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The foundation for the creation of eco-efficiency metrics for industrial impacts on biodiversity is considered. Because biodiversity is the essence of life itself, these metrics are essential for effectiveness in the theory and practice of eco-efficiency, particularly in the case of primary natural resource extraction industries such as fishing and forestry. The case of fishing is examined, with particular attention to by-catch, lost nets, and habitat damage caused by mobile fishing gears. It is appropriate to examine fishing because industrial era impacts on marine biodiversity have been severe and are driving large and deleterious changes in marine ecosystems. For discarded by-catch, it is proposed that an eco-efficient metric for the value per unit mass of discarded fish can be set to be equivalent to that of the market value of the utilized catch. In estimating the eco-efficient value of the catch, the value of the discarded fish is then subtracted from the market value of the catch. Fish killed in lost nets can be treated similarly. It is more difficult to address marine habitat damage by mobile fishing gear, which has the highest potential for ecological injury.By using the approach proposed, negative eco-efficiencies are obtained under circumstances in which the collateral damage to biodiversity exceeds the economic benefit obtained. This is a logical outcome given the long-term effects of biodiversity decline. A metric is also proposed for assessing whether avoidance of harm to biodiversity, in the form of switching fishing gear, is required. Lastly it is proposed that metrics might be developed to provide eco-efficiency credit for companies taking effective actions to improve, or actively participate in, ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

为了考察热处理后的重组DNA进入水环境后可能存在的环境风险,以pET-28b质粒为材料,以质粒相对转化效率为指标,考察了热变性重组质粒DNA的复性可能性,并在此基础上构建了人工模拟水环境系统,研究了热变性质粒DNA在水环境中的降解速率和影响因素.结果表明,热变性pET-28b质粒经过30min后,其转移活性可以得到恢复,在4~37℃之间,温度越高越有利于热变性质粒的复性.热处理过程中未被降解的质粒DNA进入水环境后,在pH值为7、8时降解速率相对较慢,在pH值为5、6、9的条件下,降解较快,但在任何pH下,1.0h后仍存在未降解的质粒DNA.水环境中的NaCl对热处理质粒DNA有一定的保护作用,而且这种作用是随着NaCl质量分数的提高而增强.进入水环境中的热变性DNA有足够的时间复性,从而可能发生基因转移.因此,这些热处理的质粒DNA进入环境后理论上存在一定的生态风险.  相似文献   

Waste minimisation in the food and drink industry leads to many of the improvements demonstrated in other sectors—energy efficiency, reduction of raw material use, reduction in water consumption and increasing reuse and recycling on site. Such improvements in environmental performance produce a directly beneficial effect on the profitability of business.The East Anglian Waste Minimisation in the Food and Drink Industry Project has demonstrated that significant amounts of food-grade material are rejected from the production line for their unsatisfactory quality, whether visual, physical, microbiological or compositional (chemical or biochemical). The Project has demonstrated that waste reduction of 12% of raw materials can be achieved and that this makes significant contributions to company profitability by improving yields per unit output and by reducing costs associated with waste disposal. Evidence also shows that there is potential for further improvements through improving dialogue between producers, retailers and consumers.The East Anglian Waste Minimisation Project has demonstrated that the packaging of food products presents considerable challenges to the food and drink industry. Significant opportunities exist for modifying both primary and secondary food packaging. However, whilst packaging requirements principally consider health and safety, the demands of the major supermarket chains and consumers have taken little or no account of criteria designed to meet the wide-ranging demands of waste minimisation.Optimising the opportunities for waste minimisation in the key areas of putrescible wastage and packaging, and improving consensus and dialogue are essential catalysts between purchasers, including both consumers and the major supermarkets, and between food producers and manufacturers. These food and drink sectors must identify the process options that result in a lower waste burden, pursuing contractual agreements that reinforce and support the selection of such options.  相似文献   

废弃重组质粒DNA热处理效率的环境影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解环境因素对质粒DNA热处理效率的影响以及热处理过程的有效性和安全性,以pET-28b质粒为材料,采用定量PCR技术结合质粒转化等方法分析了pH、NaCl、牛血清白蛋白(BSA)及EDTA浓度等因素对质粒DNA热处理的影响.结果表明,NaCl、BSA及EDTA的存在对热处理过程中的质粒DNA具有保护作用,且保护作用依次增强.在纯水中热处理30min后的质粒DNA可扩增的片段数仅是在0.1%的EDTA中热处理30min后质粒DNA可扩增片段数目的1.7%.由于生物实验室废水中通常含有上述有机或无机物质,因此,实际热处理过程中质粒DNA的降解半衰期可能远长于先前报道的2.7~4min,残留的转化活性也可能更高,这必须引起我们高度关注.但是,研究结果也表明,酸性条件下的热处理能加速质粒DNA的失活和降解,因此建议热处理过程可在弱酸性条件下完成,以强化其处理效果.  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置工业废弃物的生命周期评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯星宇  张芸  戚昱  蒋慧  张琳  曲殿利 《环境科学学报》2015,35(12):4112-4119
以废白土、废催化剂和污染土壤等工业废弃物为研究对象,运用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,对水泥窑协同处置废弃物的环境影响进行评价.通过建立生产过程输入、输出清单,从全球变暖潜值、资源消耗潜值、人体毒性潜值等方面,基于Gabi5.0软件进行建模与计算,对水泥窑常规生产工艺与协同处置工业废弃物工艺产生的环境影响进行比较.结果表明:功能单位(1 t)水泥的生产过程中,常规生产工艺和协同处置工艺的环境影响潜值分别为5.78×10~(-11)和5.61×10~(-11),协同处置工艺使得全生命周期环境影响潜值降低了2.94%;水泥生产过程最主要的环境影响是全球变暖和人体毒性,其中,协同处置工艺下这两种环境影响分别降低了0.80%和1.80%,资源消耗相比常规生产降低了11.1%;从全生命周期看,水泥生产中熟料煅烧阶段对环境的影响最大,协同处置工艺下熟料煅烧阶段的环境影响相比常规生产降低了8.0%.协同处置工艺相比常规生产工艺有更好的环境效益.  相似文献   

含磷污水淋滤条件下土壤中磷迁移转化模拟实验   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
以土柱实验为基础,结合磷在土壤中的化学转化机理,将磷在土壤中的形态分为可溶态磷、吸附态磷和沉淀态磷,根据磷在土壤中的迁移转化模拟实验,分析了这3种形态的磷在土壤中迁移转化的规律:可溶态磷进入土壤中,主要随水分作溶质迁移,在迁移的同时,不断转化为吸附态磷和各种沉淀态磷;吸附态磷由可溶态磷生成,并与可溶态磷一起发生沉淀反应生成沉淀态磷,但固着于土壤颗粒上,不发生迁移;沉淀态磷由可溶态磷和吸附态磷生成,在土壤中主要参与化学转化;沉淀态磷在土壤中有随水分迁移的现象。  相似文献   

Effects of sludge age on volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production and Phosphorus (P) release during anaerobic acidification of waste activated sludge (WAS) were investigated. Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) fed with simulating domestic sewage were applied to produce WAS of different sludge ages, and batch tests were used for anaerobic acidification. The maximum dissolved total organic carbon, release of  PO43+?P, and accumulation of acetate (C2), propionate (C3), butyrate (C4), and valerate (C5) decreased by 56.2%, 55.8%, 52.6%, 43.7%, 82.4% and 84.8%, respectively, as the sludge age of WAS increased from 5 to 40 days. Limited degradation of protein played a dominating role in decreasing DTOC and VFAs production. Moreover, the increase in molecular weight of organics and organic nitrogen content in the supernatant after acidification suggested that the refractory protein in WAS increased as sludge age extended. Although the production of C2, C3, C4, and C5 from WAS decreased as the sludge age increased, the proportions of C2 and C3 in VFAs increased, which might be due to the declined production of C5 from protein and the faded genus Dechlorobacter. Keeping sludge age of WAS at a relatively low level (<10 days) is more appropriate for anaerobic acidification of WAS as internal carbon sources and P resource.  相似文献   

The anaerobic-anoxic oxidation ditch (A2/O OD) process is popularly used to eliminate nutrients from domestic wastewater. In order to identify the existence of denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB), evaluate the contribution of DPB to biological nutrient removal, and enhance the denitrifying phosphorus removal in the A2/O OD process, a pilot-scale A2/O OD plant (375 L) was conducted. At the same time batch tests using sequence batch reactors (12 L and 4 L) were operated to reveal the significance of anoxic phosphorus removal. The results indicated that: The average removal efficiency of COD, NH4+, PO43−, and TN were 88.2%, 92.6%, 87.8%, and 73.1%, respectively, when the steady state of the pilotscale A2/O OD plant was reached during 31–73 d, demonstrating a good denitrifying phosphorus removal performance. Phosphorus uptake took place in the anoxic zone by poly-phosphorus accumulating organisms NO2 could be used as electron receptors in denitrifying phosphorus removal, and the phosphorus uptake rate with NO2 as the electron receptor was higher than that with NO3 when the initial concentration of either NO2 or NO3 was 40 mg/L.  相似文献   

掌握工业废水重金属污染区域及行业分布格局, 是有针对性开展全国性重金属污染防控的必要前提. GIS空间分析表明, 2003-2010年间, 工业废水重金属Hg、Cd、Pb、As排放主要集中在以湖南为核心、包括江西、云南、广西在内的南方四省区, 和北方甘肃、陕西两省, 而广东、福建、浙江、江苏等东部沿海省区Cr6+排放所占比重较大; 在行业分布格局方面, 南方和北方省区的重金属污染主要与当地有色金属、黑色金属矿采选、冶炼和加工行业密切相关, 而东部沿海地区则更多与当地电子、电器、运输设备制造业、化工、金属制品、纺织、皮革制品等行业密切相关.各地区、不同行业、不同类别重金属排放特征及减排成效存在较大差异, 反映了工业废水重金属防控亟需多学科研究技术支撑.  相似文献   

工业固体废物生命周期管理方法及案例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析工业固体废物管理过程与工业生产过程间的耦合关系,提出了涵盖减量化过程的工业固体废物生命周期管理框架和方法,并应用于铜渣管理的方案评估与决策过程中.结果表明,铜渣3种不同管理方案的环境负荷值依次为2800.46,2156.00,2162.04Pt.与熔池熔炼法相比,闪速熔炼法虽有利于铜渣的源头减量,但其减少的铜渣量并未导致精铜生产与铜渣管理全过程环境影响的整体下降.单从铜渣的内部再循环工艺来看,处理同样数量的铜渣,选矿法的环境表现优于电炉贫化法.案例研究证实了工业固体废物管理应将减量化过程纳入全生命周期管理方案中进行综合评估,而非简单遵循废物管理的优先顺序和等级制度.  相似文献   

In this article, cleaner industrial production (CIP) from the Ethiopian perception, the conditions for implementation, the barriers encountered during implementation and the strategies used are discussed. In addition, the outcome of the project is highlighted.The barriers related to the implementation of Industrial CIP in Ethiopia are mainly due to:
• the lack of awareness on the part of the industrial sector;
• the lack of commitments from the high level management;
• the nature of the existing factories.
Cleaner production as a concept is not yet fully understood in Ethiopia and for this a vigorous awareness campaign has to continuously be conducted through all possible media. So far, awareness seminars, workshops and demonstration projects have been held and proved to be effective in facilitating the implementation of National Cleaner Industrial Production Project of Ethiopia (NACIPPE 1 and 2). It was, however, sad to note that at the time of the campaign, government promulgated a decree to the effect that state-owned factories were going to be privatized any time, which, to a considerable extent lowered the management's commitment towards the CIP projects.The first and second phases of NACIPPE 1 and 2 were implemented in 1997 and 1998 respectively. Forty industries from public and private sectors participated in the training and waste audit exercises and a total of 61 audit experts and 156 audit assistants were trained. The package was divided into three technical training components and three waste audit practices. The technical support was extended by hiring a private enterprise, Chem. Tech. Center Sh. Co.  相似文献   

建立了用离子色谱法测定工业废水中丙酸的方法,结果表明,常规阴离子对本方法的测定没有干扰,校准曲线线性相关系数高,并且能在很大范围内呈现线性。运用该方法实测标样和水样,精密度和准确度都能满足需求,表明该方法测定结果可靠,具有一定的应用价值。对实际废水样品进行分析,丙酸的回收率分别为95.0%~103.8%。本方法分析速度快,所需样品量少,且无需要复杂的前处理,简便、灵敏、可靠。  相似文献   

Biowaste valorization through anaerobic digestion is an attractive option to achieve both climate protection goals and renewable energy production.In this paper,a complete set of batch trials was carried out on kitchen waste to investigate the effects of mild thermal pretreatment,temperature regimen and substrate/inoculum ratio.Thermal pretreatment was effective in the solubilisation of macromolecular fractions,particularly carbohydrates.The ability of the theoretical methodologies in estimating...  相似文献   

花卉秸秆和牛粪联合堆肥的中试研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以花卉废物和牛粪为原料 ,进行了温度反馈的通气量控制联合堆肥的中试研究 .一次发酵采用静态好氧床进行 ,过程控制采用温度反馈通气量控制方法 ,周期 2 0天 ;二次腐熟采用周期性翻堆 ,周期 4 0天 .试验分析了堆肥过程中堆体温度、水分、pH值、有机质、湿重、干重、体积、湿容重、干容重等指标随时间的变化特征 ,结果表明 :采用温度反馈通气量控制的静态好氧堆肥技术进行花卉废物和牛粪的联合堆肥可以有效控制堆肥过程 ,实现有机物料的快速稳定和去除水分 .  相似文献   

为减少电力工业固体废物的产生,促进循环经济的发展,本文论述了我国火力发电固体废物污染现状,并介绍了循环经济在电力工业固体废物治理中的应用。针对固体废物循环利用中产生的具体问题提出了思考与建议。  相似文献   

Severe industrial pollution has largely hindered the sustainable development of China. Taking Shenzhen’s electroplating industry as a case, this article investigates the current status of the industry and proposes a specialized policy framework to push its environmental innovation. There is a relatively complete environmental management system in Shenzhen’s government, but it does not work well when dealing with the electroplating industry, mainly because it lacks regulation aiming at production technology, which is the underlying decisive factor of the environmental performance of the industry. So, we first develop an evaluation criterion, which incorporates a technological index about whether enterprises engage identified obsolete technologies. With this evaluation criterion, enterprises are classified into “advanced” and “obsolete”. Then, we propose specific policy suggestions for different types of enterprises, including command and control mixed with economic tools, voluntary agreements, establishing electroplating parks, and improving current management system. Finally, we assess the impact of the policy proposal and prove it to be conducive to the sustainable development of the industry and conclude it from a more general perspective.  相似文献   

Industrial parks play a significant role in the production and use of goods and services. However, this also means that the environmental problems of each company are concentrated in a relatively small area. One of these problems is solid waste disposal, which has become a critical issue because of its negative impacts as well as the resources consumed. Integrated solid waste management integrates cleaner and more sustainable production strategies by reducing resource consumption and applying mechanisms found in natural ecosystems to industrial systems. Nevertheless, one of the necessary conditions for the design of such a system is a preliminary study of waste generation management in the area. The study presented in this paper characterizes industrial waste production and management in the metropolitan area of Granada (Spain), and analyzes its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A similar typology of industrial activities, mainly in the distribution and transportation sector, as well as the proximity of various industrial parks could facilitate their partnership in environmental management. The results obtained in our study point to significant weaknesses in the system, such as the lack of effective waste management tools and training for waste management personnel. Other weaknesses were, the low percentage of selective waste collection and the existence of unauthorized collectors. The paper concludes with specific proposals for waste collection. These recommendations include the creation of the following: (i) a community responsible for waste management; (ii) recycling points in industrial parks; (iii) energy recovery from the waste; (iv) a market to sell, buy, and/or exchange waste; (v) one authorized set of waste management agents that would provide the advantages of an economy of scale.  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis, a subfield of industrial ecology, focuses on transforming the waste of one firm into the valuable input of another, which improves the competitive advantages of supply chain by reducing production cost and improving environmental performance. Considering the specific situation where there are so many state-owned big company groups in China, this paper utilizes the ideas of constructing an industrial symbiosis among different firms, and does a case study on applying the concept into the inner relationships' reconstruction among different production systems in a big state-owned smeltery in South-west China. Three kinds of approaches are explored: 1) recycling and reusing the release; 2) concentrating and abstracting metals from the residues; 3) extending the product chain for value-added products. The results show that it can effectively improve the competitive advantage of the enterprise in terms of decreasing production cost and improving environmental performance.  相似文献   

兰州市大气PM10对质粒DNA的损伤   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用质粒DNA 评价法研究了2005年12月~2006年10月兰州市区、郊区大气中PM10对质粒DNA的氧化性损伤,并初步探讨了其损伤原因.结果表明, PM10对质粒DNA的氧化性损伤具有冬、夏季相对较高,春、秋季相对较低的特征.市区冬、春、夏、秋季大气PM10全样的TD20平均值分别为17,625,56,260μg/mL,水溶部分的TD20平均值分别为62,840,193,403μg/mL.沙尘暴期间和降雨数天后, PM10对质粒DNA的氧化性损伤相对较小,其全样和水溶部分的TD20值均大于1000μg/mL.PM10 全样和水溶部分的TD20值均与样品中12种水溶性微量元素总含量呈明显的负相关关系,表明PM10对质粒DNA的氧化性损伤能力主要来自其水溶性微量元素.  相似文献   

本研究以实验室模拟的高浓度氮磷废水为研究对象,采用折流式反应器,探讨了在动态条件下,pH、Mg:P、N:P及水力停留时间对鸟粪石法脱氮除磷的影响。试验结果表明:对于氨氮的去除率,以上四个因素影响相当;对于磷的除率,各因素的影响大小为:N:P〉pH〉Mg:P〉水力停留时间。当模拟水样中的TP浓度为310mg/l,pH为9.7,水力停留时间为60min,Mg:N:P=1.2:1.2:l时,氨氮和磷的去除率分别可高迭85.8%和86.3%。  相似文献   

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