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Otero M  Gómez X  García AI  Morán A 《Chemosphere》2007,69(11):1740-1750
Combustion of urban sewage sludge together with coal in existing infrastructures may be a sustainable management option energetically interesting for these materials, usually considered wastes. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to study the combustion of a semianthracite coal and the modifications undergone when adding a small percentage (2%, 5%, 10%) of sewage sludge. Both Differential Scanning Calorimetric analysis and Differential Thermogravimetry burning profiles showed differences between coal and sewage sludge combustion. However, the effects of adding a percentage of sewage sludge equal or smaller than 10% was hardly noticeable in terms of heat release and weight loss during the coal combustion. This was further proved by non-isothermal kinetic analysis, which was used to evaluate the Arrhenius activation energy corresponding to the co-combustion of the blends. This work shows that thermogravimetric analysis may be used as an easy rapid tool to asses the co-combustion of sewage sludge together with coal.  相似文献   

煤粉炉掺烧干化污泥的污染物排放研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合某电厂420 t/h四角煤粉炉掺烧污泥项目的实验室分析测试,了解煤粉掺烧不同含水率不同比例的干化污泥条件下烟气中污染物和灰渣中重金属的排放特性.结果表明,在实验研究配比和燃烧的条件下,大部分重金属元素Pb、Cu、Cr和Ni残留在灰渣中,Zn、Cd部分残留在灰渣中, As、Hg和Se等易挥发元素释放到烟气中,在灰渣中的含量很小.掺烧污泥后,灰渣中的重金属含量较单烧单煤都有了一定幅度的升高,Zn的含量是单煤的2倍,其余重金属是单煤的1.1~1.2倍.3种不同的掺混比例之间的污染气体排放浓度基本相似.烟气中主要污染物及重金属浓度可以满足现行国家标准.与单烧单煤相比,CO、HCl以及其他有机气体排放浓度基本相同;NH3的排放浓度较单煤有所升高;SO2、NOx和CO2排放浓度略有降低;飞灰浓度有所升高.烟气中的重金属,Hg含量升高了30%,Pb含量约为单煤的4.3~4.8倍.以上研究结果可为环保达标和飞灰利用提供基础数据.  相似文献   

污水污泥在富氧环境下燃烧特性的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用综合热分析仪研究了空气气氛和富氧气氛下污水污泥和煤的燃烧曲线,分析比较氧浓度对污泥燃烧特性参数的影响,并计算得到各工况下的动力学参数。结果表明:随着氧浓度增加,污泥燃烧DTG曲线向低温区移动,着火温度和燃尽温度均降低,综合燃烧指数大大提高,污泥燃烧特性得到改善。可用两段一级反应动力学模型来较好的描述污泥的主要燃烧过...  相似文献   

广西城镇污泥掺烧利用组分特性的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广西城镇污水处理厂污泥进行元素分析、组分分析、工业分析和热重分析,探讨污泥掺烧应用特性,为广西的污泥资源化利用提供数据。结果表明,污泥的元素组成与煤差别较大,如污泥中的氮元素含量为4.627%,高于煤的1.628%;污泥焚烧灰含有高达15%的SiO2;污泥的挥发分为34.6377%比煤的25.089%略高;污泥的焚烧可分为3个阶段,分别为水分析出阶段(室温~160℃)、挥发分析出燃烧阶段(160~500℃)、固定碳及剩余可燃物燃烧阶段(510~950℃),升温速率升高,挥发分析出阶段提前了约50℃,粒径对析出温度影响不大,但粒径小更利于干污泥燃烧。因此,广西污泥是一种低热值,燃烧剧烈的燃料,可以用于掺烧,焚烧灰分具有较高的建材价值。  相似文献   

采用热重分析法,对生活污泥与煤以1∶1质量比混合的试样进行燃烧及热解实验研究,重点分析了升温速率对其热解及燃烧特性的影响,为煤泥混烧及热解技术的工业化应用提供理论支持。结果表明:煤泥混合样燃烧失重分为4个阶段,混燃过程中污泥与煤共同影响着混合试样的燃烧特性,随着升温速率从15 ℃·min-1增加到50 ℃·min-1,其可燃性指数C增幅达60%和综合燃烧特性指数S提高了4倍多,燃烧性能得到明显提高;煤泥混合样的热解失重分为2个阶段,各阶段热解的挥发份最大析出速率(dw/dt)max及挥发分析出特性指数D均随升温速率的升高而大幅增大,且试样总的挥发综合释放指数D从0.081 7×10-8K-3·min-2增大到5.868×10-8K-3·min-2,可见升温速率越高,煤泥混合物的热解性能越好。  相似文献   

研究污泥、皮革、煤以不同比例混合时的热解特性和混烧特性,结果表明:皮革的平均失重率最高,在500℃时失重可达70%,污泥失重率比较稳定;煤的挥发分析出特性最差,最大失重率对应的温度最高,而且物料混合时有一定的交互影响,能促进热解过程;混烧时皮革含量越高,燃烧越充分,炉内温度越高,而污泥越多,烟气中的NOx含量越高,煤的掺入能降低烟气中二恶英的浓度。  相似文献   

Nowadays the use of waste as secondary fuel in clinker kilns is an extensive practice, but the interaction between cement raw material (CRM) and the combustion gases of the fuels has not been extensively studied. Because of that, in this work the effect of the interaction of exhaust from the combustion of sewage sludge and CRM has been studied in a laboratory furnace. The experiments were performed at 300 degrees C, close to the temperature at the cyclones in a cement industry. The behavior of volatile compounds, polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAH) and polychloro dibenzo-p-dioxin and polychloro dibenzofurans (PCCD/F) were analysed in the presence or absence of CRM. The results obtained show that the presence of CRM at the outlet of the combustion gases is beneficial for the decrease of pollutant emissions.  相似文献   

为了污泥与煤混合热解的实验研究及工程化应用提供初步的数据及理论支持,利用热重分析仪讨论了污泥与煤混合热解的主要影响因素(加热速率、热解终温及混合比例)以及动力学参数。结果表明:加热速率对污泥热解影响较小;混合物热解终温与煤的热解终温基本一致;煤在污泥(干基)中的添加比例小于50%有利于挥发分的产出;通过热解特性及动力学参数分析,得出混合物比单一物料更易分解,且两者存在一定的协同效应;建立了污泥与煤不同混合比例在有机质主要热解区间内的经验动力学方程,经具体混合比例验证,经验动力学方程推导出的动力学参数及TG曲线与实际实验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

The neutralization of wastewater treatment residues is an issue for many countries. The European Union (EU) legal regulations have limited the use of the residues in agriculture and implemented a ban for their disposal. Therefore, urgent action should be taken to find solutions for the safe disposal of sewage sludge. The problem refers in particular to the new EU member countries, including Poland, where one can now observe an intensive development of sewage system networks and new sewage treatment plants. At the same time, these countries have few installations for thermal sewage sludge utilization (e.g., there is only one installation of that type in Poland). Simultaneously, there are many coal-fired mechanical stoker-fired boilers in some of these countries. This paper presents suggestions for the production of granulated fuel from sewage sludge and coal slime. Additionally, among others, lime was added to the fuel to decrease the sulfur compounds emission. Results are presented of research on fuel with two average grain diameters (approximately 15 and 35 mm). The fuel with such diameters is adapted to the requirements of the combustion process taking place in a stoker-fired boiler. The research was aimed at identifying the behavior of the burning fuel, with special attention paid to its emission properties (e.g., to the emissions of oxides of nitrogen [NO(x)], sulfur dioxide [SO2], and carbon monoxide [CO], among others). The concentration and emission values were compared with similar results obtained while burning hard coal. The combustion process was carried out in a laboratory stand where realization of the large-scale tests is possible. The laboratory stand used made simulation possible for a wide range of burning processes in mechanical stoker-fired boilers.  相似文献   

根据改进了的BCR连续提取法,重金属元素形态分为酸可提取态、氧化物结合态、有机物结合态和残渣态,实验研究了不同燃烧温度、空气流量和燃烧气氛对燃煤重金属(Cr、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd和Pb)的形态分布和挥发特性的影响规律。结果表明:在原煤和灰渣中,各重金属元素均主要以稳定的残渣态存在;8种重金属元素的挥发性难易程度顺序为Pb、Cd、Zn>As、Cr、Ni、Cu>Mn;燃烧温度从650℃升至1 050℃过程中,各重金属元素4种存在形态的逸出率逐渐升高,逸出率最低增大幅度为20%,最高达60%;随空气流量的增大,重金属元素的有机物结合态和残渣态加速分解和挥发,各重金属元素的逸出率不断增大;除元素Mn和Ni较易于在贫氧气氛中挥发外,元素Cr、Cu、Zn、As、Cd和Pb均在富氧气氛中比较易于挥发气化。  相似文献   

以某污水厂市政污泥和3种不同产地(峰峰、新柏和山寨)的煤矸石作为研究对象,在实验室分别进行样品预处理后,使用管式电阻炉进行了热解实验。实验结果表明,污泥热解中加入矸石不改变污泥热解产生可燃气的规律。添加煤矸石后污泥热解产生的可燃气量会有所增加,而在污泥热解实验中加入煤矸石会对热解CO气浓度提高有促进,分析认为,部分原因...  相似文献   

给水厂与污水厂污泥制陶粒技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对天津凌庄自来水厂的给水厂污泥和天津东郊污水处理厂的污水厂污泥的成分进行了分析,在此基础上根据焙烧陶粒的原理,设计了以2种污泥为原料焙烧陶粒的工艺流程。通过实验,研究了其工艺过程中的影响因素并确定了工艺参数。性能检验结果表明,添加量为30%的混合污泥陶粒,在1 140℃焙烧5 min,可得到强度标号为40 MPa的高强陶粒。因此,以2种污泥为原料烧制陶粒的处置方法可行,并能带来一定的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。得到的产品符合国标中高强陶粒的要求,可广泛应用于建筑行业中的承重结构。  相似文献   

为评价超声波预处理对城市污泥好氧/缺氧消化效果的影响,将超声波-好氧/缺氧消化工艺与传统的好氧/缺氧消化工艺进行了对比研究。结果表明,经25 d消化处理,引进超声波后的好氧/缺氧消化效果显著提高,污泥的VSS去除率达到51.98%,高于传统好氧/缺氧消化的42.98%。2种工艺消化的污泥TCOD以及污泥上清液中的SCOD、TP和NH3-N的变化趋势相似;而经超声波-好氧/缺氧消化的污泥上清液中硝态氮和亚硝态氮浓度较传统好氧/缺氧的高,说明经超声波处理后的污泥中的硝化细菌的活性增强,硝化反应加快。  相似文献   

污泥中含有大量的有机物、重金属以及病原菌等,不加处理任意排放会对环境造成严重的污染.以中国矿业大学(南湖校区)污水处理厂剩余污泥为研究对象,通过堆肥实验以及堆肥农用的盆栽实验得出,污泥堆肥整体上可以降低污泥中重金属和有机质的含量,TN含量在堆肥过程中先增加但最终下降,TP含量在堆肥过程中有所增加;污泥堆肥农用后,随着堆肥施用量的增加,土壤和小麦中的重金属含量有所增加;土壤中的有机质、TN和TP含量也有所增加;当小麦长势最好时,有机质比空白样增加了27.6%,TP增加了232.4%,TN增加了213.5%;从有机质和TN角度看,污泥堆肥施用量大于20 t/hm2时,土壤肥力达到高肥标准.  相似文献   

Utilization of urban sewage sludge: Chinese perspectives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


Urbanization and industrialization in China has resulted in a dramatic increase in the volume of wastewater and sewage sludge produced from wastewater treatment plants. Problems associated with sewage sludge have attracted increasing attention from the public and urban planners. How to manage sludge in an economically and environmentally acceptable manner is one of the critical issues that modern societies are facing.


Sludge treatment systems consist of thickening, dewatering, and several different alternative main treatments (anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, drying, composting, and incineration). Agricultural application, landfill, and incineration are the principal disposal methods for sewage sludge in China. However, sewage sludge disposal in the future should focus on resource recovery, reducing environmental impacts and saving economic costs.


The reuse of biosolids in all scenarios can be environmentally beneficial and cost-effective. Anaerobic digestion followed by land application is the preferable options due to low economic and energy costs and material reuse.


It is necessary to formulate a standard suitable for the utilization of sewage sludge in China.  相似文献   

Pyrolytic characteristics of sewage sludge   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study, a number of different sewage sludge including sludge samples from industrial and hospital wastewater treatment plants were characterized for pyrolysis behavior by means of thermogravimetric analysis up to 800 degrees C. According to the thermogravimetric results, five different types of mass loss behaviors were observed depending on the nature of the sludge used. Typical main decomposition steps occurred between 250 and 550 degrees C although some still decomposed at higher temperatures. The first group (Types I, II and III) was identified by main decomposition at approximately 300 degrees C and possible second reaction at higher temperature. Differences in the behavior may be due to different components in the sludge both quantitatively and qualitatively. The second group (Types IV and V), which rarely found, has unusual properties. DTG peaks were found at 293, 388 and 481 degrees C for Type IV and 255 and 397 degrees C for Type V. Kinetics of sludge decomposition can be described by either pseudo single or multicomponent overall models (PSOM or PMOM). The activation energy of the first reaction, corresponding to the main pyrolysis typically at 300 degrees C, was rather constant (between 68 and 77 kJ mol(-1)) while those of second and third reactions were varied in the range of 85-185 kJ mol(-1). The typical order of pyrolysis reaction was in the range of 1.1-2.1. The pyrolysis gases were composed of both saturated and unsaturated light hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, ethanol and chloromethane. Most products, however, evolve at a quite similar temperature regardless of the sludge type.  相似文献   

在O2气氛下,研究了煤与污泥2种燃料中添加4种钙基固硫剂( CaO、Ca(OH)2、CaCO3和白云石(CaCO3·MgCO3))后的SO2和NOx的释放特性.结果表明:(1)煤燃烧时SO2的释放曲线和NO较相似,呈现2个析出峰;污泥燃烧过程中SO2和NO的释放规律一致,35 s时烟气中SO2和NO瞬时质量浓度达到峰值...  相似文献   

以污水处理厂浓缩池污泥为研究对象,用污泥比阻、污泥含水率和污泥粘度评价污泥脱水性能,研究亚铁离子活化过硫酸盐氧化法对污泥脱水性能的影响。结果表明,单独投加过硫酸钾时,污泥比阻和含水率随过硫酸钾投加量的增加稍有下降。投加硫酸亚铁和过硫酸钾时,温度对污泥脱水性能影响不大。污泥脱水性能最佳的条件:在常温下,污泥pH为7,硫酸亚铁投加量为1.5 mmol/g VSS、过硫酸钾投加量为1.2 mmol/g VSS,亚铁离子和过硫酸根的摩尔比为1.25:1,污泥的比阻从5.36×1012 m/kg降低到1.9×1011 m/kg,含水率从97.0%降低到81.6%,粘度从178 mPa·s降低到102 mPa·s。  相似文献   

The Gharb region in Morocco is an important agricultural zone where soils receive pesticide treatments and organic amendments to increase yields. The groundwater aquifer in the Gharb region is relatively shallow and thus vulnerable. The objective of this work was to study the influence of organic amendments on diuron, cyhalofop-butyl and procymidone leaching through undisturbed soil columns. Two soils were sampled from the Gharb region, a Dehs (sandy soil) and a R'mel (loamy clay soil). Following elution (124.5 mm), the amount of pesticide residues in the leachates of the sandy soil (0.06-0.21 %) was lower than in those of the loamy clay soil (0.20-0.36 %), which was probably due to preferential flow through the loamy clay soil. The amount of procymidone leached through the amended soil columns was greater than the control for the sandy soil only. The organic amendments did not significantly influence diuron and cyhalofop-butyl leaching in either of the soils. The application of organic amendments affected the amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) eluted and thus pesticide leaching as a function of soil-type. Nevertheless, in some case, the formation of pesticide-DOM complexes appeared to promote pesticide leaching, thus increasing groundwater contamination risks.  相似文献   

The Gharb region in Morocco is an important agricultural zone where soils receive pesticide treatments and organic amendments to increase yields. The groundwater aquifer in the Gharb region is relatively shallow and thus vulnerable. The objective of this work was to study the influence of organic amendments on diuron, cyhalofop-butyl and procymidone leaching through undisturbed soil columns. Two soils were sampled from the Gharb region, a Dehs (sandy soil) and a R’mel (loamy clay soil). Following elution (124.5 mm), the amount of pesticide residues in the leachates of the sandy soil (0.06–0.21 %) was lower than in those of the loamy clay soil (0.20–0.36 %), which was probably due to preferential flow through the loamy clay soil. The amount of procymidone leached through the amended soil columns was greater than the control for the sandy soil only. The organic amendments did not significantly influence diuron and cyhalofop-butyl leaching in either of the soils. The application of organic amendments affected the amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) eluted and thus pesticide leaching as a function of soil-type. Nevertheless, in some case, the formation of pesticide-DOM complexes appeared to promote pesticide leaching, thus increasing groundwater contamination risks.  相似文献   

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