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Indoor radon distribution of subway stations in a Korean major city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overall survey on indoor radon concentration was conducted at all subway stations in a major city, Daejeon in the central part of Korea. It was quarterly performed from September 2007 to August 2008. The annual arithmetic mean of indoor radon concentration of all the stations was 34.1 ± 14.7 Bq m−3, and the range of values was from 9.4 to 98.2 Bq m−3. The radon concentrations in groundwater (average 31.0 ± 0.8 Bq m−3) were not significantly high in most stations, but the concentration (177.9 ± 2.3 Bq L−1) of one station was over the level of 148 Bq L−1 in drinking water proposed by U.S. EPA. Based on indoor survey results, the approximate average of the annual effective dose by radon inhalation to the employees and passengers were 0.24 mSv y−1, and 0.02 mSv y−1, respectively. Although the effective dose based on the UNSCEAR report was potentially estimated, for more accurate assessment, the additional survey on the influence by indoor radon will be necessary.  相似文献   

Indoor radon activities were measured during a period of 6 months, as well as several physical environmental variables (temperature, pressure, humidity and rainfall). The location was a small room at an administrative building of the University of Coimbra, usually undisturbed by human activities and situated over bedrock of low-uranium Triassic red sandstones. A low average activity of radon was observed (36 Bq m−3), however showing a very well marked daily periodicity (10 ± 5 Bq m−3), with maximum values occurring more frequently between 9 and 10 a.m. Daily variations are shown to have no relation with earth tides, and their amplitudes exhibit a significant correlation with outdoor temperature; no dependence on barometric pressure was found. Rainfall disturbs the observed daily radon cycles through a strong reduction of their amplitude, but has no effect on the long-term variability of the gas concentration.  相似文献   

In the beginning of 1990s within the framework of a national radon survey of more than 1500 points, radon measurements were performed in more than 100 houses located in Galicia region, in the Northwest area of Spain. The houses were randomly selected only bearing in mind general geological aspects of the region. Subsequently, a nationwide project called MARNA dealt with external gamma radiation measurements in order to draw a Spanish natural radiation map. The comparison in Galicia between these estimations and the indoor radon levels previously obtained showed good agreement. With the purpose of getting a confirmation of this relationship and also of creating a radon map of the zone, a new set of measurements were carried out in 2005. A total of 300 external gamma radiation measurements were carried out as well as 300 measurements of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K content in soil. Concerning radon, 300 1-m-depth radon measurements in soil were performed, and indoor radon concentration was determined in a total of 600 dwellings. Radon content in soil gave more accurate indoor radon predictions than external gamma radiation or (226)Ra concentration in soil.  相似文献   

Galician soils are among those with the highest (222)Rn exhalation rates in Spain. A year-round study of the indoor (222)Rn concentration in buildings in the Santiago de Compostela area (Galicia, Northwest of Spain) was performed. The study is based on systematic samplings with active charcoal canisters, following a modified EPA 520/5-87-005 protocol. These measurements were complemented by others obtained using etched track dosimeters. Each data set follows a log-normal distribution, with a geometric mean of (253+/-3)Bqm(-3) for charcoal canisters and (285+/-2.5)Bqm(-3) for etched track detectors. After correcting for the different measuring conditions, the mean value of both methods differed by only 2%. A careful analysis of the seasonal dependence of our measurements did not reveal any significant seasonal variations in the (222)Rn concentration. Parallel to these measurements, different meteorological parameters were recorded, which revealed a direct correlation between the indoor radon concentration and the outdoor temperature derivative with respect to time.  相似文献   

In the framework of a 222Rn screening campaign that was carried out in 58 public secondary schools in Galicia (NW Spain), the largest radon-prone area in the Iberian Peninsula, a positive correlation between indoor 222Rn concentration and outdoor gamma exposure rate was obtained. A new approach to the data acquisition in screening surveys was tested, improving the performances of this type of study and gathering useful data for future remedial actions. Using short-period detectors (charcoal canisters) firstly, in order to detect places showing 222Rn concentrations over 400 Bq m−3, the number of locations to be measured with long-period detectors (etched track detectors) is reduced. In this screening campaign, 34% of the schools surveyed presented at least one site exceeding the 400 Bq m−3 recommended action level established by the EU, and 15% had at least one site with 222Rn values over 800 Bq m−3. The maximum value recorded was 2084 ± 63 Bq m−3. These results are discussed and compared with data obtained in schools of several countries with similar geology. Seven schools were also studied for seasonal variations of 222Rn activity concentration. The results were not conclusive, and no significant correlation between season and 222Rn concentration was established. Finally, a continuous 222Rn concentration monitor was placed in the secondary school exhibiting a mean value of the 222Rn concentration very close to 400 Bq m−3. Maximum 222Rn concentration values were found to occur at times when the school was unoccupied.  相似文献   

Least squares (LS), Theil’s (TS) and weighted total least squares (WTLS) regression analysis methods are used to develop empirical relationships between radium in the ground, radon in soil and radon in dwellings to assist in the post-closure assessment of indoor radon related to near-surface radioactive waste disposal at the Low Level Waste Repository in England. The data sets used are (i) estimated 226Ra in the <2 mm fraction of topsoils (eRa226) derived from equivalent uranium (eU) from airborne gamma spectrometry data, (ii) eRa226 derived from measurements of uranium in soil geochemical samples, (iii) soil gas radon and (iv) indoor radon data. For models comparing indoor radon and (i) eRa226 derived from airborne eU data and (ii) soil gas radon data, some of the geological groupings have significant slopes. For these groupings there is reasonable agreement in slope and intercept between the three regression analysis methods (LS, TS and WTLS). Relationships between radon in dwellings and radium in the ground or radon in soil differ depending on the characteristics of the underlying geological units, with more permeable units having steeper slopes and higher indoor radon concentrations for a given radium or soil gas radon concentration in the ground. The regression models comparing indoor radon with soil gas radon have intercepts close to 5 Bq m−3 whilst the intercepts for those comparing indoor radon with eRa226 from airborne eU vary from about 20 Bq m−3 for a moderately permeable geological unit to about 40 Bq m−3 for highly permeable limestone, implying unrealistically high contributions to indoor radon from sources other than the ground. An intercept value of 5 Bq m−3 is assumed as an appropriate mean value for the UK for sources of indoor radon other than radon from the ground, based on examination of UK data. Comparison with published data used to derive an average indoor radon: soil 226Ra ratio shows that whereas the published data are generally clustered with no obvious correlation, the data from this study have substantially different relationships depending largely on the permeability of the underlying geology. Models for the relatively impermeable geological units plot parallel to the average indoor radon: soil 226Ra model but with lower indoor radon: soil 226Ra ratios, whilst the models for the permeable geological units plot parallel to the average indoor radon: soil 226Ra model but with higher than average indoor radon: soil 226Ra ratios.  相似文献   

When characterizing environmental radioactivity, whether in the soil or within concrete building structures undergoing remediation or decommissioning, it is highly desirable to know the radionuclide depth distribution. This is typically modeled using continuous analytical expressions, whose forms are believed to best represent the true source distributions. In situ gamma ray spectroscopic measurements are combined with these models to fully describe the source. Currently, the choice of analytical expressions is based upon prior experimental core sampling results at similar locations, any known site history, or radionuclide transport models. This paper presents a method, employing multiple in situ measurements at a single site, for determining the analytical form that best represents the true depth distribution present. The measurements can be made using a variety of geometries, each of which has a different sensitivity variation with source spatial distribution. Using non-linear least squares numerical optimization methods, the results can be fit to a collection of analytical models and the parameters of each model determined. The analytical expression that results in the fit with the lowest residual is selected as the most accurate representation. A cursory examination is made of the effects of measurement errors on the method.  相似文献   

Because of their mineral content, soils are naturally radioactive and one of the sources of radioactivity other than those of natural origin is mainly due to the extensive use of fertilizers. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the fluxes of natural radionuclides in local production of phosphate fertilizers to determine the content of radioactivity in several commercial fertilizers produced in Algeria and to estimate their radiological impact in a cultivated soil even for the long-term exposure due to their application.For these purposes, virgin and fertilized soils were collected from outlying Setif region in Algeria and from phosphate fertilizers used in this area.Gamma spectrometry was exploited to determine activity concentration due to naturally occurring 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in five types of samples (two different sorts of fertilizers, virgin and fertilized soils and well water used for irrigation) taken from Setif’s areas.The results show that these radionuclides were present in an average concentration of 134.7 ± 24.1, 131.8 ± 16.7, 11644 ± 550 Bq/kg for the first fertilizer NPK and 190.3 ± 30, 117.2 ± 10.3, 5312 ± 249 Bq/kg for the second fertilizer (NPKs). For the virgin and the fertilized soils, the corresponding values were respectively 47.01 ± 7.3, 33 ± 7, 329.4 ± 19.7 Bq/kg and 53.2 ± 10.6, 50.0 ± 7, 311.4 ± 18.7 Bq/kg. For well water, the values were 1.93 and 0.12 Bq/kg; however the third value was below the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA).The radium equivalent activity (Raeq) and the representative level index Iγr for all samples were also calculated. The data were discussed and compared with those given in the literature.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the Department of Applied and Medical Physics has been involved in the development of a radiation protection programme. In the framework of this programme, measurements of indoor radon, principally, have been carried out nationwide. Geometric mean radon concentrations of 45 Bq m(-3) in the whole country and 130 Bq m(-3) in the high natural radiation area have been estimated. On the other hand, the so-called MARNA Project is developed into the framework of an agreement subscribed between the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and the National Uranium (ENUSA), the first phase of which has been the elaboration of the Natural Gamma Radiation Map of Spain on the scale of 1:1,000,000 using radiometric data generated in the 30 years of the lifetime of the ancient National Uranium Exploration and Investigation Plan mainly through airborne, carborne, and by foot surveys, within the MARNA Project itself. The lowest averaged dose rate from external gamma radiation (19.3 nGyh(-1)) was found in carbonate bedrock and the highest (87.7 nGyh(-1)) was found in granite and clay bedrock. This paper summarizes the main results obtained from the measurements performed in both projects, with special interest in those concerning the correlation between the data reported in order to conclude about the potential benefit of the MARNA maps in the definition of affected areas in the country.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the natural radionuclides 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K have been measured by γ-ray spectrometry in 796 topsoil samples from the Pearl River Delta Zone (PRDZ) of Guangdong, China. The mean concentrations for 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were found to be 140 ± 37 Bq kg−1, 134 ± 41 Bq kg−1, 187 ± 80 Bq kg−1 and 680 ± 203 Bq kg−1 dry mass, respectively. These values were all higher than the mean values in soil for China and the world. Outdoor air-absorbed dose rates, calculated from activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, ranged from 86 to 237 nGy h−1, with a mean value of 165 ± 46 nGy h−1. The corresponding annual outdoor effective dose rate per person was estimated to be between 0.11 and 0.29 mSv y−1, with a mean value of 0.20 ± 0.06 mSv y−1, which was also higher than the world mean value of 0.07 mSv y−1. The radium equivalent activity (Raeq) and the external hazard index (Ir) resulted from the natural radionuclides in soil, were also calculated and found to vary from 230 to 676 Bq kg−1 and from 0.6 to 1.8, respectively. The Raeq and the Ir in all the investigated regions were up to 75% higher than the set limits of 370 Bq kg−1 and 1.0, respectively.  相似文献   

Medical isotope production facilities (MIPF) have recently been identified to emit the major part of the environmental radioxenon measured at many globally distributed monitoring sites deployed to strengthen the radionuclide component of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) verification regime. Efforts to raise a global radioxenon emission inventory revealed that the yearly global total emission from MIPF’s is around 15 times higher than the total radioxenon emission from nuclear power plants (NPP's).Given that situation, from mid 2008 until early 2009 two out of the ordinary hemisphere-specific events occured:1) In the Northern hemisphere, a joint temporary suspension of operations of the three largest MIPF's made it possible to quantify the effects of the emissions related to NPP’s. The average activity concentrations of 133Xe measured at a monitoring station close to Freiburg, Germany, went down significantly from 4.5 ± 0.5 mBq/m3 to 1.1 ± 0.1 mBq/m3 and in Stockholm, Sweden, from 2.0 ± 0.4 mBq/m3 to 1.05 ± 0.15 mBq/m3.2) In the Southern hemisphere the only radioxenon-emitting MIPF in Australia started up test production in late November 2008. During eight test runs, up to 6.2 ± 0.2 mBq/m3 of 133Xe was measured at the station in Melbourne, 700 km south-west from the facility, where no radioxenon had been observed before, originating from the isotopic production process.This paper clearly confirms the hypothesis that medical isotope production facility are at present the major emitters of radioxenon to the atmosphere. Suspension of operations of these facilities indicates the scale of their normal contribution to the European radioxenon background, which decreased two to four fold. This also gives a unique opportunity to detect and investigate the influence of other local and long distance sources on the radioxenon background. Finally the opposing effect was studied: the contribution of the start-up of a renewed radiopharmaceutical facility to the build up of a radioxenon background across Australia and the Southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The gamma radiation in samples of a variety of natural tiling rocks (granites) imported in Cyprus for use in the building industry was measured, employing high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. The rock samples were pulverised, sealed in 1-l plastic Marinelli beakers, and measured in the laboratory with an accumulating time between 10 and 14 h each. From the measured gamma-ray spectra, activity concentrations were determined for (232)Th (range from 1 to 906 Bq kg(-1)), (238)U (from 1 to 588 Bq kg(-1)) and (40)K (from 50 to 1606 Bq kg(-1)). The total absorbed dose rates in air calculated from the concentrations of the three radionuclides ranged from 7 to 1209 nGy h(-1) for full utilization of the materials, from 4 to 605 nGy h(-1) for half utilization and from 2 to 302 nGy h(-1) for one quarter utilization. The total effective dose rates per person indoors were determined to be between 0.02 and 2.97 mSv y(-1) for half utilization of the materials. Applying dose criteria recently recommended by the EU for superficial materials, 25 of the samples meet the exemption dose limit of 0.3 mSv y(-1), two of them meet the upper dose limit of 1 mSv y(-1) and only one clearly exceeds this limit.  相似文献   

Natural radioactive materials under certain conditions can reach hazardous radiological levels. So, it becomes necessary to study the natural radioactivity levels in soil to assess the dose for the population in order to know the health risks and to have a baseline for future changes in the environmental radioactivity due to human activities. The natural radionuclide (226Ra, 232Th, and 40K) contents in soil were determined for 26 locations around the Upper Siwaliks of Kala Amb, Nahan and Morni Hills, Northern India, using high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometric analysis. It was observed that the concentration of natural radionuclides viz., 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, in the soil varies from 28.3 ± 0.5 to 81.0 ± 1.7 Bq kg−1, 61.2 ± 1.3 to 140.3 ± 2.6 Bq kg−1 and 363.4 ± 4.9 to 1002.2 ± 11.2 Bq kg−1 respectively. The total absorbed dose rate calculated from activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K ranged from 71.1 to 162.0 nGy h−1. The radium equivalent (Req) and the external hazard index (Hex), which resulted from the natural radionuclides in soil, were also calculated and found to vary from 149.4 to 351.8 Bq kg−1and from 0.40 to 0.95 respectively. These values in Upper Siwaliks area were compared with that from the adjoining areas of Punjab. The radium equivalent activities in all the soil samples were lower than the limit (370 Bq kg−1) set in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report and the dose equivalent was within the safe limit of 1 mSv y−1.  相似文献   

Galicia (NW Spain) is a radon-prone area in the Iberian Peninsula. Measurements were carried out at a rural dwelling, with an annual average of radon concentration over 4000 Bq m−3 and a maximum of 9000 Bq m−3, found during a radon screening campaign held in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. We performed a detailed study to identify the main contamination source and the behaviour of the radon concentration, in which a linear dependence with temperature was verified, once corrected for relative humidity. We used different passive methods (charcoal canisters and two types of etched track detectors) as well as a radon concentration monitor that provided continuous measurement. Subsequent to this characterization, and in order to reduce the high radon concentration, a remedial action was developed using different passive and forced ventilation methods. A modified subslab depressurization technique was found to be the most effective remedy, providing a radon concentration reduction of around 96%. This method also has the advantages of being inexpensive and reliable over time.  相似文献   

In case of an accidental release of radioactive substances into the environment, it is important to quickly and reliably estimate the radiation dose received by people in the affected area, and to determine the extent of the contamination. Measurements of the extent of the release and the subsequent contamination can be facilitated if there are predetermined reference sampling sites with known background radiation and inventory of radionuclides. Since 1996, 34 reference sites for soil sampling, field gamma, and intensimeter measurements have been established in western Sweden. Time series data for dose rates and radioisotope inventory have been collected at these sites, allowing for the investigation of changes in these parameters over time. The mass activity densities for the uranium and thorium series elements varied approximately between 10 and 50 Bq/kg and between 10 and 40 Bq/kg, respectively. The mass activity density of 40K was approximately in the range 300–800 Bq/kg. The radiation exposure due to 137Cs was rather small in this area. The dose rates calculated from in situ measurement data showed that the contribution to the total dose rate was almost entirely due to naturally occurring radionuclides. The measured dose rate was about twice as high as the calculated rate, even after subtracting the contribution from cosmic radiation. This may be explained by the fact that intensimeters generally are calibrated to measure the quantity ambient dose equivalent, which should not underestimate the effective dose.  相似文献   

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