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PCB concentrations were studied in different soils to determine the spatial variation over a region of approximately 11 000 km(2). PCB congener pattern was used to illustrate the spatial differences, as shown by principal component analysis (PCA). The relationship to different soil parameters was studied. PCB concentrations in soil showed a large variation between sampling-areas with median concentrations ranging between 2.3 and 332 ng g(-1) (dw). Highest concentrations were found at two sites with sandy soils, one with extremely high organic carbon content. Both sites were located on the west coast of southern Sweden. Soils with similar soil textures (i.e. sandy silt moraine) did not show any significant differences in PCB concentrations. PCB congener composition was shown to differ between sites, with congener patterns almost site-specific. PCB in air and precipitation was measured and the transfer of chemicals between the soil and air compartments was estimated. Soil-air fugacity quotient calculations showed that the PCBs in the soil consistently had a higher fugacity than the PCBs in the air, with a median quotient value of 2.7. The gaseous fluxes between soil and air were estimated using standard modelling equations and a net soil-air flux estimated by subtracting bulk deposition from gaseous soil-air fluxes. It was shown that inclusion of vertical sorbed phase transport of PCBs in the soil had a large effect on the direction of the net soil-air exchange fluxes.  相似文献   

Overall dry deposition velocities of several elements were determined by dividing measured fluxes by measured airborne concentrations in different particle size ranges. The dry deposition measurements were made with a smooth surrogate surface on an automated dry deposition sampler (Eagle II) and the ambient particle concentrations were measured with a dichotomous sampler. These long-term measurements were made in Chicago, IL, South Haven, MI, and Sleeping Bear Dunes, MI, from December 1993 through October 1995 as part of the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study. In general, the dry deposition fluxes of elements were highly correlated with coarse particle concentrations, slightly less well correlated with total particle concentrations, and least well correlated with fine particle concentrations. The calculated overall dry deposition velocities obtained using coarse particle concentrations varied from approximately 12 cm s−1 for Mg in Chicago to 0.2 cm s−1 for some primarily anthropogenic metals at the more remote sites. The velocities calculated using total particle concentrations were slightly lower. The crustal elements (Mg, Al, and Mn) had higher deposition velocities than anthropogenic elements (V, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ba and Pb). For crustal elements, overall dry deposition velocities were higher in Chicago than at the other sites.  相似文献   

In an attempt to explain the etiology of frog deformities and population declines, many possible causative factors have been examined, including the input of synthetic chemicals into aquatic systems, where frogs spend much of their lives, including their entire developmental stages. Deformities in populations of green frogs in wetlands of southwestern Michigan that are influenced by agricultural, urban, or industrial inputs were assessed in this study. Of the 1445 green frogs (Rana clamitans) examined, only four (0.3%) exhibited morphological deformities. This deformity rate is less than the recognized background level of deformities for this species, which is approximately 1%. Concentrations of organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and metals were determined in water, sediment, frog eggs, tadpoles, and adult green frog tissues. Concentrations of all individual organochlorine insecticides in tissue were less than 6 ng/g, wet wt. Concentrations of sigmaPCBs in tissue did not exceed 100 ng/g, wet wt. Concentrations of toxic metals were less than the limits of detection. Because no significant numbers of green frog deformities were observed in this region, it can be assumed that at these low concentrations, physical malformations in green frogs should not be observed. Significance of study. This study provides information on the incidence of deformities in green frog populations in southwestern Michigan and offers background data on chemical residues in green frogs and their environment.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations were measured in Pontoporeia hoyi, the most abundant benthic organism in Lake Michigan, and in its associated sediment/pore water matrix. Individual PAH concentrations ranged from 10 ppb to 1 ppm in three sedimentary environments having different levels of organic carbon. Pore water concentrations appeared to be independent of sediment concentrations. P. hoyi bioconcentration factors ranged from approximately 104 to 105 for seven analyzed PAHs. A major fraction of the phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene in P. hoyi appears to come from sediments and pore water, while chrysene and BaP are primarily obtained from water.  相似文献   


Temperature-adjusted trends in 1-hr and 8-hr ozone averages were calculated for ten sites near Lake Michigan for 1980-1995. Results show that ozone trends declined similarly according to both metrics for sites on the west side of the lake. This suggests that the factors underlying the trends were similar. These factors include, among others, ozone control programs designed to address the 1-hr standard. Thus, these control programs may have been similarly effective in moving these sites toward compliance with the 8-hr standard.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 86 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined for 25 adult female and 25 adult male burbot (Lota lota) from Lake Erie. Significant differences in mean proportions of total PCB concentration between males and females ages 14–17 were found for 26 congeners. Males generally had higher mean proportions of hexachloro congeners, whereas females had higher mean proportions of more highly chlorinated congeners. In contrast, only four congeners exhibited differences between males and females ages 6–13 in mean proportions of total PCB. Therefore, the sexual difference in PCB congener distribution widened for older burbot. Males ages 14–17 also had higher proportions of certain hexachloro congeners than the other three demographic groups (males ages 6–13, females ages 6–13, and females ages 14–17) we examined. The reverse was true for more highly chlorinated congeners. The results supported a previous hypothesis that older male burbot spent a substantial amount of time feeding in the vicinity of mouths of rivers with sediment contaminated with PCBs. However, additional studies are needed to clarify and corroborate this apparent “hot spot” effect, such as seasonal movements, spatial distributions, and diet of burbot; and PCB congener distributions of various species of prey fishes captured at various locations throughout the eastern basin of Lake Erie and at different locations in the contaminated rivers.  相似文献   

The polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOC) that associate with dissolved organic matter (DOM) in natural water systems. The DOM-HOC complex is sufficiently stable to allow measurement of an association constant, KB. For individual HOC in different natural waters, KB ranges over two orders of magnitude. Our results show that the KB is more dependent on the source of the DOM than the water solubility of the HOC but that for a specific water sample, correlation of KB with solubility does exist.  相似文献   

Data on dioxin-like PCB in indoor air of buildings with PCB-containing materials and on possible correlation between toxicity equivalent concentrations (TEQ) and levels of non-dioxin-like standard PCB is sparse. As part of a larger survey on indoor-air contamination with PCB, the connection between the concentration of standard PCB congeners and the dioxin-like toxicity expressed as TEQ was investigated. Indoor air samples (n=8) were collected in four public buildings with known PCB sources and total PCB levels in the range from 715 to 2250 ng/m3 and analyzed for the six non-dioxin-like standard PCB (congeners 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180), the twelve dioxin-like PCB congeners according to WHO and the 17 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/PCDF congeners. In three buildings where PCB were used as flame retardant coatings of acoustic ceiling tiles, PCB 101 had the maximum level among the six standard PCB, while in the building with permanent elastic sealants as PCB source, congeners 28 and 52 dominated the pattern by far. In the case of permanent elastic sealants as PCB source (n=3) a total PCB concentration of 1000 ng/m3 corresponded to a total TEQ level of 0.3-0.6 pg/m3. In contrast, in rooms with acoustic ceiling tiles as PCB source, 1.8-4.7 pg TEQ/m3 per 1000 ng total PCB/m3 were found. Linear regression analysis between PCB and TEQ indicated that PCB 118 might be used to calculate the total TEQ of dioxin-like PCB and PCDD/PCDF. By means of such a correlation it is possible to estimate TEQ by extrapolation from the results of less sophisticated analytical methods. It is tentatively recommended to use PCB 118 for screening purposes or re-evaluation of standard PCB indoor-air measurements. If only the six non-dioxin-like PCB standard congeners are available, a regression algorithm using the sum of PCB 101, 138, 153 and 180 might be used instead.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC), conducted a Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) demonstration of the THC Soil Recycle Treatment Train. The treatment train consists of three technologies operated in sequence: a soil wash process, a metals removal process, and a biological treatment process. The THC conducted an extensive demonstration of the treatment train at a 55 tons per day pilot plant in order to evaluate an approach for remediation of industrial/commercial sites that are situated in the Toronto Port Industrial District (PID). Three soils were processed during the THC demonstration. The EPA SITE demonstration project examined, in detail, soil processing from one of the sites being evaluated as part of the overall THC project. Contaminants included organic compounds and heavy metals. It has been estimated by THC that as much as 2,200,000 tons of soil from locations within the PID may require some form of treatment due to heavy metal and/or organic contamination that resulted from various industrial processing operations. The objective of the SITE demonstration was to evaluate the technical effectiveness of the process in relation to THC’s target criteria.

Gravel and sand that met the THC target criteria for medium to fine soil suitable for industrial/commercial sites was produced. The fine soil from the biological treatment process did not meet the target level of 2.4 ppm for benzo(a)pyrene. However, there was a significant reduction in polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. The metals removal process achieved reductions of greater than seventy percent for copper, lead, nickel, and zinc.  相似文献   

PCB removal from contaminated dredged material   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tang NH  Myers TE 《Chemosphere》2002,46(3):477-484
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of decontaminating PCB contaminated sediment using land treatment technology. Five glass aquariums were set up to test the disappearance of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dredged sediment under laboratory conditions that simulated photodegradation, biological transformation, and volatilization in dredged material confined disposal facilities (CDFs). A 40% decline in PCB concentration was achieved over a period of 5 months. Analysis of the variance in the data showed that periodic tilling produced a tangible effect on the disappearance of PCBs. However, the process or processes responsible for PCB disappearance could not be determined. PCB disappearance from the sediment was most likely caused by a combination of photolysis, volatilization, and biodegradation mechanisms rather than by any single process.  相似文献   

Higher ozone concentrations east of southern Lake Michigan compared to west of the lake were used to test hypotheses about injury and growth effects on two plant species. We measured approximately 1000 black cherry trees and over 3000 milkweed stems from 1999 to 2001 for this purpose. Black cherry branch elongation and milkweed growth and pod formation were significantly higher west of Lake Michigan while ozone injury was greater east of Lake Michigan. Using classification and regression tree (CART) analyses we determined that departures from normal precipitation, soil nitrogen and ozone exposure/peak hourly concentrations were the most important variables affecting cherry branch elongation, and milkweed stem height and pod formation. The effects of ozone were not consistently comparable with the effects of soil nutrients, weather, insect or disease injury, and depended on species. Ozone SUM06 exposures greater than 13 ppm-h decreased cherry branch elongation 18%; peak 1-h exposures greater than 93 ppb reduced milkweed stem height 13%; and peak 1-h concentrations greater than 98 ppb reduced pod formation 11% in milkweed.  相似文献   

Volatilisation fluxes of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin and Aroclors 1242, 1254 and 1260 were estimated from the model of Jury et.al., developed for compounds with similar physical properties. The influence of soil water content, soil organic matter and water evaporation was investigated. Increasing soil organic matter decreased the volatilisation flux of all four chemicals. Water evaporation was accompanied by increased fluxes, implying that the chemicals were susceptible to wicking. The trends observed were in qualitative agreement with field and laboratory studies. The predicted fluxes serve as a basis for comparing their volatilisation behaviour against pesticides and other homologues, and for the construction of models describing the environmental fate of these compounds.  相似文献   

Irish peatland ecosystems have been shown to be important sources of low molecular weight halocarbons. Emission of CH3Br, CH3Cl, CH3I and CHCl3 was recorded from all peatland sites monitored, with minor flux of other halocarbons at certain sites. Fluxes were found to be highly linked to incident light, with strong diurnal cycles recorded at all open peatland sites. Estimates of halomethane emissions, particularly from coastal peatland and conifer plantation forest floor sites, suggests that these ecosystems may make a significant contribution to the global budgets of several important halocarbons. Global annual fluxes of 4.7 (0.1–151.9), 0.9 (0.1–3.3), 5.5 (0.9–43.4), and 1.4 (0.1–12.8) Gg yr−1 for CHCl3, CH3Br, CH3Cl, and CH3I, respectively, were determined for peatland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from hydropower reservoirs have been of great concerns recently, yet the significant carbon emitters of drawdown area and reservoir downstream (including spillways and turbines as well as river reaches below dams) have not been included in global carbon budget. Here, we revisit GHG emission from hydropower reservoirs by considering reservoir surface area, drawdown zone and reservoir downstream. Our estimates demonstrate around 301.3 Tg carbon dioxide (CO2)/year and 18.7 Tg methane (CH4)/year from global hydroelectric reservoirs, which are much higher than recent observations. The sum of drawdown and downstream emission, which is generally overlooked, represents 42 % CO2 and 67 % CH4 of the total emissions from hydropower reservoirs. Accordingly, the global average emissions from hydropower are estimated to be 92 g CO2/kWh and 5.7 g CH4/kWh. Nonetheless, global hydroelectricity could currently reduce approximate 2,351 Tg CO2eq/year with respect to fuel fossil plant alternative. The new findings show a substantial revision of carbon emission from the global hydropower reservoirs.  相似文献   

Desorption of PCBs from sediment can significantly affect the ultimate fate and effects of PCBs in aquatic systems. Using a gas purging technique to strip soluble and sorbed polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from solutions and sediment suspensions, Henry's law constants, approach to equilibrium, and desorption rate constants for four PCB congeners were measured. Henry's law constants were on the order of 10−4 m3 atm mole−1. Desorption rate constants measured for a predominantly kaolinitic, low-organic carbon sediment were on the order of 0.03–0.1 days−1. In contrast, desorption rate constants measured for a sediment composed of montmorillonite with a 3% organic carbon content were on the order of 0.009–0.04 days−1. Desorption data suggest that equilibration times for PCBs with low chlorine content are on the order of six weeks, and months to years for PCBs with a significantly higher chlorine content.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from 84 locations in central and southern Wales. PCB concentrations ranged from 1.9 μg/kg to 1208 μg/kg with a mean of 86 μg/kg. with a mean and median of 11 μg/kg. Concentrations were highest in the southern, industrialised region, and decreased towards the northern boundary of the sampling area. The study was combined with a re-evaluation of an earlier survey of PCBs in British soils, to assess the significance of potential PCB emission sources impacting onto the sampling sites.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques were used to investigate source apportionment and source/sink relationships for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the urban and adjacent coastal atmosphere of Chicago/Lake Michigan in 1994–1995. The PAH signatures for the atmospheric particle phase, surface water particle phase and sediments indicate that atmospheric deposition is the major source of PAHs to the sediments and water column particulate phase of Lake Michigan. The PAH signature for the atmospheric gas phase and water dissolved phase indicate an intimate linkage between the lake and its overlying atmosphere. A modified factor analysis-multiple regression model was successfully applied to the source apportionment of atmospheric PAHs (gas+particle). Coal combustion accounted for 48±5% of the ΣPAH concentration in both the urban and adjacent coastal atmosphere, natural gas combustion accounted for 26±2%, coke ovens accounted for 14±3%, and vehicle emissions (gas+diesel) accounted for 9±4%. Each is an identified source category for the region. These results are consistent with the mix of fossil fuel combustion sources and ratios of indicator PAHs.  相似文献   

废弃印刷线路板碘化法浸金研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对碘化法从废弃印刷线路板中提取金的工艺设计,分别考察了碘的质量分数、n(I2)/n(I-)比值、固液比、双氧水的质量分数、pH值、浸出时间和浸出温度对金浸出率的影响。结合正交设计优化实验方法,提出了从废弃印刷线路板中碘化法浸取金的最佳工艺条件:碘的质量分数为1.1%,n(I2)∶n(I-)=1∶10,双氧水的质量分数为1.5%,浸出时间4 h,固液比为1∶10,浸出温度为常温(25℃),溶液pH值为中性,此时金浸出率可达97.5%。  相似文献   

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