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This document describes a basis for the establishment of marine sediment quality guidelines for regulatory applications. It outlines a geochemical basis for identifying potential anomalies in the presence of inorganic contaminants in marine sediments and a biological or ecotoxicological basis for determining concentrations unlikely to result in adverse biological effects. These approaches are discussed in an exploratory fashion. It is intended that both approaches could be combined in a manner that takes account of sedimentary nature and composition as a conceptual and practical approach to the establishment of guidelines for regulatory applications associated with the protection of the marine environment.  相似文献   

张英珊  郑凤英 《生态环境》2006,15(1):179-183
海洋环境基因组学是功能基因组学的一个分支学科,它将基因组学的最新技术引入到海洋生态环境的研究当中,得到了许多有价值的研究成果,显示出巨大的发展潜力。文章总结了海洋环境基因组学所开展的工作和已取得的成果,指出目前海洋环境基因组学的工作主要集中在三个领域:海洋生物基因资源文库的建立与完善;海洋生物对环境胁迫的应激反应及生理机制的研究;探索不同生物种群的基因表达谱是否与生物地理分布相关联。并着重讨论了利用基因组学技术研究环境胁迫对海洋生物物种的分布、生物物种间的相互作用以及水生物疾病的影响。如海洋环境基因组学通过测定基因表达谱的变化,研究海洋生物对环境温度的生理响应,绘制出生物地理图谱;通过测定基因转录水平的变化,更深入地了解温度变化所造成的生理支出,从而预测热气候漂移可能给海洋生态环境所造成的影响。在水生物疾病的研究方面,海洋环境基因组学用DNA微阵列技术分析染病生物的基因表达谱,筛选出发生变化的基因表达,为理解病毒感染机制提供了大量信息。还可以深入研究环境胁迫因子与微生物种群群落的组成关系,并由此找到通过维持水体的微生态平衡来消除某些病害发生的环境条件。  相似文献   

各国水体沉积物重金属质量基准的差异及原因分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对8种重金属的海洋和淡水沉积物的质量基准进行了Box-Whisker图解分析,结果表明,各国水体沉积物重金属质量基准值均在2-3个数量级范围之间变化,相差超过4-5个数量级的极大值的出现,则通常与局部区域沉积物的污染程度和实验所用测试生物的敏感性有关,同时剖析了造成基准差异性的原因,以便从总体上对我国水体沉积物质量基准的制定有所启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

美国恶臭污染管理及测试方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了美国目前的恶臭法规和政策问题。在最近几年中,恶臭标准化问题已经取得了令人瞩目的进展。在美国,大气和废物管理协会(A&WMA)的EE-6恶臭委员会向美国试验与材料协会(ASTM)转交了关于美国试验与材料协会(ASTM)E-679-91方法的建议性替代方案。另外,该方案推荐对嗅觉计使用最小的流量速率3L/min。然而美国大量的恶臭实验室采用了接近20L/min流量速率的欧洲标准。作者提出疑问:美国标准中调整后的嗅觉测量法中采用较低的流量速率和测定值是否与欧洲标准中采用的较高的流量速率和较高的恶臭测定值存在矛盾呢?  相似文献   

Controlling the temperature of food packages during transport is needed with the rise of online shopping. During transport, food requires cold temperatures to maintain freshness. A major issue is the undesired warming of food when packages are exposed to warm temperatures on airport tarmacs and temporary unrefrigerated storage during air transportation. To solve this problem, phase change materials (PCMs) can maintain package temperature by changing their phase from liquid to solid or vice versa, to absorb or release latent heat. Although this technology is still not fully commercially viable yet, it has good potential. This article reviews all aspects of PCM packaging, including their classification, technical approaches, and commercial applications, with focus on the direct integration of PCM into food package systems. The article also provides guidelines for future research and reveals aspects that still hinder the full exploitation of PCM in the food packaging industry. To make PCM packaging commercially viable, research needs to consider aspects such as cost, consumer acceptance and confidence, regulatory aspects, e.g., labeling, and multifunctionality.  相似文献   

水体沉积物重金属质量基准研究   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
本文阐述了建立沉积物质量标准的意义、用途、重点介绍了七种建立沉积物质量基准的文法,以及每种方法的基本假设、程序和优缺点,并讨论了发展现状和前景。  相似文献   

Utilization of ash residues, including coal ash, oil ash, and municipal solid waste combustion ash, for the construction of artificial reefs at sea has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world for nearly 20 years. Both laboratory and field studies have shown that an artificial reef made of stabillized ash-concrete (SAC) has had no adverse effect on the marine environment. Indeed, published studies have shown that fish counts increase around SAC reefs owing to an abundance of colonizing organisms and to protection provided by cavities within the reef structures. However, public and regulatory resistance to the use of SAC for artificial reef construction at sea is still very strong in certain countries due to concern for possible negative environmental impacts, primarily in the area of bioaccumulation of elements or compounds originating from the ash component of SAC.

In this paper, technological feasibility of using ash residues for artificial reef construction is presented, based on the available 20 years of scientific data, including engineering workability, physical integrity, chemical leaching potential and biological effects. More important, we also identify conceptual barriers for the acceptance of using SAC for the construction of ocean reefs and suggest approaches to overcome these barriers.  相似文献   

Utilization of ash residues, including coal ash, oil ash, and municipal solid waste combustion ash, for the construction of artificial reefs at sea has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world for nearly 20 years. Both laboratory and field studies have shown that an artificial reef made of stabillized ash-concrete (SAC) has had no adverse effect on the marine environment. Indeed, published studies have shown that fish counts increase around SAC reefs owing to an abundance of colonizing organisms and to protection provided by cavities within the reef structures. However, public and regulatory resistance to the use of SAC for artificial reef construction at sea is still very strong in certain countries due to concern for possible negative environmental impacts, primarily in the area of bioaccumulation of elements or compounds originating from the ash component of SAC.

In this paper, technological feasibility of using ash residues for artificial reef construction is presented, based on the available 20 years of scientific data, including engineering workability, physical integrity, chemical leaching potential and biological effects. More important, we also identify conceptual barriers for the acceptance of using SAC for the construction of ocean reefs and suggest approaches to overcome these barriers.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We compared and integrated marine protected areas proposed through community and scientific assessments in 2 regions of British Columbia, Canada. The community priorities were identified during individual and group interviews with knowledgeable resource users. The scientific priorities were developed with abiotic and biotic data in Marxan, a decision-support tool. The resulting maps of community-based and science-based priorities were very similar for the inshore areas, which lent credibility to both approaches. The resource users thought the science-based maps were fairly good at highlighting areas important for conservation, but preferred the scenarios that integrated the 2 maps to either constituent map. Incorporating spatial variation in human impacts on the marine areas and commercial fishing, which are both costs of protection, into our Marxan analyses led to scenarios that were different from either constituent map. Our results show the value of integrating community-based and science-based approaches in conservation planning to achieve community acceptance and conservation utility. They also reveal that people's assessments on the basis of their traditional ecological knowledge may serve as a reasonable proxy for scientific approaches in selecting areas of ecological value.  相似文献   

Abstract: Marine reserves have been suggested as tools for assisting the management of fisheries by protecting vulnerable marine species from overexploitation. Although there is a theoretical basis for believing that marine reserves may serve as management tools, there are few marine reserves in the world in which to test their effectiveness. My research evaluated three forms of marine reserve on the south coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I used northern abalone ( Haliotis kamtschatkana ), a severely depleted shellfish in this region, as an indicator of the effectiveness of the reserves. Abalone populations in eight sites receiving different degrees of spatial protection were counted and measured in situ during the spring of 1996 and 1997. In all sites with enforced harvest closures, populations of abalone were greater, and one site with nearly 40 years of protection had on average much larger (older) abalone. Reproductive output, as a function of abundance and size, was also greater in the enforced reserve areas. Larval dispersal from reserves, and hence the benefit to exploited areas, was not formally surveyed. Nevertheless, the results of my study, combined with knowledge of present abalone populations, life history, and regional hydrodynamics, suggest that establishment of reserves is justified in the absence of perfect knowledge of larval dispersal.  相似文献   

Although the rapid recovery of fishes after establishment of a marine reserve is well known, much less is known about the response of long-lived, sessile, benthic organisms to establishment of such reserves. Since antiquity, Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum) has been harvested intensively for use in jewelry, and its distribution is currently smaller than its historical size throughout the Mediterranean Sea. To assess whether establishment of marine reserves is associated with a change in the size and number of red coral colonies that historically were not harvested sustainably, we analyzed temporal changes in mean colony diameter and density from 1992 to 2005 within red coral populations at different study sites in the Medes Islands Marine Reserve (established in 1992) and in adjacent unprotected areas. Moreover, we compared colony size in the Medes Islands Marine Reserve, where recreational diving is allowed and poaching has been observed after reserve establishment, with colony size in three other marine protected areas (Banyuls, Carry-le-Rouet, and Scandola) with the enforced prohibition of fishing and diving. At the end of the study, the size of red coral colonies at all sampling sites in the Medes Islands was significantly smaller than predicted by growth models and smaller than those in marine protected areas without fishing and diving. The annual number of recreational dives and the percent change in the basal diameter of red coral colonies were negatively correlated, which suggests that abrasion by divers may increase the mortality rates of the largest red coral colonies within this reserve . Our study is the first quantitative assessment of a poaching event, which was detected during our monitoring in 2002, inside the marine reserve. Poaching was associated with a loss of approximately 60% of the biomass of red coral colonies.  相似文献   

Population growth and social/technological developments have resulted in the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and oceans to the extent that we now see changes in the earth’s climate and ocean chemistry. Ocean acidification is one consequence of these changes, and it is known with certainty that it will continue to increase as we emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. Ocean acidification is a global issue likely to impact marine organisms, food webs and ecosystems and to be most severely experienced by the people who depend on the goods and services the ocean provides at regional and local levels. However, research is in its infancy and the available data on biological impacts are complex (e.g., species-specific response). Educating future generations on the certainties and uncertainties of the emerging science of ocean acidification and its complex consequences for marine species and ecosystems can provide insights that will help assessing the need to mitigate and/or adapt to future global change. This article aims to present different educational approaches, the different material available and highlight the future challenges of ocean acidification education for both educators and marine biologists.  相似文献   

In evaluating current environmental protection policy, economists often note that current regulations are more costly than necessary to meet environmental quality standards. While the a priori case is strong that current regulatory approaches are resulting in higher-than-necessary costs to attain environmental standards, there is relatively little empirical evidence to support this claim. The purpose of this paper is to supply some of the missing evidence by presenting the results of one study that assesses some of the potential savings associated with implementing economic, rather than command-and-control, regulatory approaches to abate one type of air pollution in one region of the country. Specifically, the paper examines the costs of meeting a prospective short-term standard for nitrogen dioxide under a range of alternative emissions control strategies for stationary sources of nitrogen oxide emissions in the Chicago Air Quality Control Region. The alternative strategies that are considered range from those that might result under current regulatory policy to those that economic policy approaches (such as emissions charges or marketable permits) are designed to implement. The analysis shows that the most efficient program of emissions controls may be more than an order of magnitude less costly than current regulatory strategies, and that economic approaches have additional advantages over more conventional regulatory approaches.  相似文献   

The importance of water movement as an ecological factor in littoral areas and open oceans is frequently badly underestimated. Water movement may exert biological effects comparable to those of light and temperature. Without water movement, all marine life would cease to exist. In this papar water movement is taken to embrace all motions which may occur in oceanic and coastal waters, e.g. currents, tides, horizontal and vertical water exchanges. The primary driving forces creating oceanic water movements are: gravity, earth rotation, atmospheric dynamics, and sun radiation. Until recently, water movements have largely, or exclusively, been studied by physical oceanographers; biological aspects of water movements have only lately begun to attract the attention of biologists. The results obtained so far make it quite clear that approaches and terminology employed by physical oceanographers require modification in order to meet the needs of marine biologists. The biological consequences of water movements are particularly complex, since moving water serves as transportation medium for other environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, food, etc. At the same time, some of these factors affect, in turn, speed and direction of the moving water. In addition, speed and intensity of water movements may be differentiated due to the variety of sources which cause or modify them. Various examples are presented to illustrate the complexity of water movement and its effects on biological systems. The intensity values of water movement may vary over an extremely wide range (13 degrees of magnitude).  相似文献   

微塑料一般指直径小于5 mm的微小型塑料颗粒或碎片,海洋中常见的微塑料类型主要包括聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚氯乙烯等。由于形状、颜色多变,分子量大,结构稳定,粒径范围与浮游植物相近,海洋中的微塑料很容易被对浮游植物、浮游动物和其他海洋动物等产生影响。微塑料还可以为病毒、细菌提供附着载体,影响浮游植物分布,进入海洋生物消化道或进一步转移到组织中对机体产生毒性效应,甚至通过捕食作用沿食物链传递,对高等动物及人类健康造成威胁。此外,微塑料可以作为海水中痕量化学物质的吸附载体,对生物产生联合毒性。根据目前对微塑料的研究进展情况,未来应加强对海洋微塑料分离、鉴定技术的研发以及海洋微塑料的生物毒性效应和生物传递效应机制等问题的研究。  相似文献   

Passive acoustic monitoring could be a powerful way to assess biodiversity across large spatial and temporal scales. However, extracting meaningful information from recordings can be prohibitively time consuming. Acoustic indices (i.e., a mathematical summary of acoustic energy) offer a relatively rapid method for processing acoustic data and are increasingly used to characterize biological communities. We examined the relationship between acoustic indices and the diversity and abundance of biological sounds in recordings. We reviewed the acoustic‐index literature and found that over 60 indices have been applied to a range of objectives with varying success. We used 36 of the most indicative indices to develop a predictive model of the diversity of animal sounds in recordings. Acoustic data were collected at 43 sites in temperate terrestrial and tropical marine habitats across the continental United States. For terrestrial recordings, random‐forest models with a suite of acoustic indices as covariates predicted Shannon diversity, richness, and total number of biological sounds with high accuracy (R2 ≥ 0.94, mean squared error [MSE] ≤170.2). Among the indices assessed, roughness, acoustic activity, and acoustic richness contributed most to the predictive ability of models. Performance of index models was negatively affected by insect, weather, and anthropogenic sounds. For marine recordings, random‐forest models poorly predicted Shannon diversity, richness, and total number of biological sounds (R2 ≤ 0.40, MSE ≥ 195). Our results suggest that using a combination of relevant acoustic indices in a flexible model can accurately predict the diversity of biological sounds in temperate terrestrial acoustic recordings. Thus, acoustic approaches could be an important contribution to biodiversity monitoring in some habitats.  相似文献   


Background and Scope

The marine shipping lanes have become the most important path for the invasion of foreign aquatic organisms. The increasing global trade results in an increase in the number of marine vessels. Without any protective measures, with every ship carrying foreign organisms the risk of biological invasions will rise.


The International Martime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations developed a convention to reduce the transfer of organisms with ballast water. After the entry-into-force of this convention the fleet of the world has to be equipped with effective ballast water management technology before 2016. This article discusses potential options for action. To comply with the limit values of the ballast water convention, the current state of the art demands the use of active substances. Any decision on the approval of active substances used for ballast water treatment and the environmental impact assessment lies with the IMO. Proposed to day are UV-radiation, active chlorine, active oxygen, the creation of biocides through electrolysis and a change in gases contained in the ballast water. The technologies and the potential risks are presented.


Despite the introduction of an approval procedure by IMO any reliable assessment of the real risks involved in the use of biocides is impossible, as the risk assessment approaches have still to be developed. On the regulatory level, the main focus in data requirements for the risk assessment is on a comprehensive testing of the toxic potential of the biocides proposed. Strategies for the identification and evaluation of the chemical resulting from the treatment of limnic, marine and brackish water are not fully developed. An integrating assessment of risks involved in the introduction of foreign organisms versus the toxic effects of the substances used or created during treatment is still missing.  相似文献   

Conservation and management of marine biodiversity depends on biomonitoring of marine habitats, but current approaches are resource-intensive and require different approaches for different organisms. Environmental DNA (eDNA) extracted from water samples is an efficient and versatile approach to detecting aquatic animals. In the ocean, eDNA composition reflects local fauna at fine spatial scales, but little is known about the effectiveness of eDNA-based monitoring of marine communities at larger scales. We investigated the potential of eDNA to characterize and distinguish marine communities at large spatial scales by comparing vertebrate species composition among marine habitats in Qatar, the Arabian Gulf (also known as the Persian Gulf), based on eDNA metabarcoding of seawater samples. We conducted species accumulation analyses to estimate how much of the vertebrate diversity we detected. We obtained eDNA sequences from a diverse assemblage of marine vertebrates, spanning 191 taxa in 73 families. These included rare and endangered species and covered 36% of the bony fish genera previously recorded in the Gulf. Sites of similar habitat type were also similar in eDNA composition. The species accumulation analyses showed that the number of sample replicates was insufficient for some sampling sites but suggested that a few hundred eDNA samples could potentially capture >90% of the marine vertebrate diversity in the study area. Our results confirm that seawater samples contain habitat-characteristic molecular signatures and that eDNA monitoring can efficiently cover vertebrate diversity at scales relevant to national and regional conservation and management.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes a well differentiated typology of water bodies on the basis of scientific and biological criteria. For coastal waters, such criteria have long been established, while for transitional waters they are still under discussion. One of the difficulties when applying the WFD to coastal lagoons is to include them in only one of these categories, and while there is no doubt about the nature of estuaries as transitional waters, there is some controversy concerning lagoons. To what extent, reference conditions may be similar for estuaries and lagoons, or whether features common to all coastal lagoons are more important for differentiating them from other water bodies than the fact that there is (or is not) any fresh water influence, is something that remains unclear and is discussed in this work. Coastal lagoons and estuaries form part of a continuum between continental and marine aquatic ecosystems. Shelter, strong boundaries or gradients with adjacent ecosystems, anomalies in salinity regarding freshwater or marine ecosystems, shallowness, etc. all contribute to the high biological productivity of estuaries and lagoons and determine common ecological guilds in the species inhabiting them. On the other hand, fresh water influence, the spatial organization of gradients and environmental variability (longitudinal one-dimensional gradients in estuaries versus complex patterns and three-dimensional heterogeneity in lagoons) constitute the main differences, since these factors affect both the species composition and the dominance of certain ecological guilds and, probably, the system’s complexity and homeostatic capability. In the context of the WFD, coastal lagoons and estuaries are closer to each other than they are to continental or marine waters, and, on the basis of the shared features, they could be intercalibrated and managed together. However, coastal lagoons cannot be considered transitional waters according to the present definition. To assume that fresh water influence is an inherent characteristic to these ecosystems could lead to important changes in the ecological organization and functioning of coastal lagoons where natural fresh water input is low or null. In our opinion, the present day definition of transitional waters should be changed substituting the criterion of fresh water influence by another based on common features, such as relative isolation and anomalies in salinity in water bodies with marine influence. Otherwise, coastal lagoons should be considered a particularly characteristic type of water mass for establishing reference conditions of ecological status.  相似文献   

微塑料一般指直径小于5 mm的微小型塑料颗粒或碎片,海洋中常见的微塑料类型主要包括聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚氯乙烯等。由于形状、颜色多变,分子量大,结构稳定,粒径范围与浮游植物相近,海洋中的微塑料很容易对浮游植物、浮游动物和其他海洋动物等产生影响。微塑料还可以为病毒、细菌提供附着载体,影响浮游植物分布,进入海洋生物消化道或进一步转移到组织中对机体产生毒性效应,甚至通过捕食作用沿食物链传递,对高等动物及人类健康造成威胁。此外,微塑料可以作为海水中痕量化学物质的吸附载体,对生物产生联合毒性。根据目前对微塑料的研究进展情况,未来应加强对海洋微塑料分离、鉴定技术的研发以及海洋微塑料的生物毒性效应和生物传递效应机制等问题的研究。  相似文献   

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