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In China, as the economy is developing and the population is expanding, some underground buildings have been used as supermarkets, restaurants and entertainment places. Tunnels in mountains are one type of underground building, and the radon (222Rn) level in tunnels is an important issue. Radon levels in different type tunnels appear to differ, and relatively higher levels of 222Rn are associated with particular types of bedrock. The 222Rn levels in tunnels in five different geological characteristics were analyzed. Those built in granite had the highest 222Rn levels with a geometric mean (GM) of 280 Bq m−3, while those built in limestone (GM: 100 Bq m−3) and andesitic porphyry (GM: 96 Bq m−3) were lower. The sequence of 222Rn concentrations was: granite > tuff > quartz sandstone > limestone > andesitic porphyry, and the 222Rn in granite was statistically significantly higher than in limestone and andesitic porphyry. Tunnels built in granite, tuff, quartz sandstone, limestone tended to have higher 222Rn concentrations in summer than in winter, while the reverse tendency was true in andesitic porphyry tunnels. Only the difference in limestone was statistically significant.  相似文献   

A three–dimensional marine dispersion model for radionuclieds has been developed. The model solves the three–dimensional hydrodynamic equations and, simultaneously, the three–dimensional advective–diffusive dispersion equations. Thus the tide–induced dispersion of radionuclides is obtained. The equations are solved using a finite difference explicit scheme using a time step of a few seconds with appropriate boundary conditions. As an example the model has been applied to study the dispersion of 137Cs in the Irish Sea which is released from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield. Tidal amplitudes and current profiles obtained with the model have been compared with observations in the Irish Sea: both sets of data are in good agreement. Observed and computed 137Cs distributions in waters have also been compared. The model gives a good representation of the dispersion of this radionuclide in the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

In solar rockbed storage systems, heat is transferred during the day from the collector to a bed of pebbles, and released at night to warm the living space. When the rocks used for storage contain significant concentrations of uranium, 222Rn and its daughters may be released to the living area. A microcomputer model was used to simulate variations in air filtration rate and source strength through several days of operation. Source strengths were estimated from theoretical considerations and literature data. Resulting 222Rn and daughter concentrations were computed by solving system equations by fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration. During the day, when the living space is isolated from the radon source, interior 222Rn concentrations approach those of the outdoors. A nighttime steady-state concentration is approached about 6 h after heat discharge begins. Due to the dynamic nature of the simulation, equilibrium between 222Rn and its daughters is not reached. Time-weighted average nighttime exposures (6 p.m.–8 a.m.) for 10 simulation runs varied from 0.001 to 0.018 working level (WL). Comparison with one set of measurement data showed the model to overpredict concentrations but to approximate the 222Rn buildup rate well. Combinations of source strength, infiltration rate, and exterior radon concentration which would lead to exposures exceeding 0.02 WL were calculated.  相似文献   

The south east basin of France shelters deep CO2 reservoirs often studied with the aim of better constraining geological CO2 storage operations. Here we present new soil gas data, completing an existing dataset (CO2, 222Rn, 4He), together with mineralogical and physical characterisations of soil columns, in an attempt to better understand the spatial distribution of gas concentrations in the soils and to rule on the sealed character of the CO2 reservoir at present time.Anomalous gas concentrations were found but did not appear to be clearly related to geological structures that may drain deep gases up to the surface, implying a dominant influence of near surface processes as indicated by carbon isotope ratios. Coarse grained, quartz-rich soils favoured the existence of high CO2 concentrations. Fine grained clayey soils preferentially favoured the existence of 222Rn but not CO2. Soil formations did not act as barriers preventing gas migrations in soils, either due to water content or due to mineralogical composition. No abundant leakage from the Montmiral reservoir can be highlighted by the measurements, even near the exploitation well. As good correlation between CO2 and 222Rn concentrations still exist, it is suggested that 222Rn migration is also CO2 dependent in non-leaking areas - diffusion dominated systems.  相似文献   

When used with an atmospheric transport model, the 222Rn flux distribution estimated in our previous study using soil transport theory caused underestimation of atmospheric 222Rn concentrations as compared with measurements in East Asia. In this study, we applied a Bayesian synthesis inverse method to produce revised estimates of the annual 222Rn flux density in Asia by using atmospheric 222Rn concentrations measured at seven sites in East Asia. The Bayesian synthesis inverse method requires a prior estimate of the flux distribution and its uncertainties. The atmospheric transport model MM5/HIRAT and our previous estimate of the 222Rn flux distribution as the prior value were used to generate new flux estimates for the eastern half of the Eurasian continent dividing into 10 regions.The 222Rn flux densities estimated using the Bayesian inversion technique were generally higher than the prior flux densities. The area-weighted average 222Rn flux density for Asia was estimated to be 33.0 mBq m−2 s−1, which is substantially higher than the prior value (16.7 mBq m−2 s−1). The estimated 222Rn flux densities decrease with increasing latitude as follows: Southeast Asia (36.7 mBq m−2 s−1); East Asia (28.6 mBq m−2 s−1) including China, Korean Peninsula and Japan; and Siberia (14.1 mBq m−2 s−1). Increase of the newly estimated fluxes in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and the southern part of Eastern Siberia from the prior ones contributed most significantly to improved agreement of the model-calculated concentrations with the atmospheric measurements. The sensitivity analysis of prior flux errors and effects of locally exhaled 222Rn showed that the estimated fluxes in Northern and Central China, Korea, Japan, and the southern part of Eastern Siberia were robust, but that in Central Asia had a large uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of radon (222Rn)-bearing water to indoor 222Rn in thermal baths. The 222Rn concentrations in air were monitored in the bathroom and the bedroom. Particulate matter (PM, both PM10 and PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were also monitored with portable analyzers. The bathrooms were supplied with hot spring water containing 66-260 kBq m−3 of 222Rn. The results show that the spray of hot spring water from the bath spouts is the dominant mechanism by which 222Rn is released into the air of the bathroom, and then it diffuses into the bedroom. Average 222Rn level was 110-410% higher in the bedrooms and 510-1200% higher in the bathrooms compared to the corresponding average levels when there was no use of hot spring water. The indoor 222Rn levels were influenced by the 222Rn concentrations in the hot spring water and the bathing times. The average 222Rn transfer coefficients from water to air were 6.2 × 10−4-4.1 × 10−3. The 24-h average levels of CO2 and PM10 in the hotel rooms were 89% and 22% higher than the present Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard of China. The main particle pollutant in the hotel rooms was PM2.5. Radon and PM10 levels in some hotel rooms were at much higher concentrations than guideline levels, and thus the potential health risks to tourists and especially to the hotel workers should be of great concern, and measures should be taken to lower inhalation exposure to these air pollutants.  相似文献   

In the framework of a 222Rn screening campaign that was carried out in 58 public secondary schools in Galicia (NW Spain), the largest radon-prone area in the Iberian Peninsula, a positive correlation between indoor 222Rn concentration and outdoor gamma exposure rate was obtained. A new approach to the data acquisition in screening surveys was tested, improving the performances of this type of study and gathering useful data for future remedial actions. Using short-period detectors (charcoal canisters) firstly, in order to detect places showing 222Rn concentrations over 400 Bq m−3, the number of locations to be measured with long-period detectors (etched track detectors) is reduced. In this screening campaign, 34% of the schools surveyed presented at least one site exceeding the 400 Bq m−3 recommended action level established by the EU, and 15% had at least one site with 222Rn values over 800 Bq m−3. The maximum value recorded was 2084 ± 63 Bq m−3. These results are discussed and compared with data obtained in schools of several countries with similar geology. Seven schools were also studied for seasonal variations of 222Rn activity concentration. The results were not conclusive, and no significant correlation between season and 222Rn concentration was established. Finally, a continuous 222Rn concentration monitor was placed in the secondary school exhibiting a mean value of the 222Rn concentration very close to 400 Bq m−3. Maximum 222Rn concentration values were found to occur at times when the school was unoccupied.  相似文献   

Considering the role of radon in epidemiology, an attempt was made to make a nation-wide map of indoor 222Rn and 220Rn for India. More than 5000 measurements have been carried out in 1500 dwellings across the country comprising urban and nonurban locations. The solid state nuclear track detectors based twin cup 222Rn/220Rn discrimination dosimeters were deployed for the measurement of indoor 222Rn, 220Rn and their progeny levels. The geometric means of estimated annual inhalation dose rate due to indoor 222Rn, 220Rn and their progeny in the dwellings was 0.94 mSvy−1 (geometric standard deviation 2.5). It was observed that the major contribution to the indoor inhalation dose was due to indoor 222Rn and its progeny. However, the contribution due to indoor 220Rn and its progeny was not trivial as it was found to be about 20% of the total indoor inhalation dose rates. The indoor 222Rn levels in dwellings was significantly different depending on the nature of walls and floorings.  相似文献   

This article points out the ability to map retrospective 222Rn concentrations by home stored CDs/DVDs. The method employs the high radon absorption ability of the polycarbonate material of CDs and DVDs and their track-etch properties. The principle steps for the application of the method are addressed. The possibility for individual a posteriori calibration is studied, demonstrating that better than 10% accuracy in retrospective measurements is potentially achievable. Results from retrospective measurements in three different regions are shown, demonstrating the potential of the method for large-scale radon mapping. Comparison with independently evaluated retrospective 222Rn concentrations in places with known radon history was made and very good correspondence was observed. The experience indicates that the method can be used for large scale retrospective radon mapping and its applications can be expanded towards mapping of radon concentrations in water and soil gas.  相似文献   

The functioning of radon diffusion chambers was studied using the Monte Carlo code RAMMX developed here. The alpha particles from radon are assumed randomly produced in the volume of the cylinder, and those from the progeny are assumed to originate randomly at the cylindrical surface. The energy spectrum, the distribution of incident angles, and the distribution of path lengths of the alpha particles on the detector were obtained. These quantities vary depending on input parameters such as initial alpha particle energy, radius and depth of the diffusion chamber, detector size and atmospheric pressure. The calculated energy spectrum for both 222Rn and 220Rn was compared with experiment, permitting the identification of each peak and its origin, and a better understanding of radon monitoring. Three aspects not considered in previous calculations are progeny alphas coming from surfaces of the monitor, taking into account the atmospheric pressure, and including the isotope 220Rn.  相似文献   

Large temporal variations of radon (222Rn) are often encountered in air in the geologic environment, at time scales from diurnal to annual. Interpretations as to the nature of these variations, unique to 222Rn, often invoke either above surface atmospheric variations, or the influence of subtle active geodynamic processes. So far the eventual geophysical drivers of the variation of 222Rn as well as its specific qualities enabling this temporal variation are not known. New insight on the temporal variation of 222Rn is gained by experimental simulation in confined air. Two short laboratory experiments, and one external experiment lasting over 3 years, were performed inside closed canisters and using natural and commercial 222Rn sources. Internal and external gamma and alpha detectors recorded variations of the radiation, up to around 20% of the equilibrium level. Radon signals of different time scale occurred with: a) periodic annual and semi-annual signals; b) non-periodic multi-day signals; c) periodic daily signals. Similar, related, inversely-related and dissimilar temporal patterns were manifested in the measured time series of the different sensors. Diurnal periodicity was dominated by the solar tide components S1, S2 and S3, exhibiting unlike relative amplitudes and different phases at the different sensors. A compound association occurs among the amplitudes and phases of the diurnal and seasonal periodicities of the daily 222Rn signal, linking the periodic phenomena to the rotation of earth around its axis and around the sun. 222Rn variation patterns in the frequency-time domain cannot be driven by the corresponding atmospheric variation patterns. These results, obtained under static and isolated conditions, are in disagreement with the expected radioactive equilibrium and its spatially uniform expression within and around the experimental volume. The external influence which drives the daily signals evolving from 222Rn inside the canister is non-atmospheric and seemed to be from a remote source and traversed a 5-cm thick lead shield. The similarities with observations on 222Rn signals from upper crustal levels imply that such an external influence, possibly as a component of solar irradiance, drives the 222Rn signals to a depth of at least 100 m. New combined prospects for the research are indicated in terms of the radioactive behavior of 222Rn in air and in terms of an above surface geophysical driver for this behavior.  相似文献   

Indoor and soil gas Radon (222Rn) concentration measurements were accomplished in two stages in Sivas, a central eastern city in Turkey. In the first stage, CR-39 passive nuclear track detectors supplied by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA) were placed in the selected houses throughout Sivas centrum in two seasons; summer and winter. Before the setup of detectors, a detailed questionnaire form was distributed to the inhabitants of selected houses to investigate construction parameters and properties of the houses, and living conditions of inhabitants. Detectors were collected back two months later and analysed at TAEA laboratories to obtain indoor 222Rn gas concentration values. In the second stage, soil gas 222Rn measurements were performed using an alphameter near the selected houses for the indoor measurements. Although 222Rn concentrations in Sivas were quite low in relation with the allowable limits, they are higher than the average of Turkey. Indoor and soil gas 222Rn concentration distribution maps were prepared seperately and these maps were applied onto the surface geological map. In this way, both surveys were correlated with the each other and they were interpreted in comparison with the answers of questionnaire and the geological setting of the Sivas centrum and the vicinity.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (PG) has been traditionally applied as Ca-amendment in saline marsh soils in SW Spain, where available PG has 710 ± 40 Bq kg−1 of 226Ra. This work assesses the potential radiological risk for farmers through 222Rn exhalation from PG-amended soils and by inhalation of PG-dust during its application. A three-year field experiment was conducted in a commercial farm involving two treatments: control and 25 t PG ha−1 with three replicates (each 0.5 ha plots). The 222Rn exhalation rate was positively correlated with potential evapotranspiration, which explained 67% of the variability. Statistically significant differences between the control and PG treatments were not found for 222Rn exhalation rates, and mean values were within the lowest quartile of the typical range for 222Rn exhalation from soils. Airborne dust samples were collected during the application of PG and sugar-beet sludge amendments. The highest PG-attributable 226Ra concentration in the dust samples was 3.3 × 102 μBq m−3, implying negligible dose increment for exposed workers.  相似文献   

It is known that in soils and sediments moisture adsorbed on particle surfaces and in the pore system significantly affects the behaviour of recoiling radon (222Rn) atoms after decay of parent 226Ra, leading to increased 222Rn emanation. As a first step in an effort to characterize the 222Rn source term in mineralised sediments in the present study, complementing previous studies in the area, granitic esker sand samples were collected in order to test how moisture content affects 222Rn emanation at different grain size fractions. Emanation fractions measured for natural samples were compared with theoretical calculations. Six different grain size fractions were studied at 0%, 5% and 10% moisture contents relative to the mass of solids. In a further study necessary complementary information on the chemical and structural distribution of 226Ra was gained by selective leaching experiments. The results showed that 226Ra concentration increases from 50 Bq/kg at grain size 1-2 mm to 200 Bq/kg at grain size <0.063 mm. Respectively, the emanation factor increased from 0.12 to 0.30 at 5% moisture content. Both emanation factor and radium concentration increased significantly when grain size was below 0.125-0.250 mm. Above this fraction, the emanation fraction was approximately constant, 0.13 at 5% moisture content. In most of the grain size fractions, emanation reaches its maximum at 5% moisture content, being twice as high as in a dry sample. For the small particles (<0.063 mm) the 226Ra distribution is rather complex and depends on the mineral composition compared to larger particles wherein emanation from the internal pore system and the adjacent matrix is dominating over the contribution from external surface.  相似文献   

Radon is emitted to the atmosphere with quasi constant emission rates depending on the radium concentration in the earth's crust and soil physical properties. In this way, the 222Rn and 220Rn concentration in air reflects significantly the thickness of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The aerosol-associated, beta-emitting progeny nuclides of 222Rn were measured daily in the framework of the atmospheric radioactivity monitoring program of NIMH at Sofia. The 214Pb concentration was estimated from the measured short-lived beta activity of 24-h filter samples, changed daily at 6:00 GMT. The impact of some meteorological factors such as wind direction, wind velocity, humidity, and temperature on short-lived beta radionuclides is estimated, and the results show no simple statistical relationship. A seasonal pattern was observed with winter minima and late summer-early autumn maxima. High variability in daily morning concentrations and mean monthly values was observed. There were well pronounced differences between years. The height of the convective ABL was estimated from daily radio-soundings at 12:00 GMT for the period 2001-2006 and from seven soundings per day during the experimental campaign in Sofia in October 2003. In general, concentrations of short-lived 222Rn progeny nuclides decreased with increased convective ABL height.  相似文献   

Radon-222 was measured in groundwater sources of Extremadura (Spain), analyzing 350 samples from private and public springs, wells, and spas by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and gamma spectrometry. The 222Rn activity concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 1168 Bq L−1. The statistical analysis showed a log-normal distribution with a mean of (111 ± 7) Bq L−1 and a median of (36 ± 3) Bq L−1. A hydrogeological study revealed correlations between the activity concentration and the aquifer material's characteristics. A map of 222Rn in groundwater was elaborated and compared with the natural gamma radiation map for this region. About 35% of the samples showed 222Rn activity concentrations above the Euratom recommended limit of 100 Bq L−1. Three uranium series radionuclides (238U, 234U, and 226Ra) were also assayed by alpha-particle spectrometry, estimating the annual effective dose due to the presence of these natural radionuclides in drinking water.  相似文献   

222Rn released by mature tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) growing on uranium mill wastes in a controlled environment was a direct function of leaf area and essentially unrelated to the quantity of water transpired by the plants. The quantity of 222Rn released by the grass blades at maturity was approximately 0·01 Bq m−2 s−1 (0·3 pCi m−2 s−1). We suggest that the radioactive gas is transported from the rooting medium to leaves by mass flow in liquid water, but from leaves to the atmosphere by a path generally independent of water, i.e., primarily through the leaf cuticle and epicuticular wax.  相似文献   

The assembling of a system for field sampling and activity concentration measurement of radon dissolved in groundwater is described. Special attention is given in presenting the calibration procedure to obtain the radon activity concentration in groundwater from the raw counting rate registered in a portable scintillation detector and in establishing the precision of the activity concentration measurements. A field procedure was established and the system tested during one year of monthly observations of 222Rn activity concentration in groundwater drawn from two wells drilled on metamorphic rocks exposed at Eastern São Paulo State, Brazil. The observed mean 222Rn activity concentrations are 374 Bq/dm3 in one well and about 1275 Bq/dm3 in the other one. In both wells the 222Rn activity concentrations showed a seasonal variation similar to variations previously reported in the literature for the same region.  相似文献   

The Pechelbronn oilfield (Rhine Graben, France), where mining activity ended in the 1960s, has been used for waste disposal for twenty years. Since the wastes are varied, work is underway to identify the discharged materials and their derivatives, as well as to locate and quantify potential discharge sites. Two major goals were assigned to the present work. The first was to identify or refine the location of hidden structures that could facilitate gas emanation up to the surface, by studying soil gas concentrations (mainly 222Rn, CO2, CH4 and helium) and carbon isotope ratios in the CO2 phase. The second was devoted to examining, from a health and safety viewpoint, if the use of the oilfield as a waste disposal site might have led to enhanced or modified gas emanation throughout the area.It appeared that CO2 and 222Rn evolution in the whole area were similar, except near some of the faults and fractures that are known through surface mapping and underground observations. These 222Rn and CO2 anomalies made it possible to highlight more emissive zones that are either related to main faults or to secondary fractures acting as migration pathways. In that sense, the CO2 phase can be used to evaluate 222Rn activities distant from tectonic structures but can lead to erroneous evaluations near to gas migration pathways. Dumping of wastes, as well as oil residues, did not appear to have a strong influence on soil gaseous species and emanation. Similarly, enhanced gas migration due to underground galleries and exploitation wells has not been established. Carbon isotope ratios suggested a balance of biological phenomena, despite the high CO2 contents reached. Other monitored gaseous species (N2, Ar, H2 and alkanes), when detected, always showed amounts close to those found subsurface and/or in atmospheric gases.  相似文献   

Radon and gamma radiation level measurements were carried out inside the La Carolina mine, one of the oldest gold mining camps of southern South America, which is open for touristic visits nowadays. CR-39 track-etch detectors and thermoluminescent dosimeters of natural CaF2 and LiF TLD-100 were exposed at 14 points along the mine tunnels in order to estimate the mean 222Rn concentration and the ambient dose equivalent during the summer season (November 2008 to February 2009). The values for the 222Rn concentration at each monitoring site ranged from 1.8 ± 0.1 kBq m−3 to 6.0 ± 0.5 kBq m−3, with a mean value of 4.8 kBq m−3, indicating that these measurements exceed in about three times the upper action level recommended by ICRP for workplaces. The correlations between radon and gamma radiation levels inside the mine were also investigated. Effective doses due to 222Rn and gamma rays inside the mine were determined, resulting in negligible values to tourists. Considering the effective dose to the mine tourist guides, values exceeding 20 mSv of internal contribution to the effective doses can be reached, depending on the number of working hours inside the mine.  相似文献   

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