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Management agencies are considering introducing the Suminoe oyster Crassostrea ariakensis into Chesapeake Bay, USA. It is unknown if the growth of feral populations of this non-native oyster would be regulated by the same predators that once controlled the abundance of the native eastern oyster C. virginica. In laboratory studies, we compared the relative susceptibility of juvenile diploids (shell height < 25 mm) of both oyster species to invertebrate predators of eastern oyster juveniles. Predators included four species of mud crabs [Rhithropanopeus harrisii (carapace width 7–11 mm), Eurypanopeus depressus (6–21 mm), Dyspanopeus sayi (8–20 mm), and Panopeus herbstii (9–29 mm)], the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (35–65 mm), and two sizes of polyclad flatworms (Stylochus ellipticus and possibly Euplana gracilis; planar area ≲5 mm2 and ∼14 to 88 mm2). All four species of mud crab and the blue crab preyed significantly (ANOVA, P ≤ 0.05) more on C. ariakensis than on C. virginica, but predation by flatworms of both sizes did not differ significantly between oyster species. The greater susceptibility of C. ariakensis to crab predation was likely due to its shell compression strength being 64% lower than that of C. virginica (P = 0.005). To test for predator-induced enhancement of shell strength, we held oysters of both species for 54 days in the presence of, but protected from, C. sapidus and R. harrisii. Crabs were fed congeneric oysters twice weekly within each aquarium. Compared to controls, shell strength of C. virginica exposed to R. harrisii increased significantly (P < 0.043), as did shell strength of both oyster species exposed to C. sapidus (P < 0.01). Despite the changes in shell strength by both oyster species in the presence of C. sapidus, the shell of C. ariakensis remained 57% weaker than C. virginica. We conclude that, because C. ariakensis exposed to predators continued to have a weaker shell relative to C. virginica, the natural suite of crab and flatworm predators in Chesapeake Bay will likely serve to control the abundance of feral C. ariakensis. We caution that the situation in the natural environment may be sufficiently different in some locations that C. ariakensis may be able to compensate for its greater vulnerability to crab predation and hence become a nuisance species.  相似文献   

The free amino acid pool of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa was reduced in proportion to the decrease in external salinity within 24 h, with a corresponding increase in ammonia excretion and a transient rise in oxygen consumption. The free amino acid pool was not increased in response to increased salinity. Catabolism of free amino acids is important in the reduction of cellular osmotic pressure in reduced salinities. Antagonistic demands of osmotic preservation and nutritional metabolism on the free amino acid pool may limit the production of the species in waters of higher salinity.  相似文献   

The regulation of muscle fiber K+ and free amino acid (FAA) concentrations during hypoosmotic stress was investigated in the moderately euryhaline crab Cancer irroratus. After 6 h of exposure to 60% ASW, muscle fiber K+ concentration declined from 185 mM to 140 mM. Following this, the blood glycine levels began to increase, indicating an FAA efflux from the cells. These data indicate that both muscle fiber K+ and FAA contribute to cell volume regulation in C. irroratus. The early release of K+ limits the initial rate of cell hydration. The subsequent efflux of glycine accounts for the volume regulation response of the muscle fibers. The cell volume regulatory system of C. irroratus is a coordinated use of both inorganic ions and FAA.  相似文献   

We investigated feeding by the hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus (Bloch and Schneider), in freshwater, oligohaline, mesohaline, and polyhaline regions of Chesapeake Bay, USA, and examined prey selection in relation to food availability. Otter trawling for fish and Van Veen grab sampling for benthic macrofauna occurred in July and August 1992 and August and September 1993. Hogchokers exhibited both opportunistic and selective feeding patterns along the estuarine salinity gradient in four tributaries (Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James Rivers) and in the mainstem Chesapeake Bay. Major prey taxa included annelids, arthropods, and tellinid siphons. In polyhaline habitat, polychaetes dominated both the benthos and gut contents numerically and gravimetrically. On the other hand, oligochaetes were numerically dominant in freshwater/oligohaline areas but were rarely eaten, perhaps because of their burial depth. Arthropods (mostly amphipods) occurred at most salinities, were common in gut contents in low-salinity areas, and were replaced as prey by larger proportions of polychaetes in polyhaline regimes. Although hogchokers ate tellinid siphons, they rarely consumed whole bivalves or gastropods. These diet patterns (and especially the importance of siphon nipping) are similar to those of juvenile or small flatfish elsewhere in Europe, Africa, and North America. A size–salinity relationship for hogchokers occurred along the summer salinity gradient, with smaller fish predominating upstream and larger fish downstream. It was not clear from our data if variation in diet composition reflected changes in prey composition along the salinity gradient rather than changes in fish size. Received: 14 June 1997 / Accepted: 27 June 1997  相似文献   

J. R. Dolan 《Marine Biology》1991,111(2):303-309
Growth rates of microphagous ciliates (forms which feed primarily on picoplankton-sized prey) were estimated, along with rates of their consumption by copepods, in shipboard experiments conducted in the mesohaline portion of Chesapeake Bay, USA, under contrasting water column conditions in April, June, and August 1987. Estimates were based on temporal changes in cell densities in size-fractionated water samples incubated under in situ conditions. In April, at low temperatures (7 to 10°C) and with oxygen present throughout the water column, similar generation times of ca. 1 to 1.5 d were estimated for surface and deep water (24 m) ciliate populations. In June, water was anoxic below 12 m and a distinct anoxic microphage community grew at about twice the rate of the surface community with generation times of ca. 7 and 14 h, respectively. In August, bottom water was again anoxic, but the sameStrobilidium sp. dominated both surface and deep waters with low or no growth apparent in anoxic waters and a generation time of ca. 8 h in surface waters. Copepod (primarilyAcartia tonsa Dana nauplii) clearance rates for microphagous ciliates in surface waters were 0.11, 0.56, and 0.53 ml h–1 copepod–1 for April, June and August, respectively. Calculation of removal rates, based on average densities, indicated that from 34 to 200% of surface waters were cleared d–1 of microphagous ciliates by copepods.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are toxic substances released into the environment, contributing to a variety of toxic effects on living organisms in food chain by accumulation and biomagnifications. Certain pollutants such as arsenic (As) remain in the environment for an extensive period. They eventually accumulate to levels that could harm physiochemical properties of soils and lead to loss of soil fertility and crop yield. Arsenic, when not detoxified, may trigger a sequence of reactions leading to growth inhibition, disruption of photosynthetic and respiratory systems, and stimulation of secondary metabolism. Plants respond to As toxicity by a variety of mechanisms including hyperaccumulation, antioxidant defense system, and phytochelation. Arbuscular mycorrhizae symbiosis occurs in almost all habitats and climates, including disturbed soils. There is growing evidence that arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi may alleviate metal/metalloid toxicity to host plant. Here, we review (1) arsenic speciation in the environment and how As is taken up by the roots and metabolised within plants, and (2) the role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in alleviating arsenic toxicity in crop plants.  相似文献   

 Free amino acid (FAA) and protein content were measured in various developmental stages of Artemia franciscana, from cysts to Instar III metanauplii. In addition, decapsulated cysts of 15 Artemia populations from different localities were compared with respect to their FAA and protein content. Furthermore, the content and composition of the FAA pool were modulated by hatching the cysts at various salinities, and by enriching the nauplii with algae or a lipid-enrichment emulsion. The FAA content increased threefold from cysts to nauplii, and Instar III metanauplii contained nearly 50% taurine of total FAA. Cysts of A. franciscana were found to contain one-third the amount of FAA compared to the other Artemia species investigated. The content and pool composition of FAA was successfully modulated in 11 of 13 populations, where by the content of FAA was significantly increased when hatched at high salinity. Finally, enrichment elevated the content of FAA and changed the pool composition, thereby showing a dietary effect. Algal enrichment also increased the protein content. Received: 27 September 1999 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

Like many resources in the Chesapeake Bay region of the U.S., many waterbird nesting populations have suffered over the past three to four decades. In this study, historic information for the entire Bay and recent results from the Tangier Sound region were evaluated to illustrate patterns of island erosion and habitat loss for 19 breeding species of waterbirds. Aerial imagery and field data collected in the nesting season were the primary sources of data. From 1993/1994 to 2007/2008, a group of 15 islands in Tangier Sound, Virginia were reduced by 21% in area, as most of their small dunes and associated vegetation and forest cover were lost to increased washovers. Concurrently, nesting American black ducks (Anas rubripes) declined by 66% , wading birds (herons-egrets) by 51%, gulls by 72%, common terns (Sterna hirundo) by 96% and black skimmers (Rynchops niger) by about 70% in this complex. The declines noted at the larger Bay-wide scale suggest that this study area maybe symptomatic of a systemic limitation of nesting habitat for these species. The island losses noted in the Chesapeake have also been noted in other Atlantic U.S. coastal states. Stabilization and/or restoration of at least some of the rapidly eroding islands at key coastal areas are critical to help sustain waterbird communities.  相似文献   

Water, proteins and total free amino acids were estimated in different tissues of the euryhaline fish Tilapia mossambica after adaptation to various strenghts of sea water. The water content did not vary significantly in any tissue on salinity adaptation. The soluble and insoluble proteins displayed a general and considerable decrease in muscle, liver and heart; the decrease in the soluble fraction in the heart and the proteins of the muscle in 75% sea water (100% sea water=32.5 S) were significant. The gill proteins did not alter with salinity; the kidney proteins tended to increase slightly in 100% sea water (SW). The total free amino-acid content decreased insignificantly in all tissues on adaptation to 25% SW; in higher salinities, however, the content increased significantly. This increase was sudden and steep in 50% SW, and gradual and less steep in 75 and 100% SW. It is suggested that constancy in water content may contribute to the great adaptability of T. mossambica to heterosmotic media, and that the total free amino acids may be involved in isosmotic intracellular regulation. The possibility of amino acid increase as a result of protein breakdown is also indicated.  相似文献   

Geographical variations in the numbers, biomass and production of euphausiids and the contribution of common species to the total are described from samples taken during 1966 and 1967 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea by the Continuous Plankton Recorder at 10 m depth. Euphausiids were most abundant in the central and western North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) was numerically dominant. Biomass was greatest in the Norwegian Sea and the north-eastern North Sea where Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) accounted for 81 and 59%, respectively, of the total biomass. Production was highest off Nova Scotia and in Iberian coastal waters; the dominant species were T. raschi (M. Sars) in the former area and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) in the latter. The mean P:B ratios were correlated with temperature.  相似文献   

J. Otto  S. K. Pierce 《Marine Biology》1981,61(2-3):185-192
In order to study the interaction of the extracellular and intracellular osmoregulatory systems of the bivalve Rangia cuneata, we have measured blood osmotic and ionic concentrations together with intracellular free amino acid concentrations and total tissue water under identical salinity conditions. Like freshwater bivalves, the blood of R. cuneata is maintained hyperosmotic (50 mOsm) to the environment in salinities below 110 mosm by the regulation of Na+, Cl-, K+ and Ca2+ concentrations. On the other hand in company with marine bivalves, R. cuneata also regulates intracellular free amino acids (FAA) as a mechanism to control cellular volume during osmotic stress over the entire non-lethal salinity range (3 to 620 mOsm). Alanine is the predominant intracellular osmotic effector. Thus, by utilizing the osmoregulatory mechanisms of both marine and freshwater bivalves, R. cuneata is able to tolerate salinities ranging from freshwater to 25 ppt and to traverse the faunal salinity boundary, known as the horohalinicum (5 to 8 ppt), controlling cell volume throughout.Please address requests for reprints to Dr. S. K. Pierce  相似文献   

The RNA and DNA contents of the male and female portions of the gonad of the hermaphroditic marine bivalve molluscPecten maximus L. have been monitored throughout an annual reproductive cycle, from October 1985–September 1986, for a population from the Baie de Seine (Normandy, France). The DNA content of the male gonad was consistently 5 to 10 times greater than that of the female gonad, whilst the RNA content was lower. This underlines the basic premise that spermatogenesis involves the production of large numbers of small gametes, whereas oogenesis involves the production of few, large, synthetically active gametes. The RNA:DNA ratio is a good indicator of sexual maturation in the male gonad. Two peaks of RNA:DNA ratio were observed for the female gonad, possibly corresponding to gonad restoration and vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

Recent calls for the development of ecosystem-based fisheries management compel the development of resource management tools and linkages between existing fisheries management tools and other resource tools to enable assessment and management of multiple impacts on fisheries resources. In this paper, we describe the use of the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Ecosystem Model (CBFEM), developed using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software, and the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model (WQM) to demonstrate how linkages between available modeling tools can be used to inform ecosystem-based natural resource management. The CBFEM was developed to provide strategic ecosystem information in support of fisheries management. The WQM was developed to assess impacts on water quality. The CBFEM was indirectly coupled with the WQM to assess the effects of water quality and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) on blue crabs. The output from two WQM scenarios (1985-1994), a baseline scenario representing actual nutrient inputs and another with reduced inputs based on a tributary management strategy, was incorporated into the CBFEM. The results suggested that blue crab biomass could be enhanced under management strategies (reduced nutrient input) when the effective search rate of blue crab young-of-the-year's (YOY's) predators or the vulnerability of blue crab YOY to its predators was adjusted by SAV. Such model linkages are important for incorporating physical and biological components of ecosystems in order to explore ecosystem-based fisheries management options.  相似文献   

Lipid class profiles and total fatty acid composition of particulate matter were studied in the northeast Atlantic during the spring bloom and fall. Eddies of known physical and chemical properties were sampled at different depths. HPLC pigment data were used to characterize the phytoplankton communities. In spring, a dominance of prymnesiophytes was recorded at all depths, while in fall prochlorophytes dominated near the surface and prymnesiophytes only at deep chlorophyll maximum. Lipid classes included triglycerides, sterols, glycolipids and phospholipids. A differential relationship between phytoplankton abundance and lipid accumulation was observed: spring lipid concentrations were positively related to phytoplankton biomass, while fall particulate lipid did not show any relationship. The main feature was a northward increase in lipid concentrations unrelated to the mesoscale hydrological structures. Polar lipids dominated over neutral acyl-glycerols with phospholipids dominating over glycolipids in spring, while glycolipids dominated in fall. This resulted from different nutrient availability with a dominance of flagellates associated with mesotrophy in spring and of picophytoplankton associated with oligotrophy in fall. In terms of fatty acids, factorial correspondence analyses illustrate the influence of seasonally changing assemblages: (1) in spring, the main source of variability was the bloom with an opposition between bloom sites characterized by n-3 and n-6 PUFA, and more detrital deep samples characterized by saturated, monoenoic and branched acids; (2) fall fatty acid profiles were similar at all depths and very close to those observed for spring deep samples. Comparison of pigment and fatty acids using redundancy analysis suggested that pelagophytes were linked to saturated and branched acids. It also showed that prymnesiophytes and prochlorophytes were significantly associated with n-6 and n-3 PUFA. The spring period illustrated the complexity of these relationships with dinoflagellates and prymnesiophytes linked with n-3 PUFA, diatoms linked with palmitoleic and myristic acids, and pelagophytes linked with n-6 PUFA and higher-chain-length monoenes.  相似文献   

 The reproductive biology of female Penaeus japonicus Bate was investigated in the Ariake Sea and Tachibana Bay (located outside the Ariake Sea), Japan from 1994 to 1996. Interannual, seasonal, individual female body size and spatial influences on the incidence of spawning were examined. The proportion of inseminated females, increased with increasing body size up to 170 mm body length (BL) and decreased thereafter. The minimum size at maturity was similar between years; 130 to 140 mm BL. The minimum size of individuals with developing ovaries or spermatophores differed from that of ripe females by 20 to 25 mm. Spawning occurred in the central part of the Ariake Sea and Tachibana Bay but rarely in the inner part. P. japonicus had a clear reproductive cycle. Spawning started earlier and ended later, occurring from mid-May to mid-October, in the eastern central part of and outside of the Ariake Sea compared with the western central part, where spawning occurred from mid-June to mid-September. Spawning dynamics differed across seasons, body sizes and areas but not across years. The seasonal peak in the proportion of ripe females varied with body size. In small individuals (130 to 169 mm BL), no peak was observed, whereas in large individuals (>170 mm BL) the proportion of ripe individuals peaked in June. The proportion of ripe individuals increased with increasing body size and was high outside the Ariake Sea. Factors causing the variation in spawning dynamics are discussed. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 12 October 1999  相似文献   

Fatty acid compositions of the leaves of six species of mangroves were studied to ascertain their use as biomarkers for determining the fate of mangrove organic matter in the habitat and as taxonomic tool. Mangrove leaves were collected from three locations in the western Pacific Ocean: Moreton Bay (MB) (Australia), Hong Kong (China) and Okinawa (Japan). In MB, samples were collected from two sites separated by 15 km: Logan River Estuary (LRE) and Jabiru Island. In addition, along the LRE, leaves were collected from five stations at ∼2–3 km apart. Results show that the analysis of the entire fatty acid profiles of the mangrove leaves is a promising taxonomic tool as the profiles of most species were sufficiently different to be separated in an non-metric multidimensional scaling plot. In addition, geographically separated populations of the same species could also be identified by their fatty acid profiles. In most cases, two non-ubiquitous groups of fatty acids dominated in the mangrove leaves: the polyunsaturated 18:2ω6 and 18:3ω3 and the long chain fatty acids (≥24:0). With respect to the relative contributions of these fatty acids, three groups of species were identified, in which one or both groups of fatty acids may potentially be used as markers of the mangrove organic matter in the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Analysis of stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon in the otolith carbonate of pink snapper, Pagrus auratus, from several locations in Shark Bay, Western Australia, indicated that snapper are highly location specific. The hypersaline (36 to >60‰) Shark Bay, on the coast of Western Australia, generated strongly characteristic isotopic signatures in the otolith carbonate of snapper collected from the various locations indicating low levels of individual movement of the species. Oxygen isotopes showed enrichment in 18O in otolith carbonate with salinity (0.10: Δ δ18O/Δ salinity ‰) typical for the evaporation of seawater. The enrichment in 13C (up to 1.75‰) was attributed to the incorporation of metabolically derived CO2 from an enrichment of 13C in the food web within Shark Bay. This was possibly a result of lower concentrations of dissolved CO2 with increasing salinity causing a reduction in isotope fractionation during photosynthesis. Results complement recent genetic and tagging studies and provide further evidence of the complex nature of snapper stock structure in the Shark Bay region. Published online: 17 July 2002  相似文献   

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