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The aggregate income of oil-exporting countries relative to that of oil-poor countries has been remarkably constant in recent decades, despite the existence of structural gaps in productivity growth rates. This stylized fact is rationalized in an endogenous growth model of asymmetric trade where resource-poor and resource-rich economies display productivity differences but stable income shares due to terms-of-trade dynamics. The model yields two testable predictions that deserve empirical scrutiny: (i) the asymmetric impact, between exporters and importers, of national taxes on resource use on income shares and (ii) the inverse relation between terms-of-trade dynamics and total factor productivity growth.  相似文献   

The aggregate income of oil-exporting countries relative to that of oil-poor countries has been remarkably constant in recent decades, despite the existence of structural gaps in productivity growth rates. This stylized fact is rationalized in an endogenous growth model of asymmetric trade where resource-poor and resource-rich economies display productivity differences but stable income shares due to terms-of-trade dynamics. The model yields two testable predictions that deserve empirical scrutiny: (i) the asymmetric impact, between exporters and importers, of national taxes on resource use on income shares and (ii) the inverse relation between terms-of-trade dynamics and total factor productivity growth.  相似文献   

This article derives Pigouvian-type corrective measures for reciprocal externalities when non-Nash behavior characterizes the participants. These reciprocal externalities may involve various kinds of environmental pollutants, such as acid rain. A comparison between corrective measures for Nash and non-Nash behavior demonstrates that positive conjectures, regarding the other agent's externality-generating activity, have an expectation-internalizing influence that usually reduces the required corrective measures. Negative conjectures (e.g., free-riding expectations), however, have an expectation-externalizing effect that increases the required corrective measures. The article analyzes both two-person and n-person externalities.  相似文献   

An understanding of the trophic organization patterns of tropical littoral fish assemblages can contribute to the knowledge of key ecosystem processes while simultaneously assisting to validate large-scale biogeographic patterns (i.e. latitudinal patterns in fish herbivory). In the present study, the diets of eight fish species inhabiting the tide pools of a rocky shore on the western coast of Colombia (tropical eastern Pacific) are documented. A total of 17 prey items were identified, with a major representation (average percent by weight) of crabs and macroalgae items in the guts of all species. Small crustacean prey items (crabs, shrimps, copepods and amphipods) dominated the diets of most species, but consumption of macroalgae and diatoms by a significant number of species was also observed. We identified four significant trophic guilds within the assemblage using multivariate techniques (cluster analysis and nMDS): an omnivorous guild, consisting of Malacoctenus zonifer and the smallest size class of Bathygobius ramosus; a small-prey carnivorous guild, consisting of the intermediate size classes of B. ramosus and the smallest size class of Gobiesox adustus; a large-prey carnivorous guild, consisting of both largest size classes of B. ramosus and G. adustus; and an herbivorous guild consisting of Abudefduf concolor, A. troschelii and Chaenomugil proboscideus. The diet of two species slightly overlapped those of the rest of the assemblage and did not conform to any guild (Echidna nocturna and Halichoeres aestuaricola). It is hypothesised that guild formation may be a consequence of aggregation of species at abundant resources in the intertidal zone rather than a direct consequence of inter-specific competition. Ontogenetic changes in diets were observed in two resident species of the assemblage (B. ramosus and G. adustus). The latitudinal trend for herbivory inside this tropical assemblage is discussed in comparison with similar temperate studies in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern for the disruptive effects seen in aquatic species exposed to environmental contaminants. However, few studies have investigated the impact of such contaminants on the behavior of individuals living in exposed waters. Contaminant exposure can affect animal populations by disrupting behaviors including feeding, locomotion, and mating. In this study, we examined how living in an ecosystem polluted by combinations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead, zinc) impacts contest behavior in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Fish collected from heavily contaminated and cleaner sites in Lake Ontario were subjected to a resource contest to determine the effect of these contaminants on aggression and the establishment of dominance hierarchies, which in turn influence access to food, shelter, and mating opportunities. Dominance establishment (a clear resource winner) was less obvious among fish from the contaminated site compared to the more stable hierarchies that formed between pairs of fish from the clean site. Pairs of fish from the contaminated site performed more assessment displays compared to fish from clean sites. These results suggest that the costs of living in an environment under exposure can shape behavioral repertoires. The altered conflict resolution strategies of contaminated fish may reflect impaired cognitive function, sensory perception, and/or higher metabolic load associated with aggression. This study provides support for the utilization of quantifiable behavioral differences as ecologically relevant measures of contaminant exposure.  相似文献   

Since 2007, the ecosystem of the Gulf of Lions has shifted to a different regime, characterised by a low anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) biomass and a remarkably high sprat (Sprattus sprattus) biomass. Surprisingly, the abundance and recruitment of anchovy and sardine remained high. To understand which processes (bottom-up or top-down control, etc.) could have caused this shift, we studied the changes in body condition, growth and size and age of anchovy, sardine and sprat over 1984–1985 and 1992–2012, using data from scientific surveys. The annual age structure of anchovy and sardine was estimated using Bayesian mixture models based on size frequency data with priors on the age–length relationship derived from independent otolith readings. The results indicated periods during which anchovy and sardine were in an average (1992–2004), good (2005–2007) or poor (2008–2012) overall state of condition. For sardine, the shift towards smaller fish observed during these past 4 years was explained by a combination of slower growth and the disappearance of older individuals (ages 2+). Despite the increase in biomass of sprat since 2008, indications were found that sprat was also smaller than in the past. As growth and condition decreased and overexploitation has not been documented or suspected for those three species in this area, we propose that the current decline in sardine and anchovy biomass could be due to qualitative and/or quantitative modifications in the planktonic production (i.e. a bottom-up control) or mass mortalities of adults due to an epidemic disease.  相似文献   

Wildlife resource selection studies typically compare used to available resources; selection or avoidance occurs when use is disproportionately greater or less than availability. Comparing used to available resources is problematic because results are often greatly influenced by what is considered available to the animal. Moreover, placing relocation points within resource units is often difficult due to radiotelemetry and mapping errors. Given these problems, we suggest that an animal’s resource use be summarized at the scale of the home range (i.e., the spatial distribution of all point locations of an animal) rather than by individual points that are considered used or available. To account for differences in use-intensity throughout an animal’s home range, we model resource selection using kernel density estimates and polytomous logistic regression. We present a case study of elk (Cervus elaphus) resource selection in South Dakota to illustrate the procedure. There are several advantages of our proposed approach. First, resource availability goes undefined by the investigator, which is a difficult and often arbitrary decision. Instead, the technique compares the intensity of animal use throughout the home range. This technique also avoids problems with classifying locations rigidly as used or unused. Second, location coordinates do not need to be placed within mapped resource units, which is problematic given mapping and telemetry error. Finally, resource use is considered at an appropriate scale for management because most wildlife resource decisions are made at the level of the patch. Despite the advantages of this use-intensity procedure, future research should address spatial autocorrelation and develop spatial models for ordered categorical variables.  相似文献   

Among taxonomically widespread cooperatively breeding vertebrates, those with non-breeding helpers-at-the-nest provide an excellent opportunity to understand the proximate mechanisms underlying care and allocare. In this study, we examined androgen levels in relation to care behavior in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher, from Lake Tanganyika. We concentrated on androgens, as these hormones have been linked to the defense behavior, and the defense of young is a common form of parental care in fishes. N. pulcher dominant female breeders performed the most care and also displayed the highest levels of plasma testosterone (T) compared with other individuals within the social group. We also found that dominant male breeders provided a similar amount of care as did the subordinate helpers, but breeding males had the highest levels of 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), an important androgen in fish. Breeders had higher levels of both androgens (T and 11KT) compared to helpers. There was a weak but significant positive correlation between T levels and the frequency of care regardless of sex and status. Our results suggest that androgens may promote defense of young and are in contrast to the commonly reported trade-off between androgen and parental care.  相似文献   

Dispersion, distribution, development and feeding incidence of larvae of the naked goby,Gobiosoma bosci (Lacepéde), were examined for linkages between larval behavior while near the reef surface and later patterns of settlement and recruitment. Field sampling and experiments were conducted during the summers of 1988 and 1989 in the Flag Pond oyster reef along the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay near Camp Conoy, Maryland, USA. Results indicated that prior to settlement most demersal larvae aggregate in shoals and exhibit distinct microhabitat preferences on the reef. In a field experiment, larvae settled both during the day and at night. Dispersion at settlement was aggregated, suggesting that demersal shoaling influences settlement patterns in this species. The distribution of demersal larvae also indicated that larval swimming behavior is sufficiently strong to permit active control of position on reefs. Large demersal larvae settled rapidly when brought to the laboratory, but small larvae in demersal shoals appeared to require additional growth and morphological development prior to settlement. Development of the pelvic fins, used by juveniles and adults for perching on the substrate, may be a good indicator of competence to settle in this species. The adaptive significance of demersal shoaling by small larvae of the naked goby, and the fate of these larvae, remains perplexing because the low feeding rates found for larvae shoaling near the reef surface should slow or prevent the growth and development required prior to settlement. Observations made by other authors indicate that demersal shoaling and the use of water directly overlying reefs may be common behaviors of temperate and tropical reef fishes.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models predict that the relative allocation to advertisement and parental care depends on whether paternal care is necessary for offspring survival: In species with exclusive male care, male investment in attraction is expected to reliably indicate paternal care effort and male phenotypic quality. Previous research, yielding contrasting results, has considered how one trait involved in mate attraction interacts with parental care or a specific aspect of male quality. In the blenny Salaria pavo, we perform a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between overall male attractiveness and male quality, the latter in terms of fertility, condition, and parental care. In this fish, males are larger than females, exhibit two sexually dimorphic traits (head crest and anal glands), and solely care for eggs. We generated a male attractiveness index through principal component analyses of morphological traits and quantified parental effort as the total time spent in egg care. In addition, we analyzed the relationships between specific components of attractiveness and male qualities. In agreement with theory predictions, we found that male overall attractiveness is a reliable indicator of fertility, in terms of sperm number, but is unrelated to body condition and parental care effort, with males able to perform high levels of care regardless of their level of advertisement. However, the relative expression of head crest area appears positively related to sperm number but is traded-off with parental care effort. These findings underline the need, in addressing real patterns, to consider interactions between multiple aspects of male display and quality.  相似文献   

The utilization and fate of nitrogen in larvae of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), blenny (Blennius pavo) and herring (Clupea harengus), from the stage of first-feeding to metamorphosis, was examined under laboratory conditions. Rates of ammonia excretion, primary amine defaecation, and growth in terms of protein-nitrogen were monitored throughout larval life. Data were used to calculate daily ration, the coefficient of nitrogen utilization (absorption efficiency), and gross and net growth efficiencies. The developmental pattern of nitrogen balance was similar for plaice and blenny larvae. These species showed increasing growth efficiency (k1: 55 to 80%) with decreasing weight-specific waste nitrogen losses with age. Absorption efficiencies. were high (83 to 98%) in plaice and blenny larvae, and tended to increase with development in the former species. Ration relative to body weight decreased with growth in both species. Herring larval development, although at a slower rate than blenny and plaice, appeared normal up to 33 d, after which high mortality occurred. Absorption efficiency in this species tended to decline (83 to 43%) with age, until metabolic costs exceeded the absorbed ration and growth ceased. Artemia sp. nauplii proved a suitable food source for the rearing of plaice and blenny larvae, but this diet may have long-term toxicity or deficiency effects on herring. Availability and density of food affected nitrogen balance in the larvae of all three species. Feeding stimulated the output of wastes in excretion and defaecation by a factor of up to ten times the 12-h non-feeding basal rates. Waste nitrogen output reached a peak some 2 to 3 h after commencement of feeding and returned slowly to the baseline in 5 to 10 h after cessation of feeding. There was an asymptotic increase in ration, ammonia output and growth of larvae as prey density increased. Ration saturated at a higher prey density (>4 prey ml-1) than either growth or excretion rate (1 prey ml-1). Thus the efficiency with which food is absorbed and utilized for growth must eventually decline in response to high prey density. The idea that larval fish are adapted to maximize ingestion and growth rate, rather than optimize growth efficiency and thus to respond to prey occurring in either low density or in occasional patches, is supported by these results.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,181(1):59-77
Plant morphological adjustment in response to spatial resource heterogeneity is an important factor that determines the outcomes of plant–plant and plant–environment interactions. In this study, a dynamic model of resource allocation and growth partitioning at the whole-plant level is presented. The aim is to suggest a mechanism by which plants are capable of modifying their resource allocation to favour the growth of their growing parts sited in resource-rich patches. In this model, an individual plant is treated as a population of relatively independent subunits competing for internal resources. The growth decision of individual shoot and root subunits depends on their local endogenous nutrient status. The allocation of nutrients to different shoot parts and root parts is determined by the structure of the vascular networks. No specific partitioning functions and driving coefficients are introduced in the model to coordinate resource allocation and growth partitioning at the whole-plant level. Vascular tissues acquire resources from the nutrient flow passing through them to grow and maintain their activities. The simulation results show that, based on simple rules of nutrient supply, transport and utilization, plants are able to integrate activities at the whole-plant level to allocate proportionally more growth to their growing parts in the most favourable positions.  相似文献   

The link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is now well established, but the challenge remains to develop a mechanistic understanding of observed effects. Predator-prey interactions provide an opportunity to examine the role of resource partitioning, thought to be a principal mediator of biodiversity-function relationships. To date, interactions between multiple predators and their prey have typically been investigated in simplified agricultural systems with limited scope for resource partitioning. Thus there remains a dearth of studies examining the functional consequences of predator richness in diverse food webs. Here, we manipulated a species-rich intertidal food web, crossing predator diversity with total predator density, to simultaneously examine the independent and interactive effects of diversity and density on the efficiency of secondary resource capture. The effect of predator diversity was only detectable at high predator densities where competitive interactions between individual predators were magnified; the rate of resource capture within the species mixture more than doubled that of the best-performing single species. Direct observation of species-specific resource use in monoculture, as quantified by patterns of prey consumption, provided clear evidence that species occupied distinct functional niches, suggesting a mechanistic explanation of the observed diversity effect.  相似文献   

One source of uncertainty in predicting the response of populations to exploitation is individual differences within a population in both vulnerability to capture and contribution to population renewal. For species with parental care, individuals engaged in nesting behavior are often targeted for exploitation, but predicting outcomes of this nonrandom vulnerability will depend in part on an understanding of how parental traits are related to potential for brood contribution to the population. Variation in brood-specific contribution to recruitment of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), a fish species with extended parental care, was quantified to determine if differences in mating success, parental care behaviors, and timing of reproduction influenced offspring recruitment. Dependence of these relationships on brood predation was tested in communities that differed in the presence of bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, an important nest predator. Daily snorkel surveys were conducted in experimental ponds during spring to monitor male spawning and parental care behaviors in populations of largemouth bass. Tissue samples collected from larvae in nests were used to develop brood-specific DNA fingerprints for determining nest origins of fall recruits. Largemouth bass spawning period in bluegill ponds was longer and more variable in duration, with lower, more variable mating success, than in ponds without bluegill. In all populations, only one or two broods provided the majority of recruits, and these were broods produced during the earliest days of spawning by the oldest, largest males. In bluegill ponds, brood contribution from earliest nests also increased with brood size. Earliest nesters were the oldest males, and recruits from these nests were often above average in body size. Offspring needed to be guarded to at least swim-up larval stage to contribute any recruits. Termination of parental protection before offspring were free swimming mainly occurred with broods guarded by smaller males in ponds with brood predators. These age- and size-specific differences in timing of spawning and duration of parental care are consistent with influences of residual reproductive value and energetic constraints on reproductive behavior. Furthermore, these patterns of individual contribution to recruitment imply that fisheries that selectively target either nesting individuals or larger, older males could potentially decrease recruitment at the population scale.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that animals will adjust their foraging behavior in order to maximize net energy intake and that trade-offs may exist that can influence their behavior. Although substantial advances have been made with respect to the foraging ecology of large marine predators, there is still a limited understanding of how predators respond to temporal and spatial variability in prey resources, primarily due to a lack of empirical studies that quantify foraging and diving behavior concurrently with characteristics of prey fields. Such information is important because changes in prey availability can influence the foraging success and ultimately fitness of marine predators. We assessed the diving behavior of juvenile female harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) and prey fields near glacial ice and terrestrial haulout sites in Glacier Bay (58°40′N, ?136°05′W), Alaska. Harbor seals captured at glacial ice sites dived deeper, had longer dive durations, lower percent bottom time, and generally traveled further to forage. The increased diving effort for seals from the glacial ice site corresponded to lower prey densities and prey at deeper depths at the glacial ice site. In contrast, seals captured at terrestrial sites dived shallower, had shorter dive durations, higher percent bottom time, and traveled shorter distances to access foraging areas with much higher prey densities at shallower depths. The increased diving effort for seals from glacial ice sites suggests that the lower relative availability of prey may be offset by other factors, such as the stability of the glacial ice as a resting platform and as a refuge from predation. We provide evidence of differences in prey accessibility for seals associated with glacial ice and terrestrial habitats and suggest that seals may balance trade-offs between the costs and benefits of using these habitats.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables on the planktonic growth, pelagic larval duration and settlement magnitude was examined for the coral reef surgeonfish Acanthurus chirurgus. Newly settled fish were collected daily from patch reefs in the San Blas Archipelago, Caribbean Panama for 3.5 years. Environmental influences on growth were examined at three different life history stages: from 0 to 6 days, 7 to 25 days and from 26 to 50 days after hatching. Larval growth was correlated, using multiple regression techniques, with a combination of factors including solar radiation, rainfall, and along-shore winds. Depending on the life history stage, these accounted for 13–38% of the variation in growth rates when all the months were included in the analyses. Correlations between environmental variables and growth also varied among seasons and were stronger in the dry than in the wet season. During the dry season solar radiation, rainfall and along-shore winds described 57%, 86% and 74% of the variability in growth between 0 and 6 days, 7 and 25 days and 26 and 50 days, respectively. During the wet season rainfall, along-shore winds and temperature only described 38% of the variability in early growth and 27% of growth just before settlement. No significant model was found to describe growth 7–25 days after hatching during the wet season. Rainfall, solar radiation and along-shore winds were negatively correlated with growth up to 25 days after hatching but positively correlated as larvae approached settlement at a mean age of 52 days. Over 65% of the variability in pelagic larval duration was accounted for by a regression model that included solar radiation and along-shore winds. When data sets from wet and dry seasons were analysed separately, along-shore winds accounted for 67% of the change in larval duration in the dry season, and solar radiation accounted for 23% of the variation in larval duration in the wet season. Only 22% of the variability in settlement intensity could be described by solar radiation and temperature, when all months of the year were included in the analysis. Solar radiation and rainfall were included in a regression model that accounted for 40% of the variation in numbers of fish settling during the dry season. This study suggests that the levels of solar radiation, along-shore winds and rainfall during the early larval life can have important effects on the growth, larval duration and consequently, the settlement magnitude of marine fishes. Results also highlight the need to account for seasonality and ontogeny in studies of environmental influences.Communicated by G.F. Humphrey, Sydney  相似文献   

Slow reduction of dissolved oxygen concentrations or slowly increased carbon dioxide (reduced pH) did not cause measurable changes in the density, nearest neighbor orientation, or the swimming speed of experimental schools of the northern anchovy Engraulis mordax, until near-lethal levels were reached. Rapid reductions of oxygen or pH, however, caused significant increases in average swimming velocity. Positive reactions were correlated to rapid reductions of no more than 0.55 mg O2/l or 0.25 pH units. These responses are related to the hypothesis that metabolic reductions of environmental dissolved oxygen and/or pH may influence the internal structure and behavior of fish schools.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of body size, feeding strategy and depth distribution on the trophic resource partitioning among the 26 dominant fish consumers in a fish assemblage on the central Mediterranean shelf-break. The fish assemblage was structured in two major trophic guilds: epibenthic and zooplanktonic feeders, according to the position of each predator along the benthos–plankton gradient. Within each main guild, the species were segregated along a prey-size or fish-size gradient into five further guilds. Fish size and prey size were strongly correlated, indicating that the prey-size niche can be well explained by predator size. Fish consumers showed a significant negative correlation between the similarity in prey type and the similarity in depth distribution; most species with similar trophic preferences segregated along the depth dimension. The only predators overlapping in both food and depth preferences were those with a more specialist trophic behavior. These results suggest that fish body size and depth preferences are the two main niche dimensions, explaining a large part of the coexistence between the Mediterranean shelf-break fish consumers.  相似文献   

Crown fire endangers fire fighters and can have severe ecological consequences. Prediction of fire behavior in tree crowns is essential to informed decisions in fire management. Current methods used in fire management do not address variability in crown fuels. New mechanistic physics-based fire models address convective heat transfer with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and can be used to model fire in heterogeneous crown fuels. However, the potential impacts of variability in crown fuels on fire behavior have not yet been explored. In this study we describe a new model, FUEL3D, which incorporates the pipe model theory (PMT) and a simple 3D recursive branching approach to model the distribution of fuel within individual tree crowns. FUEL3D uses forest inventory data as inputs, and stochastically retains geometric variability observed in field data. We investigate the effects of crown fuel heterogeneity on fire behavior with a CFD fire model by simulating fire under a homogeneous tree crown and a heterogeneous tree crown modeled with FUEL3D, using two different levels of surface fire intensity. Model output is used to estimate the probability of tree mortality, linking fire behavior and fire effects at the scale of an individual tree. We discovered that variability within a tree crown altered the timing, magnitude and dynamics of how fire burned through the crown; effects varied with surface fire intensity. In the lower surface fire intensity case, the heterogeneous tree crown barely ignited and would likely survive, while the homogeneous tree had nearly 80% fuel consumption and an order of magnitude difference in total net radiative heat transfer. In the higher surface fire intensity case, both cases burned readily. Differences for the homogeneous tree between the two surface fire intensity cases were minimal but were dramatic for the heterogeneous tree. These results suggest that heterogeneity within the crown causes more conditional, threshold-like interactions with fire. We conclude with discussion of implications for fire behavior modeling and fire ecology.  相似文献   

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