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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - We aimed to determine the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in indoor and outdoor size-segregated aerosol samples (PM10-2.5, PM2.5). Five outdoor daily...  相似文献   

Organic films, collected from indoor and outdoor window surfaces in Guangzhou and Hong Kong of South China, were analyzed to quantify their organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) content. The highest concentrations of OC, EC, and BDE-209 were found in Guangzhou with values of 10 000 μg m?2, 2200 μg m?2, and 4000 ng m?2, respectively, and the highest concentration of Σ7PBDE (sum of BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154 and -183) was found in Hong Kong with a value of 25 ng m?2. In most cases, the concentrations of PBDEs were higher in the exterior films than those in the interior films with BDE-209 as the predominant congener in both cities, suggesting that PBDEs mainly come from ambient environment, and deca-BDE accounts for major PBDE consumption. The growth rates of organic film on window surfaces were fast at the beginning, and reached a consistent level afterwards. The evolution rates ranged from 2.6 to 11 nm day?1 for “bulk film”, while from 0.06 to 0.92 nm day?1 for “pure film”. The concentrations of PBDEs on the window surfaces did not increase with the growth time, suggesting that the window surface may provide a good place for photo-degradation of PBDEs.  相似文献   

广州市夏、冬季室内外PM2.5质量浓度的特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
2004年7月2日至8月13日和2004年11月29日至2005年1月6日分别在广州市3种类型区域(一般城市区域、道路旁、工业源附近)9个居民住宅的室内和室外同步采集了PM2.5颗粒.采用标准称重法测定PM2.5质量浓度,得到广州市夏季住宅室内外PM2.5平均质量浓度分别为67.7、74.5 μg/m3,冬季室内外PM2.5平均质量浓度分别为109.9、123.7 μg/m3.广州市PM2.5平均质量浓度,与美国PM2.5标准相比,与国内PM10标准基础上假设的PM2.5限值相比,与其他一些国内、亚洲和欧美城市的文献记录相比,结果均显示广州市PM2.5处于相当严重污染状态.广州市PM2.5质量浓度呈现明显的空间分布特征和季节变化特征;PM2.5室内质量浓度并不总是低于室外质量浓度,反映了室内空气污染的存在.  相似文献   

We have measured the elemental concentrations in aerosols with a 2-h time resolution in two different types of working environment: a chemistry laboratory dealing with the processing of advanced nanoparticulate materials and a medium-sized machine workshop. Non-stop 10-day and 12-day samplings were performed at each location in order to determine the concentration trends during the non-working/working and weekday/weekend periods. Supplementary measurements of PM10 aerosols with a 2-day sample collection time were performed with a standard Gent PM10 sampler to compare the elemental concentrations with the time-averaged concentrations detected by the 2D step-sampler. The concentrations were determined a posteriori by analyzing the x-ray spectra of aerosol samples emitted after 3-MeV proton bombardment. The PM10 samples collected in the chemistry laboratory were additionally inspected by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to determine the chemical compositions of the individual particles. In the workshop, a total PM10 mass sampling was performed simultaneously with a minute resolution to compare the signal with typical outdoor PM10 concentration levels. A factor analysis of the time-resolved dataset points to six and eight factors in the chemistry laboratory and the machine workshop, respectively. These factors describe most of the data variance, and their composition in terms of different elements can be related to specific indoor activities and conditions. We were able to demonstrate that the elemental concentration sampling with hourly resolution is an excellent tool for studying the indoor air pollution. While sampling the total PM10 mass concentration with a minute resolution may lack the potential to identify the emission sources in a “noisy” environment, the time averaging on a day time scale is too coarse to cope with the working dynamics, even if elemental sensitivity is an option.  相似文献   

张永勇  贾瑛  李明  侯立安 《环境工程学报》2017,11(12):6366-6371
为掌握室内外细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染特性,监测采集西安市某办公场所室内外PM2.5样品,统计分析PM2.5质量浓度特征,探究室内外PM2.5相关性、微观形貌以及矿物组成的差异。结果表明:室内外PM2.5年均质量浓度分别为85.32和109.83 μg·m-3,冬季污染尤为严重。室内PM2.5受室外PM2.5影响显著,室内外PM2.5质量浓度的相关系数为0.890 0。室内PM2.5多为粒径小于1 μm的球状颗粒物,而室外颗粒物形状、大小不规则,室内外PM2.5均含有大量的碳、氧元素,其他元素的种类和含量存在一定差异。室内PM2.5中矿物多为非晶态物质,室外PM2.5主要由石英、赤铁矿和碳酸钙等矿物质组成。  相似文献   

西安市冬、夏两季PM2.5中碳气溶胶的污染特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究西安市冬、夏两季大气颗粒物PM2.5中碳组分的污染变化规律,利用TEOM系列RP1400a采样仪于2010年冬季和夏季进行采样,测定了样品中的有机碳(OC)、无机碳(EC)和水溶性有机碳(WSOA)的含量。结果显示,PM2.5中OC和EC的季节平均浓度值冬季较高,分别是夏季的2.62,1.75倍,这表明西安市冬季碳气溶胶污染严重。OC和EC日变化在不同季节均呈现双峰分布特征,这主要是由交通源的排放和不利的气象条件造成的。OC和EC在冬、夏两季都有较强的相关性(R2分别为0.823和0.543),且OC/EC平均值分别为5.36和3.58,均大于2,表明采样各时段有二次有机碳(SOC)生成。  相似文献   

An improved ion chromatographic (IC) method has been developed for the separation of nitrate in filter extracts in the presence of high concentrations of nitrite. This analytical method was successfully used for an indirect measurement of ozone (O3) in outdoor and indoor air, following its collection using a nitrite-impregnated passive sampler. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification, using the modified IC method, were 6 microg l(-1) (3sigma) and 20 microg l(-1) (10sigma), respectively. Improved detection limits and low baseline noise were obtained with the use of eluent generator and high-capacity ion exchange column. The optimized method was used for assessing O3 concentration in both indoor and outdoor environments of 28 child care centers (CCCs) located in different parts of Singapore. The O3 concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 11.95 parts per billion (ppb) in indoor and from 3.2 to 21.7 ppb in outdoor environments during the study period. It was found that, among the CCCs investigated in this study, air-conditioned CCCs and those located in close proximity to traffic emissions had significantly lower O3 concentrations indoors.  相似文献   

We conducted a comparative study on the indoor air quality for Japan and China to investigate aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor microenvironments (living room, bedroom, and kitchen) and outdoors in summer and winter during 2006–2007. Samples were taken from Shizuoka in Japan and Hangzhou in China, which are urban cities with similar latitudes. Throughout the samplings, the indoor and outdoor concentrations of many of the targeted VOCs (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and trimethylbenzenes) in China were significantly higher than those in Japan. The indoor concentrations of VOCs in Japan were somewhat consistent with those outdoors, whereas those in China tended to be higher than those outdoors. Here, we investigated the differences in VOC concentrations between Japan and China. Compositional analysis of indoor and outdoor VOCs showed bilateral differences; the contribution of benzene in China was remarkably higher than that in Japan. Significant correlations (p < 0.05) for benzene were observed among the concentrations in indoor microenvironments and between the outdoors and living rooms or kitchens in Japan. In China, however, significant correlations were observed only between living rooms and bedrooms. These findings suggest differences in strengths of indoor VOC emissions between Japan and China. The source characterizations were also investigated using principal component analysis/absolute principal component scores. It was found that outdoor sources including vehicle emission and industrial sources, and human activity could be significant sources of indoor VOC pollution in Japan and China respectively. In addition, the lifetime cancer risks estimated from unit risks and geometric mean indoor concentrations of carcinogenic VOCs were 2.3 × 10?5 in Japan and 21 × 10?5 in China, indicating that the exposure risks in China were approximately 10 times higher than those in Japan.  相似文献   

Characteristic parameters of black carbon aerosol (BC) emitted from jet engine were measured during ground tests and in-flight behind the same aircraft. Size distribution features were a primary BC mode at a modal diameter D≈0.045 μm, and a BC agglomeration mode at D<0.2 μm. The total BC number concentration at the engine exit was 2.9×107 cm-3 with good agreement between model results and in-flight measured number concentrations of non-volatile particles with D⩾0.014 μm. A comparison between total number concentration of BC particles and the non-volatile fraction of the total aerosol at the exit plane suggests that the non-volatile fraction of jet engine exhaust aerosol consists almost completely of BC. In-flight BC mass emission indices ranged from 0.11 to 0.15 g BC (kg fuel)-1. The measured in-flight particle emission value was 1.75±0.15×1015 kg-1 with corresponding ground test values of 1.0–8.7×1014 kg-1. Both size distribution properties and mass emission indices can be scaled from ground test to in-flight conditions. Implications for atmospheric BC loading, BC and cirrus interaction and the potential of BC for perturbation of atmospheric chemistry are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Effects of physical/environmental factors on fine particle (PM2.5) exposure, outdoor-to-indoor transport and air exchange rate (AER) were examined. The fraction of ambient PM2.5 found indoors (FINF) and the fraction to which people are exposed (α) modify personal exposure to ambient PM2.5. Because FINF, α, and AER are infrequently measured, some have used air conditioning (AC) as a modifier of ambient PM2.5 exposure. We found no single variable that was a good predictor of AER. About 50% and 40% of the variation in FINF and α, respectively, was explained by AER and other activity variables. AER alone explained 36% and 24% of the variations in FINF and α, respectively. Each other predictor, including Central AC Operation, accounted for less than 4% of the variation. This highlights the importance of AER measurements to predict FINF and α. Evidence presented suggests that outdoor temperature and home ventilation features affect particle losses as well as AER, and the effects differ.Total personal exposures to PM2.5 mass/species were reconstructed using personal activity and microenvironmental methods, and compared to direct personal measurement. Outdoor concentration was the dominant predictor of (partial R2 = 30–70%) and the largest contributor to (20–90%) indoor and personal exposures for PM2.5 mass and most species. Several activities had a dramatic impact on personal PM2.5 mass/species exposures for the few study participants exposed to or engaged in them, including smoking and woodworking. Incorporating personal activities (in addition to outdoor PM2.5) improved the predictive power of the personal activity model for PM2.5 mass/species; more detailed information about personal activities and indoor sources is needed for further improvement (especially for Ca, K, OC). Adequate accounting for particle penetration and persistence indoors and for exposure to non-ambient sources could potentially increase the power of epidemiological analyses linking health effects to particulate exposures.  相似文献   

Factors and sources affecting measurement uncertainty associated with monitoring metals in airborne particulate matter (PM) were investigated as part of the Windsor, Ontario Exposure Assessment Study (WOEAS). The assessment was made using co-located duplicate samples and a comparison of two analytical approaches: ED-XRF and ICP-MS. Sampling variability was estimated using relative percent difference (RPD) of co-located duplicate samples. The comparison of ICP-MS and ED-XRF results yields very good correlations (R2 ≥ 0.7) for elements present at concentrations that pass both ICP-MS and ED-XRF detection limits (e.g. Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb and Cu). PM concentration ranges (median, sample number) of 24-h indoor PM10 and personal PM10 filters, and outdoor PM2.5 filters were determined to be 2.2–40.7 (11.0, n = 48) μg m?3, 8.0–48.3 (11.9, n = 48) μg m?3, and 17.1–42.3 (21.6, n = 18) μg m?3, respectively. The gravimetric analytical results reveal that the variations in PM mass measurements for same-day sampling are insignificant compared to temporal or spatial variations: 92%, 100% and 96% of indoor, outdoor and personal duplicate samples, respectively, pass the quality criteria (RPD ≤ 20%). Uncertainties associated with ED-XRF elemental measurements of S, Ca, Mn, Fe and Zn for 24-h filter samples are low: 78%–100% of the duplicate samples passed the quality criteria. In the case of 24-h filter samples using ICP-MS, more elements passed the quality criteria due to the lower detection limits. These were: Li, Na, K, Ca, Si, Al, V, Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Mo, Ag, Zn, Pb, As, Mg, Sb, Sn, Sr, Th, Ti, Tl, and U. Low air concentrations of metals (near or below instrumental detection limits) and/or inadvertent introduction of metal contamination are the main causes for excluding elements based on the pass/fail criteria. Uncertainty associated with elemental measurements must be assessed on an element-by-element basis.  相似文献   

为了深入了解不同源排放大气颗粒物对北京市大气环境的影响,从而提出更有效的防污染源控制对策,减少污染,对2014年夏季7月和2015年冬季1月北京市采集的108个样品应用扫描电镜-能谱技术进行研究。结果表明硫钙颗粒和碳质颗粒在冬夏季雾霾天气均大量出现。夏季清洁天气下PM2.5以上扬尘颗粒数量大于冬季。夏季雾霾天气下有机碳及含硫颗粒快速增加,冬季雾霾天气下由于燃煤供暖因素的存在,有机碳及含硫颗粒等特殊颗粒平均浓度较清洁天气增幅最高达145倍,PM1以下总颗粒数增长高达700%。夏季雾霾天气PM0.5~1颗粒数量较清洁天气增长1.6倍,冬季增长8倍。不同季节雾霾天气主导污染颗粒不同,应采取有针对性管控措施。  相似文献   

The past 50 years have seen rapid development of new building materials, furnishings, and consumer products and a corresponding explosion in new chemicals in the built environment. While exposure levels are largely undocumented, they are likely to have increased as a wider variety of chemicals came into use, people began spending more time indoors, and air exchange rates decreased to improve energy efficiency. As a result of weak regulatory requirements for chemical safety testing, only limited toxicity data are available for these chemicals. Over the past 15 years, some chemical classes commonly used in building materials, furnishings, and consumer products have been shown to be endocrine disrupting chemicals – that is they interfere with the action of endogenous hormones. These include PCBs, used in electrical equipment, caulking, paints and surface coatings; chlorinated and brominated flame retardants, used in electronics, furniture, and textiles; pesticides, used to control insects, weeds, and other pests in agriculture, lawn maintenance, and the built environment; phthalates, used in vinyl, plastics, fragrances, and other products; alkylphenols, used in detergents, pesticide formulations, and polystyrene plastics; and parabens, used to preserve products like lotions and sunscreens. This paper summarizes reported indoor and outdoor air concentrations, chemical use and sources, and toxicity data for each of these chemical classes. While industrial and transportation-related pollutants have been shown to migrate indoors from outdoor sources, it is expected that indoor sources predominate for these consumer product chemicals; and some studies have identified indoor sources as the predominant factor influencing outdoor ambient air concentrations in densely populated areas. Mechanisms of action, adverse effects, and dose–response relationships for many of these chemicals are poorly understood and no systematic screening of common chemicals for endocrine disrupting effects is currently underway, so questions remain as to the health impacts of these exposures.  相似文献   

The formation characteristics of aerosol particles from pulverized coal pyrolysis in high temperatures are studied experimentally. By conducting a drop-tube furnace, fuel pyrolysis processes in industrial furnaces are simulated in which three different reaction temperatures of 1000, 1200, and 1400 degrees C are considered. Experimental observations indicate that when the reaction temperature is 1000 degrees C, submicron particles are produced, whereas the particle size is dominated by nanoscale for the temperature of 1400 degrees C. Thermogravimetric analysis of the aerosol particles stemming from the pyrolysis temperature of 1000 degrees C reveals that the thermal behavior of the aerosol is characterized by a three-stage reaction with increasing heating temperature: (1) a volatile-reaction stage, (2) a weak-reaction stage, and (3) a soot-reaction stage. However, with the pyrolysis temperature of 1400 degrees C, the volatile- and weak-reaction stages almost merge together and evolve into a chemical-frozen stage. The submicron particles (i.e., 1000 degrees C) are mainly composed of volatiles, tar, and soot, with the main component of the nanoscale particles (i.e., 1400 degrees C) being soot. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contained in the aerosols are also analyzed. It is found that the PAH content in generated aerosols decreases dramatically as the pyrolysis temperature increases.  相似文献   

Outdoor, indoor and personal PM2.5 measurements were made in a population of nonsmoking adults from three communities in the Minneapolis–St. Paul metropolitan area between April and November 1999. Thirty-two healthy adult subjects (23 females, 9 males; mean age 42±10, range: 24–64 yr) were monitored for 2–15 days during the spring, summer, and fall monitoring seasons. Twenty-four hour average gravimetric PM2.5 samples were collected using a federal reference monitor (Anderson RAAS2.5-300) located at outdoor (O) central sites in the Battle Creek (BCK), East St. Paul (ESP) and Phillips (PHI) communities. Concurrent 24-h average indoor (I) and personal (P), and a limited number of outdoor-at-home (O@H) samples were collected using inertial impactors (PEM™ Model 200, MSP, Inc). The O (geometric mean {GM}=8.6; n=271; range: 1.0–41 μg/m3) were lower than I concentrations (GM=10.7; n=294; range 1.3–131 μg/m3), which were lower than P concentrations (GM=19.0; n=332; range 2.2–298 μg/m3). Correlation coefficients between O concentrations in the three communities were high and measured GM O levels in BCK were significantly lower than ESP, most likely because of local sources, but GM concentrations in PHI were not significantly different from BCK or ESP. On days with paired samples (n=29), O concentrations were significantly lower (mean difference 2.9 μg/m3; p=0.026) than O@H measurements (GM=11.3; range: 3.5–33.8 μg/m3), likely due to local sources in communities. Observed I and P concentrations were more variable, probably because of residential central air conditioning and hours of household ventilation for I and P, and occupational and environmental tobacco smoke exposures outside the residence for P. Across all individuals and days the median PM2.5 “personal cloud” was 5.7 μg/m3, but the mean of the average for each participant was 15.7 μg/m3, with very low values in participants who did not work outside the home and much higher values in subjects with active lifestyles. Across all households and individuals the correlation between P and O concentrations was not significant, but the overall I–O correlation (0.27) and P–I correlation (0.51) were significant (p<0.05). Relatively little spatial variability was observed in O PM2.5 concentrations across the three communities compared to the variability associated with I and P samples, and the measured O levels were relatively low compared to other large metropolitan areas in the United States.  相似文献   

为研究严寒地区供暖季室内外PM_(2.5)浓度的垂直分布,在供暖季分别对长春某高层居住建筑1、8、15、24、33楼层的室内外PM_(2.5)浓度进行监测,研究不同楼层室内外PM_(2.5)的浓度与变化特征。采用随机组分重叠模型(RCS)方法研究各楼层PM_(2.5)渗透因子,采用逐步回归分析方法研究室内PM_(2.5)浓度的各影响因素。结果表明:在供暖季,长春市高层建筑的不同楼层均存在一定的PM_(2.5)污染,室内外PM_(2.5)浓度随楼层升高大体呈现减小的趋势,但差异不显著。室内外PM_(2.5)浓度存在显著的相关性(P 0.05),在没有室内污染源时,室外颗粒物渗透是室内污染的主要来源。室内PM_(2.5)浓度与房间面积等没有显著相关性。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols in a remote region of the Tibetan Plateau, total suspended particles were collected continuously at the Nam Co Comprehensive Observation and Research Station from July to October 2005. The PIXE analytical results showed that Si, Ca, Fe, Al, K, and S were the major components of aerosols, ranging from 82 (K)–550 (Si) ng m−3. The mean elemental concentrations were comparable with those from other remote sites and significantly lower than those from megacities (e.g. Beijing). The very low presence of anthropogenic elements demonstrates that the Nam Co region is an ideal background site for atmospheric monitoring. Crustal enrichment factor (EF) calculation indicated that several anthropogenic heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As) are transported long distances atmospherically. The backward air mass trajectory analysis suggests that South Asia may be the source region of those pollutants.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor carbonyl concentrations were measured simultaneously in 12 urban dwellings in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xi’an, China in summer (from July to September in 2004) and winter (from December 2004 to February 2005). Formaldehyde was the most abundant indoor carbonyls species, while formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone were found to be the most abundant outdoor carbonyls species. The average formaldehyde concentrations in summer indoor air varied widely between cities, ranging from a low of 19.3 μg m−3 in Xi’an to a high of 92.8 μg m−3 in Beijing. The results showed that the dwellings with tobacco smoke, incense burning or poor ventilation had significantly higher indoor concentrations of certain carbonyls. It was noticed that although one half of the dwellings in this study installed with low emission building materials or furniture, the carbonyls levels were still significantly high. It was also noted that in winter both the indoor and outdoor acetone concentrations in two dwellings in Guangzhou were significantly high, which were mainly caused by the usage of acetone as industrial solvent in many paint manufacturing and other industries located around Guangzhou and relatively longer lifetime of acetone for removal by photolysis and OH reaction than other carbonyls species. The indoor carbonyls levels in Chinese dwellings were higher than that in dwellings in the other countries. The levels of indoor and ambient carbonyls showed great seasonal differences. Six carbonyls species were carried out the estimation of indoor source strengths. Formaldehyde had the largest indoor source strength, with an average of 5.25 mg h−1 in summer and 1.98 mg h−1 in winter, respectively. However, propionaldehyde, crotonaldehyde and benzaldehyde had the weakest indoor sources.  相似文献   

Seawater, atmospheric dimethylsulfide (DMS) and aerosol compounds, potentially linked with DMS oxidation, such as methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42?) were determined in the North Yellow Sea, China during July–August, 2006. The concentrations of seawater and atmospheric DMS ranged from 2.01 to 11.79 nmol l?1 and from 1.68 to 8.26 nmol m?3, with average values of 6.20 nmol l?1 and 5.01 nmol m?3, respectively. Owing to the appreciable concentration gradient, DMS accumulated in the surface water was transferred into the atmosphere, leading to a net sea-to-air flux of 6.87 μmol m?2 d?1 during summer. In the surface seawater, high DMS values corresponded well with the concurrent increases in chlorophyll a levels and a significant correlation was observed between integrated DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations. In addition, the concentrations of MSA and nss-SO42? measured in the aerosol samples ranged from 0.012 to 0.079 μg m?3 and from 3.82 to 11.72 μg m?3, with average values of 0.039 and 7.40 μg m?3, respectively. Based on the observed MSA, nss-SO42? and their ratio, the relative biogenic sulfur contribution was estimated to range from 1.2% to 11.5%, implying the major contribution of anthropogenic source to sulfur budget in the study area.  相似文献   

Organic aerosol is the least understood component of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5). In this study, organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) within ambient PM2.5 over a three-year period at a forested site in the North Carolina Piedmont are presented. EC exhibited significant weekday/weekend effects and less significant seasonal effects, in contrast to OC, which showed strong seasonal differences and smaller weekend/weekday effects. Summer OC concentrations are about twice as high as winter concentrations, while EC was somewhat higher in the winter. OC was highly correlated with EC during cool periods when both were controlled by primary combustion sources. This correlation decreased with increasing temperature, reflecting higher contributions from secondary organic aerosol, likely of biogenic origin. PM2.5 radiocarbon data from the site confirms that a large fraction of the carbon in PM2.5 is indeed of biogenic origin, since modern (non-fossil fuel derived) carbon accounted for 80% of the PM2.5 carbon over the course of a year. OC and EC exhibited distinct diurnal profiles, with summertime OC peaking in late evening and declining until midday. During winter, OC peaked during the early morning hours and again declined until midday. Summertime EC peaked during late morning hours except on weekends. Wintertime EC often peaked in late PM or early AM hours due to local residential wood combustion emissions. The highest short term peaks in OC and EC were associated with wildfire events. These data corroborate recent source apportionment studies conducted within 20 km of our site, where oxidation products of isoprene, α-pinene, and β-caryophyllene were identified as important precursors to organic aerosols. A large fraction of the carbon in rural southeastern ambient PM2.5 appears to be of biogenic origin, which is probably difficult to reduce by anthropogenic controls.  相似文献   

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