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亚太环保成立于1995年,是环保主管部门直属的"国家环境保护工业资源循环利用工程技术中心"的依托单位,由云南亚太环境工程设计研究有限公司、云南亚太矿冶环保产业有限公司、成都亚太环保科技股份有限公司、云南亚明环境监测科技有限公司、四川亚环投资管理有限公司组成,注册资金9700万元。亚太环保长期重视科技平台建设。经环保主管部门批准,在昆明国家高新区建成"国家环境保护工业资源循环利用工程技术中心",这是经国家批准的开展循环  相似文献   

The interactions between humans, animals and the environment have shaped human values and ethics, not only the genes that we are made of. The animal rights movement challenges human beings to reconsider interactions between humans and other animals, and maybe connected to the environmental movement that begs us to recognize the fact that there are symbiotic relationships between humans and all other organisms. The first part of this paper looks at types of bioethics, the implications of autonomy and the value of being alive. Then the level of consciousness of these relationships are explored in survey results from Asia and the Pacific, especially in the 1993 International Bioethics Survey conducted in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. Very few mentioned animal consciousness in the survey, but there were more biocentric comments in Australia and Japan; and more comments with the idea of harmony including humans in Thailand. Comparisons between questions and surveys will also be made, in an attempt to describe what people imagine animal consciousness to be, and whether this relates to human ethics of the relationships. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the formal environmental education being delivered in three countries in the South Pacific Region, Fiji (Melanesia), Kiribati (Micronesia) and Niue (Polynesia) is evaluated. The findings reveal that environmental education is at different stages of evolution in each of these countries. At present only Niue appears to deliver environmental education effectively when compared with models of good practice suggested in the literature. Some general recommendations are included for the improvement of environmental education in Fiji and Kiribati.Neil Taylor was until recently a Fellow in Science Education at the University of the South Pacific, PO Box 1168, Suva, Fiji. He is now a senior research student at the Centre for Mathematics and Science Education at Queensland University of Technology. Dr Teny Topalian has until very recently been the co-ordinator of the Public Marine Education Programme run as part of the Marine Studies Programme of the University of the South Pacific. She has now returned to her position as Assistant Professor in Natural Sciences and Biology at California State University, Long Beach, California, USA.  相似文献   

Years of strong economic growth in the Asia—Pacific region have resulted in unprecedented increases in energy demand in the region, particularly for oil and gas. The supply of oil and gas to the region will become more problematic as the decade progresses. Already 50% dependent on imported oil, this figure will rise to nearly 65% by 2000. Because high rates of domestic oil demand growth among traditional petroleum exporters - Indonesia. China and Malaysia - will absorb exportable surpluses, the region will find itself dependent on the Middle East for at least 90% of its imported oil needs by 2000. Currently linked to oil, LNG prices cannot justify the investments needed to bring new greenfield projects on line. With demand expected to exceed 67 million tonnes (Mt) in 2000 and 100 Mt in 2010. over 50 Mt of new capacity will be needed; satisfying this demand will necessitate a new pricing structure for LNG, raising the price substantially above the relative price of crude oil.  相似文献   

The concepts of cost recovery and demand management in the context of water resources for small island countries are introduced. Water pricing mechanisms which could be used to achieve the goal of cost recovery are discussed. Regulatory and economic measures, and pricing policies for limiting increases in demand ('demand management') are also presented. Examples from island countries are used to illustrate the policies discussed.  相似文献   

Communities who rely directly on the natural environment for their survival typically have developed risk management strategies to enable them to avoid dangerous thresholds of change to their livelihoods. Development policy appropriate for natural resource-based communities requires an understanding of the primary drivers of social-ecological change, the ways in which affected households autonomously respond to such drivers, and the appropriate avenues for intervention to reduce vulnerability. Coffee has been, and still remains, one of the most important commodities of the Mesoamerican region, and hundreds of thousands of smallholder households in the region are dependent in some way on the coffee industry for their livelihood stability. We used the Analytical Network Process to synthesize expert knowledge on the primary drivers of livelihood change in the region as well as the most common household strategies and associated capacities necessary for effective response. The assessment identified both gradual systemic processes as well as specific environmental and market shocks as significant drivers of livelihood change across the region. Agronomic adjustments and new forms of social organization were among the more significant responses of farmers to these changes. The assessment indicates that public interventions in support of adaptation should focus on enhancing farmers’ access to market and technical information and finance, as well as on increasing the viability of farmers’ organizations and cooperatives.  相似文献   

As the number of marine protected areas (MPAs) is globally increasing, information is needed on the effectiveness of existing sites. Many protected area agencies however have limited resources and are unable to evaluate MPA effectiveness. An evaluation conducted entirely by the managing agency may also lack credibility. Long-term monitoring and evaluation programs should ideally offer opportunities for participation of diverse groups in the selection of evaluation indicators and their assessment. A participatory approach has the potential to enhance evaluation capacity, to increase credibility and acceptance of results, to strengthen relationships between managers and local stakeholders, and to address more locally relevant information. Using a case study approach, this paper investigates diverse stakeholder groups’ opinions on the design of an evaluation and their interest to participate in an assessment. Respondents were most interested in the assessment of MPA achievements and outcome indicators. Most groups identified a range of government agencies and stakeholders that should participate in an assessment but only half of all respondents were interested to participate in monitoring activities. Most frequently mentioned limitations for more participation were a lack of time and money, but also governance shortcomings such as limited participation possibilities and not paying enough credit to stakeholders’ input. Participation interest was also influenced by occupation, place of residency, and familiarity with the marine environment. Differences exist among stakeholders about suitable evaluators and preferred monitoring partners, which could affect the credibility of evaluation results and affect monitoring activities.  相似文献   

Human activities levy a biological cost on ecosystems as resources are accessed and utilized at rates which are often incompatible with inherent ecosystem processes and structures. The recreational impact of humans upon intertidal zones and particularly fucoid algal assemblages is one major threat facing coastal ecosystems. The effect of human values, knowledge and perception in effecting biologically costly behaviors has rarely been examined. We hypothesize that with respect to intertidal zones: (1) Personal attribution and perception of ecosystem resiliency are more important than knowledge in determining the extent of depreciative behaviors individuals engage in, and; (2) Individuals who are uncertain about ecosystem resiliency will behave in a manner consistent with the 'precautionary principle'. We measured the depreciative behavior, and the attitudes and perceptions to ecosystem resilience, of visitors to Wick Headland in Pacific Rim National Park, British Columbia. Attitudes, knowledge, perceptions, and personal attribution were measured using questionnaire survey and structured interviews undertaken in situ. Depreciative behaviors of visitors were discreetly observed and correlated to the questionnaire survey and interview responses. We show that visitors who recorded greater knowledge of intertidal ecology engaged in more depreciative behaviors than visitors recording less knowledge. Visitors who perceived high ecosystem resilience in the intertidal zone engaged in significantly more behaviors eliciting biological cost than those who perceived low ecosystem resilience. Visitors who recorded uncertainty regarding ecosystem resilience engaged in significantly more depreciative behaviors than those who perceived low ecosystem resilience but slightly fewer depreciative behaviors than those who perceived high ecosystem resilience. Personal attribution was inversely correlated to the mean number of depreciative behaviors. We discuss the relevance of these results to the management of intertidal zones and marine protected areas, to multiple use management, the management of visitor impact, and natural resource use.  相似文献   

环渤海地区海洋科技投入产出比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是海洋世纪,海洋经济发展离不开科学技术的支持.经过几十年的发展,我国的海洋科技整体上已经取得了显著成就,但是各地区之间的实力又存在着差距.运用理论与实证相结合的方式,在层次分析法的基础上对环渤海3省1市的海洋科技投入产出进行比较分析.通过计算海洋科技得分,为正确认识环渤海地区海洋科技实力状况提供佐证,同时也为各省市制定有效的海洋发展策略提供重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

Twenty-two metals for which secondary recovery is important, in terms of quantity and/or value, were compared and ranked for rate and efficiency of recycling, and availability of recycled metal. In general, their recycling rates trended upward over the period 1970–1993. Iron, aluminum, copper, gold, platinum, and lead accounted for most of the value of all secondary metal produced, while iron and steel dominated in terms of quantity produced and exported. The factors most influential on recycling rates are profitability, public support, organization of infrastructure, sortability, legislative support, and scrap purity. The share of supply accounted for by secondary metals is expected to surpass that of primary metals sometime in the next decade.  相似文献   

以环渤海地区44个地级市为研究对象,利用2007—2017年陆路交通网络和经济社会发展数据,借助引力模型和加权平均旅行时间,结合GIS网络分析功能,测算了环渤海地区陆路可达性的时空变化和各个城市之间的经济联系强度及跨海通道建立后对其影响。结果表明:①环渤海地区陆路可达性呈以京津冀核心区城市为核心,向南北扩散的中心外围格局。②环渤海区域各城市之间的经济联系强度呈逐年递增趋势,超高值经济联系强度的城市更为集中,且联系强度呈爆炸式增长。③跨海通道建立后,大连、烟台、青岛等城市的可达性提升,城市之间的经济联系强度增强。  相似文献   

Over the last decades, oil consumption in the developing countries hus been increasing rapidly. Road transport has accounted for most of this increase in demand. It is the thesis of this paper that future growth in oil demand in developing countries will occur mainly in the road transport sector and that this growth will be surprisingly strong. Estimated income and price elasticities for several developing countries are presented and forecasts for oil consumption in road transport in the developing countries up to 2010 are given.  相似文献   

环渤海地区海洋资源丰富,地区经济的发展壮大在很大程度上依赖于对海洋资源的开发利用.概述了环渤海地区海洋经济的发展现状,应用区域空间差异的定量分析方法与模型(标准方差、加权变差系数、集中化指数、最小方差法等)分析了环渤海四海市主要海洋产业的空间集聚与扩散程度,总结出它们发展海洋经济的民同,提出了促进环渤海地区海洋经济发展的建议.  相似文献   

Acid rain in Asia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Acid rain has been an issue of great concern in North America and Europe during the past several decades. However, due to the passage of a number of recent regulations, most notably the Clean Air Act in the United States in 1990, there is an emerging perception that the problem in these Western nations is nearing solution. The situation in the developing world, particularly in Asia, is much bleaker. Given the policies of many Asian nations to achieve levels of development comparable with the industrialized world—which necessitate a significant expansion of energy consumption (most derived from indigenous coal reserves)—the potential for the formation of, and damage from, acid deposition in these developing countries is very high. This article delineates and assesses the emissions patterns, meteorology, physical geology, and biological and cultural resources present in various Asian nations. Based on this analysis and the risk factors to acidification, it is concluded that a number of areas in Asia are currently vulnerable to acid rain. These regions include Japan, North and South Korea, southern China, and the mountainous portions of Southeast Asia and southwestern India. Furthermore, with accelerated development (and its attendant increase in energy use and production of emissions of acid deposition precursors) in many nations of Asia, it is likely that other regions will also be affected by acidification in the near future. Based on the results of this overview, it is clear that acid deposition has significant potential to impact the Asian region. However, empirical evidence is urgently needed to confirm this and to provide early warning of increases in the magnitude and spread of acid deposition and its effects throughout this part of the world.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental problems in developing countries partly arise out of lack of development, hence they are intricately linked to the socio-economic conditions. Environmental awareness and environmental education are critical under these conditions but these are time consuming and slow solutions. Integration of economic and environmental plans for various regions have to be attempted systematically. Time is running out, and unless comprehensive steps are taken up some of the capital assets (such as forests, fresh water, soils, etc.) are likely to be irretrievably damaged.Dr B. Bowonder was, until recently, Chairman of the Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology at the Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad. He recently joined this Journal's Advisory Board and his analysis of the Bhopal Incident (The Environmentalist, 5 (2) 89–103) created considerable interest. He is currently a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific.  相似文献   

Differences between inland and coastal aquacultural production systems in Asia are discussed in terms of market orientation, resource allocation and property rights, and scale of operations. The production of shrimp grown in coastal brackish water ponds has featured prominently in aquacultural development programmes in Asia. Emphasis placed on capital-intensive shrimp production for export, however, has distracted attention from the potential of inland freshwater aquaculture to generate employment opportunities for rural people and food production for domestic consumers. The paper concludes with a discussion of an alternative policy direction for promoting aquacultural development on a socially sound basis, recognizing the need to balance equity and human nutrition with profitability and foreign exchange earnings.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental education is currently fashionable. However, some educators are viewing it with suspicion as a trendy subject which will disrupt their carefully planned syllabii which are geared largely towards the passing of examinations. In the South Pacific there have been a number of attempts to increase people's awareness of their surroundings and to build up a respect for what is loosely termed our physical environment. These programmes have included, increasing the amount of environmental examples in a range of primary and secondary school subjects, formal courses in environmental planning at the tertiary level, and conservation messages through the media.Dr Jenny Bryant is a Lecturer in Geography at the University of the South Pacific, and recently Secretary, now Acting Chairperson, of the South Pacific Action Committee for Human Ecology and the Environment (SPACHEE).  相似文献   

For much of the 1980s refining has been unprofitable. The continued operation of small refineries in oil-importing developing countries has therefore come under intense scrutiny, especially by the international financial institutions concerned with high levels of external debt. This paper examines the specific case of Morocco. Even though refining may be unprofitable at the world's export refineries, refining may still be part of the least-cost solution to meeting developing country petroleum demands as a result of transport differentials. Unlike some other refineries in Africa, those of Morocco are well run, and closure is unwarranted. Rather the need is for regulatory and pricing reform, such that refiners can respond more flexibly to changes in world markets.  相似文献   

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