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Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were measured in zooplankton and five fish species collected from Gaobeidian Lake, which receives discharge from wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Beijing, China. The mean total PFCs in five fish were in the order: crucian carp > common carp > leather catfish > white semiknife carp > tilapia. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) occurred at the greatest concentrations, with mean concentrations ranging from 5.74 to 64.2 ng/ml serum. Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) was the second dominant PFC in fish samples except for common carp in which perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA) was dominant. A positive linear relationship (r2 = 0.85, p < 0.05) was observed between ln PFOS concentrations (ln ng/ml) and trophic level (based on δ15N) if tilapia was excluded. The risk assessment showed that PFOS might not pose an immediate risk to fish in Gaobeidian Lake.  相似文献   

Historical alterations of nitrogen deposition in the western part of Germany were investigated by comparing nitrogen concentrations and 15N natural abundance of historical and recent samples of the two pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi and Scleropodium purum. Pooling of the data revealed only slight tissue N increases over the past 140 years which were significant nevertheless. At closer examination on the single site level historical increases of N concentrations were found particularly for some sites in regions where agricultural activities were considerably intensified during the second half of the 20th century. The comparison of δ15N values showed a strong depletion of 15N natural abundance in areas currently heavily influenced by livestock management. This indicates an increased impact of NHy compounds. However, the almost unchanged δ15N values in some low mountain range areas with only moderate intensification of agriculture point to a more or less constant ratio of NHy/NOx input over time. Significant correlations of both tissue N concentrations and 15N natural abundance between the two species justify the assumption that they use the same nitrogen source, probably atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Nitrogen concentration and δ15N in 175 epilithic moss samples were investigated along four directions from urban to rural sites in Guiyang, SW China. The spatial variations of moss N concentration and δ15N revealed that atmospheric N deposition is dominated by NHx-N from two major sources (urban sewage NH3 and agricultural NH3), the deposition of urban-derived NHx followed a point source pattern characterized by an exponential decline with distance from the urban center, while the agricultural-derived NHx was shown to be a non-point source. The relationship between moss N concentration and distance (y = 1.5e−0.13x + 1.26) indicated that the maximum transporting distance of urban-derived NHx averaged 41 km from the urban center, and it could be determined from the relationship between moss δ15N and distance [y = 2.54 ln(x) − 12.227] that urban-derived NHx was proportionally lower than agricultural-derived NHx in N deposition at sites beyond 17.2 km from the urban center. Consequently, the variation of urban-derived NHx with distance from the urban center could be modeled as y = 56.272e−0.116x − 0.481 in the Guiyang area.  相似文献   

The effects of experimentally elevated O3 on soil respiration rates, standing fine-root biomass, fine-root production and δ13C signature of newly produced fine roots were investigated in an adult European beech/Norway spruce forest in Germany during two subsequent years with contrasting rainfall patterns. During humid 2002, soil respiration rate was enhanced under elevated O3 under beech and spruce, and was related to O3-stimulated fine-root production only in beech. During dry 2003, the stimulating effect of O3 on soil respiration rate vanished under spruce, which was correlated with decreased fine-root production in spruce under drought, irrespective of the O3 regime. δ13C signature of newly formed fine-roots was consistent with the differing gs of beech and spruce, and indicated stomatal limitation by O3 in beech and by drought in spruce. Our study showed that drought can override the stimulating O3 effects on fine-root dynamics and soil respiration in mature beech and spruce forests.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Rapid urbanization and the expansion of industrial activities in the past several decades have led to large increases in emissions of pollutants in the Pearl River Delta of south China. Recent reports have suggested that industrial emission is a major factor contributing to the damages in current natural ecosystem in the Delta area. Tree barks have been used successfully to monitor the levels of atmospheric metal deposition in many areas, but rarely in China. This study aimed at determining whether atmospheric heavy metal deposition from a Pb-Zn smeltery at Qujiang, Guangdong province, could be accurately reflected both in the inner bark and the outer bark of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.). The impact of the emission from smeltery on the soils beneath the trees and the relationships of the concentrations between the soils and the barks were also analyzed. Methods Barks around the bole of Pinus massoniana from a pine forest near a Pb-Zn smeltery at Qujiang and a reference forest at Dinghushan natural reserve were sampled with a stainless knife at an average height of 1.5 m above the ground. Mosses and lichens on the surface barks were cleaned prior to sampling. The samples were carefully divided into the inner bark (living part) and the outer bark (dead part) in the laboratory, and dried and ground, respectively. After being dry-ashed, the powder of the barks was dissolved in HNO3. The solutions were analyzed for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) by inductively coupled plasmas emission spectrometry (ICP, PS-1000AT, USA) and Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS, ZEENIT 60, Germany). Surface soils (0–10 cm) beneath the sample trees were also collected and analyzed for the selected metals. Results and Discussion Concentrations of the selected metals in soils at Qujiang were far above their environmental background values in the area, except for Fe and Mn, whilst at Dinghushan, they were far below their background values, except for Cd and Co. Levels of the metals, in particular Pb and Zn, in the soils beneath the sample trees at Qujiang were higher than those at Dinghushan with statistical significance. The result suggested that the pine forest soils at Qujiang had a great input of heavy metals from wet and dry atmospheric deposition, with the Pb-Zn smeltery most probably being the source. Levels of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni and Pb at Qujiang, both in the inner and the outer bark, were statistically higher than those at Dinghushan. Higher concentrations of Pb, Fe, Zn and Cu may come from the stem-flow of elements leached from the canopy, soil splash on the 1.5 m height and sorption of metals in the mosses and lichens growing on the bark, which were direct or indirect results from the atmospheric deposition. Levels of heavy metals in the outer barks were associated well with the metal concentrations in the soil, reflecting the close relationships between the metal atmospheric deposition and their accumulation in the outer bark of Masson pine. The significant (p<0.01) correlations of Fe-Cu, Fe-Cr, Fe-Pb, Fe-Ni, Pb-Ni, and Pb-Zn in the outer barks at Qujiang again suggested a common source for the metals. The correlation only occurred between Pb and Ni, Cd and Co in the outer barks at Dinghushan, which suggested that those metals must possibly have other uncommon sources. Conclusions Atmospheric deposition of the selected metals was great at Qujiang, based on the levels in the bark of Pinus massoniana and on the concentrations in the soils beneath the trees compared with that at Dinghushan. Bark of Pinus massoniana, especially the outer bark, was an indicator of metal loading at least at the time of sampling. Recommendations and Perspectives The results from this study and the techniques employed constituted a new contribution to the development of biogeochemical methods for environmental monitoring particularly in areas with high frequency of pollution in China. The method would be of value for follow up studies aimed at the assessment of industrial pollution in other areas similar with the Pearl River Delta.  相似文献   

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