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The Canary Islands have a long coastline with varying levels of exposure to severe sea conditions. Frequent states of alert and emergency in some parts of their coastline are commonly related to the occurrence of extreme wave conditions. Among the phenomena directly driven by the waves when reaching the shore are the wave run-up and overtopping. Both the study of the flood level, including its variability, and the associated risks are key tools in the planning and management of coastal zones. The aim of this research is to examine the probability of occurrence of run-up events capable of exceeding different topographical levels, for estimating the risk level associated with flooding of the different areas in which the Boca Barranco Beach can be divided, in terms of their nature and use. This beach is located on the island of Gran Canaria, Spain, and is part of the site of scientific interest of Jinámar. A large wave dataset is used as input to a high-resolution numerical model for propagating offshore wave conditions to shallow waters in the study area. Furthermore, the morphology of the study area is reproduced by combining different bathymetric databases. Finally, the probability of occurrence of different levels of run-up and the corresponding levels of consequences are assigned, to assess the flood risk in the different areas of the beach, which are presented in a risk map of flooding in the study area.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Planning of marine protected areas (MPAs) is highlighted in the conservation literature but is not explored in much detail. Many researchers acknowledge the importance of involving the public in MPA planning, but there is limited guidance on how to do this in an effective manner. I present a framework for involving the public in planning of U.S. MPAs. Derived from empirically and theoretically based research on public participation in U.S. natural resource management, this framework is composed of factors that influence the success of participatory processes: active participant involvement, complete information exchange, fair decision making, efficient administration, and positive participant interactions. Processes incorporating these factors will produce decisions that are more likely to be supported by stakeholders, meet management objectives, and fulfill conservation goals. This framework contributes to the MPA social science literature and responds to calls in the conservation literature to increase the use of social science research to inform conservation decision making.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generic framework for assessing inherent climate change hazards in coastal environments through a combined coastal classification and hazard evaluation system. The framework is developed to be used at scales relevant for regional and national planning and aims to cover all coastal environments worldwide through a specially designed coastal classification system containing 113 generic coastal types. The framework provides information on the degree to which key climate change hazards are inherent in a particular coastal environment, and covers the hazards of ecosystem disruption, gradual inundation, salt water intrusion, erosion and flooding. The system includes a total of 565 individual hazard evaluations, each graduated into four different hazard levels based on a scientific literature review. The framework uses a simple assessment methodology with limited data and computing requirements, allowing for application in developing country settings. It is presented as a graphical tool—the Coastal Hazard Wheel—to ease its application for planning purposes.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the need, in Italian countries, of a real integration of scientific knowledge into coastal policy. Actually, in Italy, still exists a gap between Science and Policy, interfering the implementation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) process, while there is no coordination between local, regional and national authorities. This lack of an overall strategy has induced some regions to adopt regional plans for the sustainable development of their coastal areas, to compensate the shortcomings of a national planning. Besides, along Italian coasts, there is a heavy landscape urbanization producing conditions of environmental decay and highlighting the risk of erosions in littoral areas. In this critical context, it is necessary to adopt an effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management policy, to connect ecosystem and environmental approaches with the social and economic development of coastal areas. So, in Italian landscape, it is necessary to integrate the national cultural heritage into coastal management, joining scientific and cultural issues. In this framework, ICZM process could play an important role connecting scientists and policy makers towards an effective integration for the social and economic growth of local people.  相似文献   

Economic and social variables, in addition to biological variables, are often critical forces in directing recovery planning for threatened and endangered populations. Although including these variables in scientific analyses for recovery planning may be important, there is little agreement on how to integrate the relevant disciplines. The dilemma associated with interdisciplinary collaboration is that, while a diversity of values and perspectives is unavoidable, this diversity stands as a barrier to agreement on an integrative research approach. We describe a general framework for interdisciplinary analysis designed to support recovery planning that does not rely on choosing a single interdisciplinary approach. Rather, it uses value conflicts potentially arising in an interdisciplinary setting to select a diverse set of scientific approaches relevant to a particular conservation effort. We apply this framework to recovery planning for threatened Snake River chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) and examine the implications of conflicts over the acceptability of institutional change, technological solutions, and transferability of recovery effort across groups responsible for the current status of the species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Conservation assessment is a rapidly evolving discipline whose stated goal is the design of networks of protected areas that represent and ensure the persistence of nature (i.e., species, habitats, and environmental processes) by separating priority areas from the activities that degrade or destroy them. Nevertheless, despite a burgeoning scientific literature that ever refines these techniques for allocating conservation resources, it is widely believed that conservation assessments are rarely translated into actions that actually conserve nature. We reviewed the conservation assessment literature in peer‐reviewed journals and conducted survey questionnaires of the authors of these studies. Two‐thirds of conservation assessments published in the peer‐reviewed scientific literature do not deliver conservation action, primarily because most researchers never plan for implementation. This research–implementation gap between conservation science and real‐world action is a genuine phenomenon and is a specific example of the “knowing–doing gap” that is widely recognized in management science. Given the woefully inadequate resources allocated for conservation, our findings raise questions over the utility of conservation assessment science, as currently practiced, to provide useful, pragmatic solutions to conservation planning problems. A reevaluation of the conceptual and operational basis of conservation planning research is urgently required. We recommend the following actions for beginning a process for bridging the research–implementation gap in conservation planning: (1) acknowledge the research–implementation gap is real, (2) source research questions from practitioners, (3) situate research within a broader conservation planning model, (4) expand the social dimension of conservation assessments, (5) support conservation plans with transdisciplinary social learning institutions, (6) reward academics for societal engagement and implementation, and (7) train students in skills for “doing” conservation.  相似文献   

绿道是将大量自然、经济、社会的景点、集聚地和示范点连接在一起的,兼具生态、体育、休闲、文化和通行功能的,彰显绿色、智慧、创新、务实和人本理念的线性生态开敞空间。经历了一百多年的发展后,绿道建设已成为一项全球性运动。绿道建设对促进城市质量提高,推动低碳生态城市建设具有重要意义。西方国家和部分亚洲国家和地区的绿道已发展到了较为成熟的阶段。我国内地引入绿道的时间较晚,但建设步伐快,发展迅速,尤其是珠三角绿道建设更为迅速。国内外在绿道网建设过程中积累了一定的经验,也存在一定的问题,为更好地推进我国绿道网建设,提高绿道网管理水平,非常有必要对国际绿道网和我国珠三角绿道网的进展状况进行分析。本文系统地介绍了绿道的发展历程,并从规划设计、建设实践、科学研究与管理等方面对绿道建设状况进行了深入分析。在总结、分析国内外绿道网建设经验与存在问题基础上,提出了我国绿道网建设对策,主要包括:(1)因地制宜,科学规划;(2)加快完善标识系统建设;(3)尽快探讨绿道网经营模式;(4)建立绿道监测与评估机制等。  相似文献   

This research is aimed at the rapid development of a low-carbon economy, in which we propose the classification and application of relevant management measures to affect the development of environmental management ideas and measures of the low-carbon economy, which we called as low carbon management measures. According to scientific analysis of the lowcarbon economy, we can divide low-carbon management measures into three parts: measures for reduction of carbon sources, carbon flow planning, and increase of carbon sinks. Furthermore, we list the advantages that China can utilize to develop its own low-carbon management measures. In the end, necessary adjustments to environmental management measures in China can be made according to this scientific classification.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an important legislative and scientific tool that may assist and improve the quality assistance for the decision-making process in sustainable development. Here, a comparison of EIAs from three cases of hydropower projects in Pakistan, Norway and Sweden is reported. A huge difference concerning the incorporation of environmental considerations into the decisionmaking process between developed and developing countries is observed. The EIA system of Pakistan appears to be less efficient in the application and review process. In addition, the appraisal of issues, the decision-making process and evaluation through post-monitoring is not as well performed in Pakistan as in cases of hydroelectric power plants in Sweden and Norway. The key reason for this shortcoming is misconceptions about the EIA process, which initially receives intense attention but becomes weakened by the time of implementation. This implies that there is a need to adopt simplified and flexible EIA techniques suitable for the infrastructure and resources of a specific country, taking into account institutional, technical and financial constraints. Improvements are required in public participation, awareness, as well as in environmental control and data system sectors in Pakistan, besides simply enacting legislation to achieve the goals of the EIA system.  相似文献   

To develop and implement improved instruments for flood risk management in Germany, the national research programme ‘Risk management of extreme flood events’ (RIMAX), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), was initiated. More than 30 joint projects are in progress under this framework since January 2005. An extended brochure which provides information regarding all projects currently funded by the RIMAX research programme is available from the RIMAX-website (www.rimax-hoch wasser.de). Intensive research has been carried out during the first two years of the funding initiative and several workshops were held to enhance the scientific discussion and the communication between the numerous projects. To develop communication pathways between research and practice RIMAX was presented at the ‘acqua alta 2006’, a trade fair for flood prevention and disaster management. Furthermore, a working group from the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) is in the process of forming which aims at supporting the transfer of research results into practice. In 2006, five additional projects commenced. However, most of the projects funded in 2005 concentrate on the completion of their research and publishing their findings. A RIMAX-wide concept for the documentation and presentation of the results is currently developed by the coordinating team. More information and current news are available from the RIMAX-website (www.rimax-hochwasser.de).  相似文献   

There is a growing international awareness of the health risks associated with water, and particularly in developing countries. For example: (i) a child dies in Africa every 30s due to malaria—a disease related to stagnant water, (ii) every year flooding causes many deaths world-wide, with infant mortality due to diarrhea from contaminated flood waters posing the biggest threat, and (iii) poor sanitation and its relation to hepatitis A continues to be a serious problem. A revealing measure of the extent of such global problems is that more than half of the hospital beds in the world today are occupied by people with water-related diseases. Addressing these issues mandates an interdisciplinary approach by the world’s scientific and engineering community. In this spirit a workshop was held in Phoenix to provide a forum where epidemiologists, hydraulics researchers and other stakeholders of varied backgrounds (e.g., policy makers, environmental groups etc.) could all participate in a debate on a future agenda for hydro-epidemiology. The principal outcome of the workshop was a significant appreciation of the potential for interdisciplinary research and development in hydro-epidemiology and the major contribution that hydraulics professionals could offer, in partnership with the public health community, in addressing such water related disease control and prevention challenges.  相似文献   

Among the driving processes responsible for riparian forest dynamics the species-specific impact of flooding on the development of woody plants plays a key role—particularly for lowland rivers. Only a few of the forest succession models currently in use incorporate the flooding stress response of trees. This situation is mainly due to the incomplete investigation of the flooding tolerance processes and the related abiotic and biotic factors. In an attempt to use the wide-ranging but still rather vague knowledge available on flooding stress, the research presented in this paper proposes an approach to model tree response to flooding using the fuzzy set theory. The model is illustrated for the case of central European species. Flooding stress response to the abiotic factors of duration, depth and frequency of flooding differs according to five flooding tolerance classes and is expressed by means of a growth factor that limits optimal tree growth. We show that existing fuzzy set theory is able to generate and calibrate a flood stress response model which in turn can be incorporated into more complex forest succession models adapted to riparian areas.  相似文献   

Coastal zones, which connect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, are among the most resource-rich regions globally and home to nearly 40% of the global human population. Because human land-based activities can alter natural processes in ways that affect adjacent aquatic ecosystems, land-sea interactions are increasingly recognized as critical to coastal conservation planning and governance. However, the complex socioeconomic dynamics inherent in coastal and marine socioecological systems (SESs) have received little consideration. Drawing on knowledge generalized from long-term studies in Caribbean Nicaragua, we devised a conceptual framework that clarifies the multiple ways socioeconomically driven behavior can link the land and sea. In addition to other ecosystem effects, the framework illustrates how feedbacks resulting from changes to aquatic resources can influence terrestrial resource management decisions and land uses. We assessed the framework by applying it to empirical studies from a variety of coastal SESs. The results suggest its broad applicability and highlighted the paucity of research that explicitly investigates the effects of human behavior on coastal SES dynamics. We encourage researchers and policy makers to consider direct, indirect, and bidirectional cross-ecosystem links that move beyond traditionally recognized land-to-sea processes.  相似文献   

The interactions of physical processes between estuaries and upstream river floodplains are of great importance to the fish habitats and ecosystems in coastal regions. Traditionally, a hydraulic analysis of floodplains has used one- or two-dimensional models. While this approach may be sufficient for planning the engineering design for flood protection, it is inadequate when floodwaters inundate the floodplain in a complex manner. Similarly, typical estuarine and coastal modeling studies do not consider the effect of upstream river floodplains because of the technical challenge of modeling wetting and drying processes in floodplains and higher bottom elevations in the upstream river domain. While various multi-scale model frameworks have been proposed for modeling the coastal oceans, estuaries, and rivers with a combination of different models, this paper presents a modeling approach for simulating the hydrodynamics in the estuary and river floodplains, which provides a smooth transition between the two regimes using an unstructured-grid, coastal ocean model. This approach was applied to the Skagit River estuary and its upstream river floodplain of Puget Sound along the northwest coast of North America. The model was calibrated with observed data for water levels and velocities under low-flow and high-flood conditions. This study successfully demonstrated that a three-dimensional estuarine and coastal ocean model with an unstructured-grid framework and wetting-drying capability can be extended much further upstream to simulate the inundation processes and the dynamic interactions between the estuarine and river floodplain regimes.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia possesses the highest rates of tropical deforestation globally and exceptional levels of species richness and endemism. Many countries in the region are also recognized for their food insecurity and poverty, making the reconciliation of agricultural production and forest conservation a particular priority. This reconciliation requires recognition of the trade‐offs between competing land‐use values and the subsequent incorporation of this information into policy making. To date, such reconciliation has been relatively unsuccessful across much of Southeast Asia. We propose an ecosystem services (ES) value‐internalization framework that identifies the key challenges to such reconciliation. These challenges include lack of accessible ES valuation techniques; limited knowledge of the links between forests, food security, and human well‐being; weak demand and political will for the integration of ES in economic activities and environmental regulation; a disconnect between decision makers and ES valuation; and lack of transparent discussion platforms where stakeholders can work toward consensus on negotiated land‐use management decisions. Key research priorities to overcome these challenges are developing easy‐to‐use ES valuation techniques; quantifying links between forests and well‐being that go beyond economic values; understanding factors that prevent the incorporation of ES into markets, regulations, and environmental certification schemes; understanding how to integrate ES valuation into policy making processes, and determining how to reduce corruption and power plays in land‐use planning processes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Human–carnivore conflict is manifested in the death of humans, livestock, and carnivores. The resulting negative local attitudes and retribution killings imperil the future of many endangered carnivores. We tailored existing management tools to create a framework to facilitate the selection of actions to alleviate human–carnivore conflict and applied the framework to the human–tiger conflict in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. We identified potential actions that consider previous management efforts, local knowledge, cost‐effectiveness, fieldwork experience of authors and project staff, previous research on tiger ecology by the authors, and recommendations from human–carnivore conflict studies in other countries. Our framework includes creation of a profile to improve understanding of the nature of the conflict and its underlying causality. Identified actions include deterrents, education, direct tiger management, and response teams. We ranked actions by their potential to reduce conflict and the monetary cost of their implementation. We ranked tiger‐response teams and monitoring problem tigers as the two best actions because both had relatively high impact and cost‐effectiveness. We believe this framework could be used under a wide range of human–wildlife conflict situations because it provides a structured approach to selection of mitigating actions.  相似文献   


The main purpose of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is to improve the quality of supply chain management strategies and environmental performance. As per current statistics, the chemical industry is growing fast in Bangladesh. In order to compete for global competition, GSCM is essential in this sector. This paper proposes a systematic approach of structural framework whose aim is to enhance the probability of constructive implementation of GSCM in the field chemical industry in Bangladesh. Therefore, this framework evaluates the appropriate interrelationship along with the drivers of GSCM in the chemical industry. In total, eight drivers were finalized from an associated literature review with the help of survey and by taking expert opinions via the Delphi methodology. In addition to MICMAC analysis, the driving and the dependence powers for all the drivers were determined. Moreover, the structural frameworks for the drivers were developed by means of total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) technique. As a result, the findings indicate that the most significant driver was supplier pressure and willingness and the most important barrier was high cost. Finally, the main objective of this research is expected to help industrial managers to evaluate and understand the critical areas where they should emphasize to implement GSCM in the chemical industry.  相似文献   

The threat of sea-level rise and climate change means that coastal managers are being increasingly asked to make long-term assessments of potential coastal impacts and responses. In the UK, shoreline management planning (for flood and erosion hazards) and spatial planning now takes a 100 year perspective. An integrated framework across a wide range of physical and social issues is required for the assessment of coastal impacts and consequently for making sound management decisions. This paper provides an overview of the development of the ‘Tyndall Coastal Simulator’ including the underlying philosophy that is being followed. The Simulator is based on a series of linked climate models (CM) within a nested framework which recognises three spatial scales: (i) the global (GCM) scale; (ii) the regional scale and (iii) the Simulator Domain (a physiographic unit, such as a coastal sub-cell). Within the nesting, the larger scale provides the boundary conditions for the smaller scale. The models feed into each other and describe a range of relevant processes: sea level, tides, surges, waves, sediment transport and coastal morphology. Different climate scenarios, as well as the range of uncertainty, are being explored. Communication of results is a major issue and the Simulator includes a dedicated GIS-based user interface that allows a wide range of queries of model outputs. The paper demonstrates the possibility of developing an integrated framework that is multi-scale and capable of linking various models in order to simulate complex coastal processes and consequently allowing long-term assessments that are useful for setting future management plans.  相似文献   

Abstract: Numerous agencies and organizations have adopted the concept of ecosystem management as a guiding principle in natural resource management. Despite this widespread interest, no single definition of ecosystem management has been accepted, and there are no specific guidelines or standards by which to apply the concept. I examined how one federal agency, the U.S. Forest Service, is applying the principles of ecosystem management at a local level. I present a case study examining management of giant sequoia (   Sequoiadendron giganteum ) in Sequoia National Forest, California, to illuminate the challenges of practicing ecosystem management by associating on-the-ground management activities with ecosystem management themes, characteristics, and mechanisms identified in academic, industry, and agency literature. Experience at Sequoia National Forest suggests that the application of ecosystem management is compromised by poor relations between managers and stakeholders, multifarious policy requirements, budgetary uncertainty, and limited ecological research on which to base management decisions. To facilitate successful application of ecosystem management in the future, I recommend that managers (1) build confidence and trust in the process, (2) acknowledge bias, (3) reconcile policy and funding constraints with long-term planning, (4) invest in scientific research, data collection, and monitoring capacity, and (5) explore the relationship between values and science. These recommendations, although based on the U.S. Forest Service experience, are relevant to natural resource management in general.  相似文献   

Managing the Koala Problem: Interdisciplinary Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: There is a complex scientific, ethical, and cultural debate in Australia about how best to conserve koalas and their habitat. Despite the diverse array of management and research options promoted by scientists, wildlife agency staff, and koala advocates, there remains a gap in our acknowledgment of the social factors influencing decision making about koala conservation. Koala management research has generated valuable scientific knowledge about koala biology and ecology but has been weak about organizational and policy processes and about the cultures within which we produce, disseminate, and legitimize this kind of knowledge. We suggest that more effective koala conservation will result from making the political and cultural influences on decision making regarding the koala more explicit in research, management, and policy-making forums. Research must be conducted in the context of the cultural significance of the koala. The koala's survival depends on preserving the valuable lands that these creatures (and many others) inhabit. Ultimately, the koala symbolizes conflicting land-use values and illustrates the need for greater collaboration, cooperation, and trust among social and natural scientists in the conduct of koala conservation research, management, and policy.  相似文献   

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