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IntroductionMaowususandland ,asemi aridareaofChina,liesonmiddlepartofChinesenorthdesert (Yao ,1 992 ) .Atpresent,desertificationisbecomingmoreseriousandthelandscapecompriseslargeareasofsand coveredlandthere(Zhan ,1 994;Chi,1 994) .Theenvironmentischaracterizedbywaters…  相似文献   

IntroductionIPCC (IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange ,1990 ;1992 ;1995)hasnotedthathumanactivitiesaresubstantiallyincreasingtheemissionsof“greenhousegases”suchascarbondioxide (CO2 ) ,methane ,chlorofluorocarbonsandnitreousoxideintotheatmosphere .Theseincreaseswil…  相似文献   

Effects of the simulated acid rain(AR) and ultraviolet-B(UV-B, 280-320 nm) radiation with a single or two ways simultaneously (AR + UV-B) on the antioxidant enzyme and photosynthesis of the rape seedlings were investigated by the hydroponic culture. The results of static experiment indicated that the tolerance of rape seedling to single stress(AR or UV-B) is stronger than that to dual stresses(AR + UV-B). Furthermore, the dual stresses had additive effect on catalase activity, and a synergistic effect on MDA content, net photosynthesis rate, water use efficiency as well as intercellular CO2 concentration. Meanwhile, it has an independent effect on chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate as well as membrane permeability. During 64 h restoration course, the dynamic change in the curves of physiological and biochemical indices were not identical, and none of them show a simple linear variation. According to the static and dynamic experiments, it was found that a responsive sequence of catalase activity, membrane permeability, MDA content and photosynthetic characteristics to the above-mentioned stresses was as follows: AR + UV-B 〉 UV-B 〉 AR.  相似文献   

研究采矿扰动区长时序、多维度NDVI变化趋势,有助于认识非自然生态区植被演替规律,对高强度开采条件下西北脆弱生态区地表植被自然修复和人工修复工作具有指导意义.研究通过设立直接影响区、间接影响区和自然生态校验区,利用长时序GIMMS AVHRR/NDVI(1981~2006)植被指数数据集,结合同期温度、降水和煤炭产量信息,从时间、空间、气候和开采强度方面开展对比分析,并以长时序MODIS NPP/NDVI(2000~2010)数据进行结果验证.时序分析表明,全球变化背景下,神东矿区植被生长季二度延长;空间分析表明,神东矿区NDVI增量低于缓冲区,缓冲区NDVI增量低于自然生态区;开采强度分析表明,随着神东矿区开采强度增强,NDVI增速放缓,增长速率低于自然生态区;气候变化分析表明,神东矿区NDVI受温度升高、降水减少共同作用,与温度相关性较高,与降水相关性较低;同期MODIS NPP/NDVI验证结果表现出与AVHRR/NDVI一致的规律性.  相似文献   

利用采自湖南慈利的马尾松树轮样本,建立研究区的标准树轮宽度年表。树轮气候响应分析发现:马尾松径向生长与月最大日降水量在生长季之前部分月份显著负相关(p0.05),在生长季之内部分月份显著正相关(p0.05),与月平均温度、月平均最低温度、月极端最低温度在生长季之前和之内大多月份均显著正相关(p0.05),其中与上一年11月到当年2月(冬季)的平均极端最低温度相关最好(r=0.62,p0.01)。重建了湖南慈利地区1854年以来冬季极端最低温度,重建气温在十年尺度上表现出明显的反"S"型,1854—1916年和1981—2015年处于暖冬时期,1917—1980年处于寒冬时期。此外,共发现29个寒冬年,其中包括3个寒冬时段,分别为1922—1925年、1927—1930年和1953—1960年,其中1953—1960年是自1854年以来最冷的时段。空间相关性分析表明重建序列可以指示我国中东部的冬季低温变化,而冬季低温可能与热带印度洋、西太平洋海温变化异常有关。  相似文献   

我国东部河流水文水质对气候变化响应的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘梅  吕军 《环境科学学报》2015,35(1):108-117
基于A2和B2气候变化情景,采用统计降尺度模型SDSM,将由3个国际上流行的大气环流模式GCMs(Had CM3、CSIRO-Mk2和CGCM2)模拟的未来我国东部长乐江流域的气温和降水,与水土评价模型SWAT相耦合,分析了该流域水文水质对气候变化的响应,并比较了3个大气环流模式模拟结果的异同.结果表明,所有气候情景下,TN浓度有明显的升高趋势;TP浓度有增有减,总体上仍呈微弱增加趋势.河川径流呈微弱减少趋势,而营养物负荷量呈微弱增加趋势,说明该流域水文水质状况受气温升高的影响大于降水微弱增加的影响.另外,在不同的气候变化情景下,年内径流和营养物负荷变化情况存在较大差异.研究结果可为理解河流水环境对气候变化的响应及其应对管理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Effects of mineral nutrient imbalance, DNA lesion and DNA-protein crosslink on growth of Vicia faba L. seedlings hydroponically cultivated in concentrations of extraneous lanthanum (La) for 20 days were investigated in the present experiment. The results showed that contents of La, Cu or K elements in roots generally changed synchronously with those in leaves, while Ca, Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn or P in the roots altered inversely to those in the leaves. Thus, the extraneous La led to redistribution and imbalance of mineral nutrient elements in the roots and leaves. DNA lesion and DNA-protein crosslink were investigated by single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate/potassium (SDS/K+) precipitation methods, respectively. The results demonstrated that the increasing La induced DNA break and DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) in the seedlings. These results suggested that mineral nutrient imbalance, DNA lesion and DNA-protein crosslink were involved in the growth retardation and growth alteration of the seedlings, which may help to understand the mechanisms of rare earth elements (REEs) on plant growth.  相似文献   

Global climate change threatens world food production via direct effects on plant growth and alterations to pest and pathogen prevalence and distribution. Complex relationships between host plant, pest, pathogen and environment create uncertainty particularly involving vector-borne diseases. We attempt to improve the understanding of the effects of climate change via a detailed review of one crop-vector-pathogen system.The bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, is a global pest of cereals and vector of yellow dwarf viruses that cause significant crop losses in cereals. R. padi exhibits both sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction, alternating between crops and other host plants. In Australia, only parthenogenesis occurs due to the absence of the primary host, thus the aphid continuously cycles from grasses to cereals, allowing for continuous virus acquisition and transmission.We have reviewed the potential impact of future climate projections on R. padi population dynamics, persistence, abundance, dispersal and migration events as well as the interactions between vector, virus, crop and environment, all of which are critical to the behaviour and development of the vector and its ability to transmit the virus. We identify a number of knowledge gaps that currently limit efforts to determine how this pathosystem will function in a future climate.  相似文献   

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