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介绍了目前在企业内部推行的质量管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系、环境管理体系以及内部控制、企业文化、质量管理奖标准等的特点,分析了不同管理体系在企业管理中的不同优势和作用,提出了推行一体化管理的工作重点。文章指出,企业中有必要推行一体化管理体系模式,这种模式能提高企业的管理水平。  相似文献   

HSE(健康、安全、环境)管理体系已发展成为国际石油石化行业通用的管理体系,中国石油逐步推行HSE管理体系,不断探索和实践。文章从环境影响评价与石油企业HSE管理体系的相互关联入手,分析将环境影响评价应用于HSE管理体系建设的可行性,认为企业的环境管理应与环境影响评价工作充分结合,以提高企业管理的效率和效益,推动企业长远发展。  相似文献   

为加强对环境管理体系咨询机构的管理,规范环境管理体系咨询活动,国家环境保护总局于1998年4月8日以环发[1998]12号文发布《中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案暂行管理规定》,要求各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市人民政府、国务院各有关部委、直属机构自发布之日起施行。附件:中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案暂行管理规定第一章 总 则第一条 为加强对环境管理体系咨询机构的管理,规范环境管理体系咨询工作,保证咨询工作的质量,特制定本规定。第二条 国家对环境管理体系咨询机构实行备案管理。在中华人民共和国境内从事环境管理体系咨询活动…  相似文献   

世界石油天然气工业HSE管理的新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
健康、安全与环境管理体系已在石油天然气工业界得到广泛实施。在广泛吸纳国内外一些大型油气公司实践经验的基础上,针对世界石油天然气工业HSE管理的一些新发展作了简单介绍,其中包括质量、安全、健康与环境一体化管理体系的建立,环境管理体系认证的HSE管理体系的建立及HSE表现年度报告的外部验证。  相似文献   

土壤环境质量管理体系构建的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
经过数十年的努力,国家土壤环境质量管理体系正在从无到有,从弱到强,从偏到正,在国家环境质量管理体系中的地位越来越显著。在土壤环境质量管理体系中,土壤环境质量是体系的决策核心和实现目标,是衡量实施力度和保障措施的直接标尺;政府主导、企业担责、公众参与、市场调节是土壤环境质量管理体系的组织执行主体,共同开启了"四元共治"的局面;法律完善、风险管控、高效实施、强力监管、科技应用是实现土壤环境质量改善、土壤环境质量体系完善的保障手段。本文旨在根据土壤环境质量保护历程和基础理论,从决策核心、执行主体、保障手段三个层面提出了土壤环境质量管理体系的建设构想,在新的形势下,土壤环境质量管理体系的构建更需要统筹规划和创新设计。  相似文献   

介绍了危害性生物废弃物的定义和主要来源。研究表明:对于危害性生物废弃物,目前国际上尚未出现单一健全系统的管理体系;美国的管理体系暂时处于世界领先水平,欧盟、日本、韩国和中国的管理体系均存在相当程度的不足。  相似文献   

国家环境保护总局办公厅于2001年8月10日以环办2001103号文发出“关于对部分环境管理体系咨询机构违规行为处理情况的通报”,通报指出:为加强对环境管理体系咨询机构的监督管理,提高环境管理体系咨询工作的水平和质量,规范环境管理体系认证、咨询市场,根据《中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案暂行管理规定》和《关于加强环境管理体系咨询机构备案后监督管理的通知》环办2000141号的有关规定,决定对部分环境管理体系咨询机构违规行为进行处理,有关情况通报如下:一、鉴于下列机构法人代表、登记的注册审核人员及机构…  相似文献   

国家环境保护总局于1999年11月18日 ,以环发[1999]262号文发布“关于第二批中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案的公告”。全文如下 :各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局 ,各有关单位 :根据《中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案暂行管理规定》 ,经评审合格 ,中国家用电器研究所家电环境管理体系认证咨询中心等41家咨询机构获得国家环境保护总局中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案资格 ,在全国范围内开展咨询工作。附 :第二批获准备案的环境管理体系咨询机构名单国家环境保护总局关于第二批中国环境管理体系咨询机构备案的公告…  相似文献   

针对目前石油企业在建立HSE管理体系中遇到的一些实际问题,文章就体系的结构、HSE系列标准的完善、体系文件的编制及管理体系的审核等问题进行了讨论,并对今后石油企业HSE管理体系的建立提出一些建议。  相似文献   

ISO14001环境管理体系与HSE管理体系整合技术原理和实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对《环境管理体系 规范及使用指南》(ISO14001-1996)和《石油天然气工业健康、安全与环境管理体系》(SY/T6276—1997)的分析,提出了实现ISO14000环境管理体系与HSE管理体系整合的可行性,以及整合体系建立的技术要求,为已建立HSE体系石油企业进一步实施ISO14001认证提供了方法。  相似文献   

As the use of hazard and risk assessments becomes more commonplace, the need for and importance of an overall risk management system become apparent. Such a system allows companies to prioritize both their efforts to identify and understand risks and their allocation of resources to manage and control risks. In the future, the most effective risk management systems will be integrated into other business processes and management systems, to ensure that their value as well as their costs are recognized and measured by line operations. For example, chemical and petrochemical companies such as BP Exploration, Monsanto, and Union Carbide are improving on well-established risk management systems by increasing their businesses' involvement in and ownership of the process. This article summarizes the key elements of a risk management system and uses the lessons learned by various companies to define best existing and emerging practices.  相似文献   

某管道公司近3年体系审核及设备设施专项审核结果表明,输油气管道体系存在的问题主要集中在设备设施、应急管理、风险管理、现场管理、能力培训和目视化管理等方面,其中设备设施安全问题最为突出,设计、施工和运营管理过程中存在的问题是导致现场设备设施出现问题的主要原因。文章提出管道公司应建立管道全生命周期的管理理念,联合设计和施工单位,层层把关,实现对整个输油气管道体系审核问题的整改与防治;积极推行管道企业信息化建设,探索建设智能管道是管道公司一个重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

甲烷排放管控是国际石油公司推动低碳能源转型的一项重要举措,也是达成净零碳排放愿景的一个重要手段。研究发现,国内外石油公司的油气生产活动水平、甲烷排放控制水平、甲烷排放核算方法等3个方面均存在较大差异性。我国油井单井产量低,地面工程量大、工艺复杂,流程工艺中甲烷排放突出,油气系统甲烷排放水平较高,油气生产甲烷排放控制水平与国外石油公司相比尚有较大差距,与国外甲烷排放核算方法也存在较大差异性。着眼于甲烷排放管控,我国石油公司应充分衡量甲烷排放现状、生产活动水平、甲烷排放控制措施经济性和适用性等多重因素,严格控制潜在甲烷排放节点,并进一步做好甲烷排放检测、监测和数据统计工作,持续完善甲烷排放报告和核查体系。  相似文献   

In order to meet China’s rapidly increasing demand for oil, Chinese oil companies have been investing in oil production around the world. This article addresses one specific aspect of the more generalized fears expressed about China’s increasing demand for natural resources which is the impact that its oil companies will have on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement. In doing so, it limits its analysis to the three main Chinese oil companies: the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) and the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and their investments in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Successful implementation of environmental management information systems (EMIS) has become essential to the success of total quality environmental management (TQEM) programs. Effective TQEM programs will be early indicators of which companies survive and thrive in today's competitive business environment. Highly competitive industries such as chemicals, electronics, and oil and gas are becoming very effective in cooperating to develop metrics, models, and tools that are based on business processes rather than regulatory edicts. Now electric power companies, newly exposed to market competition, are starting to develop and implement these metrics, standards, and tools. That industry provides a model for joining TQEM and EMIS.  相似文献   

The ISO 14000 standards for environmental management systems (EMS) are voluntary standards intended to aid companies that wish to improve their environmental performance. The standards owe their existence, at least in part, to three widely shared views: (1) that existing environmental management systems are either inadequate or ineffective; (2) that companies will want to improve environmental performance for economic or social reasons; and (3) that governments and stakeholders will require companies to exercise greater control of the impacts to the environment through new regulations. ISO 14000 offers a solution—an ?integrated”? EMS, with components designed to effect sound management in any size organization and in any country. The standards are an embodiment of both the policy and practice of environmental management. This article is a consideration of the business implications of the ISO 14000 series of standards. How will a movement toward an integrated EMS be realized? Who will be in the best position to respond? ISO 14000 is a management system, and it carries with it business consequences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fuels contained in underground storage tanks (USTs) are a major source of soil and ground water contamination. Effective management of the problem at the urban level is difficult due to a large number of tanks and a vast array of factors (e.g., tank characteristics, geology) that determine environmental hazards. The problem is compounded by frequent abandonment and reuse of service stations, which makes it difficult to track the status of underground tanks. Geographic information systems (GIS) are ideally suited to organizing location and attribute data for variables that are pertinent to the UST management problem. A GIS-based UST management system was developed and applied to 136 current and former gasoline service stations in Denton, Texas. The system is effective for tank inventory and can be applied in a proactive fashion to identify potentially problematic facilities. In the event of a leak or spill, the management system can support the implementation of reactive measures to mitigate subsurface contamination. Potential beneficiaries of such a system include planning departments, environmental regulatory agencies, emergency management officials, lending institutions, gasoline distributors, and oil companies.  相似文献   

Companies have achieved competitive advantage by expanding the boundaries of their concern beyond the product life-cycle stage that they directly control. By using product stewardship and life-cycle information, coupled with business analysis, companies can successfully outperform their competitors by improving their product or product system by reducing costs, increasing revenue, reducing liabilities, and enhancing their image. Life-cycle information and its use within a product stewardship management framework goes beyond traditional life-cycle applications. Used wisely, it can help companies establish a sustainable framework for long-term success.  相似文献   

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