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随着能源问题及全球变化关注,城市居民出行交通碳排放研究已成为多学科关注焦点。选择南京、宁波和常州作为长三角典型城市,基于典型居住小区问卷调查获取第一手的城市居民出行基础数据,估算与分析城市居民出行碳排放特征及影响机理。结果表明:长三角2010年城市居民人均出行交通碳排放约1 1219 kg CO2/人,日常通勤和远距离出行碳排放量之比为75[DK]∶25;城市居民日常通勤交通碳排放的主要影响因子为交通方式、出行距离、家庭年收入、年龄和性别;远距离出行交通碳排放的主要影响因子为出行距离、交通方式和家庭年收入。建议采用差别化的行政干预和经济杠杆有效调控家庭小汽车保有量增长速度,鼓励小排量汽车和清洁能源汽车消费,兼顾汽车产业发展、家庭小汽车刚性需求与节能减排需求之间的博弈平衡;优化城市功能格局,大力发展公共交通网络;加强节能减排与低碳意识宣传,鼓励与引导公共交通出行  相似文献   

建筑部门的低碳发展已成为推进我国低碳经济至关重要的一个组成部分,因此正确客观地评价建筑的低碳水平具有重要的指导意义。本文以2010年上海世博会中国馆为研究对象,采用碳排放情景分析法,针对中国馆的基准建筑与实际建筑,计算其世博结束后正常运行条件下的碳排放水平,评估中国馆实际建筑的碳减排效益。使用建筑能耗模拟软件DesignBuilder对建筑全年能源消耗水平进行了模拟,并通过相应能源品种的碳排放因子分别计算了实际建筑和基准建筑的碳排放水平;同时应用全生命周期方法(LCA)分析了中国馆实际建筑应用太阳能光伏、LED照明技术相比于基准建筑所带来的减排效益。结果表明:世博结束后正常运行条件下,中国馆实际建筑年碳排放量为18 969 t CO2e,基准建筑年碳排放量为25 770 t CO2e,因此,相比基准建筑,中国馆实际建筑一年减排6 801 t CO2e,年碳减排率为26.4%;减排效益主要由节能设计及绿色技术贡献,分别占96.3%和3.7%。本文通过综合评估中国馆的碳减排效益,以期为我国公共建筑低碳工作的开展进行有益的探索。  相似文献   

以中国北方农牧区的内蒙古通辽地区为例,结合实地问卷调查,研究农牧民家庭生存性碳排放特征。研究提出了农牧民家庭生存碳排放评估指标体系,其中能源产品和非能源产品成为农牧民家庭生存性碳排放的两大来源。计算了农牧民人均能源消费碳排放量及食物消费碳排放量。研究结果表明:在能源方面,农牧民家庭生存性碳排放构成呈能源消费主导型,2008年,该区人均生存性碳排放总量为1 040.36 kg,其中矿物燃料、用电消费碳排放分别占总生存性碳排放的45.53%和30%;受传统生活方式影响,家庭用能结构粗放,以矿物化石能及一次生物质能为主,电能使用比例相对较低。在食物方面,农牧民家庭食物消费结构渐趋低碳化,2008年和2009年人均食物消费总碳排放量分别为78.42 kg和76.67 kg,以粮食消费占主导,占总消费量的60%;2009年与2008年比较,含碳量较高的粮食和食用油消费分别降低4%和3.8%。该区农牧民人均食物消费碳排放量只是美国的39.2%,英国的49.6%,日本的72%,属基本生存线碳排放。  相似文献   

城市CO_2排放数据的可获取性和质量直接影响了城市碳排放的科学研究、低碳战略制定及公众对于城市低碳发展的监督和参与。数据缺乏和多源数据的不确定性大是中国城市CO_2排放核算和低碳城市规划面临的重要问题和挑战,而这些问题同时也导致中国低碳城市研究水平参差不齐。本研究使用自下而上建立的中国高空间分辨率网格数据(空间分辨率为1km),采用统一数据源和规范化、标准化数据处理方法,建立中国城市CO_2排放数据集,供研究者和决策者参考。城市CO_2排放计算借鉴国际上较为成熟和应用广泛的核算方法,包括范围1和范围2排放。以北京、上海、天津、重庆和广州5个典型城市的能源统计数据自上而下计算其CO_2排放作为参考水平,检验数据集的数值质量,结果显示5个城市的数据差异均不超过10%。中国城市CO_2排放整体呈现北方大于南方,东部高于中部和西部的空间格局。CO_2排放量较高的城市大多处于华北、东北以及华东沿海地区,西部地区城市CO_2排放量则较低。城市CO_2排放8个部门(工业能源、工业过程、农业、服务业、城镇生活、农村生活、交通、范围2排放)之间的相关性中,城镇生活和交通排放的相关性最高,并且呈现显著性(p0.001),工业过程排放和服务业排放的相关性最弱且没有显著性。基于中国高空间分辨率网格数据的中国城市CO_2排放数据集的不断完善和发展,为中国城市CO_2排放研究奠定了重要的数据基础,为城市CO_2排放横向比较和对标工作提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to test the hypothesis that growth in one-person households will increase the domestic consumption of energy, land and household goods in England and Wales. It concludes that if current consumer behaviour of one-person households persists there will be a significant increase in the consumption of all three resources in the future. However, it argues that that many opportunities exist in England and Wales for tackling this problem. For example the new housing programme, increasing ability amongst one-person households to afford “green alternatives” and the search amongst some one-person households for alternative lifestyles (which could be potentially more resource efficient). The paper suggests that providing one-person households with opportunities to live in more resource efficient housing and adopt pro-environmental behaviour could significantly reduce their future environmental impact. Various design, fiscal and awareness-raising solutions are presented in the paper and their viability is assessed. These include ecological homes, collective housing forms, occupancy tax, relocation packages, educational programmes and targeted advertising campaigns. The paper proposes that using a combination of these more innovative solutions to the problem could significantly reduce the future environmental impact of one-person households.  相似文献   

Household consumption is one of the important factors that induce COL emission. Based on input-output model, this article calculated the intensity of CO2 emission of different income groups and seven provinces in China, and then estimated total CO2 emission induced by urban household consumption from 1995 to 2004 in China based on statistic data of household living expenditure. The results show that CO2 emission per capita induced by household consumption had increased from 1583 to 2498 kg CO2 during 1995-2004. The ratio of consumption-induced CO2 emission to total CO2 emission had risen from 19% to 30% in the past decade. Indirect CO2 emission accounted for an important part of the consumption-induced emission, the ratio of indirect emission to consumption-induced emission had risen from 69% to 79% during the same period. A significant difference in consumption-induced CO2 emission across different income groups and different regions has been observed. COs emission per capita of higher income groups and developed regions increased faster than that of lower income groups and developing regions. Changing lifestyle has driven significant increase in CO2 emission. Especially, increases in private transport expenditure (for example, vehicle expenditure) and house building expenditure are key driving factors of growth in consumption-induced COL emission. There are big differences in the amount of CO2 emission induced by change in lifestyle across different income groups and provinces. It can be expected that lower income households and developing regions will increase consumption to improve their livings with income growth in the future, which may induce much more CO2 emission. A reasonable level of CO2 emission is necessary to satisfy human needs and to improve living standard, but a noticeable fact is that CO2 emission per capita induced by household consumption in developed areas of China had reached a quite high level. Adjustment in lifestyle towards a low-carbon society is in urgent need.  相似文献   

对崇明县农业2005~2009年所排放的CO2、CH4和N2O的量进行了核算,核算结果显示2005~2009年崇明县农业温室气体总量(折算为CO2)由1 038 527 t上升到1 076 993 t,上升比例为37%。其中,CO2和CH4的排放量分别从2005年的460 178 t和12 039 t下降到2009年的441 705 t和11 686 t,下降比例分别为40%和29%,但N2O的排放量则由2005年的1 050 t上升到2009年的1 258 t,上升比例为198%。N2O排放的快速增长和其巨大的增温潜力是影响崇明温室气体排放总量变化趋势的重要因素。核算结果表明,影响崇明农业温室气体排放的主要因素包括化肥使用强度过大和使用效率过低、粪便管理系统效率不高、农产品销售网络不完善等。未来崇明农业应主要从提高可再生能源利用比例和能源利用效率、实施精确施肥以降低化肥使用强度、提高畜禽粪便资源化利用率以及改善剩余农产品销售网络等方面来减少温室气体排放,从而实现可持续的低碳农业  相似文献   

IntroductionFuel poverty affects 2.4 million UK homes leading to poor hygrothermal conditions and risk of mould and house dust mite contaminations, which in turn increases risk of asthma exacerbation. For the first time we assess how fuel poverty, occupants' risk perception and use of mechanical ventilation mediate the risk of mould contamination in social housing.MethodsPostal questionnaires were sent to 3867 social housing properties to collect adult risk perception, and demographic and environmental information on occupants. Participant details were linked to data pertaining to the individual properties. Multiple logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios and confidence intervals while allowing for clustering of individuals coming from the same housing estate. We used Structured Equation Modelling and Goodness of Fit analysis in mediation analyses to examine the role of fuel poverty, risk perception, use of ventilation and energy efficiency.ResultsEighteen percent of our target social housing populations (671 households) were included into our study. High risk perception (score of 8–10) was associated with reduced risk of mould contamination in the bedrooms of children (OR 0.5 95% CI; 0.3–0.9) and adults (OR 0.4 95% CI; 0.3–0.7). High risk perception of living with inadequate heating and ventilation reduced the risk of mould contamination (OR 0.5 95% CI; 0.3–0.8 and OR 0.5 95% CI; 0.3–0.7, respectively). Participants living with inadequate heating and not heating due to the cost of fuel had an increased risk of mould contamination (OR 3.4 95% CI; 2.0–5.8 and OR 2.2 95% CI; 1.5–3.2, respectively). Increased risk perception and use of extractor fans did not mediate the association between fuel poverty behaviours and increased risk of mould contamination.DiscussionFuel poverty behaviours increased the risk of mould contamination, which corresponds with existing literature. For the first time we used mediation analysis to assess how this association maybe modified by occupant behaviours. Increased risk perception and use of extractor fans did not modify the association between fuel poverty and mould contamination. This suggests that fuel poor populations may not benefit from energy efficiency interventions due to ineffective heating and ventilation practices of those occupants residing participating households. Our findings may be modified by a complex interaction between occupant behaviours and the built environment. We found that participant age, occupancy, SES, pets, drying washing indoors, geographic location, architectural design/age of the property, levels of insulation and type of heating regulated risk of mould contamination.ConclusionFuel poverty behaviours affected around a third of participating households and represent a risk factor for increased exposures to damp and mouldy conditions, regardless of adult risk perception, heating and ventilation practices. This requires multidisciplinary approach to assess the complex interaction between occupant behaviours, risk perception, the built environment and the effective use of heating and ventilation practices.Study implicationsOur findings have implications for housing policies and future housing interventions. Effective communication strategies focusing on awareness and perception of risk may help address indoor air quality issues. This must be supported by improved household energy efficiency with the provision of more effective heating and ventilation strategies, specifically to help alleviate those suffering from fuel poverty.  相似文献   

根据云南省能源消费量,计算了由能源消费产生的CO2排放量及单位GDP碳排放强度。结果表明:近10年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,云南省能源消费及能源消费导致的CO2排放总量也呈现出显著上升的趋势。云南的碳排放强度高于全国平均水平,但人均碳排放量低于全国平均水平。以工业为主的第二产业是能源消费及碳排放的主体,其碳排放占总量的75%。  相似文献   

碳排放导致的全球气候变化已对人类社会与经济发展产生了深刻影响,构建一套适合“两型社会”的碳排放核算体系对于武汉城市圈寻求合理的碳减排途径具有重要的意义。以IPCC碳排放清单为依据,从4个一级项目27个二级项目系统地计算了武汉市城市圈2001~2009年各城市的碳排放总量和碳排放强度。并进一步运用迪氏对数指标分解模型(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Method,LMDI)定量分解了影响武汉城市圈碳排放的影响因素。研究发现:废弃物处理是武汉城市圈碳排量最多的项目,碳排放主要集中在武汉、黄石、孝感和黄冈等市,城市圈碳排放总量、碳排放地理强度和经济强度的年均递增(减)率分别为186%、022%和606%。能源结构、能源效率是抑制碳排放的主要因素,经济水平是碳排放增长的主要原因,人口效应对碳排放的影响不大,其累计贡献值分别为-22 879.85万t、-5 173.10万t、14 258.36万t和58231万t。为降低碳排放,城市圈需在推进废弃物处理技术、新能源开发、产业升级和构建低碳补偿等方面做出改进  相似文献   

户用沼气模式生命周期减排清单与环境效益分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相对于传统农业活动,以沼气为纽带的生态农业生产具有清洁的能源生产和高度闭环的废物回收处置等明显优势,在全国范围内得到入户推广。本文综合考虑沼气工程建造、使用和综合利用等生命周期过程,分析了典型户用沼气池综合利用各阶段环境节能减排清单,并在此基础上评价其环境效益。结果表明,"猪-沼-稻-果"综合农业利用模式下单位沼气池节能减排效果明显,其中CO2、PM10、CH4和CO净减排量分别达3 060.700kg、19.820kg、12.960kg和75.590kg,总净节能达9 068.4MJ。其中,玉米秸秆、沼液沼渣的利用和燃煤替代对温室效应的减缓明显,畜禽粪便的利用和燃煤的替代减缓了环境酸化以及富营养化过程,而光化学氧化的减缓主要来自玉米秸秆的利用而减少的CO、VOC的排放,沼气工程对人体毒害的减缓主要是来自燃煤替代而减少的SO2和PM10排放。户用沼气利用对各种环境影响均有减缓作用,其中对光化学氧化、富营养化、环境酸化和温室效应的改善最为显著,对于降低能源耗竭、减缓对人体的毒性也起到了较好的作用。  相似文献   

Cooking and heating with coal and biomass is the main source of household air pollution in China and a leading contributor to disease burden. As part of a baseline assessment for a household energy intervention program, we enrolled 205 adult women cooking with biomass fuels in Sichuan, China and measured their 48-h personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO) in winter and summer. We also measured the indoor 48-h PM2.5 concentrations in their homes and conducted outdoor PM2.5 measurements during 101 (74) days in summer (winter). Indoor concentrations of CO and nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) were measured over 48-h in a subset of ~ 80 homes. Women's geometric mean 48-h exposure to PM2.5 was 80 μg/m3 (95% CI: 74, 87) in summer and twice as high in winter (169 μg/m3 (95% CI: 150, 190), with similar seasonal trends for indoor PM2.5 concentrations (winter: 252 μg/m3; 95% CI: 215, 295; summer: 101 μg/m3; 95% CI: 91, 112). We found a moderately strong relationship between indoor PM2.5 and CO (r = 0.60, 95% CI: 0.46, 0.72), and a weak correlation between personal PM2.5 and CO (r = 0.41, 95% CI: − 0.02, 0.71). NO2/NO ratios were higher in summer (range: 0.01 to 0.68) than in winter (range: 0 to 0.11), suggesting outdoor formation of NO2 via reaction of NO with ozone is a more important source of NO2 than biomass combustion indoors. The predictors of women's personal exposure to PM2.5 differed by season. In winter, our results show that primary heating with a low-polluting fuel (i.e., electric stove or wood-charcoal) and more frequent kitchen ventilation could reduce personal PM2.5 exposures. In summer, primary use of a gaseous fuel or electricity for cooking and reducing exposure to outdoor PM2.5 would likely have the greatest impacts on personal PM2.5 exposure.  相似文献   

产业结构变动对中国碳排放的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用LMDI分解方法,对中国1996-2009年的碳排放进行分解,定量分析产业结构变动对碳排放变动的影响。在此基础上,依据对未来中国产业结构变动的预测,估算了2020年之前产业结构变动对中国碳减排的贡献。基本情况是,1996-2009年中国碳排放增长464 678万t,其中,经济总量效应531 337万t,产业结构效应49 887万t,能源消费强度效应-223 940万t,能源消费结构效应107 395万t,诸因素对碳排放增长的贡献度分别为114.3%,10.7%,-48.2%和23.1%。产业结构变动驱动了碳排放增长,尽管它不是最主要因素。进一步研究发现,高耗能产业上升或下降1个百分点所对应的CO2排放量增加或减少2.2-2.9亿t。依据对高耗能产业结构变动值的预测,到2020年,产业结构变动效应约为-5亿t,占期间碳排放增量的-15%。这表明,与此前产业结构变动导致碳排放量增加情形相反,未来产业结构变动将有助于减少碳排放。  相似文献   

Forest income and dependency in lowland Bolivia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forests contribute to livelihoods of rural people throughout the tropics. This paper adds to the emerging body of quantitative knowledge on absolute and relative economic importance, through both cash and subsistence income, of moist forests to households. Qualitative contextual information was collected in six villages in lowland Bolivia, followed by a structured survey of randomly selected households (n = 118) that included four quarterly income surveys. We employed a novel data collection approach that allows detailed estimation of total household accounts, including sources of forest income. We estimated the average forest income share of total annual household income (forest dependency) at 20%, ranging from 18 to 24%. Adding environmental income increased the average to 26%, being fairly constant across income quartiles at 24–28%. Absolute levels of forest income increased with total household income, while forest dependency was the highest in the best-off income quartile—the primary harvesters of forest products are better-off households. The pattern of high forest dependency among better-off households has also been reported from other countries, indicating that this pattern may be more common than advocated by conventional wisdom. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions, we found significant determinants of absolute forest income to be household size, sex of household head and area of cultivated land; the significant determinants for forest dependency were level of education, whether household head was born in village and whether household was food self-sufficient. Better-off households were able to realise cash income from forests, while poorer households—in particular if headed by women—were more reliant on subsistence forest income. We argue that the differential patterns of forest income across income quartiles should be considered in future development interventions and that findings indicate a potential for forests to contribute to moving households out of poverty.  相似文献   

以校园碳平衡核算为主要技术手段的量化分析,能够目标明确的阐释校园内碳排放和碳吸收情况,根据碳排放量和碳吸收量占比制定相应的校园低碳减排建设策略,对高校今后的低碳化发展能够提供科学性、准确性的量化依据。本文考虑到碳排放因子的差异性,以实体项目作为分析基础,遴选与集成既有碳排放核算方法,进行了寒冷地区校园碳平衡核算。目标校园为山东建筑大学新校区,计算边界为山东建筑大学新校区空间范围内所有建筑和设施运行产生的、与学校日常事务相关的全部能源消费CO2排放。计算时间以2014年为参照基准年份,以2015年为主要计算年份。碳平衡计算结果表明:2015年校园碳排放量,建筑为20 051 t,交通为171 t,生活为6 576 t;碳吸收量中绿植固碳11 936 t,光伏固碳266 t,净排放24 596 t。校园碳排放系数为3.02,人均碳排放系数为1.04。分析核算数据,校园内碳排放量主要集中于建筑的日常运行用能排放,建筑用能排放中煤炭电力天然气,所涉及耗能用途主要为冬季采暖、空调、照明、热水及炊事。因此,这些用能成为影响校园碳排放的主要影响因素,据此提出高校校园碳减排策略,主要包括:基于碳平衡预测下的校园规划;遵从地域气候特征的生态补偿;建筑单体的低碳化设计与改造;设备系统的低碳化调适与更新;可再生能源的替代性应用。  相似文献   

内陆河流生态系统作为大气中温室气体通量交换的热点区域,对全球的碳循环有重要影响。分别于平水期(2017年5月)和丰水期(2018年7月)对长江中下游滨岸带水体两种温室气体(CH_4和CO_2)释放通量进行了调查研究。结果表明:平水期时,CH_4和CO_2的释放通量分别为0.39~9 668.83 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和0.25~3 229.41μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1),平均值为298.24±1 308.65 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和290.75±645.99μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1);丰水期时,二者的释放通量为-22.80~329.76 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和-110.21~16.39μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1),平均值为21.51±49.56 nmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)和-3.63±13.25μmol·m~(-2)·h~(-1)。水体温度、pH、溶解性总磷浓度、溶解性有机碳和溶解性有机氮比值是影响CH_4和CO_2通量的重要因素。CH_4和CO_2释放通量还受到通江湖泊的缓冲和入江河流输入的影响,表现为河口水系高,湖口水系低的特点。由于外源污染和滨岸带土地利用的差异,城市岸带的CH_4和CO_2排放量最高,其次为自然岸带,湿地岸带和河口较低,通量最低的为化工园岸带。估算表明,长江全年碳排放以CO_2为主,年释放量约为1.93×10~7 t(C),CH_4年释放量约为2.28×10~(4 )t(C),低于世界上一些其他大型河流。  相似文献   

以西藏自治区为例,在2009年农户抽样调查数据基础上,利用数据包络法(DEA)探讨西藏不同区域农户生产效率,认为西藏农户生产效率差异与农业生产中自用价值的计算有关,若考虑自用价值,在固定生产规模报酬(CRS)假设下,平均生产效率为0.653,其中拉萨市最高(0.784),日喀则市最低(0.277);若不计入自用价值,山南与那曲地区呈现最高生产效率。表明西藏农户收入中自用价值占了较大比例,扣除自用价值,收入大幅减少,影响生产效率。因此,提高农牧户生产商品率是增加农牧民收入的有效途径。  相似文献   

农村居民煤炭消费牵涉到农村居民生活方式与能源转型、北方供暖清洁化改革、大气污染治理等重大改革实践,如何准确理解和研判现有的农村居民煤炭消费现状,并进而识别出科学、有效的减煤措施,已成为改善农村居民能源结构、治理农村地区煤炭消费、改善北方地区大气质量的重要手段之一。然而,现有对农村居民煤炭消费的统计数据可能存在一定低估,基础性数据的匮乏与不足严重阻碍了科学研究和公共决策。为了准确了解我国农村居民煤炭消费的现状、特征与空间分布,本文采用第三次中国家庭能源消费调查数据对农村居民的煤炭消费进行了核算,并针对户均煤炭消费量和地区农村居民煤炭消费总量进行了比较,在此基础上还考察了气候差异、资源禀赋、收入水平等因素对农村居民煤炭需求的影响。研究结果表明,2014年中国农村居民生活用煤炭消费总量为6 585.7万tce,平均每户煤炭消费量为347.2 kgce,其中供暖用煤占比96.9%,烹饪用煤占比3.1%。各省的户均煤炭消费和煤炭消费总量呈现显著的空间差异,其中:东北、西部地区农村居民户均煤炭消费量显著高于其他地区,北京及周边的河北、山东、山西、内蒙、辽宁和天津7个省、市的农村居民共消费了全国55%的农村生活用煤,其中北京周边的河北、山东和山西三省农村居民消费了全国46.6%的农村煤炭消费。地区煤炭资源禀赋、农村居民住房面积与供暖用煤需求显著正相关,而冬季户外温度、居民收入水平同煤炭需求之间关系不显著。未来政府应通过改善农村居民民生需求、推动农村能源转型、提高农村能源统计水平等途径来有效治理农村散煤消费。  相似文献   

Burning biomass fuels such as wood on indoor open-pit stoves is common in developing regions. In such settings, exposure to harmful combustion products such as fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)), carbon monoxide (CO) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is of concern. We aimed to investigate if the replacement of open pit stoves by improved stoves equipped with a chimney would significantly reduce exposure to PAHs, PM(2.5) and CO. Two stove projects were evaluated in Peru. Program A was part of the Juntos National Program in which households built their own stoves using materials provided. In Program B, Barrick Gold Corporation hired a company to produce and install the stoves locally. A total of 30 and 27 homes participated in Program A and B, respectively. We collected personal and kitchen air samples, as well as morning urine samples from women tasked with cooking in the households before and after the installation of the improved stoves. Median levels of PM(2.5) and CO were significantly reduced in kitchen and personal air samples by 47-74% after the installation of the new stoves, while the median reduction of 10 urinary hydroxylate PAH metabolites (OH-PAHs) was 19%-52%. The observed OH-PAH concentration in this study was comparable or higher than the 95th percentile of the general U.S. population, even after the stove intervention, indicating a high overall exposure in this population.  相似文献   

中国已经在7个省市进行了碳排放权交易市场的试点,并拟于2017年建立全国碳排放权交易市场。随着碳市场政策的逐步完善,碳排放将成为企业的总量控制目标之一。在全国碳市场即将建立的背景下,研究企业对于全国碳市场政策的预期,分析企业的响应规律,估算企业对于碳信用的支付意愿,对于保障全国碳市场的顺利建立和有效运行具有重要的意义。基于此,本研究利用多边界离散选择的方式,调查了全国范围内29个省市的555家企业,对于由于全国碳市场建立而导致的能源价格提高的接受程度,并利用多元线性回归模型分析影响企业接受程度的因素,最后估算企业对于碳市场中碳信用的支付意愿。结果显示:(1)企业可接受的能源价格提高比例的平均值为8.3%,其中碳试点企业可接受的提高比例最高,达到10.2%,非碳试点企业可接受的提高比例最低,为7.5%;(2)对企业接受程度的影响因素分析显示,企业的能源价格压力,以及企业对于全国碳市场到来的时间预期与接受程度显著负相关;企业对于碳减排技术的了解程度,以及企业对于全国碳市场控制程度的预期与接受程度显著正相关;(3)对于全国碳市场中的碳信用,企业平均愿意支付的价格为79.6元/t CO_2,其中碳试点企业的支付意愿最高,为95.9元/t CO_2,非碳试点企业的支付意愿最低,为72.6元/t CO_2。据此,为保障全国碳排放权交易市场的顺利建立,实现对企业碳排放的有效控制,政府应该注重降低企业的用能成本,引导与支持企业进行技术创新与升级,提高企业对于碳市场政策的认识和了解,并充分考虑不同地区的差异和不同企业的支付能力差别,合理设定碳价。  相似文献   

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