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《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1271-1286
The analysis of industrial energy usage indicates that low temperature processes (20  200 °C) are used in nearly all industrial sectors. In principle there is the potential to use solar thermal energy in these lower temperature processes thus, reducing the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels. Using the model of an Austrian dairy plant, this research investigated the potential for, and the economic viability of, using solar energy heat processes in industry.Some industrial sectors such as food, chemistry, plastic processing, textile industry, building materials industry and business establishments can be identified as potential sectors for the application of solar energy heat processes. When assessing the (economic) feasibility of solar thermal energy, the investigation of these industries’ energy systems has to focus on an integrated analysis of cooling and heating demands and to take into account competing technologies. Amongst these are heat integration, cogeneration, new technologies and heat pumps. Pinch analysis was used to investigate industrial energy systems and heat integration possibilities and proved to be a viable tool. Working from the basis of energy balances, Sankey diagrams, pinch analysis and environmental cost accounting, a newly developed investigation tool was applied in the case study of an Austrian dairy plant. This enabled a fast optimization of the system. Two different options for the integration of solar thermal energy into the production line were calculated, option 1 with a solar field of 1000 m2 and option 2 with a solar field of 1500 m2. Natural gas savings of 85,000 for option 1 and 109,000 m3/a for option 2 can be achieved, resulting in a reduction of 170 tons of CO2 per year, or 218 tons for options 1 and 2 respectively. Based upon option 1, return on investment is realised after less than three years of implementation. This research thus, indicates promising technical and economical feasibility of using solar thermal energy for industrial processes and provides an important step towards sustainable zero emission production in industry.  相似文献   

This editorial introduces and provides an overview of this Special Issue dedicated to papers from the 7th conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction – PRES 2004. It contains 10 selected papers. The first three papers address important features of cleaner production – renewable resources, CO2 emissions and Life Cycle Assessment. The second group of papers addresses cleaner production approaches to batch processed. The third set of papers studies reduction of emissions from industrial production including SOx and NOx. The last paper focuses upon minimisation of wastewater from industrial production.  相似文献   


As the world’s largest emitter, China’s reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is crucial for the achievement of global temperature rise goals. In this paper, we employed input-output structural decomposition analysis and index decomposition analysis to assess the factors driving changes in China’s CO2 emissions from 2000 to 2018, with particular attention to the role of renewable energy development. Our results indicate that the slowdown of economic growth and rapid structural change, rather than the shifting fuel mix, were the major forces driving China’s recent slowdown of CO2 emissions ever since 2011. Despite the great importance attached to renewable energy development, non-hydro renewable has played negligible role in reducing China’s CO2 emissions. This suggests that China cannot simply rely on the large-scale development of renewable energies to achieve its Paris 2015 target and must make further drastic cuts that will help keep global temperature rise well below 2 °C above pre-industrial level. Major breakthroughs in scalable low carbon energy sources and technologies will be required, especially in the developing world.


In this paper a multibox model is applied to investigate how power plant emissions and industrial emissions affect the O3 levels in a leeward urban area and a farther downwind rural area. Apart from a detailed consideration of one specific situation, the effect of advection is described and the influence of emission reductions on ozone formation is analyzed. The results prove that the characteristics of upstream emissions is of great significance for the O3 levels. In particular, a reduction of hydrocarbon emissions was proved to be beneficial in all considered cases, while a reduction of primarily NOx emissions may lead to an enhanced O3 formation.  相似文献   

燃烧过程的处理量可以大幅度增加,如果将纯氧气(O2)作为附加的氧化介质来使用,则可以降低能量的消耗.除了相关的燃烧条件之外,氧气的单独使用对于这项应用起着决定性的作用.AIR LIQUIDE专业人员与系统操作人员合作,将不同工业领域内的各种燃烧系统转换为与氧气发生作用.典型的应用范例包括处理活性污泥的单一燃烧、废水以及特殊废料的燃烧以及造纸工业废料再生能源的生成.除了提高系统的效率和增加系统的经济效益以外,纯氧气还非常适合用来改善燃烧参数和排放特性.  相似文献   

中国可再生能源GIS的设计与开发   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
可再生能源资源具有的可再生性和清洁性,使其逐渐成为世界性的能源建设发展方向。根据可再生能源的特殊自然属性,建立了包括:资源监测指标、设备指标、经济评价指标、环境评价指标的一套稳定、可操作的指标体系,并依照此体系开发了中国可再生能源地理信息系统。系统采用GeomediaProfessional平台,基于Client/Server模式,是第一个全国范围的可再生能源资源GIS,它实现了对中国可再生能源资源中的风能、太阳能、生物质能、地热能四种能源资源的空间、属性数据的统一管理和动态监测。同时,利用GIS特有的空间分析功能,结合资源开发评估模型,为中国可再生能源资源的开发和利用提供辅助决策支持。  相似文献   

世界经济飞速发展进程中,各国普遍面临着能源瓶颈.石油、煤炭等不可再生能源在人类消费的能源结构中占比逐渐降低是一种趋势,各国将关注点放在可再生能源方面,才是谋求经济可持续发展的理性选择.太阳能、风能、潮汐能、地热能、水能、生物质能、核能等可再生能源正在进入发展的快车道.中国、印度等发展中国家在可再生能源的开发方面处在世界前列,很多发达国家也开始转向可再生能源开发.可再生能源相对于传统能源而言,开发成本较高,所以政府需要给予支持政策.发达国家的经验表明,实行配额制是比较可行的,除此之外,还可以进行绿色交易、创新融资机制以及进行财政倾斜等相关制度设计,确保可再生能源得到可持续发展.  相似文献   

吴博任 《环境》2007,(8):52-53
人类社会要实现可持续发展,就必须尽快寻求和开发新能源,特别是可再生的、清洁的能源.可再生能源包括水能、风能、生物质能、太阳能、地热能和海洋能等.它们如何被人类开发利用?开发的潜力有多大?这些问题值得关注.  相似文献   

王乃举  黄翔 《环境科学学报》2016,36(6):2242-2251
运用容量耦合拓展模型对兰州市2003—2013年环境系统耦合度进行评价,通过核算兰州市2003—2013年各年工业碳排放量,分析了4类工业碳排放强度变化特征,并运用LMDI模型对碳排放效应进行了多维度分解.结果表明,兰州市环境系统总体质量水平较低,环境状态指数和环境耦合度指数较低;兰州市工业碳排放总量逐年递增,碳排放与工业增加值、GDP、人口数量和城市建成区面积等呈显著正相关关系;原煤、原油、焦炭和天然气是兰州市的主要碳源,人均碳强呈显著增长态势,而工业碳强、GDP碳强、地均碳强均呈下降趋势;能源结构效应和人口规模效应在低位值附近波动变化,而能源强度效应和人均经济效应均在高位值附近波动,且后两项指标累积效应显著大于前两项指标,总体发挥正向碳增长效应.  相似文献   

采用广义迪氏指数分解法(GDIM)分析2000~2016年中国工业碳排放的驱动因素,并在此基础上,创新性地结合DPSIR框架构建脱钩努力模型测度工业碳排放的脱钩效应.研究结果表明:产出规模效应、技术进步效应、能源消费规模效应和人均碳排放效应是导致工业碳排放增加的主要因素,而产出碳强度效应与技术进步碳强度效应是减少工业碳排放的关键因素;工业碳排放的脱钩效应呈"未脱钩~弱脱钩~强脱钩"的阶段性特点;产出碳强度效应与技术进步碳强度效应是工业碳排放实现强脱钩的决定性因素,同时更需要调整能源结构、降低能源强度与碳排放强度来实现工业碳排放强脱钩.  相似文献   

可再生能源资源的系统评价方法及实例   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
可再生能源资源评价是可再生能源综合规划的前提,由于能源综合规划各环节之间是相互关联的,因此,能源资源评价不能独立于其它分析过程而单独进行。特别是对可再生能源资源来说,评价内容除了要考虑储量、开采量、生产率等进行一般能源评价所考虑的因素以外,更应注重可再生能源资源的开发技术及市场分析。由于目前对可再生能源的资源评价尚未形成比较系统的评价体系,因此,论文根据可再生能源资源的特性以及它与技术、市场之间的内在联系,从一般系统论的观点出发,对可再生能源资源的系统评价方法进行了研究。最后以秸秆资源为例,对以上选择的评价方法进行了实际应用。  相似文献   

Industry is responsible for high water consumption and it has become one of the main sources of water resource deterioration. However, industries are seeking alternatives that minimize the impact of using these natural resources. Some of the alternatives for reducing water consumption involve the reuse and/or recycling of wastewater. This study aims to seek alternatives to optimize water networks, minimize freshwater consumption and/or reduce costs. A non-linear program (NLP) model targeting the minimization of freshwater consumption and/or operating costs was developed. The model is based on the conservation equations of chemical species (contaminants) and mass (water). Options to reduce the cost and consumption of networks with and without regeneration processes are presented. The solutions are identified using a two-step procedure in which cost is optimized while the previously obtained minimum freshwater consumption remains fixed. The results showed excellent agreement with results reported by other authors.  相似文献   

我国工业源VOCs排放的源头追踪和行业特征研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
按照“源头追踪”思路,采用排放因子法,对我国工业源VOCs排放量进行了计算.工业VOCs污染产生于4个环节:VOCs的生产,储存和运输,以VOCs为原料的工艺过程,含VOCs产品的使用和排放.结果表明, 2009年我国工业源VOCs排放量约为1206万t.4个环节的污染排放贡献分别为18.1%、6.8%、24.7%和50.3%.合成材料生产、石油炼制和石油化工、机械设备制造等17个排放源的年排放量达20万t以上,其排放量之和占全国总排放量的94.9%.2007~2009年我国工业源VOCs排放量分别为1023,1079,1206万t,年均增长率8.6%.  相似文献   

There is an international divide between net emissions importers and net emissions exporters, with industrialised nations mainly falling into the former and emerging economies the latter. Integrating emissions transfers into climate policy, so as not to disadvantage export-intensive countries, has been suggested to increase participation in international emissions reduction commitments. Consumption-based scenarios are presented for the UK identifying the geographic and sectorial source of emissions to meet future consumer demands given the current international climate policy landscape. The analysis is applied to the UK yet the discussion is applicable to international climate policy; assigning national responsibility for global emissions reductions; and extending the mitigation potential for net importing countries. Two trajectories for UK consumption emissions are calculated in which (1) international reduction targets are consistent with those pledged today equating to four degrees of temperature rise and (2) international reduction targets achieve a two degree future. By 2050 it is estimated that UK consumption emissions are 40–260% greater than UK territorial emissions depending on the strength of global reduction measures, and assuming the UK meets its 80% reduction in 1990 emissions by 2050 target. Cumulative emissions are presented alongside emissions trajectories, recognising that temperature rise is directly related to every tonne of carbon emitted. Whilst this paper argues that the current UK emissions targets underestimate the UK's contribution to global mitigation for two degrees, it shows how expanding the focus of policy towards consumption introduces new opportunities for reduction strategies at scale. The paper advocates the implementation of consumption-based emissions accounting which reveals underexploited policy interventions and increases the potential to break down barriers that exist between industrialised and emerging economies in international climate policy.  相似文献   

The public promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources coexists in many countries with the recent implementation of emissions trading schemes. As shown by several papers, this coexistence may lead to significant interactions between both instruments, in the form of synergies and conflicts. This paper provides an overview and analysis of the literature on such coexistence and interactions. A major conclusion is that policy measures aiming at exploiting the synergies between both instruments should be implemented. The greatest synergy effects from the use of both instruments take place through appropriate coordination of their targets. Another key finding is that, although some stylised facts can be inferred from the studies, some results from those complex interactions are context-specific since they depend on the design of the instruments in particular countries. In spite of the significant policy implications of such interactions for the effective and cost-effective functioning of both instruments, this is a surprisingly under searched field. It is so concerning, both, theoretical and empirical analysis.
Pablo del Río GonzálezEmail:

铝工业是高能耗高排放工业,探索铝工业的节能减排路径有助于我国实现《巴黎协定》中的温室气体减排承诺.采用物质流分析和生命周期评价方法,基于存量水平、技术水平和能源结构设置了15种情景,研究了我国铝工业1990~2100年的能耗和碳排放量,探索不同路径下的节能减排潜力.我国铝在用存量将在2040~2050年达到峰值(4.6...  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Industrial processes cause significant emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere and, therefore, have high mitigation and...  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of extensive deployment of indigenous and external renewable energy sources on a local electricity system (Sardinia Island) and discusses the main challenges faced by the European power grids in integrating high shares of renewable-based generation technologies. It presents the 2030 scenarios for the Sardinian power system and the results of steady-state analyses in extreme (renewable) generation and consumption conditions. These results are eventually combined with the assessment of key technology development trends to explain how this can affect the development of a European supergrid. In general, the article stresses that rendering the bulk-power system capable of accommodating high renewable energy penetration not only requires reinforcing the electricity highways but also demands carefully planning the architecture of and the interface with regional power systems.  相似文献   

集聚外部性是集聚影响工业污染排放的重要机制,不同的集聚方式对应不同的污染排放行为。以中国31个省市工业废水、工业废气、工业固废为例,基于集聚外部性理论,将工业集聚分为专业化、多样性、相关多样性和非相关多样性等4种类型,在分析工业污染排放强度空间格局特征的基础上构建计量模型考察工业集聚与工业污染排放的关系,结果表明:(1)工业废水、废气、固废污染强度的省域差异显著,空间分布上均有不断集中的趋向。(2)多样性集聚比专业化集聚更有利于降低工业污染排放强度。多样性集聚对工业废水强度下降的作用最大,对废气和固废污染的减排作用较小。产业关联是多样性集聚发挥环境“自净”效应的重要条件,相关多样性有利于降低工业污染排放强度,而非相关多样性会加剧污染排放。(3)从不同污染型产业看,废水污染型产业的专业化集聚有利于污染强度下降,而废气和固废污染型产业专业化集聚会加剧污染排放,污染型产业多样性发展均有利于污染强度下降。(4)不同集聚类型对工业污染的影响存在着区域和污染类型的异质性。(5)要进一步降低工业污染,应提高集聚产业的多样化水平,强化产业间的内在关联。同时,应根据不同区域、不同污染型产业、不同工业污染物制定差异化防治措施。  相似文献   

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