivity and reputation risk and greater business-aligned communication by health professionals. More empirical business cases that meet the needs of decision-makers are more likely to attract investment into employee health activities.  相似文献   

分析了我国加入WTO后职业安全管理存在的新情况,认真回顾总结了计划经济体制下的职业安全管理经验,探讨了市场经济体制下的职业安全管理方法,以最大限度地防止或减少各类事故的发生。  相似文献   

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