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Leaching tests are becoming more relevant in assessing solid waste material, particularly with respect to groundwater risks. In the field, water infiltration is the dominant leaching mechanism, which is simulated in the lab with batch and column tests. In this study, we compared percolation, through analytical solutions of the advection–dispersion equation, to laboratory batch and sequential leaching tests. The analytical solutions are supported with comprehensive data from various field and laboratory leaching of different solutes from waste materials and soils collected in long-term joint research projects funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Federal Environment Agency. The comparison of theory and data is facilitated if concentrations and cumulative release are plotted versus the liquid–solid ratios (LS). Both theory and data indicate that leaching behaviour is independent of duration and physical dimensions of the leaching tests. This holds even if field lysimeters are compared to laboratory columns of different size, different flow velocities as well as different contact times. In general, laboratory batch tests over predict effluent concentrations (for LS < Kd). Leaching of solutes from solid samples of certain materials (e.g. chloride from incineration ashes or sulphate from demolition waste) in column and lysimeter tests compares very well and agrees with the analytical solutions. Overall, reproducibility and agreement with theory of column tests are better than batch tests, presumably because the latter are prone to artefacts (e.g. in liquid–solid separation steps). Theory and data fit surprisingly well, despite the fact that the theory is based on the local equilibrium assumption; non-linear sorption and chemical reactions in the solid waste materials are not considered.  相似文献   

Construction and demolition wastes are suitable for use in road construction. However, leaching characterization of recycled materials is required to determine their pollutant potential and the consequence of their application in different scenarios. The motivation of this paper is derived from the increasing use of different leaching test methods. In Europe, the confusion resulting from the wide variety of tests used to evaluate environmental properties of construction materials implies that an evaluation of the current practices and the attempt to consolidate the approaches are required.Two equilibrium-based leaching tests (the Dutch test and the European standard) were conducted to assess the environmental impact of four recycled aggregates. Three natural limestone aggregates were used as controls. Both tests measure the potential release of hazardous elements under extreme conditions using different leaching parameters (L/S ratio, pH value and contact time). The results proved that pH is the most relevant factor on the assessment of the differences between leaching methods due to its strong control on the pollutant release.To classify the materials according to their environmental effects, the concentration limit values of the metals imposed by Council Decision 2003/33/EC were used as a reference. The comparison allowed the classification of the recycled aggregates as inert wastes, with the exception of the MR-2 aggregate, which was classified as non-hazardous material.  相似文献   

In this study, percolation and batch leaching tests were considered in order to characterize the behaviour of air pollution control (APC) residues produced in a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) as a function of the liquid to solid ratio (L/S). This waste is hazardous, and taking into account their physical and chemical properties, leaching of contaminants into the environment is the main concern. In our work the leaching behaviour of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni and Cu) and inorganics associated with soluble salts (Na, K, Ca and Cl) was addressed. Although pH of the leaching solution is the most important variable, L/S may also play an important role in leaching processes. In our work, results from column and batch tests were compared in terms of concentration (mg/L) and releasing (mg/kg). The APC residues revealed to be hazardous according to both tests, and both Pb and Cl far exceeded the regulatory thresholds. The material exhibits high solubility, and when the liquid to solid ratio was high, more than 50% can be solubilised. The patterns of release may be in some cases availability or solubility controlled, and the former was easier to identify. When the results from column and batch experiments were compared by representing the cumulative released amounts (in mg/kg) as a function of L/S, both curves match for Zn, Ni, Cu, K, Na, Cl and Ca, but for Cr and Pb a significant difference was observed. In fact, the column experiments revealed that under percolation conditions it should be expected slow releasing of Pb along time. From this study, it can be concluded that the released amounts obtained in batch experiments for a certain L/S should be considered as the worst case for medium term. Some simple models proposed on the literature and based on local equilibrium assumption showed good fitting to experimental data for soluble species (non-reactive solutes).  相似文献   

The changes in waste management policy caused by the massive generation of waste materials (e.g. construction and demolition waste material, municipal waste incineration products) has led to an increase in the reuse and recycling of waste materials. For environmental risk assessment, test procedures are necessary to examine waste materials before they can be reused. In this article, results of column and lysimeter leaching tests having been applied to inorganic compounds in a reference demolition waste material are presented. The results show a good agreement between the leaching behaviour determined with the lysimeter unit and the column units used in the laboratory. In view of less time and system requirements compared to lysimeter systems, laboratory column units can be considered as a practicable instrument to assess the time-dependent release of inorganic compounds under conditions similar to those encountered in a natural environment. The high concentrations of elements in the seepage water at the initial stage of elution are reflected by the laboratory column leaching tests. In particular, authorities or laboratories might benefit and have an easy-to-use, but nevertheless reliable, method to serve as a basis for decision-making.  相似文献   

Reusing steel slag as an aggregate for road construction requires to characterize the leaching kinetics and metal releases. In this study, basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steel slag were subjected to batch leaching tests at liquid to solid ratios (L/S) of 10 and 100 over 30 days; the leachate chemistry being regularly sampled in time. A geochemical model of the steel slag is developed and validated from experimental data, particularly the evolution with leaching of mineralogical composition of the slag and trace element speciation. Kinetics is necessary for modeling the primary phase leaching, whereas a simple thermodynamic equilibrium approach can be used for secondary phase precipitation. The proposed model simulates the kinetically-controlled dissolution (hydrolysis) of primary phases, the precipitation of secondary phases (C-S-H, hydroxide and spinel), the pH and redox conditions, and the progressive release of major elements as well as the metals Cr and V. Modeling indicates that the dilution effect of the L/S ratio is often coupled to solubility-controlled processes, which are sensitive to both the pH and the redox potential. A sensitivity analysis of kinetic uncertainties on the modeling of element releases is performed.  相似文献   

The paper aims at simulating the closed-system dynamic leaching of a cement-based monolith containing lead with the numerical reactive transport code HYTEC in a 3D-cylindrical geometry. The model considers, simultaneously, the chemical evolution of pore water, the progression of mineralogical alteration fronts, and the concomitant release of elements from the S/S waste. In good agreement with the experiment, element releases were found to be mainly controlled by either diffusion (Na, K, and, to a lesser extent, Cl), by surface dissolution (Ca, Si) or by a mixed evolution (Pb, SO4). All of the calculated mineralogical transformations take place in a thin layer beyond the monolith surface. Consequently, modelling of Ca, Si and SO4 releases was quite sensitive to the node size of the simulation grid and was improved by taking into account the increase of porosity and effective diffusion coefficient due to mineral dissolution in the leached layer. In agreement with experimental results, the deepest front corresponds under closed-system conditions to portlandite dissolution and calcium silicate hydrates CSH 1.8 transformation into CSH of lower Ca/Si ratio. A second, distinct and intermediate, front is made by ettringite dissolution. The network of CSH is globally preserved in the leached layer, complete dissolution occurring over a very small thickness only. Finally, hydrotalcite precipitation in the leached layer is expected by modelling due to pH drop.  相似文献   

Preliminary assessment of three new European leaching tests   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Leaching tests are used for characterization purposes and are indispensable for characterization of waste- and building materials. In several countries the use of leaching tests is settled by legislation. Since Europe is becoming a more united community, legislation becomes more and more harmonized as a logical next step in a more European approach towards environmental issues. In this study a comparison is made between three leaching tests, which are being developed in CEN technical committee 292. The percolation test is basically a column filled with granulated material, which is percolated with simulated rainwater for 3 weeks. The amount of water corresponds to 10 times the amount of solid; the eluate is sampled in several fractions. The second test is the pH-stat test in which pulverized material is leached for 24 h at eight different pH-values with the same liquid/solid ratio of 10. The third test reported is the shake test, in which the maximum leachable amount is being investigated at the materials own pH-value. For this purpose pulverized material was used and the total amount, of water had again the same liquid/solid ratio of 10. A comparison was made in exchangeability of produced data. The results of the leaching experiments were comparable within limits of +20 to -43%. Other matters such as running time, information generated about leaching behavior and cost are also discussed. The pH-stat test gives the most information, but is expensive. The percolation test generates detailed information, whereas the shake test is a relatively inexpensive alternative for the percolation test.  相似文献   

Column leaching tests are closer to natural conditions than batch shaking tests and in the last years have become more popular for assessing the release potential of pollutants from a variety of solids such as contaminated soils, waste, recycling and construction materials. Uncertainties still exist regarding equilibration of the percolating water with the solids, that might potentially lead to underestimation of contaminant concentrations in the effluent. The intention of this paper is to show that equilibration of pore water in a finite bath is fundamentally different from release of a certain fraction of the pollutant from a sample and that equilibrium is reached much faster at low liquid-to-solid ratios typical for column experiments (<0.25) than in batch tests with much higher liquid-to-solid ratios (e.g. 2–10). Two mass transfer mechanisms are elucidated: First-order type release (film diffusion) and intraparticle diffusion. For the latter, mass transfer slows down with time and sooner or later non-equilibrium conditions are observed at the column outlet after percolation has been started. Time scales of equilibrium leaching can be estimated based on a comparison of column length with the length of the mass transfer zone, which is equivalent to a Damköhler number approach. Mass transfer and diffusion coefficients used in this study apply to mass transfer mechanisms limited by diffusion in water, which is typical for release of organic compounds but also for dissolution of soluble minerals such as calcite, gypsum or similar. As a conclusion based on these theoretical considerations column tests (a) equilibrate much faster than batch leaching tests and (b) the equilibrium concentrations are maintained in the column effluent even for slow intraparticle diffusion limited desorption for extended periods of time (>days). Since for equilibration the specific surface area is crucial, the harmonic mean of the grain size is relevant (small grain sizes result in high concentrations even after short pre-equilibration of a column). The absolute time scales calculated with linear sorption and aqueous diffusion aim at organic compounds and are not valid for sparingly soluble mineral phases (e.g. metal oxides and silicates). However, the general findings on how different liquid-to-solid ratios and specific surface area influence equilibration time scales also apply to other mass transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

Over 35,000 tonnes of food waste are generated from high concentration point sources (i.e., restaurants, hospitals and markets) in metropolitan Adelaide (Australia) each year. Anaerobic digestion is a preferred method of treatment to degrade highly putrescible waste streams such as food waste due its high methane potential. To maximise methane yield, a sequential batch anaerobic system was chosen as the most appropriate system. Two sets of sequential batch systems consisting of mature and start-up reactors in triplicate exchanged leachate. One set exchanged twice as much leachate by volume as the other set to determine the effects of different leachate exchange volumes. Results show that by increasing the leachate volume between mature and start-up reactors, the time to degrade feedstock decreases, but total methane generation yields did not markedly differ, being 229LCH4 kg(-1) VSadded and 214LCH4 kg(-1) VSadded. Process parameters used to determine when to cease leachate exchange in start-up reactors were a pH of 6.5 and methane generation rate of >0.5LCH4 kg(-1) VSadded day(-1). Changes in carbon dioxide and methane biogas composition in the mature reactors reflected process stress caused by the addition of leachate with high VFA concentrations from the start-up reactors and indicate there may be limits to leachate exchange rates and subsequent loading of mature reactors.  相似文献   

This paper presents the determination of total iron, copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, lead, cadmium and mercury contents in the compost obtained from sorted municipal organic solid waste applying the following methods of sample mineralization: 40% hydrofluoric acid with preliminary incineration of a sample, a mixture of concentrated nitric(V) and chloric(VII) acids with preliminary incineration of organic matter and a mixture of nitric(V) and chloric(VII) acids without sample incineration. The speciation analysis of Tessier was used to estimate the bioavailability of the metals. Elution degrees of the mobile forms of the metals from the compost with 10% nitric(V) acid and 1 mol/dm(3) hydrochloric acid were compared. The contents of the elements in the eluates were determined applying atomic absorption spectrometry.  相似文献   

In Sweden, leaching tests with deionized water (D.W.) are utilized in risk assessment of materials entering landfills, but implementation of these results to evaluate the risk of spreading of pollutants in the environment is difficult. One problem is that most leaching procedures only consider heavy metals release, whereas organic pollutants are left out. The aim of the present study was to assess the possible pollutant mitigation in four remediated soils, three with heavy metals and one with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination. The mitigation was evaluated by standardized batch and column leaching tests utilizing three different leaching solutions: D.W., a weak ionic solution (0.001 M CaCl2) and an artificially made soil water (ASW). In general, batch leaching tests implied larger contaminant removal than column leaching test, possibly due to the more rough treatment of the soil particles, and guidelines would at times be exceeded by the batch leaching test but not by column leaching tests. Utilization of CaCl2 was found to release less heavy metal than D.W., whereas the metals mobilized by ASW were removed from solution by the filtration of soil leachates. Low molecular weight PAH was most efficiently mobilized by CaCl2, while D.W. worked better for high molecular weight PAH. Despite very low initial PAH-concentrations, tap- and groundwater criteria were exceeded by all leaching solutions.  相似文献   

Most ashes contain a significant amount of heavy metals and when released from disposed or used ash materials, they can form a major environmental concern for underground waters. The use of water extracts to assess the easily mobilisable content of heavy metals may not provide an appropriate measure. This study describes the patterns of heavy metal release from ash materials in context with results from the German standard extraction method DIN-S4 (DIN 38 414 S4). Samples of four different ashes (municipal solid waste incineration ash, wood ash, brown coal ash and hard coal ash) were subjected to a number of serial batch tests with liquid renewal, some of which involved the addition of acid to neutralize carbonates and oxides. Release of heavy metals showed different patterns depending on the element, the type of material, the method of extraction and the type of the extractant used. Only a small fraction of the total heavy metal contents occurred as water soluble salts; of special significance was the amount of Cr released from the wood ash. The reaction time (1, 24 or 72 h between each extraction step with water) had only a small effect on the release of heavy metals. However, the release of most of the heavy metals was governed by the dissolution processes following proton inputs, indicating that pH-dependent tests such as CEN TC 292 or others are required to estimate long-term effects of heavy metal releases from ashes. Based on the chemical characteristics of ash materials in terms of their form and solubility of heavy metals, recommendations were made on the disposal or use of the four ash materials.  相似文献   

Landfills generate emissions over long periods, often longer than a lifetime. The longest lasting emission is leachate. In order to estimate the future requirements for leachate treatment, different kinds of leaching tests may be applied. In this paper, shaking leaching tests (SLT), landfill-simulator leaching tests and a field-cell leaching test performed with ash, municipal solid waste (MSW) and MSW+ash are evaluated. The tests are compared and the factors influencing leaching are identified and discussed. The factors are: liquid to solid (L/S) ratio, water withdrawal, recirculation rate, presence or absence of biological processes, size of particles, duration of experiment, temperature and pre-treatment of the waste. The presence of biological processes has the greatest impact on leaching and is the main reason why SLT is less useful for long-term predictions. The landfill simulator tests were found to be useful for several different kinds of predictions. However, they are not reliable for predicting the L/S required for reaching a certain concentration. The possibilities for reliable long-term predictions would be facilitated by a better knowledge of the influence of various factors on leaching. Such an increased knowledge would make it possible to enhance waste stabilisation in leaching tests as well as in full-scale landfills.  相似文献   

To evaluate carbonization as a thermal pretreatment method for landfilling, the releasing characteristics of organic and inorganic constituents from carbonization residue derived from shredded residue of bulky waste was investigated by means of batch and column leaching tests. Shredded residue of bulky waste itself and its incineration ash were tested together to compare pretreatment methods. In batch leaching tests at a liquid/solid ratio of 10, the release of organic carbon from carbonization residue was at a remarkably low level. Besides, carbonization contributed to immobilize heavy metals such as chromium, cadmium, and lead within its residue. In column tests, the discharges of organic constituents were lowest from carbonization residue under aerobic conditions due to microbial activity. The leaching of Cd, Cr, Pb, and Cu from carbonization residue was suppressed under anaerobic conditions; however, this suppression effect tended to be weaker under aerobic conditions. From the results showing that the total releasing amounts of organic and inorganic constituents from carbonization residue are so low as to be comparable to that of incineration ash, carbonization can be considered as one of the thermal pretreatment methods of organic wastes.  相似文献   

Column leaching testing can be considered a better basis for assessing field impact data than any other available batch test method and thus provides a fundamental basis from which to estimate constituent release under a variety of field conditions. However, column testing is time-intensive compared to the more simplified batch testing, and may not always be a viable option when making decisions for material reuse. Batch tests are used most frequently as a simple tool for compliance or quality control reasons. Therefore, it is important to compare the release that occurs under batch and column testing, and establish conservative interpretation protocols for extrapolation from batch data when column data are not available. Five different materials (concrete, construction debris, aluminum recycling residue, coal fly ash and bottom ash) were evaluated via batch and column testing, including different column flow regimes (continuously saturated and intermittent unsaturated flow). Constituent release data from batch and column tests were compared. Results showed no significant difference between the column flow regimes when constituent release data from batch and column tests were compared. In most cases batch and column testing agreed when presented in the form of cumulative release. For arsenic in carbonated materials, however, batch testing underestimates the column constituent release for most LS ratios and also on a cumulative basis. For cases when As is a constituent of concern, column testing may be required.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to compare the leaching characteristics of heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, etc., in Korean and Japanese municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) ash. The rate of leaching of heavy metal was measured by KSLT and JTL-13, and the amount of heavy metals leached was compared with the metal content in each waste component. Finally, bio-availability testing was performed to assess the risks associated with heavy metals leached from bottom ash and fly ash. From the results, the value of neutralization ability in Japanese fly ash was four times higher than that in Korean fly ash. The reason was the difference in the content of Ca(OH)(2) in fly ash. The amount of lead leached exceeded the regulatory level in both Japanese and Korean fly ash. The rate of leaching was relatively low in ash with a pH in the range of 6-10. The bio-availability test in fly ash demonstrated that the amount of heavy metals leached was Pb>Cd>Cr, but the order was changed to Pb>Cr>Cd in the bottom ash. The leaching concentration of lead exceeded the Japanese risk level in all fly ashes from the two countries, but the leaching concentration of cadmium exceeded the regulatory level in Korean fly ash only.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The substitution of standard clays to residues, in this case copper smelter slag and fly ashes coming from the incineration process of MSW in...  相似文献   

The release and charge-based fractionation of As, Cr, Mo, Sb, Se and V were evaluated in leachates generated from recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) in a laboratory and at a field site. The leachates, covering the pH range 8.4-12.6, were generated from non-carbonated, and artificially and naturally carbonated crushed concrete samples. Comparison between the release of the elements from the non-carbonated and carbonated samples indicated higher solubility of the elements from the latter. The laboratory leaching tests also revealed that the solubility of the elements is low at the “natural pH” of the non-carbonated materials and show enhancement when the pH is decreased. The charge-based fractionation of the elements was determined by ion-exchange solid phase extraction (SPE); it was found that all the target elements predominantly existed as anions in both the laboratory and field leachates. The high fraction of the anionic species of the elements in the leachates from the carbonated RCA materials verified the enhanced solubility of the oxyanionic species of the elements as a result of carbonation. The concentrations of the elements in the leachates and SPE effluents were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).  相似文献   

Two new pre-treatment methods (water-washing/carbonation and carbonation/phosphate stabilization) of municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerator residues were evaluated by column leaching tests under aerobic conditions and anaerobic conditions (which were changed to aerobic conditions after 10 months). A mixture of bottom ash and fly ash (5:1 ratio) was pre-treated using each method. Shredded incombustible residues (SIR) were added to each ash preparation in proportions similar to the ratios present in landfills. For comparison, landfill wastes typical of Japan, namely, a mixture of bottom ash, chelating-pre-treated fly ash, and SIR, were also examined. Leachate samples were collected periodically and analysed over a 15-month period. When compared with chelating pretreatment, both water-washing/carbonation and carbonation/ phosphate stabilization reduced the leaching of Pb, Al, and Cu by about one to two orders of magnitude. Moreover, the initial concentrations of Ca and Pb in leachates from column of water-washing/carbonation were 56-57% and 84-96% less than those from the column of carbonation/phosphate stabilization. Therefore, water-washing/carbonation was considered to be a promising approach to obtain early waste stabilization and to reduce the release of heavy metals to near-negligible levels. The leaching behaviour of elements was also discussed.  相似文献   

 The effect of the soil solids concentration in batch tests on the measured values of the partition coefficient (K p) of organic pollutants in landfill liner-soil material was investigated. Since this study was based on the results of batch and column tests conducted independently, there were limitations to the conclusions derived. The organic compounds tested were benzene, methylene chloride, toluene, trichloroethylene, and p-xylene. The results of this study showed that as soil solids concentrations increased, the measured K p values of these organic compounds strongly decreased. The observed values of K p stabilized when the soil solids concentration was above a certain value. Typical K p values obtained from batch tests conducted under high soil solids concentrations were close to those obtained from column tests. It was concluded that the K p values of organic compounds measured under low soil solids concentrations, i.e., less than 100 g/l, may not correctly simulate the field situation. Consequently, the values of K p obtained with low soil solids concentrations can result in an overestimation of the retardation factor of the landfill liner material. Received: March 14, 2002 / Accepted: August 25, 2002  相似文献   

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