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新修农田土壤培肥技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土丘陵区土地资源主要以坡地形式存在,近年来声势浩大的坡改梯工程使一部分山坡地变为层层梯田,水土保持率明显提高,而如何进行新生土层的土壤培肥,又是该工程的重要课题。作者对当地近几年土壤培肥技术试验进行了研究。以期提高土地资源的利用率。  相似文献   

借助于中国知网(www.cnki.net),在收集、整理大量文献资料的基础上,从工程、生物、化学、生物培肥和综合五个方面系统梳理和总结了自21世纪以来中国中低产田改造技术的类型、特点及其适用范围。结果表明:包括工程技术和土壤培肥技术等在内的传统技术仍然是目前中国治理各种中低产田的基础技术,新的中低产田改造技术在不断诞生,特别是在生物技术和化学技术领域,中低产田改造逐步由单一技术向多种技术融合转变;今后研究的重点应放在中低产田治和防的平衡问题,增施有机肥与土壤面源污染问题,中低产田改造技术的大范围推广问题和中低产田改造与农村土地综合整治的联动问题。  相似文献   

正巴西耕作体系环境效益评估《环境核算与管理》Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management由于诸如基因改良、消费市场对接、完善生产出口基础设施等因素的影响,巴西东部热带半干旱地区的玉米生产正在经历一场生态变革:耕作体系正逐步向着化肥集约化使用、精耕细作和基因改良杂交高产品种生产的方向转变。然而,该地区受到土壤荒漠化的制约,而耕作体系的转变更是加剧了这一进程。尽管保护性耕作(即休耕法)可以起到提高土壤质量和作物生  相似文献   

借助于中国知网(www.cnki.net),在收集、整理大量文献资料的基础上,从工程、生物、化学、生物培肥和综合五个方面系统梳理和总结了自21世纪以来中国中低产田改造技术的类型、特点及其适用范围。结果表明:包括工程技术和土壤培肥技术等在内的传统技术仍然是目前中国治理各种中低产田的基础技术,新的中低产田改造技术在不断诞生,特别是在生物技术和化学技术领域,中低产田改造逐步由单一技术向多种技术融合转变;今后研究的重点应放在中低产田治和防的平衡问题,增施有机肥与土壤面源污染问题,中低产田改造技术的大范围推广问题和中低产田改造与农村土地综合整治的联动问题。  相似文献   

地处荒漠中的绿洲农业,在强化现代培肥改土措施的条件下,灌耕灰漠土的土壤有机质含量将逐步提高,有利于实现绿洲农业的高产、优质、高效、持久目标。148团农场现代培肥改土措施的核心是加强植物性产品的生产。突出的抓了每年填闲种植向日葵绿肥2000hm2左右(约占18%);每年施用化肥6000t—7000t(折纯量247kg/hm2),实施以无机换有机战略。在此基础上做好秸秆过腹增值、加工增值和直接翻压还田。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤生物修复技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了30多年来国内外石油污染土壤的生物修复的进展,并介绍了国内外在修复石油污染土壤方面的生物修复工艺:原位生物修复和异位生物修复。原位修复有原位地耕法和土壤气相抽提;异位修复有土壤耕作发、堆放法、堆肥法和反应器法。文章还就今后的研究方向作了阐述,指出生物修复方法作为一种费用低、效果好、对环境影响低、无二次污染的方法,是今后治理石油对土壤污染的最可行的方法。  相似文献   

德昌县旱地粮菜四熟模式是一年生产一季玉米和三季蔬菜。该模式可充分利用安宁河中下游丰富的温光资源,一年内亩产粮食627.5kg,蔬菜总计11935kg,经济收入2430.4元。其光能利用率达3.864%,能量产投比2.15,是适合城郊区旱地种植的一种较好模式。进一步增施磷钾肥是本模式获得更多农产品、提高资源利用率、维持和培肥土壤的重要措施。  相似文献   

本文分析了四川石灰岩地区土地资源的特点和利用存在的问题,提出了土地资源的主要开发利用途径:①根据石灰土的生产特性,发展喜钙作物和多种经济林果木;②发挥林地优势,封山育林,创造良好的生态环境;③利用草山草坡,发展养牛、养羊;④改造低产田土,防治水土流失,培肥土壤;⑤开发利用岩溶水资源,解决石灰岩地区缺水问题,提高土地利用率;⑥开发岩溶地貌的山水风景,发展旅游事业。  相似文献   

土地资源开发包括两方面,一为新开荒地(包括撂荒、夹荒和弃耕地);二为改造中低产田。新开荒地首先需要修建新的灌、排水设施、道路、农田防护林以及平整土地等。中低产田改造主要是通过治沙、治盐碱、土壤培肥等措施以提高土地的产出水平,但其主要工程措施仍离不开灌、排水设施、道路、农田防护林、土地平整等的进一步改建与扩建。由此可见,土地资源开发首先意味着要投入一定的人力、物力和资金。  相似文献   

通过对川麦冬道地产区土壤地球化学特征的深入研究表明,该区有益元素富含B、Zn、P,其他有益元素中Mg、Ca、Si等含量接近或略低于全国平均水平值,土壤有毒有害元素Hg、Cd、Pb高出国家的土壤背景值,但基本符合国家二级土壤环境质量标准的要求。通过土壤有益有害元素的组合关系进行相关性分析认为,川麦冬产区土壤应加强Ca肥和K肥的管理和补充,同时应对As元素和Pb元素进行防治。川麦冬产区土壤的综合污染指数较高,大多地段的污染水平已接近警戒线,应加强管理和防备。  相似文献   

采用比较研究法和辅以定点追踪观测,研究了四川盆地丘陵区几种主要紫色土退化的微形态特征。根据土壤退化的某些微形态诊断特征,将紫色土退化问题归纳为土壤物理性退化、土壤构造性退化和土壤营养性退化等类;在此基础上,评价了本区几种主要紫色土的退化状况,并提出应重点治理典型紫色土的退化和紫色土普遍存在的构造性退化问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nonirrigated crop yields and forage production are limited by low and variable precipitation in the southern Great Plains. Precipitation variation involves production risks, which can be reduced by considering probability of precipitation, precipitation retention, and soil erosion under various production systems. The objective of this study was to probabilistically quantify the impact of precipitation variations, land use, cropping, and tillage systems on precipitation retention and soil erosion. Five 1.6 ha watersheds that had 3 to 4 percent slopes, and similar silt loam soils were selected. One was kept in native grass, and the others were planted into winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different cropping and tillage systems. Daily runoff and soil erosion were measured at the outlet of each watershed. Precipitation distributions exhibited great seasonal and interannual variations, and precipitation retention distributions resembled those of precipitation. Cropping and tillage systems affected precipitation retention but much less than did precipitation variations. Available soil water storage, which was largely controlled by ET, played an important role in retaining precipitation. This indicates that cropping systems should be adjusted to precipitation patterns, if predictable, for better soil water use. Land use and cropping and tillage systems had a much greater impact on soil erosion than on precipitation retention. Soil erosion risks, which were proportional to the levels of tillage disturbance, were mainly caused by a few large storms in summer, when surface cover was low. This study explored a novel approach for evaluating production risks associated with insufficient precipitation retention and excessive soil erosion for certain crops or cropping systems under assumed precipitation conditions.  相似文献   

用熏蒸-培养法测定油污染土壤中的微生物量─—碳。对某油田距采油井1、15、30m的土壤测定结果表明,受原油污染的土壤微生物量的大小随土壤含油量变化而变化。熏蒸-培养法受土壤水分状况影响较大,不适用于强酸性土壤及刚施用过大量有机肥的土壤,在测定性质差异很大的土壤时,必须分别测定转换系数Kc,才能得到可靠的结果。  相似文献   

The area under no-till (NT) in Brazil reached 22 million ha in 2004-2005, of which approximately 45% was located in the southern states. From the 1970s to the mid-1980s, this region was a source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere due to decrease of soil carbon (C) stocks and high consumption of fuel by intensive tillage. Since then, NT has partially restored the soil C lost and reduced the consumption of fossil fuels. To assess the potential of C accumulation in NT soils, four long-term experiments (7-19 yr) in subtropical soils (Paleudult, Paleudalf, and Hapludox) varying in soil texture (87-760 g kg(-1) of clay) in agroecologic southern Brazil zones (central region, northwest basaltic plateau in Rio Grande Sul, and west basaltic plateau in Santa Catarina) and with different cropping systems (soybean and maize) were investigated. The lability of soil organic matter (SOM) was calculated as the ratio of total organic carbon (TOC) to particulate organic carbon (POC), and the role of physical protection on stability of SOM was evaluated. In general, TOC and POC stocks in native grass correlated closely with clay content. Conversely, there was no clear effect of soil texture on C accumulation rates in NT soils, which ranged from 0.12 to 0.59 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1). The C accumulation was higher in NT than in conventional-till (CT) soils. The legume cover crops pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] and velvet beans (Stizolobium cinereum Piper & Tracy) in NT maize cropping systems had the highest C accumulation rates (0.38-0.59 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1)). The intensive cropping systems also were effective in increasing the C accumulation rates in NT soils (0.25-0.34 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1)) when compared to the double-crop system used by farmers. These results stress the role of N fixation in improving the tropical and subtropical cropping systems. The physical protection of SOM within soil aggregates was an important mechanism of C accumulation in the sandy clay loam Paleudult under NT. The cropping system and NT effects on C stocks were attributed to an increase in the lability of SOM, as evidenced by the higher POC to TOC ratio, which is very important to C and energy flux through the soil.  相似文献   

2016年,中国国务院印发《土壤污染防治行动计划》(简称《土十条》),明确提出对农用地土壤实施分类管理,按照污染程度划分为优先保护类、安全利用类和严格管控类;对建设用地要防范新增污染,针对疑似污染地块,开展土壤环境状况调查评估,保障地块安全再利用;以影响农产品质量和人居环境安全的突出环境问题为重点,制定土壤污染治理与修复规划,组织开展治理与修复。实施严格的土壤环境质量保护、污染土壤的风险管控、高风险污染土壤的治理与修复是落实《土十条》的重要任务,也是建设我国土壤环境监管制度的重要内容。土壤环境标准是实施土壤环境管理的重要依据。本文基于《土十条》重要任务以及当前及今后一段时期国家土壤环境管理需求,以土壤环境管理需求为导向,探讨提出了包括土壤环境质量保护标准值、土壤环境风险管控标准值、污染土壤修复标准值的土壤环境标准值体系,可望为国家土壤环境标准体系的建立和标准制修订方法的发展提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) behavior was studied in four surface soils during incubations in laboratory conditions. Soils were chosen in relation to their cropping management (tillage and no tillage) and crop rotation system (continuous soybean [Glycine mar (L.) Merr.] and maize (Zea mays L.)-soybean rotation). A natural soil under brushwood was sampled as a reference. Atrazine use in field conditions was associated with maize cropping, thus only one soil received atrazine every other year. Atrazine behavior was characterized through the balance of 14C-U-ring atrazine radioactivity among the mineralized fraction, the extractable fraction, and the nonextractable bound residues. Soil organic matter capacity to form bound residues was characterized using soil size fractionation. Accelerated atrazine mineralization was only observed in the soil receiving atrazine in field conditions. Atrazine application every other year was enough to develop a microflora adapted to triazine ring mineralization. Bound residue formation was rapid and increased with soil organic matter content. The coarsest soil size fractions (2000-200 and 200-50 microm) containing the nonhumified organic matter presented the highest capacity to form bound residues. No effect of tillage system was observed, probably because of the uniform sampling depth at 20 cm, hiding the stratification pattern of soil organic matter in non-tilled soils.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Soil infiltration capacity and interrill erosion are significantly influenced by soil frost on western rangelands which are characterized by cold winters and numerous freeze-thaw cycles. However, little is known about the variable influence of this phenomenon. Infiltration and interrill erosion were measured within a sagebrush-grass plant community during the winter, spring, and summer of 1989. Significant spatial and temporal differences in infiltration capacity and interrill erosion were found for shrub coppice dune and dune interspace soils. Infiltration was generally higher for coppice dune soils compared to interspace soils throughout the year. Infiltration capacity for both soils was lowest early in the year when the soil was frozen or saturated, then increased as the soil dried in the spring and summer. Interrill erosion was consistently lower for coppice dune soils compared to interspace soils. Erosion from interspace soils was greatest during a 19-day period in late winter characterized by diurnal freeze-thaw cycles, saturated surface soil conditions, and soil slaking.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Utilizing predictions of pollutant movement generated by the CREAMS model, the economics of reducing field losses of sediment and nitrate percolation were compared between two soil types on each of two slopes common to the Upper Eastern Shore of Maryland. The soils considered were Matapeake silt loam and Sassafras sandy loam textures on field slopes of 3.5 percent and 7.5 percent. A representative cash grain farm was used as a basis of comparison. Under assumptions of profit maximization, economic optimal cropping systems varied by slope. Results further indicated that relative cost-effectiveness of sediment or nitrate percolation control varied by soil type for both slopes considered. Unit costs of sediment control were less on silt loam soils, while unit costs of nitrate percolation control were less on sandy loam soils.  相似文献   

Juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-napthoquinone) is a chemical released by walnut trees, which can be toxic at various levels to several plant species. A balance among competing source and sink mechanisms and rates will ultimately determine whether juglone is capable of attaining sufficient levels to be allelopathic to intercrops in a walnut tree agroforestry system. In this study, juglone's release, accumulation, and decline in soil are explored using data from soil beneath a black walnut tree (Juglans nigra L) alley cropping system, greenhouse pot studies, and laboratory sorption/degradation studies. Juglone pore water concentrations estimated from extracts of surficial soil from beneath the alley cropping system exceeded the lowest solution culture toxicity levels reported for some plants of 10(-7) M, but did not exceed the inhibition threshold reported for typical intercrops such as maize and soybeans 10(-5) M. Further assessment of the likely persistence of juglone in soils indicated that juglone is both microbially and abiotically degraded, and that it will be particularly short-lived in soils supporting microbial activity. However, walnut seedlings planted in sand-filled pots clearly showed that juglone is released in measurable quantities to the soil's rhizosphere. Therefore, juglone accumulation in low fertility soils is plausible, and may still be worthy of consideration in management of alley agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of intensive cropping of tropical lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the associated long-term soil submergence on chemical properties of soil organic matter, we used solid-state 13C and 15N and solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to analyze the labile mobile humic acid (MHA) and the more recalcitrant calcium humate (CaHA) fractions extracted from a series of soils supporting several long-term field experiments in the Philippines. The soils varied mainly in degree of submergence and cropping intensity, ranging from a rainfed rice field without soil submergence to irrigated double- and triple-cropped fields in which soil remains submerged almost all year long. As reported previously, all analyses associated increasing intensity of rice cropping with larger proportions of less humified material in the MHA and CaHA, such as diester phosphorus (P), amide nitrogen (N), and phenolic carbon (C). We established significant correlations between proportions of various spectral areas as well as between some spectral areas and other humic acid (HA) properties such as visible light absorption and free radical concentration (positive indices of humification) and hydrogen (H) concentration (negative index of humification). For example, spectral proportions of heterocyclic N were positively, and proportions of amide N and phenolic C negatively, correlated with visible light absorption and free radical concentration, and each of these spectral proportions had an opposite sign when correlated with H concentration. The correlations of N-alkyl C proportions were the strongest with these properties and with other functional group proportions.  相似文献   

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