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In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries with advanced pipeline management, some organizations are responsible for pipeline safety protection management for underground hazardous materials. The security and maintenance of a hazardous material pipeline are serious considerations for urban safety, because the materials transported by underground pipelines contain hazardous goods, such as the flammable or explosive particles of solids, liquids, and gases. Damage to a pipeline by external forces often leads to secondary disasters, such as the leakage of hazardous materials, fires, explosions, and environmental pollution. Such events seriously affect the safety of individuals and their property.Accordingly, this study used seismic scenario analysis with a spatial grid to evaluate earthquake damage to an underground pipeline in an urban area. Damage to underground pipelines was classified, pipeline disaster management procedures were discussed, and improvement measures were proposed, such as establishing a geographic information platform and conducting disaster impact assessments for hazardous material pipelines. Underground hazardous material pipelines were assessed in scenarios including earthquakes. Such assessments are intended to provide disaster reduction plans and disaster prevention drills to improve pipeline safety as well as the planning for pipeline materials to aid seismic resistance.  相似文献   

Quantification of inherent safety aspects of the Dow indices   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Dow fire and explosion index (F&EI) and chemical exposure index (CEI) have been successfully implemented in a Visual Basic environment as a tool for the inherent safety assessment of chemical processes. Subprograms were developed to quantify the inherent safety aspects of the Dow indices. These aspects are presented graphically with the indices on the vertical axis and an inherent safety indicator on the horizontal axis. Dow indices of the MIC storage unit involved in the Bhopal disaster were evaluated to quantify the effects of process temperature, pressure and inventory of hazardous materials on the index values.

As operating pressure was reduced, the F&EI decreased in accordance with the principles of inherent safety. The change in F&EI due to reduction of inventory was more significant than that resulting from pressure reduction. The results show that the F&EI change, given the same range of the independent variables (quantity of hazardous materials, operating temperature and pressure), is larger when a unit in the process area is evaluated compared to a unit in a storage area (tank farm). Reduction of the inventory of hazardous materials had no direct effect on the CEI for vapor releases, whereas the size of the hole diameter impacted the CEI to a great extent. However, there is a significant change in the CEI as the inventory of materials decreases for liquid releases involving temperatures above their flash and boiling points. Pressure reduction decreases the CEI, whereas temperature reduction leads to an increase in the CEI when these parameters are treated independently.  相似文献   

化学品混合物的安全监管技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析我国化学品混合物安全监管技术出发,研究对比我国和国外在化学品混合物的危险性鉴别与分类、命名以及名录收入形式等安全监管技术方面的不同做法;指出我国在混合物危险性鉴别与分类、命名以及名录收入形式方面的缺陷和不足;提出完善化学品混合物安全监管技术是提高我国化学品混合物安全监管水平的重要手段;认为借鉴欧盟RAECH、联合国《关于危险货物运输的建议书-规章范本》及GHS的先进做法制定化学品混合物技术名称命名规则、修订现行危险化学品名录中混合物条目、引进混合物健康及环境危害估算方法,对提高我国化学品混合物的安全监管技术水平,促进化学品混合物的安全监管具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

危险化学品安全管理是国家公共安全保障体系的重要组成部分,加强对危化品的安全管理,是保持社会稳定和经济安全,促进贸易的一项战略任务。国内外危化品安全管理实践经验和教训表明,要实现危化品安全科学管理,建立和完善包括危化产品数据库、人员管理、危险源监控、质量安全数据库、应急求援、废弃物处理等从摇篮到坟墓式的技术支持系统至关重要。本文结合近年来危化品安全技术信息管理系统的现状,系统的从国内和国外的研究情况,综述了国内外危化品安全信息系统的研究成果,分析了其优缺点,并且对我国的危化品安全生产信息化建设中存在的问题进行了总结,提出了解决办法与对未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种在设计初期进行化工过程本质安全化设计的策略。首先进行危险物质与危险能量两类共计11种危险类型的危险辨识。针对辨识出的危险类型,通过与相应的临界条件比较进行快速的危险评价,对于不可接受的危险必须采取本质安全化措施,可接受的危险可有选择性地进行本质安全化设计。在设计初期可以使用的本质安全化原则主要是消除、最小化、替代和缓和,针对11种危险类型可以应用不同的本质安全化设计模型,以使实际进行本质安全化设计时更加简单与快捷。该文把提出的本质安全化设计策略应用到一个甲苯硝化制硝基甲苯的工艺,形成了多种本质安全化措施,可以用来在设计初期消除或减少危险。  相似文献   

国外已经对火电厂的安全评价工作进行了一定的研究,但是国内对此项工作的研究还是比较匮乏,尤其对火电厂危险化学品更缺乏相关的安全评价方法及研究。在火力发电厂实际生产中,需使用到大量易燃、易爆危险化学品,由于使用、存储不当,极易造成重大事故。根据某火电厂实际情况,结合安全评价的基本程序,运用道(DOW)化学火灾、爆炸危险指数评价法对火电机组氢冷系统(GRH)单元进行了评价。结果显示,GRH单元的本质危险性很大,经过安全措施补偿后危险性较轻,说明利用道氏法对火电厂危险化学品使用状况进行评价,能够比较准确地反映被评价单位的实际情况,根据评价结果和存在的问题提出有针对性的对策措施,进一步改善火电机组运行环境的安全。评价结果可为火电厂提高安全管理水平提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Safety barriers include physical and non-physical means in different industries for preventing the occurrences of hazardous events and mitigating the consequences in case they have occurred. After clarifying the relevant terminologies, this article reviews the literature in the domain of safety barriers in the recent decade, and categorizes these studies into barrier theory, barrier engineering and barrier management. Classifications of barriers, performance measures, modeling approaches and data-driven analysis for safety barriers are reviewed as parts of barrier theories. In the engineering section, the research advances are presented in accordance with design for reliability and safety, test and maintenance strategies, responses to dependent failures, and diagnosis and prognosis of degradations. Then, project and process management, human and organizational factors, and standardization and compliance management of safety barriers are summarized. Based on the review of literature, research perspectives on safety barriers for resilience, digital safety, security of barriers, utilizing data, and dealing with intelligence, are highlighted and potential challenges are mentioned. This study is therefore expected to be beneficial to the researchers of system and safety engineering, with systematically streamlining and innovatively categorizing the recent findings and insights.  相似文献   

基于多目标优化的危险化学品运输模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,危险化学品在运输过程中的事故越来越多,危害也越来越大,人们关于运输的安全意识也越来越强烈。本文介绍了多目标遗传算法、多目标优化、多目标进化以及他们之间的关系,并将多目标优化问题与危险化学品运输紧密联系起来,建立基于多目标优化的危险化学品运输模式。通过对危化品公路运输的问题描述以及约束条件(包括运输人员、押送人员、运输车辆、监督部门等等)的确定,把该问题转化成为拥有多目标的数学模型,最后利用网格法对危险化学品运输多目标优化进行求解,把多目标问题转化成为多个相互联系的2目标问题,通过减少目标函数边界的方法进行优化。通过这样求解的多目标问题,能够保证运输路径最短、费用最低、安全性最佳,为危险化学品运输安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

针对危化品安全生产监管问题,基于演化博弈理论构建危化品安全监管演化博弈模型,并将危化品事故发生率引入模型,对比分析危化品企业与地方政府监管部门行为策略的演化稳定均衡。在此基础上进行情景推演模拟仿真,研究表明:危化品事故发生率,对危化品企业和地方政府监管部门的策略选择有显著影响,当危化品事故发生概率低于某一临界值时,危化品企业和监管部门都会疏忽安全投入和监管;地方政府承受危化品事故经济损失和信誉损失增大时,危化品安全监管系统演化呈现出周期性波动;引入上级政府惩罚机制情景下,当上级政府惩罚力度高于危化品企业未投入安全生产受到的处罚和地方政府安全监管成本时,其最终都选择安全投入和严格监管策略。研究结论为政府监管危化品安全生产提供新的思路和对策建议。  相似文献   

为对北京市危化品企业基本情况的全面掌握,开展了危险化学品企业安全生产风险评估分级研究,借鉴国外经验和国内有关科研成果,提出了固有风险和动态风险相结合的危化品安全生产风险评估方法。固有风险为企业的基本风险水平,主要由危险化学品物质量、工艺水平、安全监控和周边环境决定,为共性指标;动态风险,反映企业安全生产管理绩效的水平,主要包括安全基础管理和现场管理,为个性指标,不同企业类型,评估动态风险指标有差异。从大量数据中抽取了最能反应企业安全生产状态的指标因素,通过专家组打分法和层次分析法确定评价因素的权重,该评估方法具有较强的实用性和可操作性,是本质安全和安全绩效的创新结合,为企业安全生产评估分级提供了新思路。通过分级,按照"风险优先"原则,政府部门实行差别监管,降低安全监管成本,促进危险化学品安全生产工作向规范化、科学化转变。同时,研制了危化品企业安全生产风险分级系统,为建立北京市危化品企业风险分级数据库奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以系统安全理论的观点和方法,通过建立人机环境系统物理模型,剖析两类危险有害因素诱发事故的机理,阐述危险有害因素在生产系统中不同影响程度和情况.将生产系统划分为本质安全型、风险型、危险型和危机型四种形式,并与之对应将安全管理分为本质安全管理、风险预控管理、隐患排查治理和应急响应管理四个等级.进而提出推行“以风险预控为核心、以隐患排查治理为基础、以应急响应为补充、以本质安全为目标”的“四位一体”安全管理模式.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress in inherent safety. A summary of the historical developments up to the year 2000 is first presented which sets the stage for a review of the key developments during the first 11 years of the 21st century. A landscape of inherent safety is developed by mapping publications on two coordinates. The first coordinate, the risk coordinate, indicates if the focus of a paper relates to inherent hazard or to the likelihood of events. The second coordinate, the management coordinate, focuses on the ways and means to understand and assess inherent safety. Out of the 187 papers that have appeared over this 11-year period, 131 pertained to developments in inherently safer design; these have been organized on the proposed landscape. The rest introduce the basic concepts of inherent safety and address its incorporation into regulation, education and accident investigation. These along with the application of inherent safety in industry are also discussed. We conclude with a discussion on recent trends in industry and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

对企业生产过程中的危险有害因素进行安全评价,是当前企业预防事故发生的有效手段。安全评价技术在国内外已有较长的发展历史,但关于糠醛生产过程的安全评价方法及研究还比较匮乏。在糠醛生产过程中存在着火灾、爆炸、中毒、噪声等危险因素,极易造成大量的人员伤亡和财产损失。根据某糠醛厂的实际情况,结合安全评价的基本程序,采用重大危险源辨识及事故树分析评价法,对危险有害因素进行辨识和评价。结果显示,糠醛厂存在着锅炉超压爆炸的危险,利用事故树分析法可以及时的找出预防途径,有针对性地提出安全改进的合理建议,从而进一步改善糠醛厂生产过程中的环境。评价的结果对糠醛生产企业进行安全决策、减少事故隐患,具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

The chemical process industries (CPI) handling hazardous chemicals can be rather attractive targets for deliberate adversarial actions by terrorists, criminals and disgruntled employees. The damage inflicted may include casualties, economic loss and political fallout. There is an urgent need for each facility to have a security management programme. Its essential components are security risk assessment, security countermeasures and emergency response.

Security risk assessment can be carried out qualitatively by threat analysis, vulnerability analysis and developing a Security Risk Factor Table (SRFT). All these are discussed at length. Security countermeasures are the steps taken to strengthen the weak points in a system, either by lessening vulnerabilities or by hardening the facilities. Various security countermeasures are suggested for improving security of CPI. Appropriate emergency response measures that could mitigate the consequences of a successful attack are also discussed in the paper. It is recommended that many of the conventional safety and security measures adopted thus far may have to be modified in light of the enhanced and complex nature of the present security threats.  相似文献   

Standards and industry guidelines for Safety Instrumented Systems (SISs) describe the use of hazard and risk analysis to determine the risk reduction required, or Safety Integrity Levels (SILs), of Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) with reference to hazardous events and risk tolerance criteria for them. However, significant problems are encountered when putting this approach into practice. There is ambiguity in the meaning of the term hazardous event. Notably, even though it is a key concept in the process-sector-specific SIS standard, IEC 61511/ISA 84, it is not defined in the standard. Consequently, risk tolerance criteria for hazardous events are ill-defined and, therefore, they are not the most appropriate criteria to use. Most current approaches to SIL determination use them and therefore they are flawed fundamentally.An informed decision on the tolerability of risk for a facility cannot be made by determining only the tolerability of risk for individual hazardous events. Rather, the tolerability of the cumulative risk from all hazard scenarios and their hazardous events for a facility must be determined. Such facility risk tolerance criteria are the type used by regulators. This issue applies to all per event risk tolerance criteria. Furthermore, determining the tolerability of risk for a facility based only on the risks of single events, be they hazard scenarios or hazardous events, and comparing them to risk tolerance criteria for the events is not meaningful because there is no consideration of how many such events can actually occur and, therefore, no measure of the total risk. The risks from events should be summed for a facility and compared with overall facility risk tolerance criteria.This paper describes and illustrates SIL determination using a risk model implemented within the framework of Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) that overcomes these problems. The approach allows the allocation of risk across companies, facilities, processes, process units, process modes, etc. to be managed easily.  相似文献   

针对当前危险化学品从业人员素质不高的突出问题,分别从社会背景、就业观念、社会保障以及产业工人培养的角度进行全面分析,最后提出危险化学品从业人员素质提升的对策和措施,为改善危险化学品企业安全生产状况提供参考。  相似文献   

本质安全化管理思想及实证研究框架   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
分析国内本质安全化管理研究现状及存在问题,指出两类系统本质安全化实现路径的差异性:①技术系统本质安全性等于构成要素的本质安全性乘积,只要保证要素本质安全化,系统也趋于本质安全化;②社会技术系统关键要素是智能体,从根本上无法达到本质安全化,但智能体自身具有一定容错性和自组织性,在相对可靠条件下,需要通过和谐交互机制使系统而获得本质安全化。分析和研讨的基础上,提出交互式安全管理理论的本质安全化管理研究基本思路:基于3层次和谐交互机制的本质安全化动态演化机制;并对系统本质安全化进行了量化;给出判定系统能否实现本质安全化条件以及本质安全化管理的基本函数关系;得出了系统本质安全化是系统安全性极限的结论。  相似文献   

Ownership structure is an important factor. For independent enterprises, the ergonomic, physical and chemical work environment is more hazardous in small enterprises than in large ones. For enterprises that are part of a larger organization, the work environment tends to be more hazardous in large enterprises when controlling for the same factors. For the psychosocial factors, the trend is different – better in small than in large enterprises independent of ownership. In all enterprises, both public and private, the quality of health and safety management systems and workplace assessment is remarkably higher in large than in small enterprises.These differences in work environment for small and large enterprises have been studied in the ‘Danish Work Environment Cohort Study’ and ‘Surveillance of health and safety activities in enterprises’. These datasets are linked together to a reliable database with data on work environment and enterprises including size, ownership structure, and health and safety management.  相似文献   

A quantitative variation of the hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP) procedure is demonstrated. The process is divided into sections and dynamic models of the separate sections are prepared. Those models are used in the framework of the HAZOP procedure to determine the magnitude of the deviations from normal operation conditions that may lead to serious accidents and to test design modification to improve the safety characteristic of the process. A process involving an exothermic reaction conducted in a semi-batch reactor is used to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed procedure and its application for safety education and operator training. The programs used for simulating the reactor are available at: ftp://ftp.bgu.ac.il/shacham/OctanoneProd/.

It is shown that the use of those programs can enhance considerably the safety education by providing tools for systematic screening of process deviation associated with possible hazardous events, determining the threshold values that may lead to such events and enabling the examination of a particular design for the adequate safe range of operation.  相似文献   

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