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We determined concentrations, sources, and vertical distribution of OPAHs and PAHs in soils of Bratislava. The ∑14 OPAHs concentrations in surface soil horizons ranged 88-2692 ng g−1 and those of ∑34 PAHs 842-244,870 ng g−1. The concentrations of the ∑9 carbonyl-OPAHs (r = 0.92, p = 0.0001) and the ∑5 hydroxyl-OPAHs (r = 0.73, p = 0.01) correlated significantly with ∑34 PAHs concentrations indicating the close association of OPAHs with parent-PAHs. OPAHs were quantitatively dominated by 9-fluorenone, 9,10-anthraquinone, 1-indanone and benzo[a]anthracene-7,12-dione. At several sites, individual carbonyl-OPAHs had higher concentrations than parent PAHs. The concentration ratios of several OPAHs to their parent-PAHs and contribution of the more soluble OPAHs (1-indanone and 9-fluorenone) to ∑14 OPAHs concentrations increased with soil depth suggesting that OPAHs were faster vertically transported in the study soils by leaching than PAHs which was supported by the correlation of subsoil:surface soil ratios of OPAH concentrations at several sites with KOW.  相似文献   

Liu S  Xia X  Zhai Y  Wang R  Liu T  Zhang S 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):223-228
The concentrations of black carbon (BC), total organic carbon (TOC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been determined in soils from urban and rural areas of Beijing. The rural area can be divided into plain and mountainous areas which are close to and relatively far from the urban area, respectively. Concentration of BC (5.83 ± 3.05 mg g−1) and BC/TOC concentration ratio (0.37 ± 0.15) in Beijing’s urban soil are high compared with that in world background soils and rural soils of Beijing, suggesting the urban environment to be an essential source and sink of BC. Concentration of BC in the urban area decreases from the inner city to exterior areas, which correlates with the urbanization history of Beijing and infers accumulation of BC in old urban soils. Black carbon in Beijing soils mainly comes from fossil fuel combustion, especially traffic emission. Median PAH concentration in the urban area (502 ng g−1) is one order of magnitude higher than that in the rural plain (148 ng g−1) and mountainous area (146 ng g−1) where PAHs are supposed to mainly come from atmospheric deposition from the urban area. Concentrations of BC correlate significantly with those of PAHs (p < 0.01, except naphthalene) in the urban area and with those of heavier 4-, 5- and 6- ring PAHs (p < 0.01) in the adjacent rural plain area, while there is no significant correlation with any PAH in the farther rural mountainous area.  相似文献   

The concentrations, profiles, sources and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in 40 surface soil samples collected from Beijing, Tianjin and surrounding areas, North China in 2007, and all sampling sites were far from industrial areas, roadsides and other pollution sources, and across a range of soil types in remote, rural villages and urban areas. The total concentrations of 16 PAHs ranged from 31.6 to 1475.0 ng/g, with an arithmetic average of 336.4 ng/g. The highest PAH concentrations were measured in urban soils, followed by rural village soils and soils from remote locations. The remote-rural village-urban PAH concentration gradient was related to population density, gross domestic product (GDP), long-range atmospheric transport and different types of land use. In addition, the PAH concentration was well correlated with the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration of the soil. The PAH profile suggested that coal combustion and biomass burning were primary PAH sources.  相似文献   

Leaf samples of six tree species were collected along urban roadsides and a campus site in Beijing for measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs in leaves were attributed to two fractions, leaf cuticles and inner leaf tissues, using sequential extraction. Total concentrations of 16 PAHs in the cuticles and the inner tissues were 69.3+/-64.6 microg g(-1) (d.w.) and 1.07+/-0.2 microg g(-1) (d.w.) at roadside and 57.5+/-52.6 microg g(-1) and 0.716+/-0.2 microg g(-1) on campus, respectively. The lipid-normalized inner tissue PAHs varied from 5.8 microg g(-1) to 15.0 microg g(-1). Similarities in PAH spectra between leaf cuticles and airborne particles and between the inner tissues and gaseous phase imply that airborne particulates and gaseous PAHs are likely the sources of PAHs for cuticles and the inner tissues, respectively. Difficulty in migration of heavier PAHs into inner tissues could be another reason.  相似文献   

The concentration and loading distribution of trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, and Mn) and major elements (Al, Ca, Fe, and Mg) in different particle size fractions (2000-280, 280-100, 100-50, 50-10, 10-2, and <2 μm) of surface soils from highly urbanized areas in Hong Kong were studied. The enrichment of Pb, Cu, and Zn in the urban soils was strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities, and Pb accumulated in fine particles was mainly derived from past vehicular emissions as shown by Pb isotopic signatures. Trace metals primarily accumulated in clay, fine silt, and very fine sand fractions, and might pose potential health risks via the inhalation of resuspended soil particles in the air (PM10 or PM2.5), and ingestion of adhered soils through the hand-to-mouth pathway. The mobility, bioavailability, and human bioaccessibility of Pb and Zn in bulk soils correlated significantly with metal concentrations in fine silt and/or very fine sand fractions.  相似文献   

This paper reports the distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in wash-off in urban stormwater in Gold Coast, Australia. Runoff samples collected from residential, industrial and commercial sites were separated into a dissolved fraction (<0.45 μm), and three particulate fractions (0.45-75 μm, 75-150 μm and >150 μm). Patterns in the distribution of PAHs in the fractions were investigated using Principal Component Analysis. Regardless of the land use and particle size fraction characteristics, the presence of organic carbon plays a dominant role in the distribution of PAHs. The PAHs concentrations were also found to decrease with rainfall duration. Generally, the 1- and 2-year average recurrence interval rainfall events were associated with the majority of the PAHs and the wash-off was a source limiting process. In the context of stormwater quality mitigation, targeting the initial part of the rainfall event is the most effective treatment strategy. The implications of the study results for urban stormwater quality management are also discussed.  相似文献   

Wu S  Xia X  Yang L  Liu H 《Chemosphere》2011,82(5):732-738
The concentration of PCBs in urban soils of Beijing across six land types including business districts (BD), cultural and educational areas (CE), classical gardens (CG), public green (PG), residential areas (RA), and roadsides (RD) was investigated. The total concentrations of PCBs ranged from below method detection limit (M.D.L.) to 37.11 × 10−3 mg kg−1 dry weight (mean: 11.70 × 10−3 mg kg−1; median: 13.28 × 10−3 mg kg−1), which was at a medium level compared with other cities around the world. In general, the levels of PCBs decreased from the center of Beijing city to the suburb, suggesting the increasing PCBs concentrations with the age of the urban area. For different types of land use, the highest level of PCBs was observed in CG soils which have the oldest age, and the homologue profiles were similar, which were predominated by lowly chlorinated congeners including di-, tri- and tetra-CBs. Principal component analysis indicated that local sources such as Aroclor 1016, 1242, and 1248 were important sources in addition to long-range transport of PCBs all over the world. Although the toxic equivalency (TEQ) concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs in all soil samples of Beijing were higher than those in other urban areas of China, they met the Canadian soil quality standard.  相似文献   

Diagnostic ratios and multivariate analysis were utilized to apportion polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sources for road runoff, road dust, rain and canopy throughfall based on samples collected in an urban area of Beijing, China. Three sampling sites representing vehicle lane, bicycle lane and branch road were selected. For road runoff and road dust, vehicular emission and coal combustion were identified as major sources, and the source contributions varied among the sampling sites. For rain, three principal components were apportioned representing coal/oil combustion (54%), vehicular emission (34%) and coking (12%). For canopy throughfall, vehicular emission (56%), coal combustion (30%) and oil combustion (14%) were identified as major sources. Overall, the PAH's source for road runoff mainly reflected that for road dust. Despite site-specific sources, the findings at the study area provided a general picture of PAHs sources for the road runoff system in urban area of Beijing.  相似文献   

西安市大气中多环芳烃的季节变化及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西安市2009年6月-2010年5月空气中的总悬浮颗粒(TSP)和气态样品进行了连续采样,利用GC—MS对16种PAHs进行分析。∑PAHs浓度(气相+颗粒相)范围为39.93~1032.46ng/m^3,平均值为197.34ng/m^3;其中,冬季大气中∑PAHs浓度最大,相对浓度的范围为31.21%~72.98%,而夏季的浓度最小;检测出16种2~6环的PAHs,其中以3—4环为主。利用特征分子比值法和因子分析进行源解析,发现研究区PAHs的主要来源为燃煤和机动车尾气排放。通过苯并(a)芘(BaP)等效毒性(BEQ)和苯并(a)芘等效致癌浓度(BaPE)进行健康风险评价,结果显示,西安大气中PAHs的毒性具有明显的季节差异,特别是秋季和冬季大气中PAHs对人类的健康存在较大的潜在威胁。  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations and depth distribution (0-10, 10-20 cm) of 31 PAHs and 12 OPAHs in soils at eleven equidistant sampling points along a 20-km transect in the Angren industrial region (coal mine, power plant, rubber factory, gold mine), Uzbekistan to gain an insight into their concentrations, sources, and fate. Concentrations of all compounds were mostly much higher in the 0-10 cm than in the 10-20 cm layer except in disturbed soil close to the coal mine. Proximity to one of the industrial emitters was the main determinant of PAH and OPAH concentrations. The ∑31PAHs concentrations correlated positively with the ∑7 carbonyl-OPAH (r = 0.98, p < 0.01), ∑5 hydroxyl-OPAH (r = 0.72, p < 0.05), and with industrially emitted trace metals in the topsoil, identifying industrial emissions as their common source. Concentrations of several OPAHs were higher than their parent PAHs, but their vertical distribution in soil suggested only little higher mobility of OPAHs than their corresponding parent PAHs.  相似文献   

As part of a larger program aiming at assessing transfer and effects of metals in food webs, this work studied the spatial distribution of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn in 101 sub-surface soils, systematically sampled (1 × 1 km regular grid) over a large area around Annaba, the fourth most-populated city of Algeria. Cd and Cr exhibited only one abnormally high value, with all other concentrations being close to pedogeological background. Some places in the centre of the city were polluted by Pb (up to 823 mg kg−1), probably due to aerial deposition from gasoline exhausts. Zn never exceeded regulatory limits over the whole sampling area. Cu was the only element for which a spatial autocorrelation occurred. A spatial interpolation by cokriging allowed the identification of agricultural activities as the main Cu pollution source. Our approach revealed various anthropogenic pollution sources, more efficiently for large-scale patterns than for local abnormalities.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Contents of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were analyzed in 30 soil samples from 15 locations in Novi Sad, Serbia, assessing for the first time...  相似文献   

我国环境介质中多环芳烃的分布及其生态风险   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
持久性有机污染物多环芳烃(PAHs)在我国环境介质中广泛分布,美国EPA规定的16种.优先控制多环芳烃大多在我国大气、水体、沉积物、土壤和生物体内检出.总结了我国环境介质中PAHs污染水平及特点,分析了其存在的环境风险.我国大气中PAHs污染较重,尤其是北方.水体已普遍受PAHs污染,其中部分水体污染严重;沉积物多环芳烃污染大多处于低生态风险水平,但沉积记录研究表明有越来越严重的趋势.我国土壤和生物体PAHs含量较低,污染生态风险较小.部分区域蔬菜中PAHs含量较高,存在不可忽视的生态风险.  相似文献   

A two-step analytical method is developed for the isolation and characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in crude oil contaminated soil. In the first step, those crude oil components were isolated which are easily mobilized with water from the contaminated soil (determination of groundwater pollution potential). In the second step, the fraction containing the remaining crude oil compounds was extracted using toluene. After the cleanup of the fractions, both fractions were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC of the toluene extracted fraction shows that along with the sixteen priority pollutants from the US-EPA list, many other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present as well. It is evident from the chromatograms that a significant amount of PAHs are present as is also the case in the fractions eluted by water. The described method allows the determination of total organic pollutants from crude oil, some of them being potential groundwater contaminants. The major part of the total pollutants could not be mobilized by water and therefore remains in the soil, which was extracted in the second step.  相似文献   

We determined 20 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 12 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Oi, Oe, and Oa horizons and at 0-5 and 15-20 cm mineral soil depth of 16 Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in north Bavaria. The sum of PAH concentrations increased along the line Oi (mean+/-SD: 841+/-330 microg kg(-1))相似文献   

Zhou J  Wang T  Huang Y  Mao T  Zhong N 《Chemosphere》2005,61(6):792-799
PAHs in five-stage size segregated aerosol particles were investigated in 2003 at urban and suburban sites of Beijing. The total concentration of 17 PAHs ranged between 0.84 and 152 ng m(-3), with an average of 116 ng m(-3), in urban area were 1.1-6.6 times higher than those measured in suburban area. It suggested a serious pollution level of PAHs in Beijing. PAHs concentrations increased with decreasing the ambient temperature. Approximately 68.4-84.7% of PAHs were adsorbed on particles having aerodynamic diameter 2.0 microm. Nearly bimodal distribution was found for PAHs with two and three rings, more than four rings PAHs, however, followed unimodal distribution. The overall mass median diameter (MMD) for PAHs decreased with increasing molecular weight. Diagnostic ratios and normalized distribution of PAHs indicated that the PAHs in aerosol particles were mainly derived from fossil fuel combustion. Coal combustion for domestic heating was probably major contributor to the higher PAHs loading in winter, whereas PAHs in other seasons displayed characteristic of mixed source of gasoline and diesel vehicle exhaust. Biomass burning and road dust are minor contributors to the PAHs composition of these aerosol particles. Except for source emission, other factors, such as meteorological condition, photochemical decay, and transportation from source to the receptor site, should to be involved in the generation of the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were analysed in 23 soil samples (0–10 cm layer) from the Swiss soil monitoring network (NABO) together with total organic carbon (TOC) and black carbon (BC) concentration, as well as some PAH source diagnostic ratios and molecular markers. The concentrations of the sum of 16 EPA priority PAHs ranged from 50 to 619 μg/kg dw. Concentrations increased from arable, permanent and pasture grassland, forest, to urban soils and were 21–89% lower than median numbers reported in the literature for similar Swiss and European soils. NABO soils contained BC in concentrations from 0.4 to 1.8 mg/g dw, except for two sites with markedly higher levels. These numbers corresponded to 1–6% of TOC and were comparable to the limited published BC data in soil and sediments obtained with comparable analytical methods. The various PAH ratios and molecular markers pointed to a domination of pyrogenically formed PAHs in Swiss soils. In concert, the gathered data suggest the following major findings: (1) gas phase PAHs (naphthalene to fluorene) were long-range transported, cold-condensated at higher altitudes, and approaching equilibrium with soil organic matter (OM); (2) (partially) particle-bound PAHs (phenanthrene to benzo[ghi]perylene) were mostly deposited regionally in urban areas, and not equilibrated with soil OM; (3) Diesel combustion appeared to be a major emission source of PAH and BC in urban areas; and (4) wood combustion might have contributed significantly to PAH burdens in some soils of remote/alpine (forest) sites.  相似文献   

This study investigated the levels, sources and ecological risks of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in two sediment cores that were collected along the Huaxi Reservoir. The spatial distributions and residue levels of the 16 priority PAHs in the sediments from the Huaxi Reservoir were analyzed for their potential ecological risk, source apportionment and contribution to the total PAH residue. The concentration level of the total PAHs (TPAHs) was in the range 1805 ng·g?1 to 20023 ng·g?1 based on dry weight, and the content of PAHs in the Huaxi Reservoir exhibited a gradual upward trend. The PAH congener ratios fluoranthene/(fluoranthene + pyrene) and indeno[1, 2, 3-cd]pyrene/(indeno[1, 2, 3-cd]pyrene + benzo[g, h, i]perylene) were used to identify the source. The main source of the low molecular weight PAHs was wood and coal combustion, whereas the high molecular weight PAHs were primarily from petroleum combustion sources. The results of an ecological risk assessment demonstrated that ACE poses a potential ecological risk, while FLU, NAP, ANT, BaP, DBA, PHEN and PYR can have serious ecological risks.  相似文献   

The determination of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban street dust has been done. Samples were collected from 12 sampling locations in a city centre location (Newcastle upon Tyne, north east England) and extracted using in situ pressurised fluid extraction followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. From the results it was possible to identify three groups, with respect to PAH concentration, with PAH contents ranging between 0.6-2.3 mg kg−1, 15.6-22.5 mg kg−1 and 36.1-46.0 mg kg−1. The total PAH content of samples from these sampling sites has been compared to 22 urban locations around the world; comparable levels were found in these samples compared to the other cities around the world.The potential source of PAHs has been investigated by investigating the proportion of pyrogenic and petrogenic material in urban street dust using specific individual PAH ratios. The results indicate that the PAH content of urban street dust from the chosen sites are more likely to be due to pyrogenic sources i.e. vehicle exhaust emissions. The particle size fractions (<63 μm; 63-125 μm; 125-250 μm; 250-500 μm; 500-1000 μm; and 1000-2000 μm) of individual PAHs in three selected sampling sites was investigated. In two of the selected sites the PAH content was independent of particle size whereas in sampling site 10 elevated PAH levels are noted in the <63 μm size fraction. Sampling site 10 is located at the junction of three road tributaries which are used as major access points to the east of the city centre. Finally, the potential health risk for unintentional consumption of PAHs was assessed in terms of a mean daily intake (based on an ingestion rate of 100 mg d−1). It was found that all 4-6 membered ring PAHs had concentrations in excess of the mean daily intake thereby reflecting a potential health risk, particularly in the smallest size particle fractions.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Chen J  Qiao X  Yang P  Tian F  Huang L 《Chemosphere》2007,68(5):965-971
To estimate the distribution and sources of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in metropolitan and adjacent areas, soil samples were collected from urban, suburban and rural locations of Dalian, China, and concentrations of 14 PAHs were determined. The spatial PAH profiles were site-specific and determined by the sources close to the sampling sites. PAH concentrations decreased significantly along the urban-suburban-rural transect. The gradient implied that the fractionation effect influenced PAH distribution. Bivariate plots of selected diagnostic ratios showed general trends of co-variation and allowed to distinguish samples taken from different areas. An improved method, factor analysis (FA) with nonnegative constrains, was used to determine the primary sources and contributions of PAHs in soils. The FA model showed traffic average (74%) and coal related residential emission (26%) were two primary sources to Dalian soils. In addition, the FA model provided reasonable explanations for PAH contributions in soils from different sites. The results suggest that FA with nonnegative constraints is a promising tool for source apportionment of PAHs in soils.  相似文献   

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