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Shore platform erosion is considered a driving mechanism for cliff recession on many rocky coasts and, in the vicinity of sea defence structures, a threat to their stability, yet the spatial pattern of platform erosion, as well as the rate of lowering, is poorly documented. Measurements based on techniques such as the micro-erosion metre or laser scanner, though highly accurate for short time scales and specific locations, are difficult to extrapolate in space and time. They also fail to record mesoscale changes such as block removal. This paper describes a technique to quantify spatial and temporal changes and presents first results.  相似文献   

The effects of the permanent removal of the canopy-forming alga Fucus serratus was studied in terms of both functioning and diversity on a mid–low rocky shore ecosystem in the south-west English Channel (48°N 43.686′, 3°W 59.282′). Ecosystem functioning was examined as net or gross primary productivity (NPP or GPP) and respiration (Resp) measured through CO2 fluxes. Diversity was examined as number and composition of species. Measurements were performed in situ, during emersion times, without altering target assemblages. The experiment was designed with two treatments [control (C) or canopy removed (CR)] and five replicates, and was conducted over an 18-month period (from February 2006 to August 2007) to integrate the seasonal variability. The mean GPP and Resp were severely reduced in CR treatment compared to control throughout the survey. The mean NPP was not affected at first, due to the development of opportunistic green algae, but was drastically reduced after 9 months of experiment. The canopy removal affected neither the number of species nor their distribution among trophic groups, and the algal community was only slightly affected. The abundance and biomass of mobile invertebrates, however, were greatly reduced in the absence of canopy. This indicates an important effect of the dominant alga on the higher trophic levels of the community. At this tidal level, the canopy did not seem to affect the community by dampening the environmental stress but by providing food, habitat or both.  相似文献   

A. Fuji  H. Nomura 《Marine Biology》1990,107(3):471-477
Relationships between community structure and environmental factors were sought through multivariate analysis (quantification analysis and correspondence analysis) of data obtained in a benthic macrofauna survey of a rocky low-tide platform located at Usujiri, southern Hokkaido, Japan. A total of 21 species were found. However, their annual mean abundance was dominated by only a few species. Three dominant species of the platform (Chthamalus challengeri, Littorina brevicula andSeptifer virgatus) accounted for an average of 92% of total abundance. Three environmental factors with associated species groups were examined. Among them, micro-topographic characteristics and wave action defined the main correspondence variables.L. brevicula was a characteristic member of the boulder and sheltered field.S. virgatus was the dominant species of sloped surfaces.C. challengeri, S. virgatus, andMytilus edulis were characteristic of ledge or bench environments. Finally,C. challengeri was characteristic of nip and high wave-exposure environments, given its exclusive appearences in these locations. However, as the degree of exposure depends on the scale of wash through the platform, it is directly limited by the microtopographic properties of low-tide platforms. Specific environmental influences such as exposure and height above the datum-plane were rather disapparent. Any overall effects on the community structure were synthesized by those of microtopography. After complete consideration, it was concluded that the community structure of the macrobenthos in this low-tide platform was found to be primarily under the influence of microtopographic characteristics.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrates with high larval dispersal capacity typically exhibit low degrees of population differentiation, which reflects both contemporary and historical processes. We sampled 346 individuals from seven populations of the lined shore crab, Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, along the northeastern Pacific Coast and Korea during summer 2003. DNA sequence analysis of 613 bp of the mitochondrial COI gene showed that overall gene diversity (h) was high (0.92±0.01), whereas overall nucleotide diversity (π) was low (0.009±0.005). A total of 154 mtDNA haplotypes were identified; however, 114 were present in only one individual. Analysis of molecular variance revealed significant genetic structuring at Point Conception, CA, USA, that is likely due to the oceanographic circulation patterns, which result in asymmetrical migration of haplotypes. However, genetic variation among eastern Pacific populations was generally low, probably because of high contemporary gene flow and recent common ancestry of haplotypes. Mismatch analysis and nested clade analysis suggested that the population history of this region is characterized by two contiguous northwards range expansions, which are congruent with Late Pleistocene glacial cycles. Highly significant genetic differentiation was detected between eastern Pacific populations and Korea, indicating transpacific gene flow is restricted. Time of divergence between the two transpacific lineages was estimated between 0.8 and 1.2 Myrs ago. The small, recently founded population of P. crassipes at Bamfield, BC, Canada, did not appear to have undergone a founder effect.  相似文献   

Summary Parental exclusion analyses based on allozyme data were performed on 105 families of cliff swallows (Hirundo pyrrhonota) from southwestern Nebraska, USA. The protein products of seve polymorphic loci were resolved from blood, and at least one parental exclusion occurred at six of these loci. One or both putative parents were excluded for 35 nestlings from 22 different families. The mean number of non-kin nestlings in these families was 1.59. Non-kin nestlings were found in families with brood sizes ranging from two to five. A greater percentage of families in an 1100-nest colony had non-kin offspring than in two smaller colonics, although the difference was not statistically significant. Application of genetic models to these data and the observed distribution of parental exclusions suggested that multiple parentage in cliff swallows results more often from intraspecific brood parasitism than from forced extra-pair copulations. Based on the calculated probabilities of detecting non-kin, we estimate that 23.7% of all nestlings in our population are not the offspring of one or both of their putative parents. We estimate that about 43% of all cliff swallow nests in Nebraska contain at least one offspring resulting from intraspecific brood parasitism, and that about 6% of nests might contain offspring resulting from extra-pair copulations.  相似文献   

The Topolobampo coastal lagoon system, located on the eastern side of the Gulf of California, is a marine zone of considerable economic importance with vessel traffic, dredging operations and aquaculture development. Despite its relevance as a conservation site, this ecosystem has been poorly studied. Since life in marine substrates is abundant, we investigated the capability of tidal hydrodynamics in the lagoon to erode and to accumulate sediment. We calculated the morphodynamics caused by bed load sediment transport applying a two dimensional non-linear hydrodynamic finite difference model. Bed erosion and accretion patterns of sediment (for specific grain size: 170 μm) were determined from the divergence of sediment transport. After a year of numerical simulation of sediment transport the areas of noticeable changes on the bottom of the lagoon have been revealed. Most of sediment accretion took place in the narrow steeped channel connecting the Topolobampo and Ohuira sections. This area appears characterized by the presence of high tidal velocity gradients. Another finding was that accretion areas were coupled with erosion zones in an alternating form. This outcome suggests that sediment do not travel long distances but is deposited nearby the erosion sites. The results are strong evidence of the influence of tidal hydrodynamics on the sediments distribution in the Topolobampo coastal lagoon system and on the generation of substrates where marine life may find protection.  相似文献   

Since the Neolithic, humans have gathered along coastal plains, where they had to face sea level rise and subsidence without the technology to oppose these processes. When sea level stabilized, approx. 6.000 yr. B.P., coastal colonization was allowed, but where mountain deforestation was carried out river sediment input increased tremendously: settlements were disconnected from the shore and harbour siltation occurred. Shore erosion was a limited process at the time and local solutions were adopted: clay dikes, wood piles, fascinates and rock revetments. Along the Mediterranean, in China and Japan the construction of more complex structures has been documented since the Middle Ages. Further human development, with river bed quarrying, wetland reclamation, dam construction and mountain re-afforestation, favoured a coastal erosion that nowadays threatens most world coasts. From the Venetian “Murazzi” to the recent 114-km-long concrete element defence at the Yellow river delta, shore protection structures evolved following the different needs (protect coastal communication routes, urban and industrial settlements, tourist resorts). Beach nourishment, previously performed with inland quarried materials, is now intensively carried out with marine aggregates. The vernacular solution, left to undeveloped countries, has been recently revaluated by “green engineering”. However, with Sea Level Rise, the debate of whether to defend, accommodate or retreat is open.  相似文献   

Periodically driven circulation near the shore of a lake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Solutions are found for a linear model of the circulation near the shore of a lake that is subject to two diurnal forcing mechanisms. The first is the day/night heating/cooling induced horizontal pressure gradient. The second is an unsteady surface stress modelling a sea breeze/gully wind pattern. The two forcing mechanisms can oppose or reinforce each other depending on their relative phase. The interplay of different dynamic balances at different times and locations in the domain lead to complex circulation patterns especially during the period of flow reversal.  相似文献   

The invertebrate benthic macrofauna of the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence was sampled with a van Veen grab along a series of transects from 37 to 285 m in May, 1981. The pattern of spatial distribution was determined by classification and ordinastion techniques and by diversity and evenness statistics. Classification and ordination resulted in eleven station groups which could be divided into three broad faunal zones related to temperature, depth and sediment composition. The proportions of suspension feeders increased with sand content and nonselective deposit feeders increased with mud content. Faunal diversity decreased with depth.  相似文献   

The habitat harshness hypothesis (HHH) postulates that in reflective beaches the harsh environment forces organisms to divert more energy towards maintenance and they therefore have lower abundance, fecundity, growth and survival rates than in dissipative beaches. Recent investigations have tested this hypothesis through single comparisons of only two beaches, and thus the observed trends in population level variables cannot be attributed incontestably to the beach state, but only to location. Here, abundance, reproduction, recruitment, population structure and body size of the intertidal mole crab Emerita brasiliensis were compared between populations from eight microtidal exposed sandy beaches with contrasting morphodynamics, sampled bimonthly during 22 months throughout the 180 km Uruguayan Atlantic coast. Physical variables and compound indices of the beach state were used to categorize sandy beaches. The results of this bi-annual large-scale analysis were fully consistent with the predictions of the HHH: abundance (total and population components), duration of the reproduction and recruitment seasons and the individual size of megalops and females of the mole crab E. brasiliensis decreased from dissipative to reflective beaches. This was reflected by linear or, mostly, nonlinear relationships between biological and both physical variables and compound indices of beach state. In conclusion, this multi-beach sampling provides compelling evidence of a consistent response of demographic and life history traits of an intertidal beach species to morphodynamic characteristics.  相似文献   

The uptake and effect of dissolved copper on regulation of hemolymph osmolality and Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, and Mg++ concentrations in the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) were determined at 400 mOsm (=14 S) ambient salinity. One mg Cu l-1 resulted in 50% mortality in 11 to 22 d; the highest sensitivity was observed around the moulting period. 0.25 and 0.5 mg Cu l-1 were not lethal after a onemonth exposure. Ten, 1, and 0.5 mg Cu l-1 altered regulation of osmolality, Na+, K+, and Cl- concentrations, while 0.25 mg Cu l-1 did not. Exposure to 1 mg Cu l-1 reduced hemolymph osmolality and Na+, K+, and Cl- concentrations to 80 to 90% of controls within 4 to 6 d and no further reduction was observed during a 21-d exposure. The effect of various copper concentrations on these four parameters were almost identical and the highest sensitivity was observed around the moulting period. Hemolymph calcium levels increased 20 to 80% in crabs exposed to 1 mg Cu l-1, while they decreased 20 to 30% in crabs exposed to 0.5 mg Cu l-1. Prolonged exposure to copper caused 20 to 70% reductions in hemolymph magnesium levels. Crabs exposed to 0.5 mg Cu l-1 for 29 d accumulated copper in hepatopancreas, gills, carapace, heart, testes, and hypodermis, but not in muscles and hemolymph. Increased copper levels in crabs exposed to 0.25 mg Cu l-1 were observed in hepatopancreas, gills, and carapace only. The present results suggest that effects of copper on ion regulatory processes in part explain why the toxicity of copper towards euryhaline invertebrates increases at low salinities.  相似文献   



Relocations and restorations do not only change the ecological passability and sediment continuity of a river but also its flow behavior and fluvial morphodynamics. Sediment transport processes and morphological development can be assessed with field measurements, also taking the transport of sediment-bounded contaminants as a tracer material for fluvial morphodynamics into account. The objective of this study was to determine the morphological development of the Inde River (a tributary of the Rur River in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany) towards its pre-defined guiding principle after a relocation and restoration in 2005 AD.


The fluvial morphodynamics of the Inde River were analyzed over a period of almost 15 years taking sediment samples, analyzing echo soundings of the river’s bathymetry and determining the heavy metal content of the sediment as a tracer material for the morphological development.


The results show that the relocation and restoration of the Inde River initiates new hydrodynamic processes, which cause morphological changes of the river widths, meander belts and channel patterns. The riverbed of the new Inde River has incised into the ground due to massive erosion, which has led to increased fine sediment transport in the downstream direction. The reasons for and consequences of this fine sediment transport are discussed and correlated to the sediment continuity of a river.


Overall, the new Inde River has reached its goal of being a natural river as a consequence of the relocation and restoration and has adapted its new conditions towards a dynamic morphological equilibrium.

Feeding,starvation and metabolic rate in the shore crab Carcinus maenas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relationship between food intake and metabolic rate (as measured by oxygen consumption) of Carcinus maenas (L.) was studied. The metabolic rate of feeding crabs which had been starved for a short period increased, and several days were required for it to return to its original level. During prolonged starvation, the metabolic rate of C. maenas fell in two stages. The first reduction was to about 60% of the feeding level; this occurred during the first week of starvation. There was then a further reduction to about 40% of the feeding level and, at this level of metabolism, the crabs were able to survive for 3 months, with only 50% mortality; most of this occurred in the last 2 weeks. Metabolic rate was found to affect food intake; crabs acclimated to 24°C took 2.4 times as much food as crabs acclimated to 10°C, although the metabolic levels of the two groups differed by a factor of only 1.4. From the results obtained when the crabs were starved and when starved crabs were fed, it is suggested that, during starvation, the metabolic rate of C. maenas first drops from the elevated feeding level to a level at which carbohydrate reserves are utilised, and subsequently to a minimum level at which lipid reserves and proteins are used.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of carbon and nitrogen content of the flesh of wild and cultivated mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in Killary Harbour, Ireland, was measured over two years, starting in February, 1980 and ending in November, 1981. The carbon and nitrogen contents of mussel gametes were determined and the allometry of growth of wild and cultured mussel shells was examined with respect to length, weight and organic content. The carbon and nitrogen contents of the organic fraction of the shell were determined. These data were combined with those we had previously published on growth rate, gametogenesis and the annual cycle of ash-free dry weight (AFDW) of mussels in the same locality. Estimates were made of fecundity, reproductive effort and the partitioning of carbon and nitrogen between soma, gametes and shell. In suspended culture, cumulative production after eighteen months is equal to cumulative production after six to seven years on the shore. For comparison, partitioning of carbon and nitrogen resources between soma, shell and gonad is estimated when total cumulative production by wild and cultivated mussels is approximately equal. Differences in resource allocation are considerable. Wild mussels allocate some 57% of their carbon budget and 52% of their nitrogen budget to gamete output. In culture, mussels allocate only 22% of their carbon budget and 19% of their nitrogen budget to gamete output. It is concluded that in response to a higher production rate, cultivated mussels increase allocation of resources to somatic growth.  相似文献   

Wissant Bay is a picturesque and highly frequented French coastal resort comprising beaches, dunes, marshes, and bold capes facing the Dover Strait. Situated at the southern approaches to the North Sea, the 8 km-long bay has, arguably, the most rapidly eroding shoreline in metropolitan France. Retreat has largely affected much of the bay shoreline west of Wissant town, with parts of this sector having lost up to 250 m in the last 50 years, whereas a much smaller sector east of the town is a zone of accretion. Various dune, beach and nearshore morphodynamic studies conducted over the last decade have identified chronic sand bleeding from the western sector and longshore transport to the east, within a framework of what appears to be an ongoing shoreline rotation process within a dominant longshore sediment transport cell between the headland of Cape Gris Nez to the west and the bold chalk cliffs of Cape Blanc Nez to the east. Retreat of the narrowing beach-dune barrier poses a threat in the coming years, as there is a likelihood of it being breached by storms. The seawall protecting Wissant town has also been repeatedly damaged since 2000 due to the chronic sand deficit. These changes involve interactions between a nearshore sand bank, a complex macrotidal beach comprising multiple subtidal to intertidal bars and troughs subject to strong longshore sand transport especially during storms, and aeolian dunes. The nearshore bank acts as a dissipater of incident storm wave energy and as a sand source for the multi-barred beaches and dunes, and has been strongly impacted by past massive aggregate extraction. The bank is, in turn, part of a larger system of mobile banks reworked by storms and tidal currents within the framework of a sand circulation system between the eastern English Channel and the southern North Sea. The aim of this work is to confront knowledge acquired on the morphodynamics of the bay with an engineering plan proposed to counter erosion and reestablish shoreline stability. The plan is based essentially on the creation of an ‘equilibrium’ beach profile, capable of withstanding storms, comprising an enlarged upper beach berm, and constructed through beach nourishment from a nearshore source located 20 km east of Wissant Bay. The plan has not been implemented because of cost. Even if it were to be implemented, its efficiency seems very doubtful because the beach profile simulations on which it is based neglect the complex multi-barred morphology and the overwhelming dominant longshore transport over bars during storms. The plan is also geared towards resolving a local problem of erosion that is embedded in the larger and rather complex spatiotemporal morphodynamics and sediment transport mechanisms evoked above. Wissant Bay is emblematic of the problems of erosion facing many communes in France, and elsewhere. The fight against shoreline erosion generally starts with the commonly insurmountable hurdle of fund-raising for costly engineering proposals that are not always based on a clear grasp of the embedded scales of change affecting the coast.  相似文献   

This study was conducted at Uswetakeiyawa on the southwestern part of Sri Lanka. Twenty-two families, 42 genera and 52 species were recorded from the sandy shore vegetation. Approximately 3.8 % (2 species) were found to be endemic and 67.3 % (35 species) were found to be of medicinal importance. Ipomea pes-capre and Spinifex littoreus were the most abundant species at the study site. The average value for all the zone combinations was β = 0.693, and the highest similarity value was ISj = 0.276, corresponding to two non-contiguous zones. The results show that a variation in plant diversity is to be found across the gradient. The typical zoning nature of the sandy shore vegetation has been disturbed due to on-going development in Uswetakeiyawa. New policy decisions should be taken to restrict development activities in Uswetakeiyawa in order to protect the sandy shore vegetation.  相似文献   

The influence of copper(II)chloride on selected key enzymes and metabolites in intermediary metabolism and the energy charge potential of the hyperregulating shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.) were investigated. Crabs, collected in Odense Fjord, Denmark between September 1989 and May 1990, were exposed to 10 ppm copper(II)chloride, in 10 ppt salinity seawater at 15°C for up to 1 wk. Hexokinase activity was 77% lower in the posterior gills and 60% lower in the midgut gland than in control crabs. Phosphofructokinase activity was reduced in the midgut gland by 82% but was unaffected in the gills. Pyruvate kinase activity was undetectable in the gills of exposed crabs and reduced by 47% in the midgut gland. Citrate synthase activity was depressed by 30% in the posterior gills and unaffected in other tissues. Copper exposure had no apparent effect on tissue cytochrome c oxidase activity. Chela muscle was the only tissue in which copper exposure did not bring about reductions in the enzyme activities tested. As a result of 1 wk of copper exposure the average lactate level increased by 3.5-fold in haemolymph, 9.3-fold in posterior gills and 6.5-fold in midgut gland. The average glucose level was raised by a factor of 6 in the haemolymph, 3.4 in the posterior gills and 1.2 in the midgut gland. Energy charge potential was at a very high level (ca. 0.9) and was unaffected by copper exposure.  相似文献   

Excretion of total CO2 and uptake of sodium and chloride ions across the branchial epithelium of the posterior gills of the shore crabCarcinus maenas, collected from Kiel Bay (Baltic Sea) in 1989, were measured using isolated perfused gill preparations. Total CO2 effluxes depended on the HCO 3 - concentration of the internal perfusate in a saturable mode and were inhibited by internally and externally applied acetazolamide at 10–4 M. Potential differences between hemolymph space and medium did not change significantly during experimental treatments. Neither a bicarbonate gradient (6 mM) directed from the internal perfusate to external bath solution nor symmetrically applied 10–4 M acetazolamide significantly influenced the influxes of Na+ and Cl. Results confirmed the role of carbonic anhydrase in CO2 excretion but called into question the assumed functioning of the enzyme in branchial ion transport processes.  相似文献   

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