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Fleischer S 《Ambio》2003,32(1):2-5
Evidence is provided for an internal CO2 sink in forest soils, that may have a potential impact on the global CO2-budget. Lowered CO2 fraction in the soil atmosphere, and thus lowered CO2 release to the aboveground atmosphere, is indicated in high N-deposition areas. Also at forest edges, especially of spruce forest, where additional N-deposition has occurred, the soil CO2 is lowered, and the gradient increases into the closed forest. Over the last three decades the capacity of the forest soil to maintain the internal sink process has been limited to a cumulative supply of approximately 1000 and 1500 kg N ha(-1). Beyond this limit the internal soil CO2 sink becomes an additional CO2 source, together with nitrogen leaching. This stage of "nitrogen saturation" is still uncommon in closed forests in southern Scandinavia, however, it occurs in exposed forest edges which receive high atmospheric N-deposition. The soil CO2 gradient, which originally increases from the edge towards the closed forest, becomes reversed.  相似文献   

Empirical records provide incontestable evidence of global changes: foremost among these changes is the rising concentration of CO(2) in the earth's atmosphere. Plant growth is nearly always stimulated by elevation of CO(2). Photosynthesis increases, more plant biomass accumulates per unit of water consumed, and economic yield is enhanced. The profitable use of supplemental CO(2) over years of greenhouse practice points to the value of CO(2) for plant production. Plant responses to CO(2) are known to interact with other environmental factors, e.g. light, temperature, soil water, and humidity. Important stresses including drought, temperature, salinity, and air pollution have been shown to be ameliorated when CO(2) levels are elevated. In the agricultural context, the growing season has been shortened for some crops with the application of more CO(2); less water use has generally, but not always, been observed and is under further study; experimental studies have shown that economic yield for most crops increases by about 33% for a doubling of ambient CO(2) concentration. However, there are some reports of negligible or negative effects. Plant species respond differently to CO(2) enrichment, therefore, clearly competitive shifts within natural communities could occur. Though of less importance in managed agro-ecosystems, competition between crops and weeds could also be altered. Tissue composition can vary as CO(2) increases (e.g. higher C: N ratios) leading to changes in herbivory, but tests of crop products (consumed by man) from elevated CO(2) experiments have generally not revealed significant differences in their quality. However, any CO(2)-induced change in plant chemical or structural make-up could lead to alterations in the plant's interaction with any number of environmental factors-physicochemical or biological. Host-pathogen relationships, defense against physical stressors, and the capacity to overcome resource shortages could be impacted by rises in CO(2). Root biomass is known to increase but, with few exceptions, detailed studies of root growth and function are lacking. Potential enhancement of root growth could translate into greater rhizodeposition, which, in turn, could lead to shifts in the rhizosphere itself. Some of the direct effects of CO(2) on vegetation have been reasonably well-studied, but for others work has been inadequate. Among these neglected areas are plant roots and the rhizosphere. Therefore, experiments on root and rhizosphere response in plants grown in CO(2)-enriched atmospheres will be reviewed and, where possible, collectively integrated. To this will be added data which have recently been collected by us. Having looked at the available data base, we will offer a series of hypotheses which we consider as priority targets for future research.  相似文献   

The total input of atmospheric sulfur to a beech and a spruce forest in the Federal Republic of Germany has been measured over a period of 6 years. The contribution of dry deposition to the total input was determined indirectly by comparing seasonal changes in the sulfur flux coupled with precipitation beneath the canopy of the deciduous beech forest. As a result of these investigations seasonal and annual sulfur fluxes are reported corresponding to removal rates of atmospheric sulfur. The experimental data show clearly that the removal rates depend upon the quality of the atmosphere/ land interface, in forested areas from the tree species forming the canopy. The 6-years average of total deposition on bare soil is 23kg S ha−1 y−1, on a beech forest 47–51 kg S ha−1y−1, on a spruce forest 80–86 kg S ha−1 y−1. Based upon the experimental results the role of the forest vegetation in the removal of sulfur from the atmosphere in the area of the Federal Republic of Germany is considered. The figures indicate, that at least 50% of the total sulfur deposition takes place on forested areas which cover only 28% of the total land surface.  相似文献   

A new biophysical model (FORFLUX) is presented to study the simultaneous exchange of ozone, carbon dioxide, and water vapor between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. The model mechanistically couples all major processes controlling ecosystem flows trace gases and water implementing recent concepts in plant eco-physiology, micrometeorology, and soil hydrology. FORFLUX consists of four interconnected modules-a leaf photosynthesis model, a canopy flux model, a soil heat-, water- and CO2- transport model, and a snow pack model. Photosynthesis, water-vapor flux and ozone uptake at the leaf level are computed by the LEAFC3 sub-model. The canopy module scales leaf responses to a stand level by numerical integration of the LEAFC3model over canopy leaf area index (LAI). The integration takes into account (1) radiative transfer inside the canopy, (2) variation of foliage photosynthetic capacity with canopy depth, (3) wind speed attenuation throughout the canopy, and (4) rainfall interception by foliage elements. The soil module uses principles of the diffusion theory to predict temperature and moisture dynamics within the soil column, evaporation, and CO2 efflux from soil. The effect of soil heterogeneity on field-scale fluxes is simulated employing the Bresler-Dagan stochastic concept. The accumulation and melt of snow on the ground is predicted using an explicit energy balance approach. Ozone deposition is modeled as a sum of three fluxes- ozone uptake via plant stomata, deposition to non-transpiring plant surfaces, and ozone flux into the ground. All biophysical interactions are computed hourly while model projections are made at either hourly or daily time step. FORFLUX represents a comprehensive approach to studying ozone deposition and its link to carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

We measured the soil and leaf CO2 exchange in Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia seasonally throughout the year in a representative site of the Mediterranean region, a natural holm oak forest growing in the Prades Mountains in southeastern Catalonia. In the wet seasons (spring and autumn), we experimentally decreased soil moisture by 30%, by excluding rainfall and water runoff in 12 plots, 1×10 m, and left 12 further plots as controls. Our aim was to predict the response of these gas exchanges to the drought forecasted for the next decades for this region by GCM and ecophysiological models.Annual average soil CO2 exchange rate was 2.27±0.27 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Annual average leaf CO2 exchange rates were 8±1 and 5±1 μmol m−2 s−1 in Q. ilex and P. latifolia, respectively. Soil respiration rates in control treatments followed a seasonal pattern similar to photosynthetic activity. They reached maximum values in spring and autumn (2.5–3.8 μmol m−2 s−1 soil CO2 emission rates and 7–15 μmol m−2 s−1 net photosynthetic rates) and minimum values (almost 0 for both variables) in summer, showing that soil moisture was the most important factor driving the soil microbial activity and the photosynthetic activity of plants. In autumn, drought treatment strongly decreased net photosynthesis rates and stomatal conductance of Q. ilex by 44% and 53%, respectively. Soil respiration was also reduced by 43% under drought treatment in the wet seasons. In summer there were larger soil CO2 emissions in drought plots than in control plots, probably driven by autotrophic (roots) metabolism. The results indicate that leaf and soil CO2 exchange may be strongly reduced (by ca. 44%) by the predicted decreases of soil water availability in the next decades. Long-term studies are needed to confirm these predictions or to find out possible acclimation of those processes.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal Scots pine seedlings were grown in unfertilized forest soil at ambient and double (ca 700 ppm) atmospheric concentrations of CO2. The biomass of seedlings and fungal biomass both in the roots and in the soil and the numbers of certain groups of soil animals were measured under summer conditions and after an artificial winter acclimation period. No biomass parameter showed any significant change due to CO2 elevation. Increases were found during the winter acclimation period in total and fine root biomasses, fungal biomass in the soil and total fungal biomass both in the roots and in the soil, while the ratio of needle biomass: fungal biomass and the shoot: root ratio decreased. The N concentration in previous-year needles was lower in the double CO2 environment than with ambient CO2. Enchytraeids almost disappeared in the double CO2 environment during winter acclimation, while the numbers of nematodes increased at the same time in both treatments.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to establish a climatological relationship between anomalous CO2 values observed at Alert and Mould Bay and trajectories of air parcels arriving at these stations. Measured atmospheric CO2 values from 1981 to 1984 inclusive were used to obtain climatological winter and summer distributions of 5-day back trajectory origins associated with positive and negative CO2 deviations relative to a ‘typical’ smoothed seasonal cycle obtained by a simple composite averaging process.Based on a climatological distribution of positive and negative trajectory origins, there are two basic ‘air masses’ over the Arctic Ocean with different CO2 concentration levels which influence CO2 deviation values at Alert and Mould Bay.  相似文献   

Influence of transport and trends in atmospheric CO2 at Lampedusa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of the CO2 15-year records at Lampedusa (35° 31′N, 12° 37′E) is presented in this work. Short- and long-term CO2 variability has been investigated. No significant diurnal variations are observable thus remarking the background character and representativeness of the observation site. The CO2 long-term trend shows a mean linear growth rate (GR) of 1.9 ppm yr?1. The periodic behaviour of the time series has been analysed and the mean seasonal cycle amplitude has been found to be 8.72 ppm. The seasonal cycle amplitude shows a marked interannual variability. The lowest value of the seasonal cycle amplitude has been detected in 2003, in concomitance with the strong anomalous heat wave recorded in Europe. CO2 GR behaviour has been related to global processes such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and global temperature (Tg). The influence of ENSO event on GR is remarkable only during 1998. CO2 GR curve shows peaks in the periods 1995, 2001 and 2005 (1.9, 3.7, 3.2 ppm yr?1 respectively) that are characterized by high Tg values and by intense biomass burning events. The anomalous decrease in the GR during the warm 2003 has been attributed to changes in the atmospheric circulation regime. Evaluation of the influence of transport on CO2 variability has been carried out using backward air-mass trajectory analysis and highlights the effect of the regional distribution of sources and sinks. The industrial activities and forests located in the Eastern European and Russian sector strongly affect the CO2 mixing ratio. The CO2 content of air-masses originating from this region is influenced in summertime by the high efficiency of the vegetation sink while in the winter period prevails the effect of industrial emissions.  相似文献   

Recently, a comprehensive air quality modeling system was developed as part of the Southern Appalachians Mountains Initiative (SAMI) with the ability to simulate meteorology, emissions, ozone, size- and composition-resolved particulate matter, and pollutant deposition fluxes. As part of SAMI, the RAMS/EMS-95/URM-1ATM modeling system was used to evaluate potential emission control strategies to reduce atmospheric pollutant levels at Class I areas located in the Southern Appalachians Mountains. This article discusses the details of the ozone model performance and the methodology that was used to scale discrete episodic pollutant levels to seasonal and annual averages. The daily mean normalized bias and error for 1-hr and 8-hr ozone were within U.S. Environment Protection Agency guidance criteria for urban-scale modeling. The model typically showed a systematic overestimation for low ozone levels and an underestimation for high levels. Because SAMI was primarily interested in simulating the growing season ozone levels in Class I areas, daily and seasonal cumulative ozone exposure, as characterized by the W126 index, were also evaluated. The daily ozone W126 performance was not as good as the hourly ozone performance; however, the seasonal ozone W126 scaled up from daily values was within 17% of the observations at two typical Class I areas of the SAMI region. The overall ozone performance of the model was deemed acceptable for the purposes of SAMI's assessment.  相似文献   

In this paper, the physico-chemical basics of the sectional multicomponent aerosol model SEMA are described. SEMA includes condensation and evaporation of sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, and water vapour. The model can be applied to predictions of the chemical composition and size distribution of aqueous tropospheric secondary and marine aerosols. In SEMA, multicomponent thermodynamics and particle-size-dependent condensation and evaporation are efficiently coupled by application of a new sectional approach.  相似文献   

Thibodeaux LJ  Aguilar L 《Chemosphere》2005,60(9):1190-1196
Temporary water reservoirs built upon peat soil may exhibit water quality impairment from elevated dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Microbiological decay of the organic carbon in the bed with subsequent release produces "tea" colored water which may require treatment prior to use. This paper contains a process-based mathematical model that quantifies the DOC release from the bed and its build-up in the water column. The model elements are based on microbial DOC production rates and bed sediment transport kinetics describing its' release from the organic soil systems. It relies on laboratory data obtained from an experimental study, Part 1, designed to simulate the DOC chemodynamics of aquatic reservoirs built upon peat soils. A two-step DOC release process was structured based on the experimental findings. The model mechanism assumes a quick release fraction that characterizes the upper soil surface layers as a "tea bag" type release process. This is followed by a fraction that is continuously produced and then released at a constant rate overtime by on-going microbial processes within the upper soil layers. The depth of the active layer, selected as h* = 0.3 cm, is the single adjustable parameter in the model. Concentration predictions of the are consistent with the laboratory simulations and field observations. Measured vs. model-calculated DOC concentrations for both in the microcosm bed and water column are used to test critical features of the proposed model. As conceived and structured it appears to be a realistic first step in quantifying the DOC release consequences for the water column of a reservoir sited upon a peat-soil bed. The development ends with an application to a hypothetical reservoir in order to illustrate model strengths and uncertainties.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Understanding the response of medicinal plants to elevated CO2 concentrations is crucial to evaluate the climate change impacts on medicinal...  相似文献   

Seeds of Eucalyptus tetrodonta were sown under ambient or CO(2) enriched (700 microl litre(-1)) conditions in tropical Australia. Four sets of measurements were made, the first two after 12 months, on trees growing either in pots or planted in the ground. The third and fourth set were made after 18 and 30 months exposure to CO(2) enrichment, on trees growing in the ground. After 12 months exposure to CO(2) enrichment, the rate of light-saturated assimilation (Amax) of plants growing in the ground was determined. Responses of CO(2) assimilation to variations in leaf temperature, leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit (LAVPD), light flux density and CO(2) concentration were also measured in the laboratory using plants growing in large pots. There was no significant difference in Amax between pot and ground located plants. Assimilation of E. tetrodonta was relatively insensitive to changes in LAVPD for both ambient and CO(2) enriched plants but the temperature optimum of assimilation was increased in plants grown and measured under CO(2) enrichment. Plants grown with CO(2) enrichment had an increased rate of light-saturated assimilation and apparent quantum yield was significantly increased by CO(2) enrichment. In contrast, carboxylation efficiency was decreased significantly by CO(2) enrichment. After 18 months growth with CO(2) enrichment, there was no sign of a decline in assimilation rate compared to measurements undertaken after 12 months. At low LAVPD values, assimilation rate was not influenced by CO(2) treatment but at moderate to high LAVPD, plants grown under CO(2) enrichment exhibited a larger assimilation rate than control plants. Specific leaf area and chlorophyll contents decreased in response to CO(2) enrichment, whilst foliar soluble protein contents and chlorophyll a/b ratios were unaffected by CO(2) treatment. Changes in soluble protein and chlorophyll contents in response to CO(2) enrichment did not account for changes in assimilation between treatments. After 30 months exposure to CO(2) enrichment, the rate of light-saturated assimilation was approximately 50% larger than controls and this enhancement was larger than that observed after 18 months exposure to CO(2) enrichment.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 are expected to increase photosynthetic rates of C3 tree species, but it is uncertain whether this will result in an increase in wetland seedling productivity. Separate short-term experiments (12 and 17 weeks) were performed on two wetland tree species, Taxodium distichum and Acer rubrum, to determine if elevated CO2 would influence the biomass responses of seedlings to flooding. T. distichum were grown in replicate glasshouses (n = 2) at CO2 concentrations of 350 or 700 ppm. and A. rubrum were grown in growth chambers at CO2 concentrations of 422 or 722 ppm. Both species were grown from seed. The elevated CO2 treatment was crossed with two water table treatments, flooded and non-flooded. Elevated CO2 increased leaf-level photosynthesis, whole-plant photosynthesis, and trunk diameter of T. distichum in both flooding treatments, but did not increase biomass of T. distichum or A. rubrum. Flooding severely reduced biomass, height, and leaf area of both T. distichum and A. rubrum. Our results suggest that the absence of a CO2-induced increase in growth may have been due to an O2 limitation on root production even though there was a relatively deep (approximately 10 cm) aerobic soil surface in the non-flooded treatment.  相似文献   

Biological and physical processes in the Arctic system operate at various temporal and spatial scales to impact large-scale feedbacks and interactions with the earth system. There are four main potential feedback mechanisms between the impacts of climate change on the Arctic and the global climate system: albedo, greenhouse gas emissions or uptake by ecosystems, greenhouse gas emissions from methane hydrates, and increased freshwater fluxes that could affect the thermohaline circulation. All these feedbacks are controlled to some extent by changes in ecosystem distribution and character and particularly by large-scale movement of vegetation zones. Indications from a few, full annual measurements of CO2 fluxes are that currently the source areas exceed sink areas in geographical distribution. The little available information on CH4 sources indicates that emissions at the landscape level are of great importance for the total greenhouse balance of the circumpolar North. Energy and water balances of Arctic landscapes are also important feedback mechanisms in a changing climate. Increasing density and spatial expansion of vegetation will cause a lowering of the albedo and more energy to be absorbed on the ground. This effect is likely to exceed the negative feedback of increased C sequestration in greater primary productivity resulting from the displacements of areas of polar desert by tundra, and areas of tundra by forest. The degradation of permafrost has complex consequences for trace gas dynamics. In areas of discontinuous permafrost, warming, will lead to a complete loss of the permafrost. Depending on local hydrological conditions this may in turn lead to a wetting or drying of the environment with subsequent implications for greenhouse gas fluxes. Overall, the complex interactions between processes contributing to feedbacks, variability over time and space in these processes, and insufficient data have generated considerable uncertainties in estimating the net effects of climate change on terrestrial feedbacks to the climate system. This uncertainty applies to magnitude, and even direction of some of the feedbacks.  相似文献   

Because of their prominent role in global biomass productivity, as well as their complex structure and function, forests and tree species deserve particular attention in studies on the likely impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on terrestrial vegetation. Poplar (Populus) has proven to be an interesting study object due to its fast response to a changing environment, and the growing importance of managed forests in the carbon balance. Results of both chamber and field experiments with different poplar species and hybrids are reviewed in this contribution. Despite the variability between experiments and species, and the remaining uncertainty over the long term, poplar is likely to profit from a rising atmospheric CO2 concentration with a mean biomass stimulation of 33%. Environmental conditions and pollutants (e.g. O3) may counteract this stimulation but with managed plantations, environmental constraints might not occur. The predicted responses of poplar to rising atmospheric CO2 have implications for future forest management and the expected forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Minaret) was grown at two different CO2 concentrations (367 and 650 micromol mol(-1)) in open-top-chambers from sowing until final harvest. Furthermore two different watering treatments (well watered and water stressed) and two soil types of different fertility were used. At final harvest, which took place at growth stage 92, plants were separated into different fractions. Elevated atmospheric CO2 caused an accelerated chlorophyll-a breakdown and increased growth and yield. Total shoot biomass was enhanced by 43%, grain yield by 46% and main stem yield by 19%. Water stress also accelerated chlorophyll-a breakdown but reduced total shoot biomass by 40%, grain yield by 45%, main stem yield by 30% and thousand grain weight by 6%. On average, soil fertility altered shoot biomass by 30%, grain yield by 39% and main stem yield by 25%.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic stimulation and stomatal conductance (Gs) depression in Quercus ilex leaves at a CO(2) spring suggested no down-regulation. The insensitivity of Gs to a CO(2) increase (from ambient 1500 to 2000 micromol mol(-1)) suggested stomatal acclimation. Both responses are likely adaptations to the special environment of CO(2) springs. At the CO(2)-enriched site, not at the control site, photosynthesis decreased 9% in leaves exposed to 2x ambient O(3) concentrations in branch enclosures, compared to controls in charcoal-filtered air. The stomatal density reduction at high CO(2) was one-third lower than the concomitant Gs reduction, so that the O(3) uptake per single stoma was lower than at ambient CO(2). No significant variation in monoterpene emission was measured. Higher trichome and mesophyll density were recorded at the CO(2)-enriched site, accounting for lower O(3) sensitivity. A long-term exposure to H(2)S, reflected by higher foliar S-content, and CO(2) might depress the antioxidant capacity of leaves close to the vent and increase their O(3) sensitivity.  相似文献   

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