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乙烯项目是高投入、高风险的项目。由于技术复杂、多专业、多工种深度交叉作业、施工区域作业空间狭小、施工人员众多,建设周期长等特点,加大了乙烯项目施工组织和安全管理的难度。另外,影响工程安全因素众多,人的不安全行为,物的不安全状态,项目实施的每一环节每一过程监管不到位,都会对现场安全直接或间接产生影响。因此,做好乙烯项目的 HSE管理工作就显得尤为重要。围绕"无安全事故,无人员伤亡,无环境污染"的安全管理目标,介绍抚顺石化80万吨/年乙烯装置HSE管理工作。具体包括:构建健全的组织机构;强化施工过程控制;采用科学的HSE管理方法,加强和各方的沟通与协调等,并结合项目实际,不断完善和创新HSE管理方法,确保抚顺石化80万吨/年乙烯项目施工生产顺利进行,实现工程项目安全受控。  相似文献   

我国建筑安全生产管理责任制度的政策评估与完善   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
综合评价了我国现行建筑安全生产管理责任制度实施的效果及其影响,指出造成当前政策争议的根源在于对事故致因的规律理解不够、对建设单位和监理单位的经济及社会属性认识不清,以及对威慑性(而不是服务性)安全管理手段的偏好。建筑安全生产责任的分配应充分考虑事故致因规律及各方控制能力,制度设计应纳入建设单位作为生产者的属性特征,政府管理应注重激励和引导的监管手段。  相似文献   

Gas refineries have been continuously focusing on Health, Safety and Environment programs to improve maintenance activities. Several researches have studied on this area with different analysis methods. This study presents an integrated approach for optimization of factors contributing to the implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in maintenance activities. HSE managers in each sector answered standard questionnaire whit respect to HES. The methodology is based on fuzzy data envelopment analysis (FDEA) and Deming's continuous improvement cycle. Also, this method is used to rank the relevant performance efficiencies in certain and uncertain conditions of each HSE sectors whit considering HSE in maintenance activities. It corresponds and integrates its registered HSE-MS with OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004 to evaluate multiple inputs and outputs of over 36 subsidiary HSE divisions with parallel mission and objectives simultaneously. Also, it determines efficient target indices and could assure continuous improvement in the organization. This is the first study that introduces an integrated approach to improve HSE management programs in a gas refinery by a robust and continuous improvement approach.  相似文献   

中国石油集团公司HSE管理体系运行模式的研究   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
从1991年国际石油工程协会把健康安全与环境(简称HSE)作为一个完整概念提出以来,各国石油公司都进行了积极探索与实践,并逐步发展成国际石油届开展合作业务的基本运行规则.中国石油天然气集团公司结合企业生产实际和传统管理方法,在HSE管理体系探索、实践中,发展了一整套既符合中国石油企业管理实际的情况,又满足与国际接轨要求的HSE运行模式,对企业实施HSE管理体系有很好指导意义.  相似文献   

为实现企业安全管理诊断、得出科学的诊断结论,根据企业安全管理的特点和规律、借鉴企业诊断学的方法,开发企业安全管理诊断技术.企业安全管理诊断技术包括诊断工具、诊断标准、诊断方法和诊断分析方法.诊断标准依据国家法规、标准、安全管理理论、先进的安全管理经验设定.借鉴企业诊断理论,选取文件查阅法、问卷调查法、访谈法、统计法4种...  相似文献   

石油企业HSE管理文化建设实践   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
HSE管理体系在石油企业得到广泛推广和应用,对企业加强安全和环保管理起到了很好的作用。但由于中国石油企业的HSE管理与国外石油企业的发展经历不同,文化建设上必然存在差异。如何实现与国际石油界HSE管理的接轨,建立企业HSE文化,是当前石油企业国际化发展的一个重要课题。本文从石油企业建立HSE管理体系的探索和实践出发,提出了对HSE管理文化建设的思考,对企业加强制度管理、抓住HSE管理体系重点和把握HSE文化建设方向,有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

为了进一步规范HSE日常业务管理,充分发挥HSE管理体系的内在作用,本文运用.NET计算机技术,构建了基于B/S架构的施工企业HSE信息管理Web系统。该系统以HSE管理体系为核心,实现统一HSE业务管理及报表工具、信息共享、HSE资料电子归档、数据统计分析、个人安全档案管理等功能。通过实际运用效果来看,HSE信息管理系统在促进HSE信息管理高效化、提升HSE管理水平等方面发挥了重要作用,最后论述了该系统存在的不足与改进建议,并指出融入PDA、物联网和可视化技术将为系统创造更加广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

Objectives: National fatality rates for commercial tow truck operators exceed those of other first responders who also perform traffic incident management services. The objectives of the current study are to (1) characterize causal factors associated with injuries among commercial tow truck operators engaged in roadside assistance through analysis of coded and free text data obtained from U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigation files, and (2) utilize supplemental data sources to analyze environmental factors for injuries in which commercial tow truck operators were struck by roadway traffic. Methods: Searches of OSHA’s online IMIS database were performed to identify investigations of incidents in which tow truck operators were injured while performing roadside assistance duties. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests were submitted to obtain full investigation files for each case. Coded and narrative text analyses were performed to identify causal themes across the identified cases. Results: One-hundred and six cases of tow truck operators being killed or severely injured were identified in IMIS; 41 FOIA requests for related investigation documents were fulfilled. Two major event type themes were identified which accounted for 9 in 10 of the cases identified. These were (1) ‘struck-by’ incidents, which were primarily injuries resulting from contact with roadway traffic, rolling vehicles and equipment or other non-motorized objects; and (2) ‘caught-in or -between’ incidents, which were primarily injuries resulting from being pinned beneath and between vehicles and being caught in moving parts. Conclusions: The towing industry should provide initial and refresher safety training on vehicle loading and unloading, defensive techniques when exposed to traffic on roadways, and proper wheel chocking and braking procedures. States should include tow trucks as a first responder vehicle type in their “Move Over” laws and implement public awareness campaigns to protect all first responders, including tow truck operators.  相似文献   

Process safety incidents can result in injuries, fatalities, environmental impacts, facility damage, downtime & lost production, as well as impacts on a company's and industry's reputation. This study is focused on an analysis of the most commonly reported contributing factors to process safety incidents in the US chemical manufacturing industry. The database for the study contained 79 incidents from 2010 to 2019, partly investigated by the Chemical Safety Board (CSB). To be included in the study, the CSB archive of incident investigations were parsed to include only incidents which occurred at a company classified as 325 in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), assigned to businesses that participate in chemical manufacturing. For each incident, all of the identified contributing factors were catalogued in the database. From this list of identified contributing factors, it was possible to name the ‘top three’ contributing factors. The top three contributing factors cited for the chemical manufacturing industry were found to be: design; preventive maintenance; and safeguards, controls & layers of protection. The relationship between these top contributing factors and the most common OSHA citations was investigated as well. The investigation and citation history for NAICS 325 companies in the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) citations database was then analysed to assess whether there was any overlap between the top reported contributing factors to process safety events and the top OSHA citations recorded for the industry. A database consisting of the inspection and citation history for the chemical manufacturing industry identified by NAICS code 325 was assembled for inspections occurring between 2010 and 2020 (August). The analysis of the citation history for the chemical manufacturing industry specifically, identified that the list of the top contributing factors to process safety incidents overlapped with the most common OSHA violations. This finding is relevant to industry stakeholders who are considering how to strategically invest resources for achieving maximum benefit – reducing process safety risk and simultaneously improving OSHA citation history.  相似文献   

澳洲能源公司在生产、经营的全过程中非常重视健康、安全及环境(HSE)工作,HSE管理体系得到了广泛的推广和应用。本文介绍了必和必拓、加德士等公司的可持续体系、HSE规划,论述了澳洲能源公司的减碳计划、碳排放公开、节能项目的落实及安全与风险管理等具体措施。分析了HSE管理体系的重要作用以及我国能源企业所面临的问题,包括安全事故多发、环境保护政策的落实不够充分、人员健康意识有待提高等。以中国国家电网公司、中国石油天然气集团公司及中国神华集团有限责任公司为例,分析其HSE体系,并从规范HSE建设、推动HSE可持续发展及责任落实等方面借鉴澳洲先进经验,提出明确我国HSE发展方向、战略,稳固HSE根基,完善我国能源企业HSE政策,保证体制全面、协调运转的具体建议。  相似文献   

Performance evaluation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is the measurement of a company's achievement in HSE management. In order to receive a comprehensive and objective evaluation result, it is necessary to consider all evaluation factors and experts at different levels when HSE performance assessment is conducted. To improve conventional HSE performance evaluation, where weighted average method was used, a Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) method is used in this study by taking experts' weights into account. Further, an HSE operating performance assessment system is designed to simplify manual and complex assessment process and generate charts and analysis reports automatically. Finally, a case of petrochemical enterprise is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the method and system.  相似文献   

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) requires failure rate data for the assessment of COMAH safety reports and in the implementation of its statutory functions relating to land use planning in the vicinity of major hazard sites. Many of the existing failure rates used by HSE were derived over 20 years ago, but have been subject to periodic review to ensure that they remain appropriate for modern planning enquiries or quantified risk assessments. HSE needs to be assured that its sources of data and their application continue to be fit to support its statutory duties.HSE has implemented a programme of work to be carried out by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL). This includes the development and maintenance of a single source of quality assured failure rate data, ideally accessible from the Internet, bringing together and updating existing failure rate data sources and reviewing new sources not previously available to HSE.A review of HSE’s current failure rate values is being carried out and this will be used to generate a single source of publically available failure rate data for use by both HSE and the public. This would help industry and HSE move toward a common position or understanding on failure rates. It would also help ensure that HSE professional advice is defensible and transparent.This paper will detail the progress made to date on the programme of work. It will also discuss the issues that arise as a consequence of changing failure rates and how HSE deals with these issues.  相似文献   

Hydrogen Safety Engineering (HSE) is the application of scientific and engineering principles to the protection of life, property and environment from adverse effects of incidents/accidents involving hydrogen. Validated engineering tools for calculation of flammable envelope size and hydrogen jet flame length are of importance for calculation of safety distances. This paper compares the University of Ulster (UU) methodology for calculation of safety distances based on the similarity law for concentration decay in non-reacting jet, and the approach given in the standard NFPA 55 (NFPA 55, 2010). It is shown that NFPA 55 can overestimate an axial distance to the lower flammability limit up to 160%. Two correlations for hydrogen jet flame length are compared. One approach (Sandia National Laboratories) correlates the dimensionless flame length with the flame Froude number, and another (UU) associates the flame length with a new similarity group, which is a product of mass flow rate and nozzle diameter. Both approaches are compared against 123 experimental data on expanded and underexpanded jet flames. In the typical for hydrogen applications momentum-controlled regime the first approach has scattering of experimental data 50% while the second approach gives only 20% and thus is preferable for the use by hydrogen safety engineers.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: It is estimated that 5 to 10 arc flash explosions occur in electric equipment every day in the United States. In the mining industry the largest single injury category of electrical injuries are caused by non-contact electrical arcs. METHOD: This investigation progressed in two phases: (a) 836 Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) reports of electric arcing incidents that occurred over a period of 11 years were reviewed, and (b) personal interviews were conducted with 32 individuals. A theoretical Safe Job Performance Model guided the study. RESULTS: Behavioral dimensions were identified and included the effect of worker experience, judgment and decision-making ability, behavioral and organizational controls, and safety culture. SUMMARY: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted an investigation of behavioral components associated with arc flash incidents and developed recommendations for interventions based on findings. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This study fills a vacuum in electrical training with a focus on the organizational and behavioral aspects of arc flash incidents. The research is cross-cutting in its scope, in that the results apply not only to mining and construction, but many other industries employing electricians. Although the majority of mine electrical injuries are the results of burns from electrical arcs, few miners are aware that such a hazard exists. A safety training program, which includes a video and an instructor's discussion guide, was developed for electricians based on this study's findings. "Arc Flash Awareness" was released in 2007 (DHHS NIOSH Publication No.2007-116D) and is available through 1-800 CDC INFO. Phone: 1-800 232-4636 or email cdcinfo@cdc.gov. It is also available from MSHA at MSHADistribution@dol.gov or 304-256-3257 (DVD-576). Private industry is producing Portuguese and Spanish language translations.  相似文献   

Analysis of fatalities and injuries involving mining equipment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION: Despite significant reductions, the number of injuries and fatalities in mining remains high. A persistent area of concern continues to be equipment-related incidents. METHOD: Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Current Population Survey (CPS) data were used to examine equipment-related injuries over the period 1995-2004. Incidents were reviewed to determine which types of mining equipment were most often involved and to identify and characterize trends. RESULTS: Non-powered hand tools was the equipment category most often involved with non-fatal injuries while off-road ore haulage was the most common source of fatalities. SUMMARY: Younger employees had an elevated risk of injury while workers >55 years had an elevated risk for fatality. A large majority of incidents involve workers with <5 years experience. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Results should increase hazard awareness and enable mine management to select and prioritize problem areas and safety system weaknesses in both underground and surface mining.  相似文献   

Obtaining knowledge about factors affecting health, safety and environment (HSE) is of major interest to the petroleum industry, but there is currently a severe shortage of relevant studies. The aim of this study was to examine the relative influence of offshore installation (local working environment) and company belonging on employees’ opinions concerning occupational health and safety. We analyzed data from a safety climate survey answered by 4479 Norwegian offshore petroleum employees in 2005 on the dimensions “Safety prioritisation”, “Safety management and involvement”, “Safety versus production”, “Individual motivation”, “System comprehension” and “Competence” using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA), effect size and mixed model. The companies differed significantly for “Safety prioritisation”, “Safety versus production”, “Individual motivation”, “System comprehension” and “Competence”. The local offshore installation explained more of the safety climate than the company they were employed in or worked for did.  相似文献   

HSE管理体系成熟度评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高企业HSE管理体系绩效,考察其接近最佳状态的程度,需要对HSE管理体系成熟度进行评价.通过分析HSE管理体系、安全生产标准化的理论,考察两者的联系和区别;依据ISO14000标准、OHSAS18000标准和企业自身的HSE管理体系,结合安全生产标准化评定标准,提出HSE管理体系运行绩效评价标准;依据企业的HSE目标,考察其HSE管理绩效,提出HSE管理绩效的评价标准.综合考虑HSE管理体系运行绩效和HSE管理绩效,对HSE管理体系成熟度进行评价.研究表明,可以通过HSE管理体系与安全生产标准化的整合,对企业自身的HSE管理体系成熟度进行评价,持续改进HSE管理体系绩效.  相似文献   

企业安全文化与HSE管理体系   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
从建立健康、安全与环境 (HSE)管理体系的基本思路、现状和发展趋势 ,以及中国石油化工集团公司HSE系列标准的内容、指导原则和建立HSE管理体系的理念等方面 ,阐述了HSE管理的建立、推行和发展的过程 ,HSE管理体系的建立和发展是石油石化企业在安全文化建设方面的重要成果。无论是安全管理的理念 ,或是生产经营活动都在不断创新和发展 ,都是培育和塑造中石化集团公司安全文化的具体体现。  相似文献   

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