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Based on the physical and chemical properties as well as calorific values of pulp sludge and textile sludge, this study investigates the differences between manufacturability, relationship between extrusion pressure and formability, as well as stability and combustion behaviors of extruded sludge-derived fuel briquettes (ESBB) and cemented sludge-derived fuel blocks (CSBB). The optimum proportion and relevant usage ESBB policies are proposed as well. Experimental results indicate that a large amount of water can be saved during the ESBB manufacturing process. Additionally, energy consumption decreases during the drying process. ESBB also has a more compact structure than that of CSBB, and its mean penetration loading is approximately 18.7 times higher as well. Moreover, the flame temperature of ESBB (624–968 °C) is significantly higher than that of CSBB (393–517 °C). Also, the dry bulk density and moisture regain of ESBB is significantly related to the penetration loading. Furthermore, the optimum mix proportion of ESBB is co-determined by the formability of pulp sludge and the calorific values of textile sludge. While considering the specific conditions (including formability, stability and calorific values), the recommended mix proportion for ESBB is PS50TS50. 相似文献
Yan Mi He Lei Prabowo Bayu Fang Zhumin Lin Jie Xu Zhang Hu Yanjun 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2018,20(3):1594-1604
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Efforts to improve the performance of hydrothermal treatment (HT) in producing high-quality solid fuel from sewage sludge were carried out by... 相似文献
Werle S 《Waste management (New York, N.Y.)》2012,32(4):753-758
Gasification of sewage sludge can provide clean and effective reburning fuel for combustion applications. The motivation of this work was to define the reburning potential of the sewage sludge gasification gas (syngas). A numerical simulation of the co-combustion process of syngas in a hard coal-fired boiler was done. All calculations were performed using the Chemkin programme and a plug-flow reactor model was used. The calculations were modelled using the GRI-Mech 2.11 mechanism. The highest conversions for nitric oxide (NO) were obtained at temperatures of approximately 1000-1200 K. The combustion of hard coal with sewage sludge-derived syngas reduces NO emissions. The highest reduction efficiency (>90%) was achieved when the molar flow ratio of the syngas was 15%. Calculations show that the analysed syngas can provide better results than advanced reburning (connected with ammonia injection), which is more complicated process. 相似文献
In this study, the combustion and pyrolysis processes of three sewage sludge were investigated. The sewage sludge came from three wastewater treatment plants.Proximate and ultimate analyses were performed. The thermal behaviour of studied sewage sludge was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis with mass spectrometry (TGA-MS). The samples were heated from ambient temperature to 800 °C at a constant rate 10 °C/min in air (combustion process) and argon flows (pyrolysis process). The thermal profiles presented in form of TG/DTG curves were comparable for studied sludges. All TG/DTG curves were divided into three stages. The main decomposition of sewage sludge during the combustion process took place in the range 180–580 °C with c.a. 70% mass loss. The pyrolysis process occurred in lower temperature but with less mass loss. The evolved gaseous products (H2, CH4, CO2, H2O) from the decomposition of sewage sludge were identified on-line. 相似文献
Drazen Vouk Domagoj Nakic Nina Stirmer Christopher Cheeseman 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2018,20(3):1458-1467
The potential for using sewage sludge ash (SSA) as a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) has been investigated. Controlled combustion of sewage sludge collected in Croatia from two wastewater treatment plants produced SSA with different characteristics. These were used to substitute for cement in mortar samples. The chemical composition and physical properties of SSA depend on wastewater composition, the sludge treatment process and the combustion temperature. These factors influence the suitability of SSA to be used as a SCM. For three different combustion temperatures (800, 900 and 1000 °C), it was concluded that properties of fresh mortar were not affected while in the hardened state, the most favorable combustion temperature is 900 °C regarding mechanical properties. Regardless of combustion temperature, for all types of SSA used in mortars as cement replacement (up to 30%), the average decrease in both compressive and flexural strength values was less than 8% for every 10% of added SSA. The results presented indicate that using up to 20% replacement of cement by SSA produces mortars that meet the specific technical requirements analyzed in this work. 相似文献
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are formed during waste incineration and in waste-to-energy boilers. Incomplete combustion, too short residence times at low combustion temperatures (<700 °C), incineration of electronic waste and plastic waste containing chlorine are all factors influencing the formation of PCDD/Fs in boilers. The impact of chlorine and catalysing metals (such as copper and iron) in the fuel on PCDD/F formation was studied in a 12 MWth circulating fluidised bed (CFB) boiler. The PCDD/F concentrations in the raw gas after the convection pass of the boiler and in the fly ashes were compared. The fuel types were a so-called clean biomass with low content of chlorine, biomass with enhanced content of chlorine from supply of PVC, and solid recovered fuel (SRF) which is a waste fuel containing higher concentrations of both chlorine, and catalysing metals. The PCDD/F formation increased for the biomass with enhanced chlorine content and it was significantly reduced in the raw gas as well as in the fly ashes by injection of ammonium sulphate. A link, the alkali chloride track, is demonstrated between the level of alkali chlorides in the gas phase, the chlorine content in the deposits in the convection pass and finally the PCDD/F formation. The formation of PCDD/Fs was also significantly reduced during co-combustion of SRF with municipal sewage sludge (MSS) compared to when SRF was fired without MSS as additional fuel. 相似文献
Leguan Zhang Bo Xiao Zhiquan Hu Shiming Liu Gong Cheng Piwen He Lei Sun 《Waste management (New York, N.Y.)》2014,34(1):180-184
Pyrolysis of sewage sludge was studied in a free-fall reactor at 1000–1400 °C. The results showed that the volatile matter in the sludge could be completely released to gaseous product at 1300 °C. The high temperature was in favor of H2 and CO in the produced gas. However, the low heating value (LHV) of the gas decreased from 15.68 MJ/N m3 to 9.10 MJ/N m3 with temperature increasing from 1000 °C to 1400 °C. The obtained residual solid was characterized by high ash content. The energy balance indicated that the most heating value in the sludge was in the gaseous product. 相似文献
燃料分级燃烧最佳风煤配比的数值模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
运用Fluent软件对某电厂1160t/h锅炉的燃烧过程和NOx生成特性进行数值模拟。通过调节风煤配比来改变燃烧区域风粉的混合以及燃烧区内的气氛,得到炉内C(s)、CO2、CO、O2、H2O(g)的浓度分布和NOx生成特性。对于煤粉的燃烧特性而言,NOx的来源依赖于煤中氮的析出和氧化。从模拟结果可以看出,煤量变化率直接影响燃烧生成物在锅炉中的分布,从而影响NOx排放浓度。随着煤量变化率的增大,NOx的排放浓度先减少后增加,即燃料分级工况存在最佳风煤配比。从所计算工况的结果比较,得出了最佳风煤配比。 相似文献
Misoo Shin Heysuk Kim Dongsoon Jang Taein Ohm 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2011,13(3):232-239
The purpose of this study is to introduce an efficient drying method named “fry-drying technology” for the treatment of sewage
sludge. The basic principle of this method lies in the rapid escape of moisture from sludge material through its pores into
the oil medium driven by the strong pressure gradient formed between sludge and oil media. This beneficial pressure distribution
for moisture transfer can be established by the subtle combination of the difference of physical properties of specific heat
and boiling temperature between water and oil. In order to determine the physical characteristics of this fry-drying technology,
a series of experiments were performed in which important parameters, such as heating oil temperature, drying time, oil type,
and sludge size, were varied. Numerical calculations using a single solid spherical particle model without any porosity were
used to resolve the particle size effect associated with sludge drying. 相似文献
Fluidised bed combustor (FBC) is one of the key technologies for sewage sludge incineration. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed for the simulation of a large-scale sewage sludge incineration plant. The model assumes the bed consisting of a fast-gas phase, an emulsion phase and a fuel particle phase with specific consideration for thermally-thick fuel particles. The model further improves over previous works by taking into account throughflow inside the bubbles as well as the floating and random movement of the fuel particles inside the bed. Validation against both previous lab-scale experiments and operational data of a large-scale industrial plant was made. Calculation results indicate that combustion split between the bed and the freeboard can range from 60/40 to 90/10 depending on the fuel particle distribution across the bed height under the specific conditions. The bed performance is heavily affected by the variation in sludge moisture level. The response time to variation in feeding rate is different for different parameters, from 6min for outlet H(2)O, 10min for O(2), to 34min for bed temperature. 相似文献
Jia Li Cheng Peng Yu Yue Wang Yan-lin Chen Shi-hu Wang Chen-xing Wang Jian-cheng Zhang Jian-chun Fan Bao-guo Jin Yan 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2023,25(3):1369-1389
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - To realize the clean and efficient resource utilization of sewage sludge (SS) and coal slime (CS), single-component and coupled fuels were... 相似文献
A new method to simplify calculation the kinetics model is applied to sewage sludge pyrolysis based on the assumption that volatile run out as soon as it formed and during temperature arising process in this study. Difference method widely used to solve math problems is conducted to calculate kinetics parameters. Pyrolysis experiments are carried out at heating rates of 10, 15, 20, and 50 °C/min. All the TG curves are divided into three parts which are beginning decomposition temperature range, main decomposition temperature range, and final decomposition temperature range. The second one is employed to determine the parameters for more than 70% of the total mass loss occurs in this range. According to the developed method, the react order, reaction energy and pre-exponential factor are obtained, which are in the range of 3.9–4.1, 82.3–109.2 kJ/mol and 7.7 × 106–2.8 × 109/min, respectively, which are in the range of that reported previously. As a comparison experimental data with calculated data, the well fitting results indicate that this method is appropriate for simulating sludge pyrolysis kinetics. 相似文献
从生活污水处理工艺出发介绍污泥产生的环节,探究污泥传统处置方法和资源化处置方法,同时对污泥源头减量化方法做了详细论述,最后分析了污泥处置成本的影响因素,对污泥环保处置提供参考与帮助. 相似文献
The sewage sludge cake (SSC) used in this study was provided by a K-wastewater treatment plant in Kyonggi-Do, Korea. The characteristics of the SSC, such as particle size, water content, and composition were analyzed. Both the Korea extraction test (KET) and the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) were used to estimate whether the SSC was hazardous. In thermal experiments, the temperature was varied in the range 400° to 900°C and the heating time was varied from 1 to 6 h. The effects of thermal treatment temperature and time were evaluated by turbidity tests on the resultant SSC. On a dry basis, SSC mainly consisted of combustible content (60.2%) and phosphorous (25.9%). The turbidity of SSC was initially estimated in terms of the sedimentation time. The turbidity of SSC decreased exponentially from 9873 FAU at 0 h to 986 FAU at 6 h, so that the sedimentation time of SSC was established as 6 h. From the results of the thermal treatment at 600°C, thermal time can be determined by 2h because the turbidity of SSC is decreased dramatically within 1h and is stabilized after 2h. The turbidity of SSC decreased when the thermal treatment temperature increased from 400° to 900°C. The turbidity after thermal treatment at 400°C for 2 h was 29 FAU and this became almost 10 FAU at 600°C. The SSC was not hazardous, because KET and TCLP analysis produced values that were smaller than the regulatory levels. Hence, it was concluded that SSC can be stabilized by thermal treatment and can be used as a recycled material. 相似文献
Agro-residue is one of the important biomass resources in China and its efficient utilization is crucial for providing bio-energy, releasing risk of environmental pollution, and enhancing rural incomes. Densification is one of the important utilization routes of agro-residues. The objective of this paper is to explore the development of agro-residue densified fuel in China based on energetics analysis. The energetical property and energy potential of main agro-residues in China were firstly analyzed and then the development of agro-residue densified fuel in every region was evaluated based on energetics analysis. The results show that the main agro-residues in China are good feedstocks as densified fuel and they constitute enormous energy potential for developing densified fuel. However, the situation of every region should be considered for the development of agro-residue densified fuel. The primary energy embodied per unit of useful energy indicates that most of the regions in China are suitable for developing agro-residue densified fuel as it is energetically advantageous compared with coal, whereas only about 25% of regions near coal production locations are not suitable as they are less energetically advantageous. 相似文献