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随着人民生活水平的不断提高,居民家中淘汰的各类废旧纺织品的产生量快速增加。废旧纺织品作为一种可再生资源,其复杂性影响了回收后的资源化利用。废旧纺织品分类回收和再生纤维加工,提高了废旧纺织品回收及再利用水平,有助于弥补我国纺织原材料供给不足,实现织物资源的循环利用。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,服装更新速度越来越快,废旧衣服既污染环境,其再利用价值也没有发挥出来.把循环经济中的“3R原则”应用到废旧衣服回收中,以发挥废旧衣服的最大价值.  相似文献   

随着世界塑料工业的发展,带来塑料制品的普遍使用,同时产生了大量塑料废弃物,给环境带来了巨大的负担.美国、德国、日本在塑料废弃物的回收利用方面制订了比较完善的政策法规,建立了行之有效的社会回收与再利用系统.中国塑料废弃物的回收利用形势比较严峻,应借鉴于国外的经验,建立更为完善的法规对塑料废弃物进行合理的回收再利用.  相似文献   

2011年10月28日南京再生资源回收利用网开通仪式在南京市商务局举行。网站由南京市再生资源回收体系建设工作领导小组办公室和南京再生资源行业协会联合创办。南京再生资源回收利用网的主要栏目有:政策法规、协会动态、体系建设、行业动态、会员单位、供求信息和在线收购等,  相似文献   

进入经济全球化时代,人们生活水平明显提高,大众对服装的需求和审美也在快速升级。快时尚、自媒体、网络直播、大数据、云计算、人工智能等一系列新科技和新型经济模式的出现都激发着人们的消费行为,而由于消费增长带来的废弃服装的数量也在增加,如何处理被淘汰掉的废旧服装,则成为让大多数居民头疼的难题。通过问卷调研方法,分析河南省废旧服装的现存问题,并研究废旧服装回收再利用的具体措施,为实现废旧服装高效再利用,保护地球环境,坚持绿色发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

废旧塑料的分离与回收利用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
邹盛欧 《化工环保》1994,14(3):151-154
简要地论述了回收废旧塑料的意义,介绍了几种主要的分离与回收混合废塑料的方法以及重新利用的加工技术。  相似文献   

建筑废弃物处理是城市建设中的一大难题,如果实行简单填埋,不仅污染环境、造成资源浪费,而且也耗费政府大量财力.介绍了深圳市龙岗区通过创新招标方式,公开出让特许经营权,引入企业运用先进技术对建筑废弃物实行综合再利用的一些做法,同时对城市建筑废弃物回收再利用如何实现规模化和产业化发展,以及政府在推动循环经济发展方面如何将经济效益与社会效益有机结合提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

塑料制品给人类带来便利,但因其难以降解,所造成的环境污染问题已成为各国广泛关注的环境问题。当前,由于石油和煤炭等化石资源的紧缺,废旧塑料的回收利用成为缓解能源与环境危机的途径之一。总结了塑料回收与再利用的现状,研究塑料垃圾回收利用的各种关键技术,并介绍了近年来中国塑料回收和处理技术的研究进展。  相似文献   

废塑料的回收利用   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35  
介绍了国外废塑料再生利用、热分散回收低分子化合物和焚烧回收热能的技术与方法。  相似文献   

Due to economic advantages, many companies in Brazil recover Al from the process of crushing and water-leaching of secondary aluminum dross. Wastes from this process (non-metallic products and salts) are usually landfilled or disposed without treatment, causing many environmental damages. The purpose of this work is to investigate, in a recycling company sited in Sao Paulo metropolitan area (Brazil), the potential use of the non-metallic product (NMP) in the production of concrete blocks and to evaluate the presence of important chemical compounds that may be useful for other applications. Chemical and mineralogical analyses revealed that NMP is composed of refractory and abrasive oxides (alpha-Al2O3, MgAl2O4, SiO2) and an important source of transition alumina: alpha-Al(OH)3. Concrete blocks were made by adding two parts of NMP to one part of cement and four parts of sand. The blocks were tested according to the Brazilian standard (NBR7173/1982) and they passed dimension, humidity and absorption tests but not compressive strength tests. However, particular NMP constituents have accelerated the strength rate development of the blocks, thus decreasing working time. The commercial use of NMP can reduce the amount of discarded wastes contributing to environmental preservation.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The status of material reuse and recycling in Japan is reviewed with an emphasis on the efforts by the national government. First, the national...  相似文献   

提出一种居民家庭自动蓄水循环系统和二次循环水利用及新型概念房的构想。通过错过夏天用水高峰时段,合理利用夜晚水压进行水箱日常用水的自动补给。中水回用和雨水收集使得在概念房的有限面积内达到最大的水循环利用效率。  相似文献   

Mobile phones are the most ubiquitous electronic product on the globe. They have relatively short lifecycles and because of their (perceived) in-built obsolescence, discarded mobile phones represent a significant and growing problem with respect to waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). An emerging and increasingly important issue for industry is the shortage of key metals, especially the types of metals found in mobile phones, and hence the primary aim of this timely study was to assess and evaluate the voluntary mobile phone takeback network in the UK. The study has characterised the information, product and incentives flows in the voluntary UK mobile phone takeback network and reviewed the merits and demerits of the incentives offered. A survey of the activities of the voluntary mobile phone takeback schemes was undertaken in 2008 to: identify and evaluate the takeback schemes operating in the UK; determine the target groups from whom handsets are collected; and assess the collection, promotion and advertising methods used by the schemes. In addition, the survey sought to identify and critically evaluate the incentives offered by the takeback schemes, evaluate their ease and convenience of use; and determine the types, qualities and quantities of mobile phones they collect. The study has established that the UK voluntary mobile phone takeback network can be characterised as three distinctive flows: information flow; product flow (handsets and related accessories); and incentives flow. Over 100 voluntary schemes offering online takeback of mobile phone handsets were identified. The schemes are operated by manufacturers, retailers, mobile phone network service operators, charities and by mobile phone reuse, recycling and refurbishing companies. The latter two scheme categories offer the highest level of convenience and ease of use to their customers. Approximately 83% of the schemes are either for-profit/commercial-oriented and/or operate to raise funds for charities. The voluntary schemes use various methods to collect mobile phones from consumers, including postal services, courier and in-store. The majority of schemes utilise and finance pre-paid postage to collect handsets. Incentives offered by the takeback schemes include monetary payments, donation to charity and entry into prize draws. Consumers from whom handsets and related equipment are collected include individuals, businesses, schools, colleges, universities, charities and clubs with some schemes specialising on collecting handsets from one target group. The majority (84.3%) of voluntary schemes did not provide information on their websites about the quantities of mobile phones they collect. The operations of UK takeback schemes are decentralised in nature. Comparisons are made between the UK’s decentralised collection system versus Australia’s centralised network for collection of mobile phones. The significant principal conclusions from the study are: there has been a significant rise in the number of takeback schemes operating in the UK since the initial scheme was launched in 1997; the majority of returned handsets seem to be of low quality; and there is very little available information on the quantities of mobile phones collected by the various schemes. Irrespective of their financial motives, UK takeback schemes increasingly play an important role in sustainable waste management by diverting EoL mobile phones from landfills and encouraging reuse and recycling. Recommendations for future actions to improve the management of end-of-life mobile phone handsets and related accessories are made.  相似文献   

目前我国的废旧冰箱已进入了一个报废高峰期,且大量废旧冰箱塑料的处理问题已成为当今地球环境保护的热点问题,而我国又是一个人均资源占有量很低的国家,因此,对废旧冰箱塑料进行回收与再生利用则具有极其重要的意义.介绍了废旧冰箱塑料的物理再生利用、化学再生利用、生物降解、能源回收利用的技术和方法.  相似文献   

基于典型拆解区环境污染的电子废物回收利用模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国电器电子产品保有量巨大,面对日趋增多的电子废物,从典型电子废物拆解区土壤及地下水污染情况出发,总结国外电子废物回收利用做法,分析我国当前电子废物回收利用现状及面临的形势,研究提出符合我国国情的电子废物回收利用模式.  相似文献   

随着计算机相关技术的快速发展,废弃的电脑越来越多,从而引发很多环境和资源问题。对废弃电脑的维护修理和回收处理两方面进行阐述。在保证旧电脑正常使用的前提下,通过维修延长电脑的使用年限,以降低废电脑的产生量。建立合理而完善的废电脑回收渠道和处理方式,完成回收与处理工作。  相似文献   

“Zero emissions” is a concept envisaging the creation of a sustainable society with minimal disposal of resources. In order to realize zero emissions for plastics, it is important to establish a method for quantitatively evaluating candidate recycling processes. In this study, the principle of the substitution factor (SF) is introduced. A quantitative evaluation of the recycling process for plastics was then carried out. The production process for monofilament plastics was examined. The recycling of plastics discarded during the production process could be substituted in small amounts for virgin materials, giving reduced CO2 emissions. Furthermore, production using recycled material mixed with virgin material was more effective in reducing CO2 emissions than when recycled materials only were used. Received: November 19, 1999 / Accepted: November 28, 2000  相似文献   

讨论了一些为提高生产力和降低成本而发展起来的废水零排放或水回收循环利用前沿技术,并将这些技术的经济性与原有的水循环利用系统进行比较.  相似文献   

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