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Accidents involving contractors continue to occur with regular frequency. By using the standard set within the PSM 29 CFR 1910.119(h) regulations, it has been identified that certain aspects of the way contractors do work are not up to the stipulated regulatory requirements especially regarding matters like not providing mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE) to the workers, not discussing hazards related to handling procedures with the workforce and improper control of non-routine activities during changes in shifts. The PSM 29 CFR 1910.119(h) regulations promulgated in 1992 provides standards that covered processes to obtain and evaluate data regarding contractors' health and safety programs as well as the contractors' performance evaluation. Many of the accidents involving contractors are direct result of poor training of contractors and/or poor control of the contracted work. Even though most organizations have their own contractor management systems, there are issues in meeting the requirements of PSM. The PSM standard only state “what to do” not “how to do it”. This is known as self-regulatory policy which depends on the industries understanding to interpret the standard that also contribute to this problem. This paper presents a structured and easy technique to plan and implement a practical and comprehensive contractors' management system in process industries that will comply with OSHA CFR 1910.119. A model has been developed based on this technique and its application has been tested in a pilot plant for compliance to PSM regulation. The model is beneficial to the process industries as any deficiencies in the PSM contractors' management program will be highlighted by the model which will then easily correct the identified deficiency so as to minimize and prevent catastrophic accidents.  相似文献   

The root cause of most accidents in the process industry has been attributed to process safety issues ranging from poor safety culture, lack of communication, asset integrity issues, lack of management leadership and human factors. These accidents could have been prevented with adequate implementation of a robust process safety management (PSM) system. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a comparative framework which could aid in selecting an appropriate and suitable PSM system for specific industry sectors within the process industry. A total of 21 PSM systems are selected for this study and their theoretical frameworks, industry of application and deficiencies are explored. Next, a comparative framework is developed using eleven key factors that are applicable to the process industry such as framework and room for continuous improvement, design specification, industry adaptability and applicability, human factors, scope of application, usability in complex systems, safety culture, primary or secondary mode of application, regulatory enforcement, competency level, as well as inductive or deductive approach. After conducting the comparative analysis using these factors, the Integrated Process Safety Management System (IPSMS) model seems to be the most robust PSM system as it addressed almost every key area regarding process safety. However, inferences drawn from study findings suggest that there is still no one-size-fits-all PSM system for all sectors of the process industry.  相似文献   

Process hazard analysis (PHA) is a cornerstone of process safety management programs. The quality of the PHA performed directly affects the level of risk tolerated for a process. The lower the quality of a PHA, the more likely higher risk will be tolerated. There are few requirements for PHA team members in the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration's process safety management regulations. More detailed requirements for participation in a PHA are desirable.A competency management program should be used to ensure PHA practitioners and teams are appropriately qualified. Criteria for selecting PHA team leaders, or facilitators, and other team members are key to such a program and are described in this paper. The criteria cover both technical and personal attributes. Application of the criteria is described and team performance metrics, which can be used to correlate performance with the assessment of competency to validate the criteria and methods used, are discussed.Owing to the importance of the role played by team leaders, certification of their competency is desirable. Criteria for certification are described and their application is discussed.  相似文献   

把自然科学中力的概念引入安全管理中,对其中的各种有形和无形联系进行研究,建立了一种安全管理系统的力学分析方法和实施程序。基于该方法把力学与轨迹交叉理论进行映射关联,建立"球体碰撞"模型。通过对比找出模型中存在的各种力,对模型进行受力分析并建立函数方程式。再据方程式及其参数对模型的各种状态进行分析,把分析结果反馈到安全管理系统中用以指导安全管理工作。最后,把安全管理力学分析法概括为定量分析法和定性分析法,并为研究安全管理提供了理论基础。由于力学具有准确、严谨、逻辑性强的特点,因此,引入力学后可以发挥力学与数学的优势。建立的安全管理力学分析方法是一种新方法,该方法对安全管理系统的定量化研究和实施有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

结合已开展的研究工作和实际项目,用系统工程的观点,总结和探讨了建筑工程全过程安全管理的内容、控制要求和研究方向。通过分析,提出实施人的安全性评价思路,使管理和教育能够针对性地强化建筑安全心理认知,更好地帮助人有意识地控制和协调建筑全过程各阶段的安全行为,从根本上全方位保证建筑安全水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

事故应急救援指挥中心组织架构和运行机制探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析比较国内外研究成果的基础上,以事故指挥系统为框架,结合国内的实际情况,设计了以指挥、运作、计划、后勤保障和财务五大部门为主体的事故应急救援指挥中心组织架构和职责功能,提出了事故应急救援指挥中心的运行机制,为完善我国事故应急救援理论研究提供参考.  相似文献   

基于GM(1,1)模型的安全管理目标值确定方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在事故预防中,安全目标管理是非常重要的工作之一。在确定管理目标时,由于不可能全面、真实地掌握所有信息,同时决策的信息量小,没有确定的分布规律,因此借助灰色理论建立的年伤亡次数与时间之间数值模型,可以反映安全技术措施的持续改进,安全管理的加强,安全教育工作的贯彻以及人们对安全与日俱增的要求。实例表明,采用灰理论进行预测,有以下几个优点:优于传统的以概率论和模糊数学为基础的预测方法;预测结果精度高;可以从多角度考查对象,得出的数据更能体现企业安全状况的现实规律,反映企业现阶段的安全状况。同时为制定科学、合理而可行的安全管理目标提供依据,促使企业安全管理提高到一个新水平。  相似文献   

安全管理信息系统发展探讨   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
阐述了安全管理信息系统中安全,管理,信息,系统之间的密切关系。以构建1个有效管理安全信息为目标,从安全信息的界定,安全信息的分类。安全信息的管理绩效等方面进行了分析。对安全管理信息系统的产生背景,目的意义。构建步骤进行了较详细的探讨,为开发基于Internet企业安全信息共享和安全生产管理决策支持系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

This paper examines effectiveness of a regulatory enforcement organization (Major industrial Accident Prevention Center, MAPC), and a grading system for implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation in Korea. A lot of chemical installations have been built in Korea since the 1960s. The frequent occurrence of major industrial accidents had made people's concerns grow. The Korean government enacted PSM regulations in 1996 in order to curb these accidents.However, a key question is how to make sure companies comply with the PSM regulations. In order to improve company’ compliance with PSM regulations the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) responsible for the regulation introduced a grading management system in 2001 and then established special supervisory centers for enforcement of PSM regulations in 2005. This paper reviews the role and effectiveness of the system in term of PSM enforcement. The author found that the grade-based approach has encouraged employers to implement the requirements of the PSM regulations. MAPCs play an effective role in enhancing enforcement performance. Although the more chemical plants have been established in Korea, the fewer major industrial accidents have occurred since the introduction of the system. The results may be useful for the policy maker to build an effective and efficient enforcement system.  相似文献   

香港特区建筑安全管理的探讨与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
近年来 ,香港特区的建筑业安全状况有了长足进步 ,由于香港的发展既长期受到西方国家先进技术和知识的影响 ,同时又具有中国的传统文化背景 ,因此 ,研究其成功的经验对内地的建筑安全工作有着十分重要的借鉴意义。笔者主要从香港政府部门 (劳工处和环境运输工务局 )对建筑安全的管理和非政府机构 (职业安全健康局、绿十字会等 )对建筑安全的作用两方面进行探讨 ,总结香港特区在建筑安全方面的成功做法 ,最后对内地的建筑安全工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

In Europe, the article 12 of the “Seveso” Directive focuses on land use planning (LUP) around major hazard plants and imposes to keep a sufficient distance between a major hazard plant and populated areas. In Belgium, the LUP is treated at the regional level. The regional authority defines the policy and manages the LUP according to the quantified risk. The quantified external risk, around each Seveso company in the Walloon Region, is assessed by a unique technical expert, the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, by means of a full probabilistic approach (QRA). This QRA methodology uses accident generic frequencies published by the Flemish Region (Aminal, 2004). In 2009-2010, the quantification of the external risk of the 90 walloon Seveso plants will be completed, based on this set of generic frequencies. However, the Flemish Region recently published a new set of generic frequencies (LNE, 2009), which, in some cases, are quite different of the previous ones for some equipment. This paper discusses the influence of the new frequency data on the quantified risk. An overview of the changes induced by the new set of data will be presented, as well as their impact on the already defined "consultation zones" in which decisions are made concerning the compatibility of the land use and the intensity of risk.  相似文献   



The often applied engineering approach to safety management in the construction industry needs to be supplemented by organizational measures and measures based on how people conceive and react to their social environment. This requires in-depth knowledge of the broad preconditions for high safety standards in construction. The aim of the study was to comprehensively describe the preconditions and components of high safety standards in the construction industry from the perspective of both experienced construction workers and first-line managers.


Five worker safety representatives and 19 first-line managers were interviewed, all strategically selected from within a large Swedish construction project. Phenomenographic methodology was used for data acquisition and analysis and to categorize the information. Nine informants verified the results.


The study identified four main categories of work safety preconditions and components: (1) Project characteristics and nature of the work, which set the limits of safety management; (2) Organization and structures, with the subcategories planning, work roles, procedures, and resources; (3) Collective values, norms, and behaviors, with the subcategories climate and culture, and interaction and cooperation; and (4) Individual competence and attitudes, with the subcategories knowledge, ability and experience, and individual attitudes.


The results comprehensively describe high safety standards in construction, incorporating organizational, group, individual, and technical aspects. High-quality interaction between different organizational functions and hierarchical levels stood out as important aspects of safety. The results are discussed in relation to previous research into safety and into the social-psychological preconditions for other desired outcomes in occupational settings.

Impact on Industry

The results can guide construction companies in planning and executing construction projects to a high safety standard.  相似文献   

The Process Safety Management (PSM) systems at the operating facilities in the Oil & Gas and in Chemical manufacturing industries have matured over the years and have become, at most facilities, very robust and sophisticated. These programs are administrated by Process Safety (PS) teams at both the corporate business units and plant levels and have been effective in reducing the number and severity of PS events across the industries over the past 25 years or so. Incidents however are occurring at a regular interval and in recent times several noteworthy PS events have occurred in the United States which have brought into question the effectiveness of the PSM programs at play. These facilities have been applying their PSM programs with the expectation that the number and severity of PS events would decrease over time. The expected result has not been realized, especially in context to those facilities that have undergone the recent incidents. Current paper reviews a few publicly available PS performance reports of Oil & Gas and Chemical manufacturing industries. The authors identified a few factors at play that have led to these PS events based on their experience, literature review, and incident investigation reports. Most of the factors are intertwined with multiple PSM elements and it requires a holistic approach to address them. Each of the factors is described and the path forward is proposed to improve the effectiveness of PSM programs.  相似文献   

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