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陆晓军  金鑫 《环境技术》2000,18(1):40-42
1 概况 采暖锅炉引风机噪音是目前城市噪声源之一.该噪音的特点是进入采暖期以后每日24小时分3至4段时间供热,严重影响附近居民的休息.通化市某银行现有10吨采暖锅炉,配Y5-47 NO 10C引风机,锅炉烟囱为直径0.9m,高24m,铁制.该烟囱高出附近居民楼5m,锅炉房界外1m处环境夜间本底值39dB(A),噪声值63.5dB(A) ,超出我国城市环境噪声允许标准二类混合区的限值18.5dB(A) .  相似文献   

对黄岩城区主要交通干线的昼间交通噪声进行了监测和分析。结果表明:黄岩城区主要交通干线的昼间交通噪声水平全部超过国家标准;小轿车是黄岩城区交通噪声的主要来源。  相似文献   

在大型炼钢生产工艺过程中,需要制备大量的氧气。由于空气流量大,制氧机进口噪声大,对周围环境和工作人员造成了极大的危害。文章对某钢铁集团制氧机的噪声源进行了分析,并在现场调查的基础上,提出了制氧机噪声的处理方案。经过测试,处理后的厂界噪声指标达到国家标准的控制要求。  相似文献   

陈晓琳  张明  张体强  陈笠 《四川环境》2022,41(2):118-123
变电站与城市居民区的距离越来越近,变电站噪声污染成为环保投诉的重点内容之一.以城区典型户内220kV变电站为研究对象,通过分析其噪声源特性,采用Cadna/A软件对变电站站界噪声进行预测,提出降低主变、电抗和风机等声源噪声和控制声源传播途径的措施,能有效降低噪声的排放,避免噪声对站区周边居民的干扰.  相似文献   

谭孔庚  梁荫 《四川环境》2000,19(1):37-43
本文根据气流噪声的频率特性和发声部位,提出重点降噪与综合整治的方法,对城市气流噪声污染进行控制。  相似文献   

陈世谓 《四川环境》1991,10(1):53-55
剥壳机生产系统将胡豆打碎和去壳时发出严重的扰民噪声,对产生噪声的设备和管道采用隔声和吸声控制措施。结果表明,效果十分明显,达到了国家环境噪声排放标准。  相似文献   

为使增压站噪声降到国家允许标准,对其噪声进行了综合治理,设计了动力缸排气消声器和百叶窗式进风消声器等,经测试增压站内噪声由93dB(A)~101dB(A)降为81dB(A)~88dB(A)。单台增压机运行时冷却风机噪声由96dB(A)降为82.5dB(A)。排气消声器噪声由92dB(A)降为81dB(A)。值班室噪声由55dB(A)降为52.5dB(A),治理后达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

噪声治理技术实例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从噪声源入手,分析泵房和压缩机房内的噪声对工作人员和居民不同程度的影响和危害,按照噪声控制的原理,采取吸声、隔声、消声相结合的降噪措施。治理后,泵房、压缩机房内噪声值低于85 dB(A),压缩机房厂界噪声值低于60 dB(A),居民楼外1 m处的噪声值低于45 dB(A),有效减少噪声对作业场所和周边环境的污染。  相似文献   

本文以上海吴泾电厂八期1#、2#机组所用特大型双曲线自然通风冷却塔为例,介绍其噪声特性、控制措施及治理效果。  相似文献   

A high proportion of school teachers report that they are disturbed by noise during teaching. The aim of the study was therefore to identify determinants of self-reported noise exposure and disturbance attributed to noise among secondary school teachers (n = 419) in 10 schools in Copenhagen, Denmark. The schools were selected to show contrasts in classroom reverberation times (RT), and were classified as “Short RT” (3 schools, mean RT 0.41–0.45 s), “Medium RT” (3 schools, mean RT 0.51–0.55 s) and “Long RT” (4 schools, mean RT 0.62–0.73 s). Significant determinants of self-reported noise exposure were a high number of children in the class, young age of the children, and low teacher seniority. “Long RT” classification was of borderline significance. Significant determinants of disturbance attributed to noise from children in the class were teacher seniority and “Long RT” acoustic classification of the school. The associations between work characteristics and noise disturbance measures were attenuated by low self-rated work capacity, suggesting that the consequences of noise and poor acoustics may not be limited to disturbance attributed to noise, but may have a wide negative impact on the perceived working environment.  相似文献   

The first phase of noise mapping and action planning in Ireland, in accordance with EU Directive 2002/49/EC, is now complete. In total this included one agglomeration, one airport and approximately 600 km of major roads outside the agglomeration. These noise maps describe the level of noise exposure of approximately 1.25 million people. The first phase of noise mapping was dealt with by five noise mapping bodies while 26 action planning authorities were involved in the development of the associated action plans. The second phase of noise mapping, due to be completed in 2012, sees a reduction in the defined thresholds describing the required agglomerations, roads and railways that have to be mapped. This will have a significant impact on the extent of mapping required. In Ireland this will result in an increased number of local authorities being required to develop strategic noise maps for their area along with the further development of associated action plans. It is appropriate at this point to review the work process and results from the first phase of noise mapping in Ireland in order to establish areas that could be improved, throughout the noise mapping project. In this paper a review of the implementation procedures focussing on (dominant) road traffic noise is presented. It is identified that more standardisation is needed and this could be achieved by the establishment of a national expert steering group.  相似文献   

Predicting mass rapid transit noise levels on an elevated station   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study developed a noise prediction model for elevated mass rapid transit (MRT) platforms. Relevant physical and operational parameters (e.g. cruise speed, acceleration and deceleration rates for trains, building fa?ade setbacks and so on) were collected from the Bangkok mass transit system (BTS), the first elevated MRT system operated in Bangkok, Thailand. The equivalent continuous sound pressure levels (L(Aeq)) were collected from both sides of the MRT stations at the center of each platform. The relevant parameters were collected on both platforms and ground level, on both sides of MRT stations. These parameters were statistically tested to determine their correlation with MRT noise. The final model was built from highly correlated parameters using multiple regression analysis with a stepwise regression technique. Statistical evaluation showed a high degree of goodness-of-fit test for the model to the observed data. Therefore, it can be efficiently used for the projection of MRT noise in the affected areas.  相似文献   

The impact of traffic noise can be prevented by suitable planning measures. This study analyses the relationship between urban geometry and traffic noise, recognizing that the arrangement of buildings and streets greatly influences urban noise. The study was carried out in Braga, a medium-sized Portuguese city, by selecting locations with different urban geometries. At each site, the equivalent continuous sound level was measured. Furthermore, the urban geometry was evaluated by using the sky view factor, a parameter which shows the degree of sky obstructed by buildings. Results show an inverse proportionality between noise and the sky view factor. The highest noise levels were found in areas with a low sky view factor. The results also indicate that the sky view factor is a parameter which can potentially be used in research on urban noise.  相似文献   

随着我国航空运输业的迅速发展,机场噪声问题日益突出。飞机噪声控制标准不完善、机场选址不合理、降噪措施落实不到位等问题,不利于机场的建设和发展。环境影响评价作为控制机场建设项目环境风险重要的前置性的管理手段,对控制机场噪声的不良环境影响具有重要作用,也有利于实现机场选址和建设与当地有关的规划衔接,避免走“城市包围机场”的老路,有利于实现到机场和城市发展的协调。  相似文献   

Sound is considered as a pollutant when it exceeds undesirable limits for the recipient. One of the significant environmental problems associated with industries is noise pollution generated by machinery. The main objectives of this study were to measure noise levels generated by machinery that the workers were exposed to at five industrial facilities in the State of Kuwait. Also, to assess if these levels were within acceptable standards, for Kuwait lacks environmental standards for such a pollutant. To achieve the objectives of the study two food manufacturing companies, a cement-brick making plant, a furniture factory and a car washing facility were selected for the purpose of the research.The study showed that workers operating machinery at the five facilities were exposed to high noise levels without any kind of ear protection. Noise levels recorded during the study were very high and exceeded the British Noise at Work Regulations of 1989. In Kuwait there are no regulations to abate noise in the working environment and workers are not required to wear ear protective muffs. The results of the study indicate that, the concerned environmental and health organisations in Kuwait should be compelled to establish noise level standards and controls to safeguard the health of workers and the public at large.  相似文献   

我国华北平原分布有大小不等、形状各异的地下热水矿床;赋存于石灰岩地层形成的地质构造凸起部位的地下热水富水性好,井产水量大,自喷能力强,水质好,矿化度低,温度高,具有较高的开发利用价值。华北平原地下热水的热源与第三纪侵入的火成岩无关。地下热水的补给来源是山区大气降水渗入地下经过较大的构造断裂带和碳酸盐岩地层岩溶溶洞、断裂裂隙深循环以后形成的。地下热水的温度主要取决于水循环的深度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we hypothesize and test the ideas that (1) people’s subjectivity in relation to aircraft noise is shaped by the policy discourse, (2) this results in a limited number of frames towards aircraft noise, (3) the frames inform people how to think and feel about aircraft noise and (4) the distribution of the frames in the population is dependent on structural variables related to the individual. To reveal subjects’ frames of aircraft noise a latent class model is estimated based on survey data gathered among a sample of 250 residents living near Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, a major international airport in the Netherlands. In line with expectations, the results show that there are four evaluative frames of aircraft noise, three of which are strongly linked to the policy discourse. The frames are associated with fitting levels of annoyance response. In turn, frame membership is influenced by two structural variables, namely aircraft noise exposure and noise sensitivity. The results indicate that social factors operate discursively in the explanation of subjective reaction to noise, while psychological factors operate within a traditional cause-and-effect model. The paper concludes with several policy implications.  相似文献   

何洋  陈戈  陈智寅 《四川环境》2021,40(1):143-150
以四川省某高速公路沿线的居民噪声投诉案件为例,开展了敏感点声环境质量现状及既有声屏障措施效果调查分析,并采用文献调研及Cadna/A软件建模计算的方法,分别从噪声源、噪声传播途径、敏感建筑物三个层次进行了敏感点降噪措施改善研究,研究结果可为高速公路营运单位解决实际噪声扰民问题提供技术支撑,研究过程及方法可供类似项目参考...  相似文献   

李剑 《四川环境》2010,29(4):120-124,138
公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境侵权责任。污染损害可归责的程度应以医学观察的可证明性为界限,在违法性和损害事实考量中,环境标准均非所问。公路经营企业的责任形式主要包括排除危害和赔偿损失。基于环境侵权的利益衡量原则,一般不宜直接判令采取公路关闭或改道等形式排除危害,而应适用设置隔声屏障、种植绿化林带、进行交通管制等调和性的"部分排除侵害"责任形式。在"先有路后有房"情景下,公路经营企业是否承担责任因受害人迁入公害时主观方面的不同而不同。受害人明知或已经预见到有遭受噪声污染的危险,且无正当理由而自愿、故意承受危险致害者,公路经营企业得根据自甘冒险原则请求拒绝排除危害、免除赔偿或减少赔偿额。  相似文献   

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