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The numerical simulation of gas dispersion is of great importance in various areas of engineering such as optimisation, synthesis of chemical process, petroleum industry and process safety. The OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) code is a free and open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program. The current research is focused on the development and customisation of a computational tool for handling gas dispersion of heavy gases, such a LNG and CO2. The novel CFD tool relies on OpenFOAM framework. The core of the work is based on the OpenFOAM solver rhoReactingBuoyantFoam to handle gas dispersion. A series of CFD simulations has been performed for methane and CO2. The source term of the former is modelled by HSM (Hybrid Switch Model). The model comprises contribution from HEM (Homogeneous Equilibrium Model) approach, frozen model and non-equilibrium model for CO2 leak. The novel approach switches between equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions based on the meta-stable parameter on the grounds of thermodynamics and experimental observations. Good agreement with experimental data is observed. Numerical findings for methane leakage from the proposed CFD tool are compared with experimental data and FLACS. Good agreement is observed.  相似文献   

Maintaining an adequate air flow with a desired air quality that is free from hazardous gases is among the most important actions taken toward the improvement of safety in any process plant. Due to the increased focus on the consequences of existing hazardous material on safety, health, and the environment, air quality and sufficient ventilation within a plant has been increasingly considered in the design stage. This paper investigates and analyzes methane and hydrogen sulfite dispersion and the effect of air ventilation within a CAD model of an offshore platform using computation fluids dynamics (CFD). In addition, this method and its principals could be utilized in any other hazardous environment. Simulations of possible hazardous events along with solutions for preventing or reducing their probability are presented to better assess the data. These investigations are performed by considering hypothetical hazardous scenarios which consist of gas leakages from pipes and process equipment under different conditions. After drafting a precise and highly detailed CAD model of the plant and performing CFD simulations on this model, the results of gas behaviors, dispersion, distribution, accumulation, and its possible hazards are investigated and analyzed. The larger amount of details of the actual plant model in CFD simulation are obtained by using a combination of different methods and software. These include PDMS for 3-D drawing of the plan, Rinoceros for geometrical integration of the process equipment and facilities, and Sharc Harpoon which meshes the model. Moreover, the probability of inducing ignitable or toxic concentration of gases within the atmosphere and air ventilation of the unit is considered by these investigations.  相似文献   

Accidental releases of hazardous gases in chemical industries can pose great threats to public security. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is commonly applied to predict gas dispersion in complex structured areas. It can provide good accuracy but it is too time-consuming to be used in emergency response. To reduce computation time while keep acceptable accuracy, this paper proposes several fused CFD-interpolation models which combine CFD model with different interpolation methods. Spline, linear and nearest interpolation methods are used. A CFD simulations database is created ahead of time which can be quickly recalled for emergency usage and unknown situations can be predicted instantly by interpolation methods instead of time-consuming CFD model. Fused models were applied to a case study involving a hypothetical propane release with varying conditions and validated against CFD model. The validation shows that prediction accuracy of these fusion models is acceptable. Among these models, CFD-Spline interpolation model performs best. It is faster than CFD model by a factor of 75 and is potentially a good method to be applied to real-time prediction.  相似文献   

In case of accidents involving releases of hazardous materials, calculating the gas dispersion is essential for assessing risks. In general, the leaked chemical is assumed to be instantly dispersed to the atmosphere if the leak occurs in the outdoor location. However, a different approach should be made for the incidents when sources are located inside a building. For the indoor release, the gas will be diluted prior to the release to the atmosphere and the gas release from a building to the atmosphere demands the application of another model before the dispersion calculation. The indoor release model calculates average indoor concentration and volumetric flowrate to the exterior. The model is fast and reasonably accurate compared to rigorous but time-consuming computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. The model results were compared with experimental data, and CFD simulation results both with simple geometry to demonstrate validation and assess the performance of the indoor release model. Lastly, the behavior and effect of mitigation of indoor release were demonstrated by using the model results.  相似文献   

More than thirty-five years ago, the Bhopal disaster shook the whole world and investigators found out that many people survived just because they turned on the fans in their bedrooms. It was postulated that the forced ventilation played an important role in diluting the toxic gas and saved these people. In order to provide evidence to solve this old mystery, this research employed FLACS software to assess the hazardous degree of a toxic gas (hydrogen sulfide) leakage within a petrochemical process. Series of gas dispersion simulations were performed to actualize the hazardous characteristics and the corresponding risks of the release accident. The study shows that the hazardous level and the hazard range can be greatly influenced when parameters, such as the gas leakage circumstances (atmospheric conditions and wind speed) and the mitigation measures (direction of fans and their speed) are altered.By using explosion-proof fans in different positions and ventilation directions, combined with the natural wind in a certain direction, this research attempts to detect the best combination from various mitigation designs and to compare the influence of fan directions on hazard mitigation. It is also the first time of its kind to simulate the effect of forced ventilation on hazard mitigation within a process plant. The results show that the hazardous level of a toxic release can be effectively alleviated, when the direction of the mechanical ventilation is against the natural wind direction. With the help of the CFD simulation and the quantitative risk analysis technique, different loss prevention strategies can be tested via this method in order to establish a safer working environment.  相似文献   

Based on the latest practices at the Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IPSN) of the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), this paper presents the basic elements used for the simple modelling of hypothetical atmospheric pollution resulting from transient or continuous discharge. The effects of given kinetics under various weather conditions, which are not necessarily stationary or uniform, but are likely to occur with little or no wind are also considered. Discharges are considered as sequences of instantaneous puffs. The parameters deduced experimentally or from observations are functions of the transfer time, and cover all time and space scales. The restrictions of use are indicated, especially concerning heavy gases. Finally, simple formulae are proposed for concentrations and depositions so as to be able to make a rapid estimation of the orders of magnitude with almost no computation.  相似文献   

Hazardous areas are defined as a result of a variety of variables as storage temperature, pressure, leak orifice size, physical properties of flammable substance, and wind characteristics. The potential formation of an explosive atmosphere must be accurately assessed to ensure process safety. Therefore, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) arises as an important tool for accurate predictions as recommended by the international standard IEC 60079-10-1 (2015). This study aims to analyze the influence of wind velocity magnitude and direction on the hazardous area classification. The authors evaluated the extent and volume for methane, propane, and hydrogen leakages from a CFD model. For each flammable gas, the wind velocity magnitude and direction were regularly varied. The outcomes show that the behavior of the plume size as the wind varies mainly depends on the gas concentration. Counter-flow wind directions lead to zero relative velocity closer to the release point, which concentrates the gas, and wind in the release direction promotes a higher dilution of the gas cloud increasing the hazardous extent while decreases the volume. As a consequence, the wind also influences the zone type, which was accurately predicted from CFD simulations and significant differences were found when compared to the standard analyses. These differences are, to some extent, related to the consideration of wind velocity effects on the gas jet release.  相似文献   

Although several studies on the dispersion of heavy toxic gas released from ruptured tanks on vehicles during transportation have considered complex terrain such as urban buildings, the influence of trees on the flow field in urban areas during gas dispersion tends to be ignored. In this study, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was proposed to investigate the characteristics of gas release and dispersion from loaded vehicle in the urban environment. In this model, the tree crown was treated as a porous medium, and the influence of drag due to the crown was incorporated into the model by a momentum source term through a user-defined function. In this study, the dynamic characteristics of chlorine (Cl2) dispersion under the conditions of building distribution, tree species and porosities were comprehensively analysed, to cover the influence of urban complexity, leaf density, and tree planting configuration. The results show that compared with flat terrain, the presence of urban buildings will prolong the dense gas retention time and increase the dangerous distance. It is found that the horizontal dispersion distance can increase by 63% and the isosurface of 25 ppm hazardous gas can increase by 130% with the introduction of buildings. Compared with the terrain with only buildings, the introduction of arbors or shrubs can result in a 147% or 359% increase in the maximum concentration. Also, trees will prolong the dispersion duration. It is also found that the higher the porosity, the less the wind blocking effect, and the weaker the ability of capturing gas. The wind field affected by arbores and shrubs are different in height, and arbores capture more Cl2. Planting short shrubs around buildings can effectively reduce the spread of harmful gases.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of a research programme concerning the modelling capabilities of accidental releases of heavier-than-air toxic gases. The existing theory, which includes the strength of the source and the subsequent development of the released cloud under representative environmental conditions, is described. Comparison of the ZZB-2 system predictions with field data from the Desert Tortoise and Lyme Bay V, ammonia and chlorine releases, shows excellent agreement at distances between ≈ 200 m and a few kilometres from the source. The correlation between observed and predicted cloud concentrations, was in all cases significant at a confidence level better than 95%.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations were performed to assess the potential chlorine leak scenario in the super-urban area of South Korea, where the human population density is very high and numerous buildings exist near operational water treatment facilities. Flame acceleration simulator (FLACS) was used to predict the consequence from accidental chlorine releases out of one of the water treatment facilities for the nearby area having a size of 5 km × 3 km approximately. The ability to precisely implement 3-D geometries is crucial for a successful 3-D simulation. Thus, a method was proposed to rapidly and accurately implement geometry by importing computer aided-design (CAD) files provided by a government agency, and processing them using Auto CAD and MicroStation software programs. An accidental release from an 18-ton tank was simulated with three different wind directions to determine the expected evacuation distances. Results from the study showed that the endpoint distances varied depending on the density and arrangement of the buildings. Moreover, we employed physical barriers with varying heights for mitigating the effects of toxic gas releases and simulated how effectively they decreased the concentration of released chlorine.  相似文献   

Measurements of flammability and explosion parameters for dust/air mixtures require uniform dispersion of the dust cloud inside the test vessel. In a previous work, we showed that, in the standard 20 L sphere, the dust injection system does not allow generation of a uniform cloud, but rather high gradients of dust concentration are established. In this work, we used a previously validated three-dimensional CFD model to simulate the dust dispersion inside the 20 L sphere at different dust nominal concentrations (and fixed dust diameter). Results of numerical simulations have shown that, as the dust nominal concentration is increased, sedimentation prevails and, thus, when ignition is provided, the dust is mainly concentrated at the vessel walls.  相似文献   

为动态模拟有毒气体储罐泄漏扩散事故(toxic gas vessel leakage and dispersion,以下简称为TLD)的扩散过程,基于高斯点源瞬时泄漏模型,添加时间因子,将TLD的泄漏过程转换为一系列瞬时点源泄漏的叠加过程,从而获得任意时刻、任意位置的有毒气体浓度分布方程。以某氯气泄漏事故为例,模拟了有毒气体的扩散过程。结果表明,在初始阶段有毒气体储罐泄漏扩散的影响范围是逐步增大的;泄漏持续到一定时间,扩散过程趋于稳定;若假设泄漏条件不变,则此后的扩散过程类似于连续泄漏,影响范围保持不变。经与ALOHA软件的计算结果对比,两者在泄漏5分钟以后的模拟结果基本一致,本文所述模型模拟计算结果可信。  相似文献   

Accidental releases of toxic gas in the chemical plants have caused significant harm to the exposed occupants. To evaluate the consequences of these accidents, a dynamic approach considering the gas dispersion and behavior evacuation modelling has been proposed in this paper. This approach is applied to a hypothetical scenario including an accidental chlorine release in a chemical plant. CFD technique is utilized to calculate the time-varying concentration filed and evacuation modelling is used to obtain the evacuation routes. The exposure concentrations in the evacuation routes are calculated by using the code of data query. The integrated concentration toxic load model and probit model are used to calculate the probability of mortality of each occupant by using the exposure concentrations. Based on this dynamic approach, a new concept of average probability of mortality (APM) has been proposed to quantify the consequences of different accidental scenarios. The results show that APM decreases when the required detection time decreases or emergency evacuation mode is implemented. The impact of the detection time on APM becomes small as the wind speed increases. The effect of emergency evacuation mode is more obvious when the release occurs in an outdoor space.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental investigation of turbulent flame propagation in propane-air mixtures, and in mechanical suspensions of maize starch dispersed in air, in a closed vessel of length 3.6 m and internal cross-section 0.27 m × 0.27 m. The primary motivation for the work is to gain improved understanding of turbulent flame propagation in dust clouds, with a view to develop improved models and methods for assessing explosion risks in the process and mining industries. The study includes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations with FLACS and DESC, for gas and dust explosions respectively. For initially quiescent propane-air mixtures, FLACS over-predicts the rate of combustion for fuel-lean mixtures, and under-predicts for fuel-rich mixtures. The simulations tend to be in better agreement with the experimental results for initially turbulent gaseous mixtures. The experimental results for maize starch vary significantly between repeated tests, but the subset of tests that yields the highest explosion pressures are in reasonable agreement with CFD simulations with DESC.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the validation of discharge and subsequent atmospheric dispersion for both unpressurised and pressurised carbon dioxide releases using the consequence modelling package Phast.The paper first summarises the validation of the Phast dispersion model (UDM) for unpressurised releases. This includes heavy gas dispersion from either a ground-level line source (McQuaid wind-tunnel experiments) or an area source (Kit-Fox field experiments). For the McQuaid experiments minor modifications of the UDM were made to support line sources. For the Kit Fox experiments steady-state and 20-s finite-duration releases were simulated for both neutral and stable conditions. Most accurate predictions of the concentrations for finite duration releases were obtained using the UDM Finite Duration Correction method.Using experiments funded by BP and Shell and made available via DNV's CO2PIPETRANS JIP, the paper secondly summarises the validation of the Phast discharge and dispersion models for pressurised CO2 releases. This modelling accounted for the possible presence of the solid CO2 phase following expansion to atmospheric pressure. These experiments included both high-pressure steady-state and time-varying cold releases (liquid storage) and high-pressure time-varying supercritical hot releases. Both the flow rate and the concentrations were found to be predicted accurately.The above validation was carried out with no fitting whatsoever of the Phast extended discharge and dispersion models.  相似文献   

When handling flammable and/or toxic liquids or gases, the gas dispersion following a release of substance is a scenario to be considered in the risk assessment to determine the lower flammability distance (LFD) and toxicity thresholds. In this work a comparison of different gas dispersion tools of varying complexity ranging from a simple Gaussian model over a boundary layer model (BLM) and a Lagrangian model to CFD (in this case ANSYS CFX v14) is presented. The BLM covers the special case of liquid releases with formation of a pool. It does not only solve the gas dispersion but also calculates the evaporating mass flow out of the pool. The simulation values are compared to each other and to experimental data resulting mainly from our own open air experiments covering the near field and carried out on the Test Site Technical Safety of BAM (BAM-TTS) for different release types (pool evaporation, gas release) and topologies. Other validation data were taken from literature and cover large scale experiments in the range of several 100 m.  相似文献   

To quickly and accurately quantify the material release in process units, gas detectors may be placed according to the results of gas dispersion modeling. DNV's PHAST software is one of the most useful and reliable tools for material dispersion modeling. In this software, fluid dispersion is modeled based on the process conditions, the weather conditions and the specifications of the material release point. However, varying weather conditions throughout the year and the exact determination of the release point on the plot plan and the release elevation are problematic; these issues cause the results to be non-exact and non-integrated. Choosing the most appropriate conditions is challenging. In this paper, a scheme was provided to select the most appropriate conditions for gas dispersion modeling. This scheme approaches modeling based on the worst-case scenario (the situation in which the dispersed gas reaches the detector later in comparison to the other cases). Therefore, different weather conditions, release elevations and release points on the plot plan were modeled for an absorber tower of the Gonbadli Dehydration Unit of the Khangiran Refinery. The worst case of each release condition was then chosen. Finally, gas detectors were placed using the gas dispersion modeling results based on the worst-case scenario.  相似文献   

Heavy gas dispersion by water spray curtains: A research methodology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mitigation of the consequences of accidental releases of dangerous toxic and/or flammable cloud is a serious concern in the petro-chemical and gas industries. Nowadays, the water-curtain is recognized as a useful technique to mitigate a heavy gas cloud. The paper presents a research methodology, which has been established and undertaken to quantify the forced dispersion factor provided by a water-curtain with respect to its configuration.

The method involves medium-scale field tests, Wind-Gallery tests and numerical simulations. These different approaches are discussed and exemplified by typical results emphasizing the observed concentration reduction due to the water-curtain.  相似文献   

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