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To analyze population-based trends in the prenatal diagnosis of sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA) since the availability of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).


Retrospective state-wide data for all prenatal diagnoses performed <25 weeks gestation from 2005 to 2020 in Victoria, Australia. Non-invasive prenatal testing became locally available from 2012. The prenatal diagnosis rates of SCA as proportions of all prenatal diagnostic tests and all births were calculated. Statistical significance was assessed with the χ2 test for trend, with p < 0.05 considered significant.


46,518 amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling were performed during the study period, detecting 617 SCAs. There was a significant increase in the rate of prenatal SCAs from 5.8 per 10,000 births in 2005 to 8.7 per 10,000 births in 2020 (p < 0.0001). This increase was predominantly due to 47,XXY cases, 91% of which were ascertained via positive NIPT for this condition in 2020. The prenatal diagnosis rate of 47,XXY significantly increased from 0.8 per 10,000 births in 2005 to 4.3 per 10,000 births in 2020 (p < 0.0001).


Screening for SCAs using NIPT has directly led to an increase in their prenatal diagnosis on a population-wide basis, especially 47,XXY. This has implications for clinician education, genetic counselling, and pediatric services.  相似文献   

Prenatal screening for sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) is increasingly available through expanded non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). NIPT for SCAs raises complex ethical issues for clinical providers, prospective parents and future children. This paper discusses the ethical issues that arise around NIPT for SCAs and current guidelines and protocols for management. The first section outlines current practice and the limitations of NIPT for SCAs. It then outlines key guidelines before discussing the ethical issues raised by this use of NIPT. We conclude that while screening for SCAs should be made available for people seeking to use NIPT, its implementation requires careful consideration of what, when and how information is provided to users.  相似文献   



Recent studies have integrated copy number variant (CNV) and gene analysis using target enrichment. Here, we transferred this concept to our routine genetics laboratory, which is not linked to centralized non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) facilities.


From a cohort of 100 pregnant women, 22 were selected for the analysis of maternal genomic DNA (gDNA) along with fetal cell-free DNA. Using targeted enrichment, 135 genes were analyzed, combined with aberrations of chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X, and Y. The data were subjected to specificity and sensitivity analyses, and correlated with the results from invasive testing methods.


The sensitivity/specificity was determined for the CNV analysis of chromosomes: 21 (80%/75%), 18 (-/82%), 13 (100%/67%), and Y (100%/100%). The gene detection was valid for maternal gDNA. However, for cell-free fetal DNA, it was not possible to determine the boundary between an artifact and a real sequence variant.


The target enrichment method combining CNV and gene detection seems feasible in a regular laboratory. However, this method can only be responsibly optimized with a sufficient number of controls and further validation on a strong bioinformatic background. The present results showed that NIPT should be performed in specialized centers, and that its introduction to isolated laboratories may not provide valid data.  相似文献   



We aimed to compare cell-based NIPT (cbNIPT) to chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and to examine the test characteristics of cbNIPT in the first clinical validation study of cbNIPT compared to cell-free NIPT (cfNIPT).

Material and Methods

Study 1: Women (N = 92) who accepted CVS were recruited for cbNIPT (53 normal and 39 abnormal). Samples were analyzed with chromosomal microarray (CMA). Study 2: Women (N = 282) who accepted cfNIPT were recruited for cbNIPT. cfNIPT was analyzed using sequencing and cbNIPT by CMA.


Study 1: cbNIPT detected all aberrations (32/32) found in CVS: trisomies 13, 18 and 21 (23/23), pathogenic copy number variations (CNVs) (6/6) and sex chromosome aberrations (3/3). cbNIPT detected 3/8 cases of mosaicism in the placenta. Study 2: cbNIPT detected all trisomies found with cfNIPT (6/6) and had no false positive (0/246). One of the three CNVs called by cbNIPT was confirmed by CVS but was undetected by cfNIPT, two were false positives. cbNIPT detected mosaicism in five samples, of which two were not detected by cfNIPT. cbNIPT failed in 7.8% compared to 2.8% in cfNIPT.


Circulating trophoblasts in the maternal circulation provide the potential of screening for aneuploidies and pathogenic CNVs covering the entire fetal genome.  相似文献   



Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common severe autosomal recessive disorders. Prenatal or preconception CF screening is offered in some countries. A maternal blood sample in early pregnancy can provide circulating trophoblasts and offers a DNA source for genetic analysis of both the mother and the fetus. This study aimed to develop a cell-based noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT) to screen for the 50 most common CF variants.


Blood samples were collected from 30 pregnancies undergoing invasive diagnostics and circulating trophoblasts were harvested in 27. Cystic fibrosis testing was conducted using two different methods: by fragment length analysis and by our newly developed NGS-based CF analysis.


In all 27 cases, cell-based NIPT provided a result using both methods in agreement with the invasive test result.


This study shows that cell-based NIPT for CF screening provides a reliable result without the need for partner- and proband samples.  相似文献   

With a high sensitivity and specificity, non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an incomparable screening test for fetal aneuploidy. However, the method is rather newly introduced, and experiences with discordant results are few. We did a systematic review of literature reporting details of false positive and false negative NIPT results. Discordant sex chromosome results were not included. We identified 22 studies reporting case details. In total, 206 discordant cases were included, of which 88% were false positive and 12% false negative. Details on maternal age, gestational age, platform/company, Z-score, fetal fraction, results and explanation were specified. The main reasons for discordant results were confined placental mosaicism, maternal copy number variation, vanished twin, maternal cancer and true fetal mosaicism. A very high percentage of cases (67%) were reported with no obvious biological or technical explanation for the discordant result. The included cases represent only a minor part of the true number of false positive or false negative NIPT cases identified in fetal medicine clinics around the world. To ensure knowledge exchange and transparency of NIPT between laboratories, we suggest a systematic recording of discordant NIPT results, as well as a quality assurance by external quality control and accreditation. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



To determine the detection rates of all types of chromosome aberrations and the residual risk for postnatal diagnosis of an atypical chromosome aberration depending on the strategy for further investigation with either noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) or invasive testing in pregnancies with increased risk following combined first-trimester screening (cFTS).


A review of all pregnancies examined with cFTS during 2010 to 2017.


The cohort consisted of 129 493 pregnancies. There were 852 (0.7%) clinically significant chromosome aberrations, including aberrations detected later on or after birth. A total of 12% were atypical chromosome aberrations. Considering that 40% were detected due to a miscarriage/intrauterine fetal death or a malformation on ultrasound there is a 0.05% (1:2000) background risk of a postnatal diagnosis of a liveborn child with an atypical chromosome aberration if no further invasive test is performed during pregnancy. If all women with an increased risk (≥1:200) had an invasive test and NIPT was performed up to a risk of 1:1000, 95% of common trisomies/sex chromosome aberrations and 55% of atypical aberrations would be detected.


If NIPT was offered to all women with an increased risk following cFTS it would imply that three times as many children would be born with an atypical chromosome aberration.  相似文献   



Viral infections during pregnancy are a major health concern to mother and fetus. By repurposing cell-free Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) sequencing data, we investigated prevalence and abundance of viral DNA in a cohort of 108,349 pregnant women.


Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) sequencing reads that did not map to any of the human chromosomes or mitochondrial DNA of the human reference genome build GRCh38 were aligned to 224 DNA viruses selected from the NCBI refseq viral database.


In total 443,665 reads of viral origin were detected across 42,273 samples representing 165 viral species. Several are known to be potentially harmful during pregnancy and/or childbirth, including Cytomegalovirus, Parvovirus B19 and Hepatitis B. Viral sequences were mostly detected at very low abundance. However, several cases had exceptionally high viral loads for Parvovirus B19, Hepatitis B and others. We found statistically significant associations between presence of viral DNA and gestational age, maternal age, fetal fraction, cfDNA concentration and others.


We demonstrate the feasibility to detect viral DNA from typical genome-wide NIPT cfDNA sequencing and describe the main characteristics of the viral DNA in our cohort. Our dataset of detected viral sequence reads is made publicly available to guide future clinical implementations.  相似文献   

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) can determine the sex of the fetus very accurately and very early in gestation. There are concerns that the ease, timing, and accuracy of NIPT sex determination will facilitate sex-selective termination of pregnancy (TOP). Here, we review current practices, the evidence for a link between NIPT and sex-selective TOP, and associated ethical issues. Sex-selective TOP, usually motivated by son preference, has had serious demographic consequences in countries such as India and China. Currently, ultrasound is the primary method by which parents determine the sex of the fetus. The diffusion of ultrasound technology has had a direct impact on the rates of sex-selective TOP. Although NIPT is currently more costly, it is feasible that increased uptake of this technology could have a similar effect. Partly because NIPT is a relatively recent development in prenatal screening, there is little data on the impact of NIPT on sex selection practices. Evidence that NIPT is playing a role in sex-selective TOP remains largely anecdotal. Further research is required to assess and quantify TOP resulting from NIPT sex determination. The use of these technologies for sex selection raises a number of ethical issues, in addition to practical demographic consequences.  相似文献   



To evaluate the test accuracy of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal trisomy 21, 18, and 13 using cell-free (cf) DNA analysis in maternal plasma with microarray quantitation.


Systematic review and meta-analysis. Searches in MEDLINE, Pre-MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library to 09.07.2018.


Five studies analyzing 3074 samples, including 187 trisomy 21, 43 trisomy 18, and 19 trisomy 13 cases, were identified. Risk of bias was high in all studies, introduced particularly by exclusions from analysis and by the role of the sponsor. Sensitivity of microarray-based cfDNA testing was 99.5% (95%CI 96.3%-99.9%) for trisomy 21, 97.7% (95%CI 87.9%-99.6%) for trisomy 18, and 100% (95%CI 83.2%-100%) for trisomy 13. Specificity was 100% (95% CI 99.87%-100%) for trisomy 21, 99.97% (95%CI 99.81%-99.99%) for trisomy 18, and 99.97% (95%CI 99.81%-99.99%) for trisomy 13. Pooled test failure rate was 1.1%. A direct comparison of microarray- and sequencing-based cfDNA found equivalent test accuracy.


Included studies suggest that NIPT using microarray-based cfDNA testing has high sensitivity and specificity for detecting fetal trisomy 21, 18, and 13. However, the evidence base is small and at high risk of bias.  相似文献   



To investigate factors involved in the decision to decline prenatal screening with noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT).


A questionnaire study was conducted among 219 pregnant women in the Netherlands who had declined prenatal screening with NIPT (TRIDENT-2 study). Respondents were selectively recruited from three hospitals and 19 midwifery practices, primarily located in or near socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. 44.3% of the respondents were of non-Western ethnic origin and 64.4% were religious.


Most respondents (77.2%) found the decision to decline NIPT easy to make, and 59.8% had already made the decision before information about NIPT was offered. These respondents were more often religious, multigravida, and had adequate health literacy. The main reasons to decline NIPT were “I would never terminate my pregnancy” (57.1%) and “every child is welcome” (56.2%). For 16.9% of respondents, the out-of-pocket costs (175 euros) played a role in the decision, and the women in this group were more often nonreligious, primigravida, and had inadequate health literacy.


The primary factors involved in the decision to decline NIPT were related to personal values and beliefs, consistent with autonomous choice. Out-of-pocket costs of NIPT hinder equal access for some pregnant women.  相似文献   



The Netherlands and Belgium have been among the first countries to offer non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) as a first-tier screening test. Despite similarities, differences exist in counseling modalities and test uptake. This study explored decision-making and perspectives of pregnant women who opted for NIPT in both countries.


A questionnaire study was performed among pregnant women in the Netherlands (NL) (n = 587) and Belgium (BE) (n = 444) opting for NIPT, including measures on informed choice, personal and societal perspectives on trisomy 21, 18 and 13 and pregnancy termination.


Differences between Dutch and Belgian women were shown in the level of informed choice (NL: 83% vs. BE: 59%, p < 0.001), intention to terminate the pregnancy in case of confirmed trisomy 21 (NL: 51% vs. BE: 62%, p = 0.003) and trisomy 13/18 (NL: 80% vs. BE: 73%, p = 0.020). More Belgian women considered trisomy 21 a severe condition (NL: 64% vs. BE: 81%, p < 0.001). Belgian women more frequently indicated that they believed parents are judged for having a child with trisomy 21 (BE: 42% vs. NL: 16%, p < 0.001) and were less positive about quality of care and support for children with trisomy 21 (BE: 23% vs. NL: 62%, p < 0.001).


Differences in women's decision-making regarding NIPT and the conditions screened for may be influenced by counseling aspects and country-specific societal and cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing is increasingly being used to screen pregnant women for fetal aneuploidies. This technology may also identify fetal sex and can be used to screen for sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs). Physicians offering this screening will need to be prepared to offer comprehensive prenatal counseling about these disorders to an increasing number of patients. The purpose of this article is to consider the source of information to use for counseling, factors in parental decision-making, and the performance characteristics of cfDNA testing in screening for SCAs. Discordance between ultrasound examination and cfDNA results regarding fetal sex is also discussed. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



To develop a multi-step workflow for the isolation of circulating extravillous trophoblasts (cEVTs) by describing the key steps enabling a semi-automated process, including a proprietary algorithm for fetal cell origin genetic confirmation and copy number variant (CNV) detection.


Determination of the limit of detection (LoD) for submicroscopic CNV was performed by serial experiments with genomic DNA and single cells from Coriell cell line biobank with known imbalances of different sizes. A pregnancy population of 372 women was prospectively enrolled and blindly analyzed to evaluate the current workflow.


An LoD of 800 Kb was demonstrated with Coriell cell lines. This level of resolution was confirmed in the clinical cohort with the identification of a pathogenic CNV of 800 Kb, also detected by chromosomal microarray. The mean number of recovered cEVTs was 3.5 cells per sample with a significant reverse linear trend between gestational age and cEVT recovery rate and number of recovered cEVTs. In twin pregnanices, evaluation of zygosity, fetal sex and copy number profiling was performed in each individual cell.


Our semi-automated methodology for the isolation and single-cell analysis of cEVTS supports the feasibility of a cell-based noninvasive prenatal test for fetal genomic profiling.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the status of genetic laboratory testing in Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) with different genetic subtypes, most often a paternally derived 15q11–q13 deletion and discusses benefits and limitations related to prenatal screening. Medical literature was searched for prenatal screening and genetic laboratory testing methods in use or under development and discussed in relationship to PWS. Genetic testing includes six established laboratory diagnostic approaches for PWS with direct application to prenatal screening. Ultrasonographic, obstetric and cytogenetic reports were summarized in relationship to the cause of PWS and identification of specific genetic subtypes including maternal disomy 15. Advances in genetic technology were described for diagnosing PWS specifically DNA methylation and high-resolution chromosomal SNP microarrays as current tools for genetic screening and incorporating next generation DNA sequencing for noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) using cell-free fetal DNA. Positive experiences are reported with NIPT for detection of numerical chromosomal problems (aneuploidies) but not for structural problems (microdeletions). These reports will be discussed along with future directions for genetic screening of PWS. In summary, this review describes and discusses the status of established and ongoing genetic testing options for PWS applicable in prenatal screening including NIPT and future directions for early diagnosis in PWS. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based on analysis of cell free DNA circulating in the maternal plasma has been available clinically to screen for chromosomal abnormalities since 2011. There is significant evidence to suggest that NIPT has revolutionised prenatal screening for the common trisomies 13, 18, and 21. However, the evidence in favour of its extended use to screen for conditions other than these trisomies remains a topic of debate with no national or international organisation supporting clinical implementation for these indications. In the debate presented here – "Expanded NIPT that includes conditions other than trisomies 13, 18, and 21 should be offered" – we will see the pros and cons of screening for a wider range of chromosomal problems. The discussion presented swung the vote from 65% in favour and 35% against before the arguments were voiced to 41% in favour and 59% against. This significant swing in the vote indicates that the majority of our community feel more evidence is required before clinical implementation of extended NIPT.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy (UPD) is an uncommon chromosome condition, but UPD involving chromosome 21 is rarely reported. We reported here a case who had first trimester screening test for Down syndrome, chorionic villus sampling for fetal karyotyping, quantitative fluorescence polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR), as well as non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) by maternal plasma sequencing. There were discordant results between fetal karyotyping and NIPT due to UPD 21combined with confined placental mosaicism of trisomy 21. This demonstrated that it is possible to detect placental mosaicism by NIPT, but further studies are required to confirm its sensitivity. Therefore, all positive NIPT results must be confirmed by conventional invasive test and karyotyping. QF-PCR has the additional benefit in diagnosing UPD. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



This study aimed to assess the diagnostic yield of prenatal genetic testing using trio whole exome sequencing (WES) and trio whole genome sequencing (WGS) in pregnancies with fetal anomalies by comparing the results with conventional chromosomal microarray (CMA) analysis.


A total of 40 pregnancies with fetal anomalies or increased nuchal translucency (NT ≥ 5 mm) were included between the 12th and 21st week of gestation. Trio WES/WGS and CMA were performed in all cases.


The trio WES/WGS analysis increased the diagnostic yield by 25% in cases with negative CMA results. Furthermore, all six chromosomal aberrations identified by CMA were independently detected by WES/WGS analysis. In total, 16 out of 40 cases obtained a genetic sequence variant, copy number variant, or aneuploidy explaining the phenotype, resulting in an overall WES/WGS diagnostic yield of 40%. WES analysis provided a more reliable identification of mosaic sequence variants than WGS because of its higher sequencing depth.


Prenatal WES/WGS proved to be powerful diagnostic tools for fetal anomalies, surpassing the diagnostic yield of CMA. They have the potential to serve as standalone methods for prenatal diagnosis. The study highlighted the limitations of WGS in accurately detecting mosaic variants, which is particularly relevant when analyzing chorionic villus samples.  相似文献   

Klinefelter syndrome (KS) or 47,XXY is the most common sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA), occurring at a prevalence of 1 in 600 male pregnancies. Historically, only 25% of individuals with KS came to medical attention, for a range of issues across the life course including under-virilisation at birth, developmental and social concerns in childhood, absence, delay or arrest of puberty in adolescence or infertility in adulthood. Our understanding of the phenotypic spectrum of KS has been largely influenced by this ascertainment bias. With increasing uptake of antenatal noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), a corresponding increase in identification of KS has been documented. Population-based longitudinal data from infancy to adulthood on these individuals is lacking, which impedes balanced antenatal genetic counselling and raises issues for prospective parents and clinicians alike.  相似文献   



First-trimester ultrasound screening is increasingly performed to detect fetal anomalies early in pregnancy, aiming to enhance reproductive autonomy for future parents. This study aims to display the current practice of first-trimester ultrasound screening in developed countries.


An online survey among 47 prenatal screening experts in developed countries.


First-trimester structural anomaly screening is available in 30 of the 33 countries and is mostly offered to all women with generally high uptakes. National protocols are available in 23/30 (76.7%) countries, but the extent of anatomy assessment varies. Monitoring of scan quality occurs in 43.3% of the countries. 23/43 (53.5%) of the respondents considered the quality of first-trimester ultrasound screening unequal in different regions of their country.


First-trimester screening for structural fetal anomalies is widely offered in developed countries, but large differences are reported in availability and use of screening protocols, the extent of anatomy assessment, training and experience of sonographers and quality monitoring systems. Consequently, this results in an unequal offer to parents in developed countries, sometimes even within the same country. Furthermore, as offer and execution differ widely, this has to be taken into account when results of screening policies are scientifically published or compared.  相似文献   

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