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Discharging untreated highly acidic (pH < 4.0), organic and nutrients rich monosodium glutamate wastewater (MW), and highly alkaline (pH > 10.0) paper-mill wastewater (PW) causes environmental pollution. When acidity of MW neutralized (pH 6.5 ± 0.1) with PW and lime (treatments represented as MW + PW and MW + Lime), then MW may be utilized as a potential source of nutrients and organic carbon for sustainable food production. Objectives of this study were to compare the effects of PW and lime neutralized MW and chemical fertilizers on maize (Zea mays L. cv. Snow Jean) plant growth, yield, nutrients uptake, soil organic matter and humic substances. The field experiment was carried out on maize using MW at 6000 L ha?1. Impacts of the MW application on maize crop and soil properties were evaluated at different stages. At harvest, plant height, and plant N and K uptake were higher in MW treatment. Leaf area index at 60 days after sowing, plant dry matter accumulation at harvest, and kernels ear?1 and 100-kernel weight were higher in MW + Lime treatment. Kernel N, P, K, Mn, Fe and Zn, and plant Zn uptake were highest in MW + Lime. Plant Fe uptake, and soil organic matter and humic substances were highest in MW + PW. The MW + PW and MW + Lime treatments exhibited comparable results with chemically fertilized treatment. The MW acidity neutralized with lime showed positive impacts on growth, yield and nutrients uptake; nevertheless, when MW pH neutralized with PW has an additional benefit on increase in soil organic matter and humic substances.  相似文献   

The use of willows (Salix amygdalina L) to manage landfill leachate disposal is an effective and cost-effective method due to the high transpiration ability of the willow plants. A 2-year lysimetric experiment was performed to determine an optimum leachate hydraulic loading rate to achieve high evapotranspiration but exert no harmful influence on the plants. The evapotranspiration rate of a soil-plant system planted with the willow was 1.28-5.12-fold higher than the rate measured on a soil surface lacking vegetation, suggesting that soil-willow systems with high volatilization rates are a viable landfill leachate treatment method. Of the soil-willow systems, the one with willow growing on sand amended with sewage sludge soil at an hydraulic loading rate of 1 mm day(-1) performed best, with evapotranspiration ranging from 2.25 to 3.02 mm day(-1) and a biomass yield of 8.0-9.85 Mg dry matter ha(-1). The organic fraction of the soil increased as much as 2.5% of dry matter, due to the sewage sludge input, which exerted a positive effect on the biomass yield as well as on transpiration and evaporation. It was observed that the plants in the sand-and-sewage sludge soil systems displayed higher resistance to toxic effects from the applied landfill leachate relative to plants in the sand-soil systems.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to examine the response of hydroponically-grown red maple (Acer rubrum L.) saplings to a series of four flooding (sub-irrigation) treatments distributed over a 25-day period with an untreated (saline) municipal solid waste landfill leachate or deionized water. Net photosynthesis rates measured for water-treated saplings rapidly declined to 62% of the levels measured in untreated (control) saplings, but returned to pre-treatment levels with subsequent flooding treatments. Net photosynthesis rates measured for leachate-treated saplings decreased to about 50% of the levels measured for control saplings over the 25-day treatment period, and remained suppressed. Loss of turgor in leaves and a iron-oxyhydroxide plaque on root surfaces were also observed. Reasons proposed for this acute and apparently irreversible response to leachate exposure include: (i) extreme root anaerobiosis conditions caused by root system flooding and exacerbated by a high chemical oxygen demand leachate; (ii) increased root-soil interface resistance to transpiration water flow (osmotic potential gradient, iron oxyhydroxide plaque); (iii) metabolic intolerance to high solute concentrations in plant tissue; and (iv) exposure to potentially toxic volatile organic compounds. Water sub-irrigation had virtually no effect on nutrient and non-nutrient element concentrations in foliage or on the spectral reflectance characteristics of the leaves. Leachate treatment decreased the foliar content of many plant macro- and micro-nutrients significantly, and shifts in spectral reflectance patterns indicated declining plant vigour. Certain chemical constituents present in high concentrations in the leachate irrigant and which can be phytotoxic, such as Cl, accumulated to a significant degree in leachate-treated plant tissue.  相似文献   

Until recent years, waste oil and oil-contaminated waters commonly ended up in landfills. At some dump sites, ponds of oily liquids and leachate were formed. To remediate such ponds, an interdisciplinary approach is now required, keeping costs at an affordable level, particularly in countries with changing economies. From 1974 to 1993, liquid oily wastes taken to the Laguja landfill, in Estonia, were disposed of in a pond with a surface area of 9800 m2. It was estimated that the pond contained 4500-6000 m3 of oily water and 3500 m3 of oil-containing bottom sediments. This study aimed at developing an environmentally sound and cost-effective method for remediation of the oily liquids, leachate and contaminated underlying sediment material, to meet the existing legal demands. It was concluded that treatment of contaminated water is well established and the procedures carried out to meet the regulatory demands achieved satisfactory results. However, regarding treatment of sediments it was concluded that legal and technological aspects, as well as monitoring procedures are not fully established and are usually underestimated. Laboratory investigations can provide valuable information in decision-making, and contribute to effective full-scale remediation planning.  相似文献   

Foliar gas exchange, water relations and spectral properties of understorey sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) sapling leaves were studied in a natural forested ecosystem subjected to spray irrigation of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill leachate and compared to similar measures taken from leaves of unirrigated saplings. Photosynthetic rates in irrigated saplings were reduced 34% to 53% in comparison to unirrigated sapling rates. Similarly, water use efficiency of sapling leaves subjected to direct leachate exposure dropped an average of 70%, while transpiration rates were similar to, and leaf temperatures were 20% higher than, those found in unirrigated leaves. Spectral patterns of understorey leaves, distorted because of the accumulation of leachate precipitate residues on the adaxial surface, demonstrated increased absorbance in the near infrared waveband and reduced reflection in visible wavebands compared to abaxial surfaces. The adaxial spectral properties of mid-canopy leaves (above maximum spray height) of mature sugar maple trees were not distorted by these residues and revealed spectra that suggested increased nitrogen uptake and benefit derived from leachate irrigation. These findings on leaf tissue integrity and energy budgets are discussed in terms of the implications for design of leachate treatment and disposal systems on land and for forest ecology in general.  相似文献   

An index known as leachate pollution index (LPI) for quantifying the leachate contamination potential of municipal landfills had been developed and reported by the authors. It is a quantitative tool by which the leachate pollution data of landfill sites can be reported uniformly. LPI is an increasing scale index and has been formulated based on the Delphi technique. It provides a convenient means of summarizing complex leachate pollution data and facilitates its communication to the general public, field professionals and policy makers. However, it is observed that the LPI, like any other environmental index, fails to effectively communicate the details about the strength of various pollutants/pollutant groups present. In an effort to make the LPI more informative and useful, it is proposed to divide the LPI into three sub-indices. The aggregation of these three sub-LPIs will result in the overall LPI. The formulation and the application of LPI and its three sub-indices are presented in this paper. It has been concluded that the splitting of LPI into three sub-indices provides a better insight on the strength of various pollutants and can be useful to the experts in deciding various management issues regarding leachate treatment. The leachate characteristics of a UK landfill have been used as a case study to demonstrate the calculation of three sub-LPIs and the overall LPI.  相似文献   

Environmental assessment of residue disposal needs to account for long-term changes in leaching conditions. Leaching of heavy metals from incineration residues are highly affected by the leachate pH; the overall environmental consequences of disposing of these residues are therefore greatly influenced by changes in pH over time. The paper presents an approach for assessing pH changes in leachate from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) air-pollution-control (APC) residues. Residue samples were subjected to a stepwise batch extraction method in order to obtain residue samples at a range of pH values (similar to common pH-dependence tests), and then on these samples to determine leaching of alkalinity as well as remaining solid phase alkalinity. On a range of APC residues covering various pretreatment and disposal options, this procedure was used to determine leachable and residual alkalinity as a function of pH. Mass balance calculations for typical disposal scenarios were used to provide data on pH as a function of the liquid-to-solid (L/S) ratio in the leaching system. Regardless of residue type and pretreatment, pH was found to stay above 7 for L/S ratios up to about 2000 L kg(-1) corresponding to about 100,000 years in typical landfill scenarios. It was found that pH changes were mainly governed by alkalinity decreases from leaching processes rather than neutralization reactions. The results suggest that leaching testing for assessment purposes should be carried out in the alkaline range, for example, at pH 9. The paper offers a thorough basis for further modelling of incineration residue leaching and for modelling the environmental consequences of landfilling and utilization of these residues.  相似文献   

Waste sorts were conducted during each of the four quarters (or seasons) of 1996 at the City of Columbia Sanitary Landfill. A detailed physical sampling protocol was outlined. Weight fractions of 32 waste components were quantified from all geographic areas that contribute to the Columbia Sanitary Landfill using a two-way stratification method, which accounted for variations in geographical regions and seasons. Comparisons of solid waste generated between locations and seasons were conducted at the 80% confidence level. The composition of the entire waste stream was 41% paper, 21% organic, 16% plastic, 6% metal, 3% glass and 13% other waste. Paper was the largest composition and glass was the smallest composition for all geographical regions. The result of this study was also compared with a 1987 Columbia, Missouri study conducted by EIERA (1987), with studies conducted in other states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oregon and with national study conducted by the USEPA (USEPA 530-R-96-001, PB96-152 160. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, Washington, DC). The results of studies from other states are different from this study due to different local conditions, different methodologies and a different scope. There was a small (5%) increase in per capita weight from 1987 to 1996. The total per capita weight in the present study was 60% greater than the national per capita weight reported by the USEPA (1996) due to that the USEPA report excluded industrial, construction and certain commercial waste. The total per capita weight agrees with the national per capita weight for municipal waste reported by Tchobanoglous (1993), which included industrial, construction and commercial sources. The geographical and seasonal effects on the waste composition are evaluated and discussed. Statistical analysis indicates that waste characteristics are different among geographical regions and seasons. The potential for waste recovery and reduction is also discussed.  相似文献   

Landfill processes were simulated in laboratory-scale bioreactors--lysimeters. The changes in leachate characteristics as well as the influence of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on the processes taking place in the sanitary landfill were investigated. Lysimeters were filled with material simulating municipal waste in the city of Lodz, Poland. Compost in the amount of 30% w/w and the methanogens inoculum were added in order to enhance development of a methanogenic phase. The leachate produced in lysimeters was recirculated. In order to investigate the influence of AOPs implementation on processes taking place in landfills two runs in lysimeters were performed, each lasting about 250 days. The leachate composition and biogas composition and production changes showed trends that confirmed that the bench-scale lysimeters appeared suitable to simulate processes taking place in the landfill. The application of AOPs to the leachate recirculated into the lysimeters did not bring about unequivocally positive effects. The ozonation of the leachate, implemented at the beginning of the methanogenic phase, caused slight acceleration (about 2 weeks) of the biodegradation, whereas employment of H2O2/UV led to the inhibition of anaerobic processes.  相似文献   

In order to determine the optimal dosage and type of coagulant for the physico-chemical treatment of leachate from the sanitary landfill of Merida, Mexico, a total of 864 jar tests were performed. Four metallic coagulants (ferric chloride, ferric sulphate, aluminium polychloride and aluminium sulphate) with doses ranging between 50 and 300 mg L(-1) and two polyelectrolytes (high-density anionic and cationic reagents) with doses from 2 to 12 mg L(-1) were tested. Neither an adequate type of coagulant nor an optimal dose could be found. The removal of contaminants was measured as total and dissolved chemical oxygen demand (COD). Soluble COD removal efficiencies were low, from 0 to 47%, with a 4% average value only. These low values of organic material removal were attributed to the particular characteristics of the Merida landfill leachate (low suspended solids concentration), so even with sweep-floc coagulation (300 mg L(-1) dose) only low COD removal efficiencies were obtained. A study of the suspended particle size distribution of the leachate was conducted in order to explain the poor performance. The particle size distribution ranged from 0.375 to 948.2 microm, with an average value of 22.97 microm. In a second step the optimal pH for physico-chemical treatment of these leachates was determined. Finally a greater than 90% removal of organic material, measured as suspended COD, was obtained at pH 2, which was considered as the optimal value.  相似文献   

This paper describes the conversion of a difficult landfill, inherited by Wiltshire County Council during local government re-organization in 1974, into a high-standard landfill, providing containment of wastes. It can now provide the capacity to continue to receive wastes for at least the next 30 or 40 years. An essential feature of these works is an on-site, automated leachate treatment plant. The design philosophy and difficulties encountered during the commissioning of the plant are described in this paper. Initial difficulties in treating large quantities of methanogenic leachate from saturated areas of waste have been overcome by a novel scheme, whereby a high-strength organic waste stream from a local jam factory is blended with the influent leachate streams for optimum treatment conditions.  相似文献   

A mathematical model simulating the hydrological and biochemical processes occurring in landfilled waste is presented and demonstrated. The model combines biochemical and hydrological models into an integrated representation of the landfill environment. Waste decomposition is modelled using traditional biochemical waste decomposition pathways combined with a simplified methodology for representing the rate of decomposition. Water flow through the waste is represented using a statistical velocity model capable of representing the effects of waste heterogeneity on leachate flow through the waste. Given the limitations in data capture from landfill sites, significant emphasis is placed on improving parameter identification and reducing parameter requirements. A sensitivity analysis is performed, highlighting the model's response to changes in input variables. A model test run is also presented, demonstrating the model capabilities. A parameter perturbation model sensitivity analysis was also performed. This has been able to show that although the model is sensitive to certain key parameters, its overall intuitive response provides a good basis for making reasonable predictions of the future state of the landfill system. Finally, due to the high uncertainty associated with landfill data, a tool for handling input data uncertainty is incorporated in the model's structure. It is concluded that the model can be used as a reasonable tool for modelling landfill processes and that further work should be undertaken to assess the model's performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study and quantify pollutant concentrations after long-term leaching at relatively low flow rates and residual concentrations after heavy flushing of a 0.14 m3 municipal solid waste sample. Moreover, water flow and solute transport through preferential flow paths are studied by model interpretation of experimental break-through curves (BTCs), generated by tracer tests. In the study it was found that high concentrations of chloride remain after several pore volumes of water have percolated through the waste sample. The residual concentration was found to be considerably higher than can be predicted by degradation models. For model interpretations of the experimental BTCs, two probabilistic model approaches were applied, the transfer function model and the Lagrangian transport formulation. The experimental BTCs indicated the presence of preferential flow through the waste mass and the model interpretation of the BTCs suggested that between 19 and 41% of the total water content participated in the transport of solute through preferential flow paths. In the study, the occurrence of preferential flow was found to be dependent on the flow rate in the sense that a high flow rate enhances the preferential flow. However, to fully quantify the possible dependence between flow rate and preferential flow, experiments on a broader range of experimental conditions are suggested. The chloride washout curve obtained over the 4-year study period shows that as a consequence of the water flow in favoured flow paths, bypassing other parts of the solid waste body, the leachate quality may reflect only the flow paths and their surroundings. The results in this study thus show that in order to improve long-term prediction of the leachate quality and quantity the magnitude of the preferential water flow through a landfill must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) of residual municipal solid waste (RMSW) was investigated with respect to landfill gas generation. Mechanically treated RMSW was sampled at a full-scale plant and aerobically stabilized for 8 and 15 weeks. Anaerobic tests were performed on the aerobically treated waste (MBTW) in order to estimate the gas generation rate constants (k,y(-1)), the potential gas generation capacity (L(o), Nl/kg) and the amount of gasifiable organic carbon. Experimental results show how MBT allowed for a reduction of the non-methanogenic phase and of the landfill gas generation potential by, respectively, 67% and 83% (8 weeks treatment), 82% and 91% (15 weeks treatment), compared to the raw waste. The amount of gasified organic carbon after 8 weeks and 15 weeks of treatment was equal to 11.01+/-1.25kgC/t(MBTW) and 4.54+/-0.87kgC/t(MBTW), respectively, that is 81% and 93% less than the amount gasified from the raw waste. The values of gas generation rate constants obtained for MBTW anaerobic degradation (0.0347-0.0803y(-1)) resemble those usually reported for the slowly and moderately degradable fractions of raw MSW. Simulations performed using a prediction model support the hypothesis that due to the low production rate, gas production from MBTW landfills is well-suited to a passive management strategy.  相似文献   

A natural treatment system for the treatment of leachate was studied at Moskogen landfill in southern Sweden. This facility consists of three consecutive ponds and a soil-plant (SP)-system. A test area, receiving water from the third pond with the same hydraulic load as the SP-system, was used for estimation of the latter system. Quality parameters including biochemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, ammonium, nitrate, orthophosphate, and total suspended solids along the treatment line were determined as well as soluble metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Cr, Ni, and Pb). In addition a thorough investigation along the treatment line has also been performed concerning volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds. Non-polar organic compounds were investigated using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Quantification was based on the assumption of equal response for the compounds found in comparison with the chosen marker substances. For polar, water-soluble compounds the measurements were restricted to phenolic compounds using high-performance liquid chromatography. Several different types of organic compounds were found in the raw leachate including aromatics, benzene-sulfonamides, biphenyls, naphthalene, organic phosphates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, phenols and phthalates. The treatment system efficiently reduced organic pollutants, heavy metals, and nitrogen/phosphorous compounds. Most metals and organic compounds in the leachate were already significantly reduced to a low level in the treatment ponds and ammonium-N was efficiently transformed to nitrate-N in the SP-system.  相似文献   

The effect of different dose concentrations of FeCl3 on the performance of a mesophilic anaerobic digester treating a highly alkaline, high-strength and sulphate-rich landfill leachate was tested. The results indicated that sulphate reduction was the predominant reaction and methanogenic processes were entirely inhibited in the reactor without FeCl3 addition. Adding FeCl3 into the reactor restored some methanogenic activity and also improved the rates of sulphate reduction. A combination of sulphate reduction and methanogenic activity resulted in up to 75% chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and 85% sulphate removal. Sulphate reduction remained the principle mechanism by which COD removal took place with a methane yield of only between 0.14 and 0.18 m3 CH4 kg(-1) COD removed being achieved. The process was, however, stable and offered advantages for the further treatment or conveyance of the anaerobically treated leachate.  相似文献   

The removal of nitrogen and organics from municipal landfill leachate in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) was investigated in the present study. The influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge age, manner of leachate dosage (short filling period of SBR and filling during the reaction period), and operational conditions with and without a mixing phase in the SBR cycle was explored. Four series were performed. In each series, the HRT used in the four SBRs was 12, 6, 3 and 2 days, respectively. Series 1 and 2 were characterized by a short leachate filling period, whereas series 3 and 4 were characterized by filling during the 4 h duration of the reaction in the SBR cycle. In series 1-3 SBR reactors worked with mixing and aeration phases, whereas in series 4 they worked only with an aeration phase. The effectiveness of the removal of organics increased with the extension of the HRT of leachate, particularly under operational conditions with the mixing and aeration phases in the SBR cycle. At 12 days HRT, the SBRs with the mixing and aeration phases in the cycle (series 1-3) showed better results than those with only an aeration phase (series 4). However, at 2 days HRT the operational conditions in SBR reactors with leachate filling over the reaction period (series 3 and 4) were more suitable. The highest efficiency of ammonium removal was obtained in series 1 with a short leachate filling period. In this series, at an HRT of 3-12 days, the ammonium concentration in the effluent did not exceed 1 mg NNH4 L(-1). Nitrogen removal proceeded mainly in the aeration phase as a result of ammonium losses and, to a lesser extent, dissimilative nitrate reduction over the mixing phase. The highest percentage of nitrogen removal as a result of ammonium losses was observed in series with a short filling period and long sludge age (series 1) and also in series without a mixing phase and filling over the aeration phase (series 4), whereas the highest nitrogen consumption for biomass production occurred in series 3 with filling during the reaction period and mixing phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

The presence of ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3) in leachate is one of the problems normally faced by landfill operators. Slow leaching of wastes producing nitrogen and no significant mechanism for transformation of N-NH3 in the landfills causes a high concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen in leachate over a long period of time. A literature review showed that the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen from leachate was not well documented and to date, there were limited studies in Malaysia on this aspect, especially in adsorption treatment. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the suitability of activated carbon, limestone and a mixture of both materials as a filtering medium, in combination with other treatments capable of attenuating ammoniacal nitrogen which is present in significant quantity (between 429 and 1909 mg L(-1)) in one of the landfill sites in Malaysia. The results of the study show that about 40% of ammoniacal nitrogen with concentration of more than 1000 mg L(-1) could be removed either by activated carbon or a mixture of carbon with limestone at mixture ratio of 5:35. This result shows that limestone is potentially useful as a cost-effective medium to replace activated carbon for ammoniacal nitrogen removal at a considerably lower cost.  相似文献   

The potential for metabolic fingerprinting via Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to provide a novel approach for the detection of plant biochemical responses to N deposition is examined. An example of spectral analysis using shoot samples taken from an open top chamber (OTC) experiment simulating wet ammonium deposition is given. Sample preparation involved oven drying and homogenisation via mill grinding. Slurries of a consistent dilution were then prepared prior to FT-IR analysis. Spectra from control, 8 and 16 kg N ha–1 yr–1 treatments were then subjected to cross-validated discriminant function analysis. Ordination diagrams showed clear separation between the three N treatments examined. The potential for using Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull as a bioindicator of N deposition is further evident from these results. The results also clearly demonstrate the power of FT-IR in discriminating between subtle phenotypic alterations in overall plant biochemistry as affected by ammonium pollution.  相似文献   

The potential for metabolic fingerprinting via Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to provide a novel approach for the detection of plant biochemical responses to N deposition is examined. An example of spectral analysis using shoot samples taken from an open top chamber (OTC) experiment simulating wet ammonium deposition is given. Sample preparation involved oven drying and homogenisation via mill grinding. Slurries of a consistent dilution were then prepared prior to FT-IR analysis. Spectra from control, 8 and 16 kg N ha?1 yr?1 treatments were then subjected to cross-validated discriminant function analysis. Ordination diagrams showed clear separation between the three N treatments examined. The potential for using Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull as a bioindicator of N deposition is further evident from these results. The results also clearly demonstrate the power of FT-IR in discriminating between subtle phenotypic alterations in overall plant biochemistry as affected by ammonium pollution.  相似文献   

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