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Thornber C  Stachowicz JJ  Gaines S 《Ecology》2006,87(9):2255-2263
Selective grazing by herbivores can have large effects on the population dynamics and community structure of primary producers. However, the ecological impacts of within-species herbivore preference for tissues of different phases (e.g., ploidy levels) or reproductive status remain relatively poorly known, especially among algae and other species with free-living haploid (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte) phases. We tested for herbivore selectivity among tissue types of the isomorphic (identical haploid and diploid free-living stages) red alga Mazzaella flaccida. Laboratory feeding assays demonstrated that the snail Tegula funebralis exhibited more than a threefold preference for gametophyte reproductive tissue over other tissue types, due to morphological differences. In contrast, the urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus did not distinguish as clearly between gametophytes and sporophytes; but it did prefer sporophyte reproductive to nonreproductive tissue, due to differences in water-soluble chemicals. Field surveys of grazer damage on M. flaccida blades were consistent with these laboratory preferences, with more damage found on gametophytes than sporophytes and reproductive than nonreproductive tissues. Differential fecundity can contribute to a skew in relative frequencies of phases in the field, and our results suggest that differential grazing by snails may contribute to this pattern and thus play a role in algal population biology.  相似文献   

我们依据经济合作与发展组织的210指导性文件,利用鲤鱼受精卵,进行环丙沙星(CIP)的毒性试验。测试浓度设置为1、100、500、1 000和3 000 μg?LL-1。我们发现在所有测试组中,暴露于CIP会加速孵化,但在暴露于最高浓度CIP(3000 μg?LL-1)的测试组,出现了显著的生长下降的现象。在实验的第6天(孵化之后),可以观察到大量增加的肉眼可见的形态异常现象。最高数量肉眼可见的形态异常现象是在自由胚胎和幼虫CIP暴露浓度为100、500、1 000和3 000 μg?LL-1的测试组中产生的(测试样本的20%~23%)。在所有CIP暴露试验组中,均检测出GST活性的呈逐步降低趋势,但是在CIP浓度为500和3 000 μg?LL-1的测试组中出现了显著差异(p < 0.01)。其中在大多数测试浓度下,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶的活性增加(p < 0.01,p < 0.05),而在CIP暴露浓度为500和3 000 μg?LL-1的测试组,谷胱甘肽还原酶出现活性降低的现象(p < 0.05)。在所有的CIP暴露组中,硫代巴比妥酸活性物质的浓度明显降低(p < 0.01)。可测的CIP最低有效浓度(LOEC)是1 μg?LL-1。\这些结果表明,孵化过程,早期的个体发育,形态异常的产生,以及鱼类体内的抗氧化和生物转化酶活性和脂质过氧化反应,都会受到CIP影响。
精选自Dana Zivna, Lucie Plhalova, Lucie Chromcova, Jana Blahova, Miroslav Prokes, Misa Skoric, Petr Marsalek, Eva Praskova, Stanislava Stepanova, Zdenka Svobodova. The effects of ciprofloxacin on early life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 7, pages 1733–1740, July 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3317

The age specific patterns of reproduction and mortality dictated by the life history of an organism apply to potential invaders as well as resident species of an area, but whether certain life history traits are more invasive than others is an unresolved issue. We analyze a two-population system of an invading and a resident species and test the effects of age on the probability to invade when the organisms are iteroparous or semelparous. The life history characteristics of the populations are projected in Leslie matrices, and the probability that the invader exceeds different population sizes is calculated by Monte Carlo analysis. The simulations show that (a) the invasion probability of an iteroparous organism increases with age until the individuals introduced are mature for first reproduction, and then becomes independent of age; (b) the invasion probability is more age sensitive for iteroparous organisms with high juvenile mortality (Type III organisms) than for those with a lower (Type I); (c) invading semelparous organisms are most affected by competition from resident organisms; (d) variations in vital rates of semelparous residents have greater influence on the invasion probability of an iteroparous organism than variations in traits of the invader.  相似文献   

A differential equation model of a species with two life stages is constructed, and the behavior of the equilibria investigated when density-independent mortality is continuously imposed. With density dependence largely in recruitment, an increase in either life stage is possible even though mortality is being imposed on both life stages. The equilibrium of a given life stage can increase if density dependence is mainly in that stage.The most effective stage to attack is that which is numerically dominant. With species having a high reproductive potential the most effective way of reducing either stage is to attack the stage with the lesser natural density-independent mortality.Certain parameter values allow multiple positive steady states. Data from Lucilia cuprina appear to conform to some of the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

Many young birds on the Arctic tundra are confronted by a challenging task: they must molt their feathers and accumulate fat stores for the autumn migration before climatic conditions deteriorate. Our understanding of the costs and constraints associated with these stages is extremely limited. We investigated post-juvenal molt and premigratory fattening in free-ranging juvenile White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) on the Arctic tundra. We found evidence for trade-offs between premigratory fat accumulation and molt: heavily molting birds had significantly less fat. Birds increased the rate of fat accumulation as the season progressed, but we found no evidence of a similar increase in rate of molt. Using a controlled captive study to isolate the energetic costs of body feather replacement, we found no difference in fat or size-corrected mass of birds actively growing body feathers as compared to controls. Molting birds, however, consumed 17% more food than controls, suggesting a significant cost of body feather growth. Our results provide evidence of significant costs, constraints, and trade-offs associated with post-juvenal molt and premigratory fat accumulation in young Arctic birds.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity of ammonia was determined for cultured larval, postlarval, and wild adult lobsters (Homarus americanus) in 1988. Ammonia tolerance was found to increase with ontogenetic development. Based on 96-h LC50 values of 58 mg l–1 NH4 + + NH3 l–1 seawater (0.72 mg NH3 l–1) for Stage I larvae, 87 mg NH4 + + NH3 l–1 (1.7 mg NH3 l–1) for Stage II larvae, 125 mg NH4 + + NH3 l–1 (2.13 mg NH3) for Stage III larvae, 144 mg NH4 + + NH3 l–1 (2.36 mg NH3 l–1) for Stage IV postlarvae, 377 mg NH4 + + NH3 l–1 (5.12 mg NH3 l–1) for adult lobsters at 5°C and 219 mg NH4 + + NH3 l–1 (3.25 mg NH3 l–1) for adult lobsters at 20°C, recommendations for safe levels of total ammonia and un-ionized ammonia were calculated using an application factor of 0.1. Effects of ammonia on osmoregulatory capacity were studied on postlarvae and adults. Ability of postlarvae and adults to hyper-regulate in low-salinity media decreased after exposure to ammonia. In postlarval lobsters, osmoregulatory capacity was significantly affected in ammonia concentrations exceeding 32 mg l–1. Osmoregulatory capacity in adult lobsters (5 and 20°C) was affected at 150 mg l–1. In postlarval lobsters, a minimum exposure time of 12 h was required to impair osmoregulatory capacity. The decrease in hemolymph osmotic pressure was caused by lower hemolymph sodium concentrations. The presence of ammonia in the external medium could markedly affect the Na+/NH4 + transport mechanism by permanently, temporarily, or partially impairing the transport sites for sodium.  相似文献   

Test protocols citing mysids as a standard test species often recommend juveniles (48 h) as the most appropriate life stage for testing. Acute toxicity tests were conducted with six standard toxicants, with three life stages of Metamysidopsis insularis; juveniles (48 h), late juveniles (7–12 days) and adults (>13 days), to determine whether there were significant differences in the sensitivity between life stages. Three of the compounds tested (sodium dodecyl sulphate, potassium dichromate, and potassium chloride) showed a significantly higher 96 h-LC50 for the adults when compared to the juveniles and late juveniles. Four of the compounds tested showed significantly higher 24 h- and 48h-LC50 for the adults when compared to both the late juveniles and juveniles. Twenty-four hour-LC50 values for juveniles were also significantly higher than the 48 and 96 h values. However, for the late juveniles and adults this was only true of a few compounds. Further, the 48 and 96 h values were statistically similar. Therefore, for M. insularis it may be appropriate to conduct acute toxicity test with juvenile for a 48 h period.  相似文献   

The polyp (scyphistoma) of the jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda reproduces asexually repeatedly, while the medusa, the sexually reproducing stage, exhibits a relatively shorter life span. As a first step to understand the mechanism behind the differences in the life spans of the polyp and medusa stages of the jellyfish, we compared the lengths of the telomere region of one targeted chromosome between the polyp and medusa stages using a modified single telomere length assay (STELA). The double-stranded regions of the telomeres were amplified by PCR, and the average length of the PCR products was estimated by densitometry analysis of the gel smear. Chromosomes within cells of the bell region of the medusa were characterized by longer telomeres than those of polyps, asexual propagules, or other regions of the medusa. This is the first study to estimate the telomere lengths of targeted chromosomes in a cnidarian and opens a way to understand the mechanism underlying different life spans of the polyp and medusa stages.  相似文献   

The early ontogenetic stages of the sub-Antarctic king crab Lithodes santolla were analyzed for the presence and activities of a set of important digestive enzymes. The eggs and non-feeding larvae (zoea I-III, megalopa) showed high activities of esterases, phosphatases, and exopeptidases indicating the enzymatic ability to utilize endogeneous yolk reserves. SDS-PAGE showed a continuous decrease of proteins or proteids in the range of 59–81 kDa during ontogenetic development from the eggs through the zoeal stages to the first juvenile crab stage, CI. This reduction reflects the degradation of storage compounds during lecithotrophic larval development. Activities of the endopeptidases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, were low in eggs and larvae but increased significantly in the first juvenile crab stage. These enzymes typically facilitate the first steps of proteolysis in the extra-cellular spaces of the midgut gland and in the stomach. Their scarcity indicates that the larvae of L. santolla are physiologically not prepared to digest external food. This ability seems to appear first in the CI stage. Extracts of juvenile midgut glands and the gastric fluids of adults showed high activities of a variety of digestive enzymes including phosphatases, carbohydrases, as well as endo- and exopeptidases. High activities of digestive enzymes in adults may compensate for scarce food supply and rate-limiting low temperatures in the predominantly sub-Antarctic habitats of L. santolla.  相似文献   

小麦不同生育期对UV-B敏感差异性比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大田群体条件下,比较研究了小麦不同生育期对UV-B增加反应敏感性的差异。小麦的生长指标和反应指数均表明:小麦不同生育期对UV-B增加反应的敏感性(设其符号为u)存在显著的差异,小麦的拔节至孕穗期是小麦对UV-B增加的最敏感的时期,小麦对UV-B增加的敏感性大小顺序为:u(拔节期)>u(孕穗期至开花期)>u(灌浆期)>u(播种至拔节期);在不同生育期降低UV-B强度的试验结果也验证了这一结果。在南京地区UV-B强度较高的季节小麦对UV-B增加的敏感性较低。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the differential thermal tolerance of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus early life history stages by comparing high temperature–induced mortality and the relative levels of the stress-induced gene, hsp70, between S. purpuratus embryos and larvae from adults collected throughout the species range. There was no significant difference between gastrulae and 4-arm plutei mortality from all sites examined. Furthermore, there was little variability in temperature tolerance across the biogeographic range as southern gastrulae and 4-arm plutei exhibited similar tolerances to northern individuals. Relative levels of hsp70 mRNA expression did not differ overall between the two developmental stages at each site. Across sites, all gastrulae and 4-arm plutei exhibited maximum hsp70 expression at approximately 25°C; however, the range of hsp70 expression was narrower in southern individuals, suggesting they are living closer to their upper thermal limit than northern individuals.  相似文献   

The bloom-forming dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Karlodinium veneficum can have detrimental effects on some marine life, including shellfish, but little is known about their effects on early life history stages of bivalves. In the Chesapeake Bay region, blooms of these dinoflagellates overlap with the spawning season of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. In laboratory experiments, we compared the effects of P. minimum and K. veneficum on the survival and development of embryos and larvae of the eastern oyster. At 104 cells ml−1, P. minimum did not have a negative effect on embryos and larvae in 2-day exposures. The yield of D-hinge larvae was equal to or greater than in control treatments. At 2 × 104 cells ml−1 (approximately equal biomass to the P. minimum treatment) K. veneficum caused significant mortality to oyster embryos within 1 day and almost no embryos developed into D-hinge larvae. This effect was not alleviated by the provision of an alternate food source (Isochrysis sp.). Significant mortality was observed when larvae were exposed to K. veneficum at concentrations of 104 cells ml−1 (approximately 5 ng ml−1 of karlotoxin). The K. veneficum cultures used in these experiments were relatively low in toxin content, more toxic strains could be expected to cause mortality at lower cell concentrations. Survival and maturation of embryos and larvae may be reduced when spawns of the eastern oyster coincide with high bloom densities of K. veneficum.  相似文献   

Schmidt BR  Hödl W  Schaub M 《Ecology》2012,93(3):657-667
Performance in one stage of a complex life cycle may affect performance in the subsequent stage. Animals that start a new stage at a smaller size than conspecifics may either always remain smaller or they may be able to "catch up" through plasticity, usually elevated growth rates. We study how size at and date of metamorphosis affected subsequent performance in the terrestrial juvenile stage and lifetime fitness of spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus). We analyzed capture-recapture data of > 3000 individuals sampled during nine years with mark-recapture models to estimate first-year juvenile survival probabilities and age-specific first-time breeding probabilities of toads, followed by model selection to assess whether these probabilities were correlated with size at and date of metamorphosis. Males attained maturity after two years, whereas females reached maturity 2-4 years after metamorphosis. Age at maturity was weakly correlated with metamorphic traits. In both sexes, first-year juvenile survival depended positively on date of metamorphosis and, in males, also negatively on size at metamorphosis. In males, toads that metamorphosed early at a small size had the highest probability to reach maturity. However, because very few toadlets metamorphosed early, the vast majority of male metamorphs had a very similar probability to reach maturity. A matrix projection model constructed for females showed that different juvenile life history pathways resulted in similar lifetime fitness. We found that the effects of date of and size at metamorphosis on different juvenile traits cancelled each other out such that toads that were small or large at metamorphosis had equal performance. Because the costs and benefits of juvenile life history pathways may also depend on population fluctuations, ample phenotypic variation in life history traits may be maintained.  相似文献   

The fat-tailed dwarf lemur, Cheirogaleus medius, occurs in ecologically very different habitat types (rainforest and dry forest) across Madagascar. Its extraordinary biological characteristics, such as monogamy and long-term hibernation, allow us to investigate behavioral, ecological, and physiological flexibility of this species in populations across different ecological environments. This study aims to determine whether different life history and physiological traits show variation in adaptation to the differing ambient conditions or are conservative and influenced more by the organism's evolutionary history. We compared body masses, life history traits, social organization, and hibernation duration of two populations of C. medius, one from a littoral rainforest and one from the dry deciduous forest. We revealed clear geographical differences in the length of hibernation duration as well as, more surprisingly, in life history traits. We found that this species' reproductive strategies seem to be highly flexible. Animals in the rainforest can spend more time in the active state due to a shorter hibernation period, but have, in general, a shorter life expectancy due to higher mortality rates. Hence, they seem to maximize their total reproductive output with higher reproductive rates (larger litter sizes, greater number of litters). Home ranges and social organization, on the other hand, did not vary between habitats, suggesting that the general requirements of this species are independent of environmental conditions. In conclusion, some life history traits, formerly assumed to be genetically fixed parameters of primate species, prove in fact to be highly flexible. Different populations of the same species show distinct adaptations according to the prevailing conditions in order to maximize individual reproductive output.  相似文献   

● Higher concentrations of PS, PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H inhibited seed germination. ● PS, PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H influenced seedling growth in a dose-dependent manner. ● PS, PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H reduced essential nutrients uptake and plant quality. ● PS, PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H increased antioxidant enzyme activities and MDA content. ● Nanoplastic toxicity was related to surface charges. Nanoplastic pollution has become a significant problem in farmland systems worldwide. However, research on the effects of nanoplastics (NPs) with different charges on field crops is still limited. In our study, NPs with different charges, including unmodified polystyrene nanoplastics (PS), positively charged polystyrene nanoplastics (PS-NH2), and negatively charged polystyrene nanoplastics (PS-SO3H), were investigated for their impacts on seed germination and seedling growth of rape. The results showed that seed water uptake (after 12 h), seed germination, seed vigour, and relative root elongation were all significantly reduced under exposure to NPs (200 mg/L). Similarly, remarkable decreases in plant biomass (root weight, shoot weight), growth (root length, plant height), photosynthesis ability (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids), essential nutrient uptake (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu), and plant quality (soluble protein, soluble sugar, crude fibre content) of rape seedlings were also observed after exposure to NPs. Among the three kinds of NPs, PS-NH2 showed stronger effects. Moreover, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and catalase activities of rape seedlings were changed, and the content of malondialdehyde was significantly increased under exposure to NPs. Furthermore, positively charged PS-NH2 showed stronger effects on the phenotype, physiology, biochemistry, nutrient uptake, and plant quality of rape. Notably, a comprehensive toxicity evaluation revealed that PS-NH2 had the strongest toxicity to rape. The present study provides important implications for the interaction and risk assessment of NPs and crops in soil-plant systems.  相似文献   

Rhodophysema georgii Batt., a rare epiphyte on Zostera spp., was collected from lowtide-level lagoons at Bembridge (Isle of Wight), and its life history examined in laboratory culture. The tetraspores, the only method of reproduction known, gave rise to small crusts which again developed tetrasporangial sori on the surface, similar to those of the parental material. It is suggested that this direct type of life history is probably due to the repression of meiosis in the tetrasporangial mother cell.  相似文献   

Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus S.) is a key species in the pelagic ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Most stocks of small pelagic species are characterized by natural, fishery-independent fluctuations, which make it difficult to predict stock development. Baltic sprat recruitment is highly variable, which can partly be related to climate-driven variability in hydrographic conditions. Results from experimental studies and field observations demonstrate that a number of important life history traits of sprat are affected by temperature, especially the survival and growth of early life stages. Projected climate-driven warming may impact important processes affecting various life stages of sprat, from survival and development during the egg and larval phases to the reproductive output of adults. This study presents a stage-based matrix model approach to simulate sprat population dynamics in relation to different climate change scenarios. Data obtained from experimental studies and field observations were used to estimate and incorporate stage-specific growth and survival rates into the model. Model-based estimates of population growth rate were affected most by changes in the transition probability of the feeding larval stage at all temperatures (+0, +2, +4, +6?°C). The maximum increase in population growth rate was expected when ambient temperature was elevated by 4?°C. Coupling our stage-based model and more complex, biophysical individual-based models may reveal the processes driving these expected climate-driven changes in Baltic Sea sprat population dynamics.  相似文献   

To explore ecological, phylogenetic, and developmental factors affecting the structure of blubber in Odontocetes (toothed whales), lipid composition of this specialized adipose tissue was determined in 260 specimens (30 species representing all families except the river dolphins), most of which were collected between 1995 and 2005, from all over the world. In most odontocetes, blubber contained primarily triacylglycerols; the blubber of beaked and sperm whales was dominated by wax esters (WE), exhibiting ontogenetic patterns of deposition. WEs may represent an adaptation to deep diving for marine mammals that do not rely on blubber for stored energy. Fatty acid (FA) composition was stratified through blubber depth, with higher concentrations of dietary FA in the inner and endogenous FA in the outer layers of the blubber. Stratification can be considered a characteristic feature of odontocetes, and is likely the result of differential metabolism through the blubber. Small body size appears to constrain blubber lipid content to be high. Thermal habitat also represents an important selective pressure for blubber composition. Species inhabiting colder waters exhibited both higher lipid content and increased FA stratification in blubber, compared to species from warm/tropical habitats. The isolation of mobilization to inner blubber may permit metabolic enzymes to function without limitation by lower temperatures. The variation in composition and distribution of blubber lipids in odontocetes suggests that different species may have evolved slightly diverse arrays of secondary functions for this specialized tissue as adaptations for specific ecological niches. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, connectivity is influenced by physical oceanography as well as life history and behavioral traits, which in combination with historical events such as geology, physical oceanography, and climate, determine population structure. The Antarctic brittle star Ophionotus victoriae develops via a feeding planktonic larval stage, and therefore has potential for long-distance dispersal throughout its Antarctic/subantarctic range. To evaluate this hypothesis, phylogeography of this ecologically dominant species was elucidated by sequence analysis of two mtDNA genes from individuals collected throughout the Antarctic Peninsula and from two subantarctic islands. Counter to expectations of genetic homogeneity, mtDNA data revealed substantial levels of genetic differentiation as well as diversity. Although there were some genetically homogeneous populations, such as those throughout Bransfield Strait, we found O. victoriae to have significant population structure throughout much of the Antarctic Peninsula, with evidence of potential cryptic speciation between the western and eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Furthermore, Antarctic Peninsula populations were genetically distinct from subantarctic island populations. The low levels of connectivity implied for O. victoriae contrast with those found for many other Antarctic benthic taxa, and suggest a complex interplay between oceanography, recent climate history, and larval ecology.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of chaetognaths and their developmental stages were investigated in the pelagic waters (0 to 500 m) of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Twenty vertical hauls were taken during autumn 1991 in the Ionian, Cretan, Levantine and Rhodes Seas. The chaetognaths Sagitta bipunctata and S. enflata had the same median depth distributions, which differed from those of S. minima, S. serratodentata, S. lyra, Krohnitta subtilis, and S. decipiens, while S. hexaptera occurred only sporadically. S. bipunctata and S. enflata were mainly restricted to <50 m, and while their distributions co-occurred their stage composition differed. The remaining species took up progressively deeper positions in the water column. Ontogenetic vertical distributions, with the older stages occurring at greater depth, were only observed for the mesopelagic species S. lyra and S. decipiens. Diurnal vertical migration was not detected in any of the species nor in their developmental stages.  相似文献   

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