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To solve the problems of the difficulty in early leakage monitoring and larger positioning error for urban hazardous chemicals pipelines, the optimized method based on the improved Inverse Transient Analysis (ITA) and Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) was proposed. Firstly, based on the obtained experiment's results of leakage of natural gas in the non-metallic pipeline, the segment classification method was incorporated into the pressure gradient calculation. The modified method can adapt to the multi-node characteristics of urban pipe networks and help to obtain the preliminary positioning calculation results after optimization. Then the calculation results were embedded in the ITA calculation model. The input parameters of the gas pipeline such as boundary conditions, leakage rate and friction coefficient were used to establish the characteristic linear equations. Then the objective function of the least-squares criterion was defined, and the improved ITA model suitable for leakage detection of urban natural gas pipeline networks was constructed. Finally, the ALO was used to optimize the calculation process of the improved ITA model, and iteratively optimize the optimal friction coefficient and its corresponding minimum objective function (OF) value. As a result, a more precise location of the leakage source was calculated. The validation of the modified method is conducted by comparing the calculated values with the experiment's results. The results show that the method can accurately predict the location where the pipeline leakage occurs. The minimum error is 3.17%. Compared with the traditional ITA, this method not only accelerates the convergence speed of the objective function, but also improves the accuracy of location calculation.  相似文献   

探地雷达(GPR)目标回波信号极易由于背景杂波的干扰而被淹没。为了有效滤出杂波,提出了一种改进的EMD-小波阈值联合去噪法,即用改进的基于统计特性和自相关函数特性的EMD去噪法对回波信号进行预处理,在此基础上对EMD分解后的噪声主导模态分量进行小波阈值处理,最后进行信号的重构。结果表明,该联合去噪法不仅可以有效地滤除杂波,而且最大限度地保留了目标回波有用信号,从而使去噪后的回波剖面为城市地下管线的识别与定位提供了可靠的图像解释资料。  相似文献   

为准确检测煤矿井下瓦斯抽采主管道泄漏位置,提出基于稳态模型的管道泄漏检测与定位方法,采用Comsol数值模拟及地面相似实验研究压力梯度法对煤矿井下抽采管道泄漏检测与定位的可行性及准确性。研究结果表明:管道未泄漏时,管内沿线压力呈均匀分布,当管道突发泄漏时,管内压力分布呈现明显弯折现象,弯折处即为管道漏点位置,并对管道阻力计算公式进行修正,提高了检测准确性;随着管道泄漏程度的加大,湍流效应显著增强,漏点处速度、压力产生明显突变,且当其他条件恒定时,随着管道泄漏孔径的扩大,管道的漏入量越大,定位的相对误差越小;在宏岩矿开展地面相似实验,实验结果绝对误差为4.5 m,相对误差为6%;在阳煤五矿井下8421抽采巷进行现场应用,绝对误差134 m,相对误差约7.95%。  相似文献   

With the development of natural gas transportation systems, major accidents can result from internal gas leaks in pipelines that transport high-pressure gases. Leaks in pipelines that carry natural gas result in enormous financial loss to the industry and affect public health. Hence, leak detection and localization is a major concern for researchers studying pipeline systems. To ensure the safety and improve the efficiency of pipeline emergency repair, a high-pressure and long-distance circular pipe leakage simulation platform is designed and established by similarity analysis with a field transmission pipeline, and an integrated leakage detection and localization model for gas pipelines is proposed. Given that the spread velocity of acoustic waves in pipelines is related to the properties of the medium, such as pressure, density, specific heat, and so on, this paper proposes a modified acoustic velocity and location formula. An improved wavelet double-threshold de-noising optimization method is also proposed to address the original acoustic wave signal collected by the test platform. Finally, the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) method is applied to determine the leakage degree and operation condition. Experimental results show that the integrated model can enhance the accuracy and precision of pipeline leakage detection and localization.  相似文献   

Toxic gas leakage in a tank area can have catastrophic consequences. Storage tank leakage location (particularly for high leakage) and downwind storage tanks potentially influence gas diffusion in tank areas. In this study, we developed a numerical and experimental method to investigate the impact of a high leakage location and downwind storage tank on gas diffusion based on three (1.05H, 0.90H, and 0.77H, H was the tank height, 22m) leakage field experiments on the leeward side of storage tank, which have been not conducted before. The experiments revealed an unexpected phenomenon: the maximum ground concentration first decreased and then increased with increasing leakage height. The simulations illustrated that the differences in micrometeorological conditions caused the maximum ground concentration of gas emitted from the roof to be higher than that emitted from the tank wall near the storage tank height. The downwind storage tank 1) had little influence on the entire diffusion direction but altered the local diffusion pattern; 2) reduced the maximum ground concentration (∼18.7%) and the distance from the emission source (approximately a storage tank diameter); and 3) had strong influences on the concentration, velocity, turbulence, and pressure on the leeward side. The concentration negatively correlated with the velocity, pressure, and turbulence in the middle of the two storage tanks on wind centerline. Our results can improve understanding of gas dispersion in tank areas and provide references for mitigating loss and protecting lives during emergency response processes.  相似文献   

In order to study a new leak detection and location method for oil and natural gas pipelines based on acoustic waves, the propagation model is established and modified. Firstly, the propagation law in theory is obtained by analyzing the damping impact factors which cause the attenuation. Then, the dominant-energy frequency bands of leakage acoustic waves are obtained through experiments by wavelet transform analysis. Thirdly, the actual propagation model is modified by the correction factor based on the dominant-energy frequency bands. Then a new leak detection and location method is proposed based on the propagation law which is validated by the experiments for oil pipelines. Finally, the conclusions and the method are applied to the gas pipelines in experiments. The results indicate: the modified propagation model can be established by the experimental method; the new leak location method is effective and can be applied to both oil and gas pipelines and it has advantages over the traditional location method based on the velocity and the time difference. Conclusions can be drawn that the new leak detection and location method can effectively and accurately detect and locate the leakages in oil and natural gas pipelines.  相似文献   

The leak of gas pipelines can be detected and located by the acoustic method. The technologies of recognizing and extracting wave characteristics are summarized in details in this paper, which is to distinguish leaking and disturbing signals from time and frequency domain. A high-pressure and long distance leak test loop is designed and established by similarity analysis with field transmission pipelines. The acoustic signals collected by sensors are de-noised by wavelet transform to eliminate the background noises, and time-frequency analysis is used to analyze the characteristics of frequency domain. The conclusion can be drawn that most acoustic signals are concentrated on the ranges of 0-100 Hz. The acoustic signal recognition and extraction methods are verified and compared with others and it proves that the disturbing signals can be efficiently removed by the analysis of time and frequency domain, while the new characteristics of the accumulative value difference, mean value difference and peak value difference of signals in adjacent intervals can detect the leak effectively and decrease the false alarm rate significantly. The formula for leak location is modified with consideration of the influences of temperature and pressure. The positioning accuracy can be significantly improved with relative error between 0.01% and 1.37%.  相似文献   

为探究不同影响因素对埋地管道运行安全的影响,基于改进的一次二阶矩计算方法,综合考虑埋地管道环向受力和纵向受力的特性,依据应力-强度理论和钢制管道结构设计规范建立了埋地管道失效结构功能函数;通过对ABAQUS软件中的UVARM模块进行二次开发,建立了腐蚀、温度和不均匀沉降耦合作用下的三维管道-地层整体模型,模拟不同管道参数下的管道状况.运用该方法对工程实例进行了计算,分析可靠指标和失效概率的分布情况.结果表明:埋地管道工作内压与管道失效概率呈正相关关系,管道壁厚和管径与失效概率呈负相关关系;在影响参数变化相同的条件下,管道中部失效概率变化最快,两端的失效概率变化较慢.该模型计算结果体现了管道不同部位失效概率的特点,在管道设计、维护和风险评估方面有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

为预防保温层下管道腐蚀带来的严重问题,必须采取有效措施进行腐蚀在线监测,以了解管道的剩余壁厚情况。在分析现有的腐蚀监测技术不足的前提下,基于γ射线数字扫描检测技术(GSDT),研发了1套保温层下管道腐蚀在线监测系统,该系统可以实现对保温层下腐蚀管道剩余壁厚在线监测,并通过带保温层管道的检测试验和t-分布分析方法检验腐蚀监测系统的检测精度,最后以某化工企业为例,验证了该系统的有效性。结果表明:腐蚀监测系统可以实现对保温层管道剩余壁厚的监测,保温层和高密度介质不影响管壁厚度的测量结果,且使用所研发的腐蚀监测系统监测到的管道腐蚀速率与现场实际腐蚀速率基本一致。  相似文献   

为探究输气管道高后果区中人的不安全行为(Unsafe Human Behaviors,UHBs)对输气管道泄漏燃爆事故发生的影响,结合模糊Bow-tie模型和贝叶斯网络对输气管道泄漏燃爆事故进行分析.构建基于T-S模糊故障树的输气管道泄漏燃爆模糊Bow-tie模型,并转化为贝叶斯网络;从人的不安全行为发生的可能性出发,...  相似文献   

The petrochemical industry has inherently high safety risks. On 5th June 2017, a liquefied petroleum gas tanker in the storage and transportation department of Linyi Jinyu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. leaked during unloading, causing a major explosion and fire. Ten people were killed and nine were injured. To prevent the recurrence of similar accidents, a retrospective accident analysis was conducted using the system accident analysis method known as ‘24Model’. This analysis proved the coupling relationship between accident causes involving multiple organisations and multiple factors. The analysis results show that the five modules of maintenance and design, that is, loading and unloading valves, emergency training, management of subsidiaries and contractors, multi-level supervision, and task arrangement need to be checked from top to bottom by relevant organisations.In order to verify the reliability of 24Model analysis results, three SAA methods, namely STAMP, FRAM, AcciMap, were used to analyse the accident, and results obtained by the four methods were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. The results show that the output of 24Model is reliable and has a more understandable framework, which can be used as reference for the development of other linear accident cause models and application of system accident analysis methods to real applications.  相似文献   

矿山微震事件集群是分析矿震的重要参考之一,其准确的划分对矿山微震分布特征和微震活动分析具有重要作用。提出了1种基于局部离群因子(Local Outlier Factor, LOF)的K-means聚类算法并构建了综合SSE评价指标和模型,通过LOF算法检测异常微震事件和选取初始聚类中心,利用Krzanowski-Lai指数确定最佳聚类分组数;采用模拟计算比较了不同数据集大小的聚类效果。结果表明:基于LOF的K-means聚类方法评分最高,聚类结果最好;并利用该聚类方法分析用沙坝矿1 649个微震事件的分布特征与微震活动性。实例表明,K=7为最佳聚类分组数,聚类簇的划分受断层滑移和矿山生产活动的影响。  相似文献   

为了解决由于地铁深基坑施工风险因素不确定性和基坑工程事故资料缺失导致传统风险分析方法不再满足实际需要的问题。探讨模糊集理论(FST)和贝叶斯网络(BN)的结合,介绍1种专家置信度指标,建立地铁深基坑渗漏风险评估指标体系,得到基于模糊贝叶斯网络(FBN)地铁深基坑施工渗漏风险评估模型。研究结果表明:将该方法应用于广州地铁十三号线某车站深基坑施工渗漏风险评估中,结果符合施工实际,接缝密封质量差等风险因素需加以措施控制,该方法可为后续施工风险评估提供实时支持。  相似文献   

为分析地铁上覆管道爆炸对乘客安全影响,采用基于超压冲击波阀值数值模拟,通过将泄漏气体能量等效为TNT当量,分析不同泄漏模式爆炸冲击波对地铁隧道及人员安全影响.结果表明:爆炸产生的超压冲击波对隧道及人员影响小于限值,不会造成人员伤亡,研究结果可为地下工程下穿油气管线安全影响分析提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

基于FMEA和HAZOP的综合分析方法及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氯乙烯聚合生产过程复杂、设备众多,事故风险高,诸多危险因素极易引发火灾、爆炸、中毒等事故,导致生产停顿、设备损坏,甚至会造成大量人身伤亡和巨额财产损失。本文将故障类型和影响分析(FMEA)和危险性和可操作性研究(HAZOP)相结合,对某氯碱生产企业氯乙烯聚合生产过程的生产设备和工艺的危险性进行了系统安全分析,并科学的提出了一系列预防控制措施。这两种评价方法优势互补,不仅可以更全面合理的找出可能导致事故发生的不安全因素,而且更为系统安全分析提供了一种新的途径,使得系统的危险性分析更科学、完整和全面,这为有效预防和减少事故的发生提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

为获得最佳瓦斯抽采效果,研究不同钻孔孔径与塑性区范围及抽采效果之间关系,基于弹塑性理论,采用Comsol软件模拟嘉禾矿2254底板巷上穿层钻孔周围煤体塑性区范围分布,修正塑性区半径理论推导公式,得到抽采钻孔混合流量、纯流量和浓度,分析钻孔周围煤体不同塑性区范围下瓦斯抽采效果。结果表明:钻孔孔径越大,塑性区范围越大,抽采钻孔卸压范围越大;若不考虑其他因素,钻孔孔径越大,瓦斯抽采效果越好;通过对比塑性区半径模拟值与计算值,修正塑性区半径公式,该公式适用于浦溪煤矿;随钻孔塑性区范围增加,钻孔瓦斯抽采流量逐渐增加,但瓦斯流量相对钻孔塑性区半径差变化率先增大后减小。研究结果可为提高矿井瓦斯抽采效果提供理论参考。  相似文献   

噪声是纺织业的主要职业危害之一。纺织企业生产车间的噪声不仅会影响到纺织生产的效率、工人的工作能力及安全,还会对纺织工人的健康造成危害,甚至导致职业病。以南方某纺织企业为研究对象,对其生产车间的噪声进行了调查测量,并采用职业病作业危害、职业接触风险评估二种评价方法,对该企业各生产工序的噪声职业危害进行风险评价,得出评价结论,从声源、声传播途径、个体防护及管理制度四个方面提出了降噪措施,以便更好地加强防治,预防减少噪声职业危害。  相似文献   

层次分析法是一种定性分析与定量分析相结合的系统分析方法,为克服主观判断的影响,通过距离测度对层次分析法中成对比较矩阵的传统构建方法进行改进,提出基于距离测度的层次分析法;在详细论述基本原理和步骤的基础上,以全国各省市生态环境质量评价为例进行应用,并同PPDC法作对比分析.研究表明,基于距离测度的层次分析法能够有效地解决生态环境质量评价问题,为制定生态环境规划和管理提供依据;该建议方法兼顾定性分析和定量计算,概念系统化,结构层次化,易于理解和操作.  相似文献   

针对煤矿煤层底板采空区域不明确的问题,为了确定采空区的精确范围以及内部状态,采用物探的矿井反射地震波探测技术,首先利用地质探测仪对地震波波形进行数据采集,并进行数据分析以及波形的反演计算,最终根据波形的形状和频率确定底板破坏情况;其次将底板破坏区域分为上位层破碎带和下位层破碎带;最后在现场采用底板钻探的方法对地震波探测技术进行了验证。结果表明反射地震波探测技术得到的结果接近于钻探结果,采用反射地震波探测技术可以较精确判断底板采空区破坏范围。  相似文献   

为推动实现城市安全风险的系统化、信息化管理,基于我国城市安全风险管理的要求与特点,总结城市安全风险评估的分层分类原则、突出固有风险原则和合理修正原则等基本原则;提出“点位-行业-区域”逐层展开的城市安全风险评估程序,明确各层级的评估要点;提出城市安全风险评估方法,分别制定点位、行业风险修正规则,结合风险参数与情景构建开展基于风险矩阵法的点位风险评估和行业风险评估,采用加权计算法由行业风险评估结果叠加评估区域风险。结果表明:该方法能够从不同角度有效评估城市的风险状态,为不同层级的城市安全管理者明确风险管控重点提供决策依据。  相似文献   

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