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Major hazards risk indicators are proposed for offshore installations, based on what has been used by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway for the Risk Level approach in the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry. Since 2002 also leading indicators are used, in the sense that indicators for barrier performance are included together with the lagging indicators. There are individual indicators for a number of barrier functions, including fire and gas detection, a number of safety valves, active fire protection and mustering of personnel. The performance of the leading indicators during several years of data collection as well as lessons learned from the project are discussed. This is followed by a review of how indicators may be used by individual companies, and how the lessons may be utilised by individual companies to develop risk indicators for individual installations as well as company wide indicators.  相似文献   

重大危险源监控系统发展历程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从重大危险源安全监管的现实需求出发,对重大危险源监控系统进行全面系统地研究,及时掌握重大危险源监控技术的发展进程,是安全科研工作的必需.本文对重大危险源监控系统的发展历程进行研究与总结,指出各类监控系统的优缺点,便于科研人员及时了解与掌握重大危险源监控技术的最新进展,为重大危险源安全监管提供重要的科技支撑。  相似文献   

漂流旅游重大危险源及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据工业重大危险源(重大危害设施)定义,引申定义漂流旅游重大危险源.以国家旅游局的相关规定为漂流旅游重大危险源辨识基础,应用安全系统工程原理,综合考虑人、机、环境、管理等因素,对系统的重大危险源进行辨识.由于各相关因素之间的相互影响,各因素对总体--漂流旅游重大危险源风险评价的影响,采用层次分析方法建立层次结构模型,构造判断矩阵,进行层次排序和一致性检验,从而建立漂流旅游重大危险源风险综合安全评价体系.  相似文献   

重大危险源事故风险预警技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重大危险源事故风险预警技术是事故控制技术中的一大研究重点。本文通过对比分析安全生产领域常用事故预警模型的优缺点,总结了事故预警模型的发展趋势,提出了基于模糊综合评判技术和动态模糊神经网络技术的重大危险源事故风险预警模型,详细陈述其构建过程,最后对液化石油气蒸气云爆炸事故应用该模型,得到了较好的预测效果,实现了风险程度的定量化预警。该预警模型具有快速的自学习能力和容错能力,能够同时处理多种风险因素、自动生成模糊规则并满足预警系统的实时性要求,可应用于重大危险源在线监控预警系统,为企业端和政府端监管者提供有效的重大危险源事故风险定量化预警信息,为遏制重大灾难事故的发生、减少死亡人、数受伤人数和直接经济损失提供先进的理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

嵌入式技术在重大危险源监控预警中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对重大危险源监控预警系统的功能需求分析,并结合嵌入式技术的特点,提出基于嵌入式系统的监控预警主机的设计方案。所设计的集过程监控预警与视频监控为一体的的监控预警主机,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

重大危险源在线监测数据的实时处理与分析技术研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
重大危险源在线监测数据的处理与分析,就是将原始信号进行适当的转换,形成特征明显且易于分析的新信号的一种科学,它是进行状态监测与事故预警的重要基础。本文对离散傅立叶变换和快速傅立叶变换进行了分析与比较,讨论了两种不同变换算法的优缺点和适用范围。实践应用表明,在在线监测系统中应采用快速傅立叶变换算法。  相似文献   

基于GIS的重大危险源安全监测预警系统研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了重大危险源安全监测预警系统的总体架构和设计建设原则,论述了重大危险源安全监测预警系统的两个主要功能:视频监控和综合参数监控;系统不仅可以实现传统的视频监控和记录功能,还可以对企业安全生产参数(如温度、压力等)实时采集与处理,对企业内部及周边的动态安全状况实时分析的基础上根据警情设定自动做出相应的监控预警及应急响应,如声光报警等;介绍了重大危险源安全监测预警系统在广州南沙(小虎)化工区等场所的示范应用情况。  相似文献   

Liquefied gases, such as chlorine and ammonia, are stored in large quantities at industrial sites. If released accidentally, they form a heavy gas cloud that has the potential to kill or injure large numbers of people. The dispersion of such a cloud is thus of interest to the risk assessment community [Nussey, Pantony, & Smallwood, 1992. HSE’s risk assessment tool, RISKAT. In: Major Hazards: Onshore and Offshore. pp. 607–638].Little is understood about the effect of slope on risk. Here, the risk (probability) of being exposed to the gas cloud, given a release, is considered; probability language is needed because wind direction is assumed to be a random variable.This paper shows how the risk of being exposed to toxic gas released over a slope may be estimated using simple physical modelling.The physical model used is that of Tickle [J. Hazard. Mater. 49 (1996) 29], who showed that a finite-volume instantaneous release on an inclined plane can form a stable wedge-shaped cloud that moves down the line of greatest slope. Nonzero windspeeds are accounted for by following Tickle’s suggestion of vectorially adding windspeed to the advection induced by the slope.A range of windspeeds and slopes are considered. The slopes substantially affect the risk in the sense that the predicted risk contours are far from circularly symmetric.  相似文献   

西安市重大危险源应急救援体系构建   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着城市化进程的加快,城市人口的积聚和城市规模的不断扩大,城市重大危险源不断增加,严重威胁着城市的安全发展.本文论述了城市重大危险源应急救援体系的发展现状及存在的问题,并在分析西安市重大危险源和应急救援体系现状的基础上,构建了西安市重大危险源应急救援体系,提出了西安市应对重大危险源事故的思路.  相似文献   

城际重大危险源应急网络协同及其经济性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高城际应急资源的利用效率,本文从城际应急网络资源协同共享的角度分析应急网络协同的经济性,研究当前应急工作不断增加的资源需求与应急资源有限性之间的矛盾,指出城市应在注意节约、维护及合理使用与配置自身拥有资源的同时,更要加强与周边城市进行城际资源共享协调.提出了发生灾害时的城际应急资源协同模式,建立此时所需应急资源量的最小化模型,并证明了城际网络协同能够在对灾害做到快速应急反应的同时,节约资源.实现城际资源协同的经济效益.  相似文献   

介绍了集对分析方法的基本原理,给出了考虑指标权重与不考虑指标权重两种情况下的系统危险性评价步骤,并将系统危险性的评价结果与集对势相结合来判断系统危险性态势,以某涂装车间为例,对其进行了危险性评价.结果表明,在不考虑指标权重与考虑指标权重两种情况下,该涂装车间均处于"一般安全"等级,但后者的安全等级程度更低,也说明了该涂装车间需要进一步采取安全措施,提高其安全程度,从而避免事故的发生.  相似文献   

The paper presents a brief summary of contents and implementation of the current Serbian regulations on the prevention and control of major accidents involving dangerous materials. Further, it discusses issues connected with implementation of the regulation, including inspection, review, and approval of safety reports. This regulation comprises legal requirements and methodological guidelines for risk analysis and preparation of emergency plans. Although the roots of the Serbian regulation are basically in the Seveso I Directive, this study revealed significant differences compared with current regulations and practice in Europe.  相似文献   

The European Council and the Parliament recognised that pipeline accidents had occurred in Europe and worldwide, which clearly indicated the `major accident hazard' potential of pipelines. The present paper presents an overview of the Community Policy on the control of major accident hazards arising from pipelines, summarises the Commission review/assessment of existing legislation on pipelines within the Member States and outlines the principles on which a possible EU initiative should be based. The review has shown that many Member States do not have comprehensive `major accident hazard' legislation in place for pipelines and therefore an EU initiative would complete existing industrial risk management legislation, based on the `precautionary principle'.  相似文献   

基于模糊评判人工神经网络的重大危险源辨识研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家已经制定了重大危险源辨识标准,辨识依据是危险物质的数量,主要适用于化工行业.本文对于国家重大危险源辨识标准不适合的行业,结合各行业发生事故的特点和工艺特征,综合利用模糊评判法和人工神经网络,辨识企业内存在的重大危险源.在某化工厂进行了检验,实践证明了方法的科学性和合理性.  相似文献   

城市重大危险源普查与分级技术探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨了城市重大危险源辨识、普查的原则,提出建立普查指标体系的基本思路及方法,分析比较了国内较为流行的几种重大危险源分级技术的优缺点及适用条件.提出了多种分级方法结合的组合式分级方法.对进行城市重大危险源辨识、普查和分级管理工作的开展具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

基于风险的重大危险源选址规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对重大危险源选址中普遍采用的安全距离方法的一些缺点,研究提出了基于风险的重大危险源选址规划方法.介绍了基于个人风险和社会风险的选址规划指标,给出了推荐的风险可接受标准,以及风险计算的一般程序.该方法在某天然气工程的选址规划中进行了实际应用,计算给出了该工程的个人风险等值线分布图和社会风险(F-N)曲线.结果表明,工程的5×10-5、1×10-5、5×10-6每年的个人风险的安全距离均能够得到满足;工程的F-N曲线落入了推荐标准的ALARP区,基本满足要求,但还应在设计阶段进一步采取措施,降低风险.  相似文献   

为了实现重大危险源分级监管,基于风险管理理论,建立贮罐类重大危险源定性三维分级模型和风险定量分级模型。提出风险评价敏感性因素,选取可能性影响因素、严重性影响因素、敏感性影响因素3类风险评价指标。使用层次分析法(AHP)计算贮罐风险分级指标权重。根据风险可接受准则,将贮罐类重大危险源风险等级划分为4级,实现基于三维风险模型的贮罐类重大危险源快速分级。结果表明:用贮罐类重大危险源三维风险分级模型,通过简单数学模型计算贮罐风险值,能为企业提供风险分级标准,有助于实现政府对贮罐类重大危险源分级监管。  相似文献   

目前的企业应急预案与政府应急预案缺乏有效的衔接,重大事故发生时企业周边公众因不能及时疏散而造成严重伤亡,“一对一”预案的目标是在科学分析事故风险的基础上充分发挥属地政府在应急救援中的重要作用。对“一对一”应急预案的编制重点进行了分析研究,提出了编制框架和技术要求,并以某厂液氯液氨库房为例,通过事故后果、个人风险的定量计算,结合厂周边边环境情况规划了事故后的疏散范围、当地街道(地区)办事处的疏散工作片区划分及避难路线。“一对一”预案的编制有助于增强重大危险源企业与属地政府的应急联动,减少事故伤亡。  相似文献   

BG Technology and the Major Hazard Assessment Unit (MHAU) of the Chemicals and Hazardous Installations Division (CHID) of the HSE have developed a novel approach for the management of the risk of harm to people in the vicinity of major hazards. Particular attention is given to such risk in the vicinity of high-pressure gas pipelines.The objective of the approach is to provide a means of allowing reasonable development of land whilst ensuring that a tolerable level of risk is maintained.One means of managing this type of risk is known as the F/N approach. The F/N approach expresses and manages the risk in terms of the frequency, F, of N or more casualties occurring. However, the F/N approach may lead to a perceived inconsistency as it may allow some initial development of a particular type of dwelling in a particular location, then preclude further development in adjacent locations.The approach derived herein provides some alleviation to this perceived inconsistency by discouraging localised regions of high population density, thereby promoting a more uniform distribution of development of land.The essence of the approach is to apply a weighting (≥1) to casualty density prior to the evaluation of casualty expectation. The resulting parameter, which has been aptly named weighted expectation (WE), is assessed according to a criterion based on true casualty expectation (E). The weighting on casualty density is derived directly from an appropriately constructed F/N criterion line (or envelope), thereby ensuring a close relationship between the outcomes of WE and F/N assessments.The Scaled Risk Integral (SRI), which has been developed previously, is shown to be a special case of WE.The practical application of WE and its relationship with F/N are demonstrated through simple high-pressure pipeline case studies.  相似文献   

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