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The author considers the present greater awareness of the needs of the countryside brought about through public debate of the issues involved. The nature of countryside policies is considered and recent developments described. The paper concludes that much more positive planning is being undertaken to conserve the countryside, whilst allowing rural development to take place.  相似文献   

村级土地利用规划中的土地利用分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为在村级土地利用规划中科学划分土地利用区,有效落实规划任务、实现规划目标,在分析村级土地利用规划特点的基础上,明确土地利用分区的任务与原则,探索建立了由产业功能区与土地用途区构成的两级分区类型体系,提出了公众参与为主、GIS技术为辅的分区方法.两级分区类型体系有利于实现土地组织利用、生产经营管理和土地利用管理的一体化.同时,在土地利用分区中贯穿公众参与式方法,有利于构建村内民主管理和业主参与土地利用管理的体制.  相似文献   

Conservation planning aims to protect biodiversity by sustainng the natural physical, chemical, and biological processes within representative ecosystems. Often data to measure these components are inadequate or unavailable. The impact of human activities on ecosystem processes complicates integrity assessments and might alter ecosystem organization at multiple spatial scales. Freshwater conservation targets, such as populations and communities, are influenced by both intrinsic aquatic properties and the surrounding landscape, and locally collected data might not accurately reflect potential impacts. We suggest that changes in five major biotic drivers—energy sources, physical habitat, flow regime, water quality, and biotic interactions—might be used as surrogates to inform conservation planners of the ecological integrity of freshwater ecosystems. Threats to freshwater systems might be evaluated based on their impact to these drivers to provide an overview of potential risk to conservation targets. We developed a risk-based protocol, the Ecological Risk Index (ERI), to identify watersheds with least/most risk to conservation targets. Our protocol combines risk-based components, specifically the frequency and severity of human-induced stressors, with biotic drivers and mappable land- and water-use data to provide a summary of relative risk to watersheds. We illustrate application of our protocol with a case study of the upper Tennessee River basin, USA. Differences in risk patterns among the major drainages in the basin reflect dominant land uses, such as mining and agriculture. A principal components analysis showed that localized, moderately severe threats accounted for most of the threat composition differences among our watersheds. We also found that the relative importance of threats is sensitive to the spatial grain of the analysis. Our case study demonstrates that the ERI is useful for evaluating the frequency and severity of ecosystemwide risk, which can inform local and regional conservation planning.  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学合理的土地利用总体规划环境影响评价指标体系既可提高规划的科学性,又可为新一轮规划的修编提供科学依据。运用系统分析法、归纳演绎法、专家咨询法等方法研究建立土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价指标体系,初步将其构建为目标层、准则层和指标层3个层次,包括社会指标、环境指标及资源指标。  相似文献   

The recent central government paper on regional industrial development heralds a reduced role for regional policy, in contrast with the Regional Studies Association inquiry into regional problems in the U.K. A brief exploration of the central government views leads to the paper concluding with a call for an increase in regional planning and for regional planning authorities.  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem services is entering the agenda of land-use planning and scientists optimistically expect it to inform planners and decision-makers about the benefits that ecosystems provide. While tools and methods have been developed for mapping and valuing ecosystem services, only little attention has been paid to the practical application of the approach or its institutional preconditions and implications. We empirically analysed two urban planning processes for building residential areas in the outskirts of growing population centres in Finland. Our analysis of documents and interviews with planners focused on the benefits provided by ecosystems as well as the associated rights and responsibilities. We found that the concept ‘ecosystem service’ was not used, yet various benefits were identified. The rights of different stakeholders to ecosystem services were not explicitly identified, but many ecosystem services were perceived as public goods and particularly access to recreation was highlighted as an important justification for green areas. The results show that while the ecosystem services approach introduces new insights to land-use planning, it is still not embedded in the current practices or institutions. Operationalizing ecosystem services requires institutional adaptation, case-specific tailoring of methods, and deliberation among practitioners and stakeholders.  相似文献   

本文运用区域规划的基本原则,分析了当前区域规划工作的状况和特点,指出了规划工作和宏观调控的现实意义,并提出了加强规划工作的建议.  相似文献   

The British Government is proposing a new system of single‐tier development plans for England and Wales, with clear implications for the strategic level of planning. This paper considers a proposal by the Committee of Inquiry into Town and Country Planning set up by the Nuffield Foundation, for a revised strategic planning network which includes a ‘local strategy’. The paper considers the lessons to be drawn from the use of regional reports in Scotland since the early 1970s and concludes on a note of caution for the Government's proposals.  相似文献   

/ Regional resource use planning relies on key regional stakeholder groups using and having equitable access to appropriate social, economic, and environmental information and assessment tools. Decision support systems (DSS) can improve stakeholder access to such information and analysis tools. Regional resource use planning, however, is a complex process involving multiple issues, multiple assessment criteria, multiple stakeholders, and multiple values. There is a need for an approach to DSS development that can assist in understanding and modeling complex problem situations in regional resource use so that areas where DSSs could provide effective support can be identified, and the user requirements can be well established. This paper presents an approach based on the soft systems methodology for identifying DSS opportunities for regional resource use planning, taking the Central Highlands Region of Queensland, Australia, as a case study.  相似文献   

Two kinds of regional disparities can be distinguished in Belgium. First there is the internationally well‐known dispute between Flanders and Wallonia. Secondly, there are large disparities within the regions. Three policy levels deal with these disparities: the (Flemish) regional level, the national government level and the EEC level. The purpose of this paper is to sketch the regional problems in Belgium, to analyse the policies that deal with them, to consider the co‐ordination problems between them and to shed some light on the public choice aspects of government interventions. It is concluded that regional policy in Belgium is a highly politicised affair. Furthermore public attention paid to regional policies has outgrown the importance of our regional disparities. Even other forms of micro‐economic policy are jeopardised by regional disparities and the resulting pressure.  相似文献   

可持续发展与区域环境规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可持续发展理论对区域环境规划提出了新的要求。本文介绍了可持续发展与传统发展模式的不同之处,并对如何将可持续发展理念融入到区域环境规划的各个阶段中,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

中国80年代的国土规划实际上是50年代区域规划的继续和发展.在四川省编制各种不同的国土规划已近10年。本文以四川的区域(国土)规划实践为依据,就此在进入深化、提高阶段之后的问题.从规划组织形式、类型体系、研究方法的角度进行探讨。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划修编重点与难点问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用总体规划是国民经济和社会发展规划的重要组成部分,是统筹城乡建设、加强土地管理的基础,是实现世界上最严格的耕地保护制度的基本手段。在新一轮土地利用总体规划修编之际,对上轮规划存在的主要问题从宏观层面上进行了分析与探讨,有助于新一轮规划的科学编制和有效实施。简要介绍了规划修编的背景,并对本轮规划修编的网上调查结果进行了分析。通过回顾和分析上一轮土地利用总体规划实施过程中存在的主要问题,提出本轮规划修编应以统筹城乡发展、加强部门协调、促进节约集约、合理增加弹性、提高公众参与等为理念,并就本轮规划的重点与难点方面提出了建设性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

Conservation planning is the process of locating and designing conservation areas to promote the persistence of biodiversity in situ. To do this, conservation areas must be able to mitigate at least some of the proximate threats to biodiversity. Information on threatening processes and the relative vulnerability of areas and natural features to these processes is therefore crucial for effective conservation planning. However, measuring and incorporating vulnerability into conservation planning have been problematic. We develop a conceptual framework of the role of vulnerability assessments in conservation planning and propose a definition of vulnerability that incorporates three dimensions: exposure, intensity, and impact. We review and categorize methods for assessing the vulnerability of areas and the features they contain and identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of each broad approach. Our review highlights the need for further development and evaluation of approaches to assess vulnerability and for comparisons of their relative effectiveness.  相似文献   

Urban growth is a key issue for spatial planning as it influences urban patterns and disrupts open landscapes. To effectively steer urban growth towards compact urban forms, many growth-management policies have been developed over recent decades. However, few studies have assessed how municipal policy mixes have evolved over time. In our representative Swiss-wide survey, we evaluated the prevalence and the time of introduction of 18 policies. Our results indicate that large municipalities use a broad range of reinforcing policies over decades. In contrast, small municipalities mostly rely on conventional land-use regulations. The lack of innovative, incentive-based policies casts doubt on small municipalities' ability to effectively manage urban growth. However, our analyses reveal recent efforts by small municipalities to diversify approaches to growth management and adopt innovative policies. These efforts should be supported by guiding small municipalities in their policy choices, and providing support to those lacking planning capacity.  相似文献   

可持续发展应分阶段分层次地进行;为增强区域土地可持续利用,相关环境政策的制定应遵循可持续发展原则;区域土地可持续利用的评价流程与环境政策循环模式;这一领域的相关法律问题;最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This article describes a template for implementing an integrated community sustainability plan. The template emphasizes community engagement and outlines the components of a basic framework for integrating ecological, social and economic dynamics into a community plan. The framework is a series of steps that support a sustainable community development process. While it reflects the Canadian experience, the tools and techniques have applied value for a range of environmental planning contexts around the world. The research is case study based and draws from a diverse range of communities representing many types of infrastructure, demographics and ecological and geographical contexts. A critical path for moving local governments to sustainable community development is the creation and implementation of integrated planning approaches. To be effective and to be implemented, a requisite shift to sustainability requires active community engagement processes, political will, and a commitment to political and administrative accountability, and measurement.  相似文献   

生态城市建设使城市生态规划逐步成为全球城市研究的热点。本文在对城市生态规划的概念厦研究进展厦主要研究内容进行简要论述的基础上,对目前国际上比较流行的生态安全格局理论、生态足迹理论、生态系统健康理论等现代生态理论,以及遥感和地理信息系统技术等先进技术在城市生态规划研究中的应用途径进行了论述。  相似文献   

An Integrated Model of Public Contact Planning for Conservation Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
/ Public contact is a vital component of any program to manage natural resources. A well-planned public contact program uses a variety of strategies to create a sympathetic and environmentally aware public and to meet specific management-related objectives. A methodology is proposed that can be applied to planning public contact at any level, from media design for a specific project to corporate strategies for communication. The methodology integrates management-driven, client-driven and resource-driven planning to provide the connections essential to effective communication.KEY WORDS: Planning; Public contact; Interpretation; Conservation; Management  相似文献   

A consequence of expanding residential development into rural areas is the potential alteration of ecological communities. Certain novel land-use policies seek practical solutions by accommodating social needs for housing while conserving biodiversity. This study investigates whether regulations designed to protect the aesthetic characteristics of a river corridor simultaneously mitigate negative effects of development on avian biodiversity, despite the absence of explicit conservation objectives. Using housing data from the US Census (1990 and 2000) and the Audubon Christmas Bird Count (1987–2000), we examined changes in housing density, avian communities, and the relationship between these two variables in a location that has adopted aesthetic landscape planning, the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway. We found that overall species diversity increased in the Riverway, but remained constant in reference areas, although the relative increase in housing density in the two areas did not differ. We also found that omnivore populations decreased in the Riverway and increased in reference sites. On the whole, our study provides preliminary evidence that aesthetic landscape planning, such as employed in the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway, might constitute a politically viable approach to conserve ecological resources.  相似文献   

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