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A mathematical model of urban air pollution is described in which the pollutant is represented by fluid particles. The particles move randomly to simulate the effect of atmospheric turbulence and are also advected on the mean wind field. The concentration of pollutant at any point is given by the local density of particles. This approach provides great generality and flexibility for handling complex and time-varying emissions and atmospheric conditions. The model has been applied to sulphur dioxide in Melbourne.  相似文献   

Near-surface wind-tunnel fugitive dust concentration profiles arising from soil surfaces beds were compared to a finite difference numerical dust transport model. Comparisons of the type shown in this study were previously non-existent in the literature due to the lack of experimental wind-tunnel data for near-surface concentrations over a soil bed. However, in a previous study by the authors, near-surface steady-state concentration profiles were measured in order to obtain fugitive dust emission rates, thus allowing the comparison to models shown in this paper. The novel aspects of the current study include: comparison of concentration profiles of dust obtained experimentally in the wind tunnel with those calculated numerically; comparison of the calculated numerical fetch effect on dust emissions with that obtained in the wind tunnel; and comparison of the emission rates calculated numerically with those obtained experimentally in the wind tunnel. Initial comparisons with the model indicate good agreement implying that the physical mechanism of advection–diffusion is reasonably modeled with the choice of equations for the simple “steady-state” process near the surface. Furthermore, the numerical solutions presented in this paper provide a means to systematically explore the relative impact of varied surface boundary conditions upon the emission process and provide a potential link between wind-tunnel simulations and field scale models.  相似文献   

In order to predict the distribution of material emanating from a point-source with adequate spatial resolution, the model was based on discrete solutions for serially-released puffs. The “across-wind” distribution of each puff was resolved into its zeroth, first and second moments in a moving frame of reference. Numerical solution for these moments accounted for spatially- and temporally-variant velocity and diffusivity profiles. It was found that the interaction of wind-shear and vertical diffusion spread material over a much larger area than is suggested by the popular Gaussian distribution, especially when a change in wind direction induces shear in a second dimension. Data collected in a series of detailed field experiments showed that the model provided significantly better predictions than an equivalent Gaussian Puff Model.  相似文献   

Roden EE  Scheibe TD 《Chemosphere》2005,59(5):617-628
A conceptual model and numerical simulations of bacterial U(VI) reduction in fractured subsurface sediments were developed to assess the potential feasibility of biomineralization at the fracture/matrix interface as a mechanism for immobilization of uranium in structured subsurface media. The model envisions flow of anaerobic groundwater, with or without acetate as an electron donor for stimulation of U(VI) reduction by dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB), within mobile macropores along a one-dimensional flow path. As the groundwater moves along the flow path, U(VI) trapped in the immobile mesopore and micropore domains (the sediment matrix) becomes desorbed and transferred to the mobile macropores (fractures) via a first-order exchange mechanism. By allowing bacterial U(VI) reduction to occur in the mesopore domain (assumed to account for 12% of total sediment pore volume) according to experimentally-determined kinetic parameters and an assumed DMRB abundance of 10(7) cells per cm3 bulk sediment (equivalent to 4 mg of cells per dm3 bulk sediment), the concentration of U(VI) in the macropore domain was reduced ca. 10-fold compared to that predicted in the absence of mesopore DMRB activity after a 6-month simulation period. The results suggest that input of soluble electron donors over a period of years could lead to a major redistribution of uranium in fractured subsurface sediments, converting potentially mobile sorbed U(VI) to an insoluble reduced phase (i.e. uraninite) in the mesopore domain that is expected to be permanently immobile under sustained anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Six sediment cores were collected from Green Bay, Wisconsin, in order to identify possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by a chemical mass balance (CMB) model. The cores which were obtained in 1995 had total PAH concentrations between 8.04 and 0.460 ppm. 210Pb and 137Cs dating was used to determine historical trends of PAH inputs, and elemental carbon particle analysis was done to characterize particles from combustion of coal, wood and petroleum. The results show that coke burning, highway dust, and wood burning are likely sources of PAHs to Green Bay. The contribution of coke oven emissions (CB) for the Green Bay cores is in the range of 5 to 90%. The overall highway dust (HWY) contribution is between 5 and 70%. There is a maximum (approximately 67%) contribution of HWY around 1988 which is in agreement with the historical US petroleum consumption. The wood burning (WB) contribution is between 1 to 30%, except in core GB-A where a maximum (approximately 50%) is found around 1994. The average relative errors of measurement for x2 equal to the number of degrees of freedom, are 52.5, 56.2, 36.2, 52.3, and 42.8 (df = 3) for the Green Bay cores A, B, C, E, and F, respectively. The sums of the contribution factors are less than one, indicating gain of inert biological or other bulk material between source and receptor. The results of carbon particles for Green Bay core D show that coal, oil, and wood burning are consistent with the CMB modeling results.  相似文献   

杀虫剂十氯酮的多介质环境行为模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用EQC模型模拟十氯酮在多介质环境中的归宿和迁移通量.结果表明:土壤是十氯酮最大的贮存库,在稳态平衡条件下,残留率达到95.0%;在稳态非平衡条件下,十氯酮单独排放到水体,有37.5%残留在于排放的水体中,其在大气的浓度水平和质量分布均很低,在沉积物中的质量则来自于水体向沉积物的沉降迁移;十氯酮主要通过水体的水平迁移和土壤的厌氧降解输出;十氯酮的主要界面迁移过程是大气向土壤的迁移,其次是水体向沉积物的沉降和大气向水体的迁移.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric environment(England)》1981,15(10-11):2219-2222
During August 1978, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a major field study at the Cumberland Steam Plant of the Tennessee Valley Authority. This study, known as the Tennessee Plume Study, was conducted as part of the EPA Sulfur Transport and Transformation in the Environment (STATE) Project. The field experiments included the release and tracking of tetroons from Cumberland during numerous intervals within the period of the study. On 15 August, 10 tetroons were released, traveling distances ranging from less than 25 km to in excess of 200 km. The tetroon position data were compared with three-dimensional (3-D) kinematic trajectory predictions from a 3-D regional-scale dynamic model. The average directional error was 7° where the maximum error was 14° and an error of less than 2° prevailed for 2 trajectories. The average displacement error was 9 % of the observed path of the tetroon, with the maximum being 30% and an error of 3% or less prevailing for 4 trajectories.  相似文献   

Remedial dredging of contaminated bed sediments in rivers and lakes results in the suspension of sediment solids in the water column, which can potentially be a source for evaporation of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) associated with the sediment solids. Laboratory experiments were conducted in an oscillating grid chamber to simulate the suspension of contaminated sediments and flux to air from the surface of the water column. A contaminated field sediment from Indiana Harbor Canal (IHC) and a laboratory-inoculated University Lake (UL) sediment, Baton Rouge, LA, were used in the experiments, where water and solids concentration and particle size distribution were measured in addition to contaminant fluxes to air. A transient model that takes into account contaminant desorption from sediment to water and evaporation from the water column was used to simulate water and sediment concentrations and air fluxes from the solids suspension. In experiments with both sediments, the total suspended solids (TSS) concentration and the average particle diameter of the suspended solids decreased with time. As expected, the evaporative losses were higher for compounds with higher vapor pressure and lower hydrophobicity. For the laboratory-inoculated sediment (UL), the water concentrations and air fluxes were high initially and decreased steadily implying that contaminant release to the water column from the suspended solids was rapid, followed by evaporative decay. For the field sediments (IHC), the fluxes and water concentrations increased initially and subsequently decreased steadily. This implied that the initial desorption to water was slow and that perhaps the presence of oil and grease and aging influenced the contaminant release. Comparison of the model and experimental data suggested that a realistic determination of the TSS concentration that can be input into the model was the most critical parameter for predicting air emission rates.  相似文献   

The levels of the metals Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cu and Cd in marine sediments and sea-water were affected differently by dredging and reclamation activities carried out in a shallow coastal bay area. A two way ANOVA showed that the Mn, Ni, Pb and Cd sediment levels in the area sampled during the dredging period were significantly different (p=0.05) from the levels outside the dredging period. The levels obtained at stations along the paths of the undercurrents in the area showed similar variations to the stations close to where the currents originated for most of the metals monitored. This has been attributed to the translocation of loose dredged sediment by current action. The ANOVA also showed that the Ni and Pb sea-water levels obtained within the dredigng period were significantly different (p=0.05) from the levels obtained outside the dredging period. Marked increases in sea-water levels of Cu, Pb, and Ni occurred subsequent to dredging, apparently as a result of oxidative remobilisation of these metals in fill dumped on a reclaimed site in the vicinity. A comparison of the means of both sediment and sea-water levels within and outside the dredging period showed that the Mn sediment and Fe and Cu sea-water means were lower within the dredging period. Only Cd showed no significant difference in sediment levels between sites while CU and Cd showed no significant differences in sea-water levels between sites. Only Ni sediment levels showed a significant site-date interaction.  相似文献   

Iodine is an important element in studies of environmental protection and human health, global-scale hydrologic processes and nuclear nonproliferation. Biogeochemical cycling of iodine is complex, because iodine occurs in multiple oxidation states and as inorganic and organic species that may be hydrophilic, atmophilic, and biophilic. In this study, we applied new analytical techniques to study the sorption and transport behavior of iodine species (iodide, iodate, and 4-iodoaniline) in sediments collected at the Savannah River and Hanford Sites, where anthropogenic (129)I from prior nuclear fuel processing activities poses an environmental risk. We conducted integrated column and batch experiments to investigate the interconversion, sorption and transport of iodine species, and the sediments we examined exhibit a wide range in organic matter, clay mineralogy, soil pH, and texture. The results of our experiments illustrate complex behavior with various processes occurring, including iodate reduction, irreversible retention or mass loss of iodide, and rate-limited and nonlinear sorption. There was an appreciable iodate reduction to iodide, presumably mediated by the structural Fe(II) in some clay minerals; therefore, careful attention must be given to potential interconversion among species when interpreting the biogeochemical behavior of iodine in the environment. The different iodine species exhibited dramatically different sorption and transport behavior in three sediment samples, possessing different physico-chemical properties, collected from different depths at the Savannah River Site. Our study yielded additional insight into processes and mechanisms affecting the geochemical cycling of iodine in the environment, and provided quantitative estimates of key parameters (e.g., extent and rate of sorption) for risk assessment at these sites.  相似文献   

针对黑臭水体疏浚余水氮素难去除问题,在聚合氯化铝(poly aluminum chloride,PAC)为絮凝剂、聚丙烯酰胺(polyacrylamide,PAM)为助凝剂的基础上,采用新型共价键型絮凝剂(hybrid covalent coagulant,HCC)强化疏浚余水絮凝脱氮过程,并通过超磁分离技术进行固液分离,实现氮素的快速与高效脱除。在优化的复合絮凝剂投加量条件下,该强化絮凝过程可达到氨氮的完全脱除和总氮80%的去除率。动力学研究结果表明,在较短的15 min絮凝操作时间内,即可达到较好的氮素去除效果。当初始pH为7.0时,絮凝分散体系具有较低的Zeta电位值,利于有效降低水体浊度。FTIR图谱验证了羟基参与的氨氮絮凝反应,表明NH3+为氨氮被絮凝剂絮凝后的主要存在形式。  相似文献   

This work shows improvements made in mixing operations at water treatment plants, as a result of the hydrodynamic analysis of the mixing processes carried out by the use of a Finite Element Model. The code, developed in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of La Coru?a, Spain, solves the Navier-Stokes equations that rule viscous incompressible flow by using a Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) stabilization technique. The incorporation of the SUPG formulation leads to obtaining stable solutions for Reynolds numbers of a moderate order in connection with meshes that are not very refined. Some water treatment units present significant deficiencies in their design. The numerical evaluation of the flow avoids the high expenses of the trial-and-error processes involved in installing and removing the mixing mechanisms and those derived from the need to halt the water treatment processes. As a result, an optimum design of the treatment plant is obtained at a low cost.  相似文献   

Removal of pyrene from contaminated sediments by mangrove microcosms   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Ke L  Wang WQ  Wong TW  Wong YS  Tam NF 《Chemosphere》2003,51(1):25-34
The potential of mangrove wetland systems to remove pyrene from surface- or bottom-contaminated sediments was investigated by microcosm studies. The performance of two mangrove plant species, Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in pyrene removal was also compared. During the six-months experimental period, the growth of both species in the surface-contaminated microcosms was not significantly different from that in the bottom-contaminated ones, and was comparable to the control (without any pyrene contamination). At the end of six-months treatment, pyrene concentrations in contaminated sediments declined from an initial 3 microg g(-1) to less than 0.4 microg g(-1), indicating that pyrene was successfully removed by mangrove microcosms. Around 96.4% and 92.8% pyrene in microcosms planted with K. candel were removed from the surface- and bottom-contaminated sediments, respectively. The removal percentages were slightly lower in microcosms planted with B. gymnorrhiza. Significant accumulation of pyrene in roots was only found in microcosms having bottom-contaminated sediments, and pyrene concentrations were 3.05 microg g(-1) and 4.50 microg g(-1) in roots of K. candel and B. gymnorrhiza, respectively. These values were much higher than that in control microcosms (without pyrene contamination, root pyrene concentrations were 0.27 microg g(-1) for K. candel and 0.34 microg g(-1) for B. gymnorrhiza) and in microcosms with contaminated sediments placed at the surface layer. Nevertheless, the overall contribution of root accumulation and plant uptake to the removal of pyrene from contaminated sediments was insignificant.  相似文献   

This paper describes the modeling of the hydrogeochemical effects of deep well recharge of oxic water into an anoxic pyrite-bearing aquifer. Kinetic expressions have been used for mineral dissolution-precipitation rates and organic matter oxidation. Hydrological and chemical parameters of the model were calibrated to field measurements. The results showed that oxidation of pyrite (FeS(2)) and, to a lesser extent, organic matter dominate the changes in quality of the recharged water during its passage through the aquifer. The recharge leads to the consumption of oxygen and nitrate and the formation of sulfate and ferrihydrite. Complexation reactions, cation exchange and precipitation and dissolution of calcite, siderite and rhodochrosite were also identified through the modeling. Despite problems of non-uniqueness of the calibrated parameters, the model was used successfully to depict the geochemical processes occurring in the aquifer. Non-uniqueness can be avoided by constraining the model as much as possible to measurements and/or data from literature, although they cannot be considered always as fixed values and should be considered as stochastic variables instead.  相似文献   

The appropriate prediction of the fate of the contaminant is an essential step when evaluating the risk of severe groundwater pollutions-in particular in the context of natural attenuation. We numerically study the reactive transport of phenanthrene at the field scale in a multilayer soil profile based on experimental data. The effect of carrier facilitation by dissolved organic carbon is emphasized and incorporated in the model. Previously published simulations are restricted to the saturated zone and/or to homogeneous soil columns at the laboratory scale. A numerical flow and transport model is extended and applied to understand and quantify the relevant processes in the case of a strongly sorbing hydrophobic organic compound that is subject to carrier facilitation in the unsaturated zone. The contaminant migration is investigated on long- and short-term time scales and compared to predictions without carrier facilitation. The simulations demonstrate the importance of carrier facilitation and suggest strongly to take this aspect into account. By carrier facilitation breakthrough times at the groundwater level decreased from 500 to approximately 8 years and concentration peaks increased by two orders of magnitude in the long-term simulation assuming a temporary spill in an initially unpolluted soil with a non-sorbing carrier.  相似文献   

A semianalytical soil-pesticide transport model is formulated based on a compartmental approach to determine spatial and temporal variations of pesticide residues across a soil profile. The compartmental model is implemented by drawing an analogy between a series of continuous-flow stirred tank reactors and a soil horizon that consists of multiple perfectly mixed compartments. The analogy is strengthened by exploiting a relation between the compartment series and the conventional convective-dispersive equation (CDE) for vertical transport in the soil. Consequently, the number of compartments in the model formulation is not free, but dictated as a function of transport parameters. The model formulation allows consideration of arbitrary boundary value specifications and also, for some cases, spatially varying initial concentration profiles. Sorption kinetics is represented via a two-site model that involves a linear sorption isotherm and a first-order irreversible sorption or a radial diffusive penetrating model. For these three cases, analysis of the compartmental model allows the resultant concentration profiles to be expressed in terms of the Poisson distribution. When a nonlinear kinetic sorption model is used to simulate the sorption processes, an analytical solution is not found and a numerical approach is required.  相似文献   

The activity of microorganisms often plays an important role in dynamic natural attenuation or engineered bioremediation of subsurface contaminants, such as chlorinated solvents, metals, and radionuclides. To evaluate and/or design bioremediated systems, quantitative reactive transport models are needed. State-of-the-art reactive transport models often ignore the microbial effects or simulate the microbial effects with static growth yield and constant reaction rate parameters over simulated conditions, while in reality microorganisms can dynamically modify their functionality (such as utilization of alternative respiratory pathways) in response to spatial and temporal variations in environmental conditions. Constraint-based genome-scale microbial in silico models, using genomic data and multiple-pathway reaction networks, have been shown to be able to simulate transient metabolism of some well studied microorganisms and identify growth rate, substrate uptake rates, and byproduct rates under different growth conditions. These rates can be identified and used to replace specific microbially-mediated reaction rates in a reactive transport model using local geochemical conditions as constraints. We previously demonstrated the potential utility of integrating a constraint-based microbial metabolism model with a reactive transport simulator as applied to bioremediation of uranium in groundwater. However, that work relied on an indirect coupling approach that was effective for initial demonstration but may not be extensible to more complex problems that are of significant interest (e.g., communities of microbial species and multiple constraining variables). Here, we extend that work by presenting and demonstrating a method of directly integrating a reactive transport model (FORTRAN code) with constraint-based in silico models solved with IBM ILOG CPLEX linear optimizer base system (C library). The models were integrated with BABEL, a language interoperability tool. The modeling system is designed in such a way that constraint-based models targeting different microorganisms or competing organism communities can be easily plugged into the system. Constraint-based modeling is very costly given the size of a genome-scale reaction network. To save computation time, a binary tree is traversed to examine the concentration and solution pool generated during the simulation in order to decide whether the constraint-based model should be called. We also show preliminary results from the integrated model including a comparison of the direct and indirect coupling approaches and evaluated the ability of the approach to simulate field experiment.  相似文献   

Penetration of reactive solute into a soil during a cycle of water infiltration and redistribution is investigated by deriving analytical closed form solutions for fluid flux, moisture content and contaminant concentration. The solution is developed for gravitational flow and advective transport and is applied to two scenarios of solute applications encountered in the applications: a finite pulse of solute dissolved in irrigation water and an instantaneous pulse broadcasted onto the soil surface. Through comparison to simulations of Richards' flow, capillary suction is shown to have contrasting effects on the upper and lower boundaries of the fluid pulse, speeding penetration of the wetting front and reducing the rate of drying. This leads to agreement between the analytical and numerical solutions for typical field and experimental conditions. The analytical solution is further incorporated into a stochastic column model of flow and transport to compute mean solute concentration in a heterogeneous field. An unusual phenomenon of plume contraction is observed at long times of solute propagation during the drying stage. The mean concentration profiles match those of the Monte-Carlo simulations for capillary length scales typical of sandy soils.  相似文献   

Observations of air pollutants were conducted in remote Japanese islands (Oki Island and Okinawa Island) in early spring to clarify the extent of trans-boundary air pollution from the Asian continent. A three-dimensional Eulerian model calculation, which included parameters on emission, transport and transformation of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and ammonia, was performed to compile sulfate isosurface concentrations over the observational sites. Concentrations of non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42−) of greater than 10 μg m−3 were observed at Oki after the northeastward passage of low-pressure systems in the Sea of Japan. At these times, the weather showed a typical winter pattern and air pollutants over China were transported southeastward to Japan with the northwesterly wind. The model calculation reproduced the observed variations of nss-SO42− concentration well, except for one case in which the model calculation could not reproduce the extremely low nss-SO42− concentration observed on 8 March. In Hedo (Okinawa Island), we observed long-lasting (3 days) medium concentrations of nss-SO42− (approximately 5 μg m−3). Although the model reproduced these observed medium concentrations well, in general the observed results were reproduced better for Oki than for Hedo. Under the synoptic weather conditions of early spring, high concentrations of nss-sulfate were sometimes transported to these remote Japanese islands from areas of continental Asia with a strong outflow of air pollutants.  相似文献   

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