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F D. Shields S. S. Knight C. M. Cooper 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1998,34(6):1427-1436
ABSTRACT: Longitudinal stone toe is one of the most reliable and economically attractive approaches for stabilizing eroding banks in incised channels. However, aquatic habitat provided by stone toe is inferior to that provided by spur dikes. In order to test a design that combined features of stone toe and spurs, eleven stone spurs were placed perpendicular to 170 m of existing stone toe in Goodwin Creek, Mississippi, and willow posts were planted in the sandbar on the opposite bank. Response was evaluated by monitoring fish and habitats in the treated reach and an adjacent comparison reach (willow post planting and standard toe without spurs) for four years. Furthermore, physical habitats within the treated reach were compared with seven reaches protected with standard toe on a single date three years after construction. Overall results indicated that spur addition resulted in modest increases in baseflow stony bankline, water width and pool habitat availability, but had only local effects on depth. These relatively small changes in physical habitat were exaggerated seasonally by beaver dams that appeared during periods of prolonged low flow in late Summer and Autumn. Physical changes were accompanied by shifts in fish species composition away from a run-dwelling assemblage dominated by large numbers of cyprinids and immature centrarchids toward an assemblage containing fewer and larger centrarchids. Biological responses were at least partially due to the effects of temporary beaver dams. 相似文献
Chester C. Watson David S. Biedenharn Brian P. Bledsoe 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2002,38(1):151-160
ABSTRACT: Incised channels are caused by an imbalance between sediment transport capacity and sediment supply to the stream. The resulting bed and bank erosion alter channel morphology and stability. Geomorphological models of incised channel evolution can provide guidance in the selection of engineering design alternatives for incised channel rehabilitation. This paper describes how incised channel evolution models may be coupled with a dimensionless stability diagram to facilitate evaluation of rehabilitation alternatives. In combination, the models provide complementary views of channel processes from geomorphic and engineering perspectives. 相似文献
Brian P. Bledsoe Chester C. Watson David S. Biedenharn 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2002,38(3):861-870
ABSTRACT: Incised channels are caused by an imbalance between sediment transport capacity and sediment supply that alters channel morphology through bed and bank erosion. Consistent sequential changes in incised channel morphology may be quantified and used to develop relationships describing quasi‐equilibrium conditions in these channels. We analyzed the hydraulic characteristics of streams in the Yazoo River Basin, Mississippi in various stages of incised channel evolution. The hydraulic characteristics of incising channels were observed to follow the sequence predicted by previous conceptual models of incised channel response. Multiple regression models of stable slopes in quasi‐equilibrium channels that have completed a full evolutionary sequence were developed. These models compare favorably with analytical solutions based on the extremal hypothesis of minimum stream power and empirical relationships from other regions. Appropriate application of these empirical relationships may be useful in preliminary design of stream rehabilitation strategies. 相似文献
Patricia C. Henshaw Derek B. Booth 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2000,36(6):1219-1236
ABSTRACT: Stream channels are known to change their form as a result of watershed urbanization, but do they restabilize under subsequent conditions of constant urban land use? Streams in seven developed and developing watersheds (drainage areas 5–35 km2) in the Puget Sound lowlands were evaluated for their channel stability and degree of urbanization, using field and historical data. Protocols for determining channel stability by visual assessment, calculated bed mobility at bankfull flows, and resurveyed cross‐sections were compared and yielded nearly identical results. We found that channel restabilization generally does occur within one or two decades of constant watershed land use, but it is not universal. When (or if) an individual stream will restabilize depends on specific hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics of the channel and its watershed; observed stability is not well predicted by simply the magnitude of urban development or the rate of ongoing land‐use change. The tendency for channel restabilization suggests that management efforts focused primarily on maintaining stability, particularly in a still‐urbanizing watershed, may not always be necessary. Yet physical stability alone is not a sufficient condition for a biologically healthy stream, and additional rehabilitation measures will almost certainly be required to restore biological conditions in urban systems. 相似文献
V. Sridhar Amy L. Sansone Jonathan LaMarche Tony Dubin Dennis P. Lettenmaier 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2004,40(1):197-213
ABSTRACT: Removal of streamside vegetation changes the energy balance of a stream, and hence its temperature. A common approach to mitigating the effects of logging on stream temperature is to require establishment of buffer zones along stream corridors. A simple energy balance model is described for prediction of stream temperature in forested headwater watersheds that allows evaluation of the performance of such measures. The model is designed for application to “worst case” or maximum annual stream temperature, under low flow conditions with maximum annual solar radiation and air temperature. Low flows are estimated via a regional regression equation with independent variables readily accessible from GIS databases. Testing of the energy balance model was performed using field data for mostly forested basins on both the west and east slopes of the Cascade Mountains, and was then evaluated using the regional equations for low flow and observed maximum reach temperatures in three different east slope Cascades catchments. A series of sensitivity analyses showed that increasing the buffer width beyond 30 meters did not significantly decrease stream temperatures, and that other vegetation parameters such as leaf area index, average tree height, and to a lesser extent streamside vegetation buffer width, more strongly affected maximum stream temperatures. 相似文献
Tim D. Keane Christopher K. Sass 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2017,53(6):1513-1529
This paper recounts our predictions of channel evolution of the Black Vermillion River (BVR) and sediment yields associated with the evolutionary sequence. Channel design parameters allowed for the prediction of stable channel form and coincident sediment yields. Measured erosion rates and basin‐specific bank erosion curves aided in prediction of the stream channel succession time frame. This understanding is critical in determining how and when to mitigate a myriad of instability consequences. The BVR drains approximately 1,062 km2 in the glaciated region of Northeast Kansas. Once tallgrass prairie, the basin has been modified extensively for agricultural production. As such, channelization has shortened the river by nearly 26 km from pre‐European dimensions; shortening combined with the construction of numerous flow‐through structures have produced dramatic impacts on discharge and sediment dynamics. Nine stream reaches were established within three main tributaries of the BVR in 2007. Reaches averaged 490 m in length, were surveyed, and assessed for channel stability, while resurveys were conducted annually through 2010 to monitor change. This work illustrates the association of current stream state, in‐channel sediment contributions, and prediction of future erosion rates based on stream evolution informed by multiple models. Our findings suggest greater and more rapid sedimentation of a federal reservoir than has been predicted using standard sediment prediction methods. 相似文献
Ian H. McBeth Katta J. Reddy Quentin D. Skinner 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2003,39(3):575-585
ABSTRACT: The Powder River Basin in Wyoming has become one of the most active areas of coalbed methane (CBM) development in the western United States. Extraction of methane from coalbeds requires pumping of aquifer water, which is called product water. Two to ten extraction wells are manifolded into one discharge point and product water is released into nearby unlined holding ponds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemistry, salinity, and sodicity of CBM product water at discharge points and associated holding ponds as a function of watershed. The product water samples from the discharge points and associated holding ponds were collected from the Cheyenne River (CHR), Belle Fourche River (BFR), and Little Powder River (LPR) watersheds during the summers of 1999 and 2000. These samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity, sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), sulfate (SO42‐), and chloride (C1‐). From the chemical data, practical sodium adsorption ratio (SARp) and true sodium adsorption ratio (SARt) were calculated for the CBM discharge water and pond water. The pH, EC, TDS, alkalinity, Na, Ca, Mg, K, SARp, and SARt of CBM discharge water increased significantly moving north from the CHR watershed to the LPR watershed. CBM discharge water in associated holding ponds showed significant increases in EC, TDS, alkalinity, Na, K, SARp, and SARt moving north from the CHR to the LPR watershed. Within watersheds, the only significant change was an increase in pH from 7.21 to 8.26 between discharge points and holding ponds in the LPR watershed. However, the LPR and BFR exhibited larger changes in mean chemistry values in pH, salinity (EC, TDS), and sodicity (SAR) between CBM product water discharges and associated holding ponds than the CHR watershed. For instance, the mean EC and TDS of CBM product water in LPR increased from 1.93 to 2.09 dS/m, and froml,232 to 1,336 mg/L, respectively, between discharge and pond waters. The CHR exhibited no change in EC, TDS, Na, or SAR between discharge water and pond water. Also, while not statistically significant, mean alkalinity of CBM product water in BFR and LPR watersheds decreased from 9.81 to 8.01 meq/L and from 19.87 to 18.14 meq/L, respectively, between discharge and pond waters. The results of this study suggest that release of CBM product water onto the rangelands of BFR and LPR watersheds may precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in soils, which in turn may decrease infiltration and increase runoff and erosion. Thus, use of CBM product water for irrigation in LPR and BFR watersheds may require careful planning based on water pH, EC, alkalinity, Na, and SAR, as well as local soil physical and chemical properties. 相似文献
John Lyons Stanley W. Thimble Laura K Paine 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2000,36(4):919-930
ABSTRACT: Forestation of riparian areas has long been promoted to restore stream ecosystems degraded by agriculture in central North America. Although trees and shrubs in the riparian zone can provide many benefits to streams, grassy or herbaceous riparian vegetation can also provide benefits and may be more appropriate in some situations. Here we review some of the positive and negative implications of grassy versus wooded riparian zones and discuss potential management outcomes. Compared to wooded areas, grassy riparian areas result in stream reaches with different patterns of bank stability, erosion, channel morphology, cover for fish, terrestrial runoff, hydrology, water temperature, organic matter inputs, primary production, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and fish. Of particular relevance in agricultural regions, grassy riparian areas may be more effective in reducing bank erosion and trapping suspended sediments than wooded areas. Maintenance of grassy riparian vegetation usually requires active management (e.g., mowing, burning, herbicide treatments, and grazing), as successional processes will tend ultimately to favor woody vegetation. Riparian agricultural practices that promote a dense, healthy, grassy turf, such as certain types of intensively managed livestock grazing, have potential to restore degraded stream ecosystems. 相似文献
William Whipple James M. DiLouie Theodore Pytlar 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1981,17(1):36-45
ABSTRACT: In urbanizing areas, the usual increase in flood flows also increases erosional capability of streams. In order to evaluate such tendencies quantitatively, 25 stream reaches were studied, and were classified as to whether erosion of the channel and banks was light, medium, or heavy. Analysis of characteristics indicated that (1) densely developed areas are correlated with greater erosion, (2) wide stream buffers of natural vegetation are correlated with lesser erosion, and (3) there is no definite correlation of erosion to slope or characteristics of soil. Erosional stream instability can be avoided by retention of storm water runoff, creating additional channel roughness or reducing channel slope during floods by drop structures, such as culverts, which restrict flow. Channel straightening and general bank protection should be minimized in such streams. Design of culverts should take such effects into consideration. 相似文献
C. Santhi J. G. Arnold J. R. Williams W. A. Dugas R. Srinivasan L. M. Hauck 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(5):1169-1188
ABSTRACT: The State of Texas has initiated the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load program in the Bosque River Watershed, where point and nonpoint sources of pollution are a concern. Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was validated for flow, sediment, and nutrients in the watershed to evaluate alternative management scenarios and estimate their effects in controlling pollution. This paper discusses the calibration and validation at two locations, Hico and Valley Mills, along the North Bosque River. Calibration for flow was performed from 1960 through 1998. Sediment and nutrient calibration was done from 1993 through 1997 at Hico and from 1996 through 1997 at Valley Mills. Model validation was performed for 1998. Time series plots and statistical measures were used to verify model predictions. Predicted values generally matched well with the observed values during calibration and validation (R2≥ 0.6 and Nash‐Suttcliffe Efficiency ≥ 0.5, in most instances) except for some underprediction of nitrogen during calibration at both locations and sediment and organic nutrients during validation at Valley Mills. This study showed that SWAT was able to predict flow, sediment, and nutrients successfully and can be used to study the effects of alternative management scenarios. 相似文献
C. Rhett. Jackson Christopher A. Sturm Jason M. Ward 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(6):1533-1549
ABSTRACT: We evaluated changes in channel habitat distributions, particle‐size distributions of bed material, and stream temperatures in a total of 15 first‐or second‐order streams within and nearby four planned commercial timber harvest units prior to and following timber harvest. Four of the 15 stream basins were not harvested, and these streams served as references. Three streams were cut with unthinned riparian buffers; one was cut with a partial buffer; one was cut with a buffer of non‐merchantable trees; and the remaining six basins were clearcut to the channel edge. In the clearcut streams, logging debris covered or buried 98 percent of the channel length to an average depth of 0.94 meters. The slash trapped fine sediment in the channel by inhibiting fluvial transport, and the average percentage of fines increased from 12 percent to 44 percent. The trees along buffered streams served as a fence to keep out logging debris during the first summer following timber harvest. Particle size distributions and habitat distributions in the buffered and reference streams were largely unchanged from the pre‐harvest to post‐harvest surveys. The debris that buried the clearcut streams effectively shaded most of these streams and protected them from temperature increases. These surveys have documented immediate channel changes due to timber harvest, but channel conditions will evolve over time as the slash decays and becomes redistributed and as new vegetation develops on the channel margins. 相似文献
Michael J. Homes Jane R. Frankenberger Bernard A. Engel 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(4):987-1000
ABSTRACT: An index of watershed susceptibility to surface water contamination by herbicides could be used to improve source water assessments for public drinking water supplies, prioritize watershed restoration projects, and direct funding and educational efforts to areas where the greatest environmental benefit can be realized. The goal of this study is to use streamflow and herbicide concentration data to develop and evaluate a method for estimating comparative watershed susceptibility to herbicide loss. United States Geological Survey (USGS) concentration data for five relatively water soluble herbicides (alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor, and simazine) were analyzed for 16 Indiana watersheds. Correlation was assessed between observed herbicide losses and: (1) a herbicide runoff index using GIS‐based land use, soil type, SCS runoff curve number, tillage practice, herbicide use estimates, and combinations of these factors; and (2) predicted herbicide losses from a non‐point source pollution model (NAPRA‐Web, an Internet‐based interface for GLEAMS). The highest adjusted R2value was found between herbicide concentration and the runoff curve number alone, ranging from 0.25 to 0.56. Predictions from the simulation model showed a poorer correlation with observed herbicide loss. This indicates potential for using the runoff curve number as a simple herbicide contamination susceptibility index. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: We propose that some watersheds may be better candidates for watershed management than others. The extent of success of watershed management may depend, in part, on attributes intrinsic to watersheds: scientific feasibility, social feasibility, and motivational feasibility. Using illustrations from New Jersey watershed management efforts, we tie scientific feasibility to the nature of environmental problems and the scientific capability to solve them. Social feasibility encompasses civic infrastructure and engagement. Motivational feasibility includes issue salience linked to values or economic considerations. We suggest that assessments should be made about the viability of watershed management in specific watersheds and that priorities should be developed based on these assessments. Research on watershed management should explore not only how to improve watershed management but also where to conduct it. 相似文献
George N. Zaimes Richard C. Schultz Thomas M. Isenhart 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2006,42(1):83-97
Human alterations to the Iowa landscape, such as elimination of native vegetation for row crop agriculture and grazing, channelization of streams, and tile and ditch drainage, have led to deeply incised channels with accelerated streambank erosion. The magnitude of streambank erosion and soil loss were compared along Bear Creek in central Iowa. The subreaches are bordered by differing land uses, including reestablished riparian forest buffers, row crop fields, and continuously grazed riparian pastures. Erosion pins were measured from June 1998 to July 2002 to estimate the magnitude of streambank erosion. Total streambank soil loss was estimated by using magnitude of bank erosion, soil bulk density, and severely eroded bank area. Significant seasonal and yearly differences in magnitude of bank erosion and total soil loss were partially attributed to differences in precipitation and associated discharges. Riparian forest buffers had significantly lower magnitude of streambank erosion and total soil loss than the other two riparian land uses. Establishment of riparian forest buffers along all of the nonbuffered subreaches would have reduced stream‐bank soil loss by an estimated 77 to 97 percent, significantly decreasing sediment in the stream, a major water quality problem in Iowa. 相似文献
Leonard F. DeBano Burchard H. Heede 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1987,23(3):463-470
ABSTRACT: Naturally occurring and man-made structures can be used for enhancing the development of riparian zones. Naturally occurring structures are cienagas, beaver dams, and log steps. Man-made structures include large and small channel structures and bank protection devices. All these structures affect streamflow hydraulics and sedimentation and can create a more favorable environment for riparian zone establishment. However, when they are used improperly, they can be destructive to existing riparian zones. Since stream processes are generally slow, long-time spans may pass before the effects of management action, good or bad, become visible. Also, the effects of large dam installations may appear a long distance downstream from the dam. Therefore, investigations must be of a wide scope. Interactions between riparian site, channel, and streamflow may be so complex that an interdisciplinary approach is required. 相似文献
Zhi‐Jun Liu Donald E. Weller David L. Correll Thomas E. Jordan 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2000,36(6):1349-1365
ABSTRACT: We measured the base‐flow stream chemistry in all the major physiographic provinces of the Chesapeake Bay drainage basin. The spatial variation of stream chemistry was closely related to differences in geology and land cover among the sampled watersheds. Some stream chemistry variables were strongly affected by geological settings in the watersheds while others were more influenced by land cover. The effects of land cover differed among chemical constituents and regions. Concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, pH, total alkalinity, and conductivity were mainly functions of carbonate bedrock, especially in the Great Valley. Nitrate‐N and total dissolved N were closely related to cropland and increased as the percentage of cropland increased. The rate of increase varied from region to region with the highest in the Piedmont. Na+ and Cl? were mainly affected by the percentage of developed area in a watershed, especially in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont. We observed no significant effects of region or land cover on species of phosphorus because samples were collected under base flow conditions and only dissolved forms were measured. Dissolved silicate (DSi) was not related to any other water chemistry variables. DSi increased as developed area decreased and cropland increased in the Coastal Plain, but these patterns were reversed in the Piedmont. There was no consistent pattern in the spatial variation of land cover effects on the reduced forms of N, dissolved organic P, dissolved organic matter, and K+. 相似文献
David P. Groeneveld Richard H. French 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1995,31(3):505-514
ABSTRACT: Control of emergent aquatic plants such as tule (Scirpus acutus Muhl.; Bigel.) is of direct interest to managers of surface waters in Western North America. Where conditions of water velocity and depth occur that permit this and similar species to colonize and grow, their clonal habit may restrict, or even block, open channels within several seasons after their establishment. Fortunately, sufficient flow depth and velocity naturally prevent these plants from growing into and blocking channels. We investigated physical constraints for tule stem growth with the ultimate intent to apply this knowledge in rehabilitating 60 miles of the diverted Owens River in Eastern California, presently choked with emergent growth. Bending stress resulting from hydrodynamic drag on tule stems was found to induce lodging; permanent deformation and consequent loss of function. The depth-velocity envelope describing this process (at 95 percent confidence) is uD/d= 12.8 where u = average velocity acting upon the stem (m/s), D = local depth of flow (m), and d = tule stem diameter at the point of attachment (m). Maintaining a discharge or reconfiguring a channel so this critical depth-velocity-stem diameter envelope is exceeded (predictable using flow models) through the summer growing period should prevent encroachment into an active channel. 相似文献
Zachary O. Toledo J. Boone. Kauffman 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(6):1653-1663
ABSTRACT: Intact riparian zones are the product of an incredibly complex multitude of linkages between the geomorphic, hydrologic, and biotiè features of the ecosystem. Land‐use activities that sever or alter these linkages result in ecosystem degradation. We examined the relationship between riparian vegetation and channel morphology by sampling species composition and herbaceous root biomass in incised (down‐cut and widened) versus unincised (intact) sections of unconstrained reaches in three headwater streams in northeastern Oregon. Incision resulted in a compositional shift from wetland‐obligate plant species to those adapted to drier environments. Root biomass was approximately two times greater in unincised sections than incised sections and decreased with depth more rapidly in incised sections than in unincised sections. Total root biomass ranged from 2,153 g m‐2 to 4,759 g m‐2 in unincised sections and from 1,107 g m‐2 to 2,215 g m‐2 in incised sections. In unincised sections less than 50 percent of the total root biomass was found in the top 10 cm, with approximately 20 percent in successive 10‐cm depth increments. In contrast, incised sections had greater than 60 percent of the total root biomass in the top 10 cm, approximately 15 percent in the 10 to 20 cm depth, less than 15 percent in the 20 to 30 cm depth, and less than 10 percent in the 30 to 40 cm depth. This distribution of root biomass suggests a positive feedback between vegetation and channel incision: as incision progresses, there is a loss of hydrologic connectivity, which causes a shift to a drier vegetation assemblage and decreased root structure, resulting in a reduced erosive resistance capacity in the lower zone of the streambank, thereby allowing further incision and widening. 相似文献
S. Reza. Pezeshki F. Douglas. Shields 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2006,42(1):191-200
Field studies were conducted on black willow (Salix nigra) cuttings planted for riparian zone restoration along Harland Creek, Twentymile Creek, and Little Topashaw Creek in Mississippi, USA. Planted cuttings were 2.5 to 3 m long and had base diameters of 2.5 to 7.5 cm. Streams were unstable, deeply incised sand bed channels with eroding banks 1 to 6 m high. Soil texture, redox potential (Eh), depth to water table, and willow survival were monitored for two to three years after planting. While many factors influence willow cuttings at restoration sites, soil texture and moisture are key to plant success. In these studies, plant survival and growth were best for cuttings planted in soils with less than 40 percent silt‐clay content and a water table 0.5 m to 1.0 m below the soil surface during the growing season. These conditions produced soil Eh greater than approximately 200 mV and were most often observed 1 to 2 m higher than the bank toe. These findings suggest criteria useful for preplanting site evaluations. Additional evidence suggests that preplanting soaking enhances performance of black willow cuttings. Additional factors (channel erosion, herbivory by beaver, and competition from exotics) may control performance over periods longer than two to three years. 相似文献