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The accumulation of parasites in a fish host is modelled as a function of the total amount of prey consumed. The accumulated parasite load is then expressed as a function of fish length so that the asymptotic growth, L , of any population of commonly infected fish can be estimated. Estimates of L are obtained for orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) and the New Zealand southern arrow squid (Nototodarus sloanii).  相似文献   

The architecture and function of the lophophore of the marine bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll) are described, including some new features not previously discovered in bryozoans. The nature of fluid movements within the lophophoral coelom during feeding activities is postulated on the basis of the arrangements of epithelia and muscles. Epithelial cells at the tentacle bases are blastemic in nature, and there is a ciliated pit of unknown function in the angle between every pair of tentacles. There are 6 nerves in each tentacle, including a pair of single-axon subperitoneal nerves. Neurosecretory-like vesicles and glycogen occur in some neurons of the ganglion. The basal lamina collagen has a diameter smaller than that previously recorded for an invertebrate. Filament dimensions are given for several different muscles. Tentacle muscles and lophophore retractor muscles are smooth. Thick paramyosin-like filaments up to 75 nm diameter occur in two muscle types. A new set of muscles is described: the basal transverse muscles of the tentacles.  相似文献   

For many years the taxonomic position of the marine ctenostome bryozoan Alcyonidium mytili Dalyell (1848) has been in doubt, with some authorities regarding it as being conspecific with A. polyoum (Hassall). We have set out to resolve this problem using enzyme electrophoresis to examine the genetics of the population structure in the two species. The results show beyond reasonable doubt that sympatric populations of the two species are indeed from quite separate and non-interbreeding gene pools. An examination of various allopatric populations shows a new species of A. mytili to exist sympatrically with the other at Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, England. This species can be readily distinguished on morphological as well as genetic ground. Samples of A. mytili from Guernsey also show substantial genetic differences from other populations examined. It is tentatively concluded that this population also represents a separate gene pool and consequently should be recognised as a third species of A. mytili.  相似文献   

The ant species Cardiocondyla batesii is unique in that, in contrast to all other ant species, both sexes are flightless. Female sexuals and wingless, ergatoid males mate in the nest in autumn and young queens disperse on foot to found their own colonies in spring. The close genetic relatedness between queens and their mates (rqm=0.76±SE 0.12) and the high inbreeding coefficient (F=0.55; 95%CI 0.45–0.65) suggest that 83% of all matings are between brothers and sisters. As expected from local mate competition theory, sex ratios were extremely female biased, with more than 85% of all sexuals produced being young queens. Despite the common occurrence of inbreeding, we could not detect any adult diploid males. Though the probability of not detecting multiple mating was relatively high, at least one-third of all queens in our sample had mated more than once. Multiple mating to some extent counteracts the effects of inbreeding on worker relatedness (rww=0.68±SE 0.05) and would also be beneficial through decreasing diploid male load, if sex was determined by a single locus complementary system.Communicated by L. Sundström  相似文献   

Inbreeding and Extinction: Island Populations   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

J. J. Gonor 《Marine Biology》1973,19(4):278-280
Examination of large numbers of the echinoid Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson) in the years 1969, 1970 and 1971 indicated that the sex ratio at Yaquina Head, Oregon (USA) was significantly different from 1:1, with males predominating. During 1968, 1970 and 1971 at Boiler Bay and Whale Cove, Oregon, the sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 but, in 1969 at Boiler Bay, the proportion of males was 0.61. Two functionally hermaphroditic individuals were found among the 1,354 Yaquina Head echinoids examined, but none were found at Boiler Bay in an equal number of individuals. The hypothesis is proposed that S. purpuratus is a labile gonochorist, with a multiple, autosomal, sex-determining mechanism whose expression may be influenced by the environment.  相似文献   

Estimates of Lethal Equivalents and the Cost of Inbreeding in Mammals   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
Abstract: The costs of inbreeding in natural populations of mammals are unknown despite their theoretical importance in genetic and sociobiological models and practical applications in conservation biology. A major cost of inbreeding is the reduced survival of inbred young. We estimate this cost from the regression of juvenile survival on the inbreeding coefficient using pedigrees of 40 captive mammalian populations belonging to 38 species.
The number of lethal equivalents ranged from –1.4 to 30.3, with a mean of 4.6 and a median of 3.1. There was no significant difference between populations founded with wild-caught individuals, a mixture of wild-caught and captive-born individuals, and individuals of unknown origin. The average cost of a parent-offspring or full sibling mating was 0.33, that is, mortality was 33% higher in offspring of such matings than in offspring of unrelated parents. This is likely to be an underestimate.  相似文献   

Colonies of the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis (Pallas) were monitored photographically from January 1993 to March 1994, in two quadrats at depths of 11 and 22 m at Tino Island (Ligurian Sea, Italy). Colony size, shape, growth and mortality were analysed. Zoarial growth was measured as change in the two-dimensional area of substratum covered per unit time. Colonies ranged in size from less than 30 to 2760 cm2. Colony shape was normally depressed globular, with an elliptic or subcircular perimeter, but tended to elongate in crowded situations. Although extremely variable in small colonies, growth was inversely related to colony size and was maximum in spring. Highest net growth rate was 211% in 11 months. No recruitment was observed in the quadrats during the study period. Partial mortality in colonies was low and was mainly due to overgrowth by algae and to siltation. Physical disturbance by an exceptionally severe winter storm in December 1993 caused total mortality of almost all colonies in the shallow quadrat. Received: 24 March 1997 / Accepted: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

Inbreeding Depression in the Speke's Gazelle Captive Breeding Program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The Speke's gazelle ( Gazella spekei ) captive breeding program has been presented as one of the few examples of selection reducing the genetic load of a population and as a potential model for the captive breeding of endangered species founded from a small number of individuals. In this breeding program, three generations of mate selection apparently increased the viability of inbred individuals. We reanalyzed the Speke's gazelle studbook and examined potential causes for the reduction of inbreeding depression. Our analysis indicates that the decrease in inbreeding depression is not consistent with any model of genetic improvement in the herd. Instead, we found that the effect of inbreeding decreased from severe to moderate during the first generation of inbreeding, and that this change is responsible for almost all of the decline in inbreeding depression observed during the breeding program. This eliminates selection as a potential explanation for the decrease in inbreeding depression and suggests that inbreeding depression may be more sensitive to environmental influences than is usually thought.  相似文献   

The common subtidal marine bryozoan Alcyonidium gelatinosum (L.) is one of the most confusing species of a taxonomically very difficult genus. It shows massive variation for almost all morphological characters. A number of sympatric colonies collected off the coast of Lundy (Bristol Channel) could be clearly divided on morphological grounds into two quite distinct types. Using starch gel electrophoresis the products of a range of genetic enzyme loci were compared between the two morphotypes and also between these and other Bristol Channel populations of A. gelatinosum. Minimal differences were observed between one Lundy morphotype and the other allopatric populations, which it was consequently concluded were conspecific. The second morphotype showed considerable genetic differentiation [genetic identity (Nei, 1972) =0.417] from the other Lundy population, with no common alleles at some loci. The probability of obtaining the observed results by chance in a single population is significantly low (P<10–14). It is therefore concluded that the two morphotypes of A. gelatinosum from Lundy are not conspecific.  相似文献   

Inbreeding and Extinction: A Threshold Effect   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A fundamental assumption underlying the application of genetics within conservation biology is that inbreeding increases the risk of extinction. However, there is no information on the shape of the relationship, the available evidence has not distinguished genetic and nongenetic effects, and the issue is controversial. Methods were devised to separate genetic and nongenetic causes of extinction in inbred populations, and they were used to analyze data from Drosophila melanogaster, D. virilis and Mus musculus . Inbreeding markedly increased rates of extinction in all cases. All showed a threshold relationship between incremental extinction and inbreeding with low initial extinction, but they showed notably increased extinction beginning at intermediate levels of inbreeding. There was no difference in extinction levels at similar inbreeding coefficients in populations inbred at different rates (full sibling versus double first cousin). Endangered species may give little warning of impending extinction crises due to inbreeding.  相似文献   

Almost 2000 cheilostomatid–cheilostomatid (bryozoan) interactions were recorded from 110 rocks from intertidal and infralittoral zone locations at Kodiac Island in the Alaskan Boreal–Arctic. Intraspecific interactions were unusually rare; this may have resulted from inhibition of con-specific settlement by adult colonies. In one species, rank did vary as a function of depth. The proportion of determinate-species encounter-pairings (a pairing in which one competitor/species wins all encounters) and tied outcomes (whereby neither competitor/species wins or loses but are involved in a “standoff” or mutual overgrowth) increased from the upper midlittoral to the lower infralittoral. The assemblage of bryozoans formed a clear hierarchy, with a score of 0.83 on Tanaka and Nandakumar's transitivity index. Overgrowth dominants did not monopolise the assemblage. The most abundant species were mid- or lower-ranked competitors. The identity of the competitive species had a major influence on the outcome of encounters. Zooidal height and colony growth morphology were important factors determining overall overgrowth rank. The greatest number of interaction types was recorded on medium-sized (surface area >300 and <600 cm2) rocks, and the overall diversity of intertidal species was very high compared with studies conducted elsewhere. The high interaction and species diversity recorded may both have resulted from intermediate levels of disturbance. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1999  相似文献   

Standard autoradiographic techniques were adapted to study the transport of carbon compounds in colonies of Membranipora membranacea (L.). The results indicate that there is transport of carbon-14 between polypides within a colony. Metabolite movement is generally in the direction of the rapidly growing colony edge. Estimates of metabolite transport rates are given.  相似文献   

On subtidal hard substrata, Bryozoa are often very abundant, both in terms of numbers of colonies and numbers of species. To investigate how so many species are able to co-exist, often in close proximity to each other, subtidal material was dredged from an area of bryozoan-rich coarse shelly sea-bed off the south-west of the Isle of Man (British Isles) in autumn 1984 and 1985. A survey was performed on the distribution of colonies of eight common, encrusting cheilostome bryozoan species across the surfaces of four types of empty, disarticulated bivalve shells. Each species was found to be significantly commoner on certain substratum types such as rough surfaces or inner concave surfaces. Fenestrulina malusii (Audouin) showed a further, more specific, tendency to be signficantly more abundant on the grooves of the corrugated inner surfaces of left valves of Pecten maximus (L.). In general however there was much overlap in distribution and it is proposed that such large numbers of species are able to co-exist because of the evolution of different life-history strategies ensuring that each species uses the available temporally and spatially heterogenous substrata in subtly different ways; some species, for example, occupying substrata that are optimal to bryozoan growth and other species, by reaching maturity earlier, being able to inhabit more ephemeral suboptimal substrata.  相似文献   

Life-history variation was studied in three sympatric species of Stylopoma Levinsen [S. spongites (Pallas), S. projecta Canu and Bassler and Stylopoma n. sp. 15] in Panamá. Bryozoan colonies were collected from 27 reefs along 300 km of the Caribbean coast of Panamá. The distribution and abundance of each species were very patchy, but with broad overlap in occurrence among localities and depths. Nevertheless, species differed considerably in colony size, size at first reproduction and numbers of brooding larvae; implying that interspecific differences in life-history traits may contribute to their coexistence. To examine closely this variation in life-history patterns, we grew, in a common garden experiment, the offspring of the two most common species that were obtained from parent colonies collected from several reefs. There were highly significant differences in growth rates and the timing and extent of sexual reproduction which corresponded well to patterns observed in individuals from the field. Other factors, including size of larvae, extent of secondary zooidal calcification and numbers of avicularia were also correlated with differences in life histories. Despite this additional complexity, however, ecological consequences of trade-offs in life history among modular species such as Stylopoma spp. appear very similar to those among unitary species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Both inbreeding and environmental stress can have adverse effects on fitness that affect the conservation of endangered species. Two important issues are whether stress and inbreeding effects are independent as opposed to synergistic, and whether inbreeding effects are general across stresses as opposed to stress-specific. We found that inbreeding reduced resistance to acetone and desiccation in adult Drosophila melanogaster , whereas resistance to knockdown heat stress was not affected. Inbred flies, however, experienced a greater proportional decrease in productivity than outbreds following heat stress. Correlations using line means indicated that all resistance traits were uncorrelated in the inbred as well as in the outbred flies. Recessive, deleterious alleles therefore did not appear to have any general deleterious effects on stress resistance. Inbreeding within a specific environment and selection for resistant genotypes may therefore purge a population of deleterious genes specific to only one environmental stress.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the effects of inbreeding depression on parasite infection in three species of endangered gazelles: Gazella cuvieri , G. dama, and G. dorcas . Coefficients of inbreeding were calculated for all individuals because complete genealogies were available. The levels of inbreeding differ both intra- and interspecifically. We collected samples of feces and determined nematode infection by counting nematode eggs in the samples. At the interspecific level, the species with the highest mean levels of inbreeding (  G. cuvieri ) had the highest levels of gastrointestinal parasites. Analyses done at the intraspecific level revealed a positive relationship between individual coefficient of inbreeding and parasite infection in G. cuvieri , but not in the species with the intermediate and lowest levels of inbreeding. Our findings suggest that high levels of inbreeding may make individuals more susceptible to parasitism, even under favorable environmental conditions, so this factor should be taken into account by those managing endangered species.  相似文献   

Ocean warming and acidification are co-occurring stressors likely to affect marine biota through climate-driven change to the ocean. We investigated the effects of increased temperature and lowered pH, solely and in combination, on the growth of the endemic Australian bryozoan, Celleporaria nodulosa. Two temperatures and three pH levels were fully crossed in experimental treatments performed in winter 2008 (August) and summer 2009 (February/March). Fragments of C. nodulosa colonies (clones) were collected from Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia, (30°18′S, 153°09′E) and elongation of colonies was assessed periodically over a 12-day incubation period. Lowered pH in winter significantly decreased growth. Elevated temperatures during the summer significantly impeded the growth of bryozoan colonies, possibly masking the effect of ocean acidification and discovering a maximal thermal tolerance at around 27 °C for C. nodulosa. The effects of decreased pH and increased temperature may be seasonally dependent and particularly acute during the summer months. Thermal stress may in fact be the initial stressor before ocean acidification, negatively affecting organisms in such a way that they are unable to survive before feeling the effects of ocean acidification.  相似文献   

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