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平顶山矿区是新中国成立后,我国自行勘探设计、开发建设的大型煤炭工业基地,自1957年建矿以来,已建成投产15对矿井(其中已报废3座),年产量2000万吨,成为全国重要煤炭基地之一。煤矿的开采,为我国特别是中南、华东地区的工农业生产提供了大量能源。与此同时也造成了大面积的土地塌陷。而且,伴随煤炭的开采,堆积形成数十座矸石山,占用大量土地,造成了环境污染。为贯彻落实国务院《土地复垦规定》和有关环境保护法规,从珍惜每寸土地,改善矿区环境,造福子孙后代的长远利益出发,依靠各级政府,依  相似文献   

土地资源管理与土地生态环境保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地资源管理与土地生态环境保护垦利县环保局赵建华,薛芳土地是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础,也是不可再生的有限资源和十分宝贵的财富,当今世界各国普遍重视对土地的科学利用和管理保护。土地作为一种自然资源,与所有其它自然资源有着共同之处,即过度使用会造...  相似文献   

矿区土地复垦与土地生态重建研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
矿区土地复垦是土地开发整理的重要内容之一.它涉及诸多领域的理论与方法,在对矿山土地损毁机理深入探讨的基础上,划分了矿业前、矿业中和矿业后3个阶段研究土地损毁类型,根据不同的损毁机理及类型,提出了矿山土地复垦所涉及的主要学科、理论及规划的原则,初步研究采空区、废石场、尾矿库等几种不同类型的复垦工艺和方法.  相似文献   

本文依据生态学理论对海岛土地及土地系统生态功能进行了重新的认识,并探讨了海岛土地系统生态设计的依据、原则和模式.设计中强调以土地系统生态保护性功能为主体,以海岛土地系统高层次调合发展作为海岛建设的最终目标.  相似文献   

论述了淮南市土地利用状况、特点、存在的主要问题及其解决应采取的措施.  相似文献   

世界许多干旱土地主要依靠灌溉土地与牧场来增加粮食产量与牲畜头数,据世界粮农组织资料,从1974~76年到1986年,全球灌溉面积占可耕地面积之比,由14%(189487×10~3公顷)提高到16%(224177×10~3公顷)。其中非洲由6%(7548×10~3公顷),增至7%(10816×10~3公顷);北美、  相似文献   

土地复垦,是指对在生产建设过程中,因挖损、塌陷、压占等所造成破坏的土地采取整治措施,使其恢复到可供利用状态的活动。通过土地复垦不仅可以恢复破坏或退化了的土地资源,解决因土地短缺而带来的一系列矛盾,而且恢复了生态系统,起到了环境保护的作用。主要具体表现如下:①对破坏、退化的土地进行复垦,采取相应的措施,使其重新利用。如利用煤矸石、粉煤灰、城市垃圾等固体废弃物,充填采煤塌陷区和露  相似文献   

土地督察对土地市场化的影响效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评估土地督察对土地市场化的影响,论文把目标分解为两个问题:即土地督察制度的实施是否对土地市场化程度产生影响;如果有影响,影响的效果如何。论文收集了2003—2009年的省级面板数据,基于固定效应和随机效应模型估计了土地督察对土地市场化的影响。通过相关检验,采用了固定效应模型的估计结果,并在模型估计的基础上,对影响效果进行了评价。结果表明:①土地督察对土地市场化的发展有积极的促进作用,2007—2009年专项督察覆盖度每提高1%,约能促进土地市场化程度提升0.14%,例行督察覆盖度每提高1%,约能促进土地市场化程度提升1.12%;②通过实施专项督察,2007—2009年全国土地市场化程度分别提升了2.06%、 0.19%和0.55%,通过实行例行督察,2008—2009年全国土地市场化程度分别提升5.01%和12.47%;③2007—2009年通过开展土地督察,全国土地市场化程度分别提高了2.04%、 5.21%和13.02%。  相似文献   

1986年6月25日,第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十六次会议通过并颁布我国第一部专门调整土地关系的大法——《中华人民共和国土地管理法》。为纪念这一天,1991年5月24日国务院第83次常务会议决定,从1991年起,把每年的6月25日,即《土地管理法》颁布的日期确定为全国土地日。"土地日"是国务院确定的第一个全  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,及国民经济的加速发展.土地资源处于严重的紧缺,特别是城市用地,更是寸土寸金。为了更好的对土地资源进行开发和利用,土地管理部门需要准确的土地情况的详细资料来更合理的对土地资源进行规划和设计,而土地测绘技术是土地开发管理的技术基础。因此.本文就这方面问题的应用进行了详细的分析探索。  相似文献   

1IntroductionRisingpopulationscompetingforlimitedlandresourceshavefocusedatentionontheneedforincreasingfoodproduction,whilepr...  相似文献   

全球及区域尺度土地覆盖土地利用遥感研究的现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
90年代以来,利用遥感进行大面积土地覆盖土地利用的研究取得了一系列重要进展。已建立的全球及区域土地覆盖土地利用数据库正在得到广泛的应用,取得明显的社会效益和经济效益。土地覆盖土地利用及其变化的研究成果也被应用于有关全球环境变化国际公约的执行监督。利用遥感进行大面积土地详查已经逐步摆脱单一制图的传统概念,正在向建立以应用为目的且便于用户使用的综合信息数据库的方向迈进。此外,如何对大面积土地覆盖数据库进行精度评价已引起广泛重视,出现了一些新的理论和研究方法。进入21世纪,全球和区域土地覆盖土地利用的遥感研究将进一步深化  相似文献   

Despite the concerted efforts by the researchers, government and NGOs to arrest land degradation problems, most agricultural lands of developing countries are still suffering from massive degradation. This study introduces a new strategy, called differential land taxation (DLT), where rural lands are subject to different taxation rates. DLT is determined by rating the magnitude of accord or discord between the recommended and the implemented land management practices. To appraise DLT, opinion of stakeholders, drawn from sample localities of central Ethiopia, were assessed. Most respondents proved that DLT could bring about sustainable land management practices through encouraging conservation-minded peasants while systematically discouraging land abusers.  相似文献   

<正>最近,美国宇航局发明了一种基于物理基础设施,测量城市化扩张的方法,并将这种方法用在了北京快速城镇化的研究上。他们通过卫星统计数据发现,北京在2000年至2009年间,城市基础设施数量翻了两番,基础设施建设的增长在一定程度上改变了城市的风向并加剧了空气污染,导致城市空气质量更加停滞不前。北京城,这座拥有3000多年历史的古城,历经金、元、明、清四代都城,汇政治、文化、经济于一身,各种中心聚集让这片土地身  相似文献   

运用GIS和遥感技术分析了玛曲县1975、1990和2005年的土地利用/覆盖特征,在此基础上使用生态价值系数(C)计算出该县生态系统服务价值.结果表明,该区域1975~2005年间生态系统服务价值从129.713亿元减少到123.961亿元,共损失5.75亿元,且损失量和损失幅度呈持续增加趋势;该区域生态系统服务价值中,废物处理价值最高,气候调节价值次之,原材料价值最低,且30年间各服务类型的价值均呈减小趋势;玛曲县1975、1990和2005年人均生态系统服务价值分别为58.96,42.80,29.51万元,表明玛曲县由于人口的增长,环境压力呈持续增大趋势.草地和湿地退化是导致该区域生态系统服务价值减少的主要原因.CS检验说明本研究所选C值较为合理.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)已成为全球变化研究的核心领域和热点问题之一,其中快速工业化区域LUCC的比较研究意义尤为重大,有利于对不同类型和模式工业化区域LUCC机理的深入理解。广州市花都区与佛山市南海区地理位置相邻,自然条件与行政区划相似,同属快速工业化区域,却处于工业化发展不同阶段,工业化模式也存在明显差异,是比较研究的理想区域。论文利用两地普查、更新调查和逐年统计数据,结合卫星影像资料和实地调研,深入比较分析二者LUCC时空特征与动力机制,揭示出:①二者LUCC时空特征存在显著差异,南海区耕地非农化水平相对较高,建设用地特别是独立工矿用地扩张迅猛,但空间集中度不及花都;②工业化模式、人口增长与城市化模式、地域文化、制度以及管治模式等差异是导致二者LUCC差异的主要人文因素,工业化与城市化对花都区LUCC空间分异的贡献度相对较高;③快速工业化区域应根据区域发展实际,合理制定相应的工业化、城市化发展战略及模式,同时积极完善文化、制度与管治环境,促进建设用地扩张走合理集中布局、加强内部挖潜的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies examining socio-demographic and other contextual factors are vital to understanding landscape change. Landscape structure, function, and change are assessed for the northern Ecuadorian Amazon by examining the composition and spatial organization of deforestation, agricultural extensification, and secondary plant succession at the farm level in 1990 and 1999 through the integration of data from a satellite time-series, a longitudinal household survey, and GIS coverages. Pattern metrics were calculated at the farm level through the generation of a hybrid land use and land cover (LULC) digital classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. Population, labor, and other household variables were generated from a scientific sample of survey farms or fincas interviewed in 1990 and resurveyed in 1999. Topography, soils, and distance and geographic accessibility measures were derived for sample farms through a GIS as well as qualitative assessments from household surveys. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were generated for 155 and 157 fincas in 1990 and 1999, respectively, using pattern metrics at the landscape level as dependent variables, and biophysical, geographical, and socio-economic/demographic variables as independent variables. The models were derived to explore the changing nature of LULC at the finca level by assessing the variation in the spatial structure or organization of farm landscapes in 1990 and 1999, and the extent to which this variation could be explained by the available data. Results indicate rapid population growth causing substantial subdivision of plots, which in turn has created a more complex and fragmented landscape in 1999 than in 1990. Key factors predicting landscape complexity are population size and composition, plot fragmentation through subdivision, expansion of the road and electrical networks, age of the plot (1990 only), and topography. The research demonstrates that the process of combining data from household surveys, satellite time-series images, and GIS coverages provide an ideal framework to examine population–environment interactions and that the statistical models presented are powerful tools to combine such data in an integrated way.  相似文献   

金钊 《地球环境学报》2012,(6):1126-1133
In arid and semiarid regions, cultivation and shrub invasion are two important factors to impact grassland. However, there are few studies to compare the effects of cultivation and shrub invasion on soil physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. In this study, three sampling sites, which respectively represent the native grassland, cultivated grassland (farmland), and shrub invasion of grassland (shrub land) in Mu Us sand land, were selected and soil samples were collected and measured for soil particle size distribution (PSD), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) concentrations, and relative percentages of mineralogical components. Results showed that cultivation and shrub invasion significantly altered the soil PSD, soil C, N and P concentrations and pools, and the relative percentages of soil mineralogical components of the grassland ecosystems. Grassland cultivation and shrub invasion significantly decreased the contents of silt and clay. Moreover, the land cover change from grassland to farmland or shrubland significantly resulted in soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and soil carbonate loss. In this study, we found that grassland cultivation resulted in more sand accumulation and more soil C and N losses than shrub invasion, which indicated that grassland cultivation was stronger than shrub invasion to accelerate soil desertification in Mu Us sand land.  相似文献   

Functional zones in cities constitute the most conspicuous components of newly developed urban areas,and have been a hot spot for domestic and foreign investors in China,which not only show the expanse of urban space accompanied by the shifts both in landscape(from rural to urban)and land use(from less extensive to extensive),but also display the transformation of regional ecological functions.By using the theories and methods of landscape ecology,the structure of landscapes and landscape ecological planning can be analyzed and evaluated for studying the urban functional zones‘layout.In 1990,the Central Govermment of China declared to develop and open up Pudong New Area so as to promote economic development in Shanghai.Benefited from the advantages of Shanghai‘s location and economy,the government of Pudong New Area has successively built up 7 different functional zones over the past decade according to their functions and strategic goals.Based on the multi-spectral satellite imageries taken in 1990,1997and 2000,a landscape ecolgy analysis was carried out for Pudong New Area of Sanghai ,supported by GIS technology.Green space(including croplands )and built-up areas are the major factors considered in developing urban landscape.This paper was mainly concerned with the different spatial patterns and dynamics of green space,built-up areas and new buildings in different functional zones,as influenced by different spatial patterns and dynamics of green space,built-up areas and new buildings in different functional zones,as influenced by different functional layouts and development strategies.The rapid urbanization in Pudong New Area resulted in a more homogeneous landscape.Agricultural landscape and suburban landscape were gradually replaced by urban landscape as the degree of urbanization increased.As a consequence of urbanization in Pudong,not only built-up patches,but also newly-built patches and green patches merged into one large patch,which should be attributed to the construction policy of extensive green space as the urban development process in Pudong New Area.The shape of green area of 7 functional zones became more and more regular because of the horticultural needs in Shanghai urban planning.Some suggestions were finally made for the study of future urban planning and layout.  相似文献   

以农户调查为基础,采用农户分类和方差分析等方法,对农户土地利用方式选择行为及其环境影响进行对比分析。受其兼业性、收入水平、文化素质和生产规模影响,不同类型的农户在地块尺度的土地利用方式选择存在差异:纯农业户、低收入农户的土地利用方式选择具有多元化的特征,兼业户、高收入农户、文化水平高的农户往往选择经济效益高、耗时少的土地利用方式。不同类型农户由于其土地利用方式及其肥料投入、水资源利用和秸秆处理等的不同,对土地质量和环境变化产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

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