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According to the Kyoto Protocol, by 2012 Norwegian emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced to about 10% lower than the 1998 level. In order to achieve this target, the Government intends to give greater priority to energy efficiency measures. This article considers the Norwegian Energy Efficiency Network and describes experiences from the implementation of Energy Management in Norwegian industry. The conclusions are (1) co-operation through networking among companies is an effective way for them to work together to help them achieve lower energy consumption per produced unit and (2) energy schemes represent a CO2 reduction potential that may be realised at short-term net cost savings.  相似文献   

进行了氨法脱碳过程中吸收剂中CO2负载量对CO2脱除率影响的实验研究.结果发现,CO2脱除率随着负载量的增大而显著减小,高负载量(≥0.4)时,增加吸收液中总氨质量分数(吸收液中所有包含氨分子和铵离子的物质,并统一换算成NH3的质量分数)并不能有效地提高CO2的脱除率.同时,分别对有机和无机添加剂进行筛选,选取哌嗪(PZ)和十二水磷酸钠(Na3PO4·12H2O)对吸收剂中高CO2负载鼍条件下的氨水溶液进行改性.实验结果表明,当哌嗪(PZ)浓度与总氨浓度之比为0.08,在吸收荆中CO2负载量为0.4、0.5和0.6的条件下,CO2脱除率可分别提高29.4%、31.0%和21.7%;当Na3PO4·12H2O浓度与总氨浓度之比为0.10,在吸收剂中CO2负载量为0.4、0.5和0.6的条件下,CO2脱除率可分别提高11.0%、11.7%和17.1%.  相似文献   

基于化肥削减潜力及碳减排的小麦生产效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱宁  曹博  秦富 《中国环境科学》2018,38(2):784-791
基于2004~2015年中国小麦主产省份的小麦生产投入产出数据,分析了中国小麦生产的化肥削减及碳减排潜力,并利用SBM模型和ML指数分别测算了小麦生产的环境效率和环境全要素生产率.结果显示:科学施肥条件下,主产省份小麦生产的化肥削减及碳减排潜力分别为51.66%、37.41%;化肥削减及碳减排条件下,小麦生产环境效率未降低,2004~2015年间平均的小麦生产环境效率为0.970,北方地区的小麦生产环境效率要低于南方地区,小麦生产的MLEFFCH指数、MLTECH指数、ML指数超过了1,大于化肥未削减、全碳排放条件下的MLEFFCH指数、MLTECH指数、ML指数,化肥削减及碳减排利于实际生产向最大产出迫近,以达到生产的帕累托最优状态.  相似文献   

我国能源效率、CO2减排潜力及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
曾贤刚 《中国环境科学》2010,30(10):1432-1440
基于DEA方法构建出一个包含CO2排放量的综合能源效率指标,运用2000~2007年省级面板数据计算了我国30个省市的综合能源效率,并使用Tobit模型分析了该综合能源效率的影响因素.研究表明:全国能源效率最高的4个省市分别为上海、广东、海南和青海,该结果与不考虑CO2排放的能源效率计算结果有所差异;我国各省区CO2减排潜力呈现出5种变化趋势,包括基本不变、先降后升、先升后降、稳定上升、稳定下降,其中减排潜力较大的为山东、山西、河北、辽宁4省;我国政府影响力、对外开放程度对能源效率影响显著,产业结构、环保力度对能源效率影响不显著,此外技术进步指标由于难以正确的衡量,其对能源效率的影响还难以说明.  相似文献   

中国生物质燃气产能及碳减排潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于回归分析预测模型和来源分类预测模型对2020~2050年生物质燃气产量和能源结构占比进行预测,并对碳减排潜力进行了情景分析.结果表明,回归分析预测偏差较小,其中逐步回归预测偏差值为9.34%,略小于多元线性回归的13.99%.来源分类模型的准确度高于回归模型.到2050年,沼气增幅约为176%.在低碳情景中提高生物质燃气应用比例最高可降低未来情景中10%的碳排放量,表明大力发展生物质燃气对于碳减排和碳循环有较为明显的正面效应.结合现状对经济,技术,市场等方面提出政策建议.为下一步发掘生物质燃气产品市场潜力提供理论指导.  相似文献   

孙浩  郭劲光 《自然资源学报》2022,37(12):3234-3251
在中国向高质量发展转型下,探究环境规制、产业集聚对能源效率的作用,对实现“双碳目标”具有重要的现实意义。系统梳理了三者间的作用机制,并基于中国2006—2018年的数据,运用多种“近邻”权重下的空间杜宾模型,检验环境规制、产业集聚以及二者的融合发展对能源效率的溢出效应及其区域差异。研究发现:(1)环境规制和能源效率二者间存在“波特假说”,但这种效应却具有“度”的限制;产业集聚(专业化、多样化)能够有效地助推自身以及与之“相邻”(地理邻近、经济互动)地区能源效率的提升。(2)环境规制对能源效率的作用表现出明显的区域差异,且在中国东、中以及西部三区域间也具有显著的经济地理关联性;产业集聚对能源效率的影响也表现出明显的区域差异,东部来源于多样化集聚,而中西部来源于专业化与多样化集聚。(3)在效应分解方面,无论是全样本还是分区域样本中,环境规制、产业集聚对能源效率的空间溢出效应并不单单是由于地理“相邻”造成的,更多是地区间地理邻近与经济互动协同的结果。(4)环境规制与专业化集聚的融合发展,抑制了专业化带来的正效应,而其与多样化集聚的融合发展对推动能源效率提升具有更强效果。  相似文献   

产业结构对城市生态环境的影响评价   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
产业结构是人类作用于生态环境系统的主要环节,它的组合类型和强度在很大程度上决定了经济效益、资源利用效率和对环境的胁迫,因此对产业结构合理性评估是极为重要的,其评价结果是进行产业结构调整的重要依据。利用环境承载力定量表述人类社会经济活动与环境资源之间的关系,提出了由经济效益、环境资源产出率和环境资源满足度三因子集组成的评价指标体系和矩阵转换评价方法。以本溪市作为实证进行了分析,结果显示其产业结构极不合理。  相似文献   

工业园区由于资源能源消耗和污染排放总量大,能量梯级利用水平普遍较低,在我国推进生态文明建设的过程中受到了重点关注.本研究以河南省一个典型的高能耗工业园区(永城经济技术开发区)为研究对象,对能量梯级利用措施带来的节能效果和大气污染物减排效益进行了定量的研究,并且结合CALPUFF模型分析园区能量梯级利用措施对周边城市大气环境质量的影响.结果表明:①通过应用能量梯级利用措施,有效地提高了能源的使用效率,并减少了SO2、NOx以及颗粒物等主要大气污染物的排放量.园区12条能量梯级利用链条的节能总量为10000 TJ, SO2和NOx排放量分别减少为611 t和1407 t, PM10 和PM2.5分别减少为82 t和45 t.②CALPUFF模拟结果显示园区采用能量梯级利用措施在一定程度上改善了城市大气环境的空气质量.永城市2017年4种污染物的最大1 h平均浓度在有能量梯级利用措施情景(S2)下和无能量梯级利用情景(S1)相比均有所降低,其中NOx降幅最为明显,在春秋两季为70 μg·m-3左右.  相似文献   

矿产开发对酸雨形成的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 通过对广东省有色金属、多金属、贵金属、稀有金属、黑色金属和非金属的大、中、小型、国家开采和民采(私人企业、集体所有制企业)两种经济形式的矿山进行现场调查,对其大气、水、雾等现场监测.将各种类型的矿山尾矿、废石等矿山废弃物以及硫化矿物矿石进行为期两年的模拟实验,了解硫排放的影响因素、排放过程化学形态的分布及排放速率;观察矿山废弃物硫排放受湿度、光、热、氧化、废弃物自身物理性状及矿物结构的控制.结果表明,其排放速率与广东省四季自然条件相关,与广东省酸雨频率吻合,表明矿山开发酸化了大气环境.并提出了矿山环境治理应是酸雨治理的重要组成部分,无序的民采加剧了矿山酸性物质的排放.  相似文献   

Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions and related costs at Swedish petroleum refineries have been estimated. An evaluation of the direct impact on costs for emission-reducing measures due to the inclusion in the EU ETS is also made. Abatement measures possible to implement within the next 5–6 years at Shell refinery Gothenburg corresponding to a 8% reduction, and at Preemraff Lysekil corresponding to 22% of the estimated fossil CO2 emissions in 2010 have been included. Many of the estimated abatement costs are negative, meaning cost savings for the companies if implemented. The cost estimates are strongly linked to the fuel prices. The inclusion of industries in the EU ETS increases the incentives for companies to implement CO2 abatement measures.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented here to assess the potential long-term contribution of non-CO2 greenhouse gases in mitigation scenarios. The analysis shows the future development of the mitigation potential of non-CO2 gases (as a function of changes in technology and implementation barriers) to represent a crucial parameter for the overall costs of mitigation scenarios. The recently developed marginal abatement cost curves for 2010 in the EMF-21 project are taken as the starting point. First-order estimates were made of the future maximum attainable reduction potentials and costs on the basis of available literature. The set of MAC curves developed was used in a multi-gas analysis for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations at 550 ppm CO2-equivalent. Including future development for the non-CO2 mitigation options not only increases their mitigation potential but also lowers the overall costs compared to situations where no development is assumed (3–21% lower in 2050 and 4–26% lower in 2100 in our analysis). Along with the fluorinated gases, energy-related methane emissions make up the largest share in total non-CO2 abatement potential as they represent a large emission source and have a large potential for reduction (towards 90% compared to baseline in 2100). Most methane and nitrous oxide emissions from landuse-related sources are less simple to abate, with an estimated abatement potential in 2100 of around 60% and 40%, respectively.  相似文献   

Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions and related costs at Swedish iron-ore based steelmaking in Sweden have been estimated. An evaluation of the direct impact on costs for emission-reducing measures due to the inclusion in the EU ETS is also made.Two different abatement options, based on previously implemented measures at SSAB Oxelösund as well as some future measures that could be implemented at the company by 2010, have been investigated. The first option corresponds to a CO2 emission reduction of 6.5% and the second to a 13% reduction. The abatement measure with the largest reduction potential is dependent on natural gas being available at SSAB Oxelösund by 2010, which is not certain.Several of the estimated abatement costs are negative, meaning cost savings for the company if implemented. The cost estimates are strongly linked to the fuel prices. The inclusion of industries in the EU ETS increases the incentives for companies to implement CO2 abatement measures.  相似文献   

基于国内水泥生产现状的碳排放因子测算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
魏军晓  耿元波  沈镭  岑况  母悦 《中国环境科学》2014,34(11):2970-2975
水泥生产过程中碳排放因子的测算是计算水泥碳排放量的基础,为了准确测算我国水泥行业熟料煅烧阶段碳酸盐矿物分解释放CO2的碳排放因子,就需要对水泥生产线上相关样品做成分测定和综合分析.通过对国内近百条代表性较强的水泥生产线上的生料、熟料、水泥、石灰石、燃煤等样品进行钙、镁、烧失量、碳酸盐等化学成分的定量分析,并考虑新型干法窑和立窑两种生产工艺类型的差别,分析测算了基于国内水泥生产的工艺碳排放因子.结果表明:生料碳酸盐法测算碳排放因子的结果较熟料法的结果低约10kgCO2/tcl;不同窑型的碳排放因子存在明显差异,新型干法窑的碳排放因子多集中在500~520kgCO2/tcl,立窑碳排放因子多集中在480~500kgCO2/tcl;多数熟料含有少量碳酸盐.生料碳酸盐法不涉及燃煤灰分的化学成分,可以规避燃煤灰分成分的影响,测算碳排放因子采用生料碳酸盐法较准确,并且应基于不同窑型,同时考虑碳酸盐分解率问题.  相似文献   


Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a combustion process with inherent separation of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is achieved by oxidizing the fuel with a solid oxygen carrier rather than with air. As fuel and combustion air are never mixed, no gas separation is necessary and, consequently, there is no direct cost or energy penalty for the separation of gases. The most common form of design of chemical-looping combustion systems uses circulating fluidized beds, which is an established and widely spread technology. Experiments were conducted in two different laboratory-scale CLC reactors with continuous fuel feeding and nominal fuel inputs of 300 Wth and 10 kWth, respectively. As an oxygen carrier material, ground steel converter slag from the Linz–Donawitz process was used. This material is the second largest flow in an integrated steel mill and it is available in huge quantities, for which there is currently limited demand. Steel converter slag consists mainly of oxides of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), silicon (Si), and manganese (Mn). In the 300 W unit, chemical-looping combustion experiments were conducted with model fuels syngas (50 vol% hydrogen (H2) in carbon monoxide (CO)) and methane (CH4) at varied reactor temperature, fuel input, and oxygen-carrier circulation. Further, the ability of the oxygen-carrier material to release oxygen to the gas phase was investigated. In the 10 kW unit, the fuels used for combustion tests were steam-exploded pellets and wood char. The purpose of these experiments was to study more realistic biomass fuels and to assess the lifetime of the slag when employed as oxygen carrier. In addition, chemical-looping gasification was investigated in the 10 kW unit using both steam-exploded pellets and regular wood pellets as fuels. In the 300 W unit, up to 99.9% of syngas conversion was achieved at 280 kg/MWth and 900 °C, while the highest conversion achieved with methane was 60% at 280 kg/MWth and 950 °C. The material’s ability to release oxygen to the gas phase, i.e., CLOU property, was developed during the initial hours with fuel operation and the activated material released 1–2 vol% of O2 into a flow of argon between 850 and 950 °C. The material’s initial low density decreased somewhat during CLC operation. In the 10 kW, CO2 yields of 75–82% were achieved with all three fuels tested in CLC conditions, while carbon leakage was very low in most cases, i.e., below 1%. With wood char as fuel, at a fuel input of 1.8 kWth, a CO2 yield of 92% could be achieved. The carbon fraction of C2-species was usually below 2.5% and no C3-species were detected. During chemical-looping gasification investigation a raw gas was produced that contained mostly H2. The oxygen carrier lifetime was estimated to be about 110–170 h. However, due to its high availability and potentially low cost, this type of slag could be suitable for large-scale operation. The study also includes a discussion on the potential advantages of this technology over other technologies available for Bio-Energy Carbon Capture and Storage, BECCS. Furthermore, the paper calls for the use of adequate policy instruments to foster the development of this kind of technologies, with great potential for cost reduction but presently without commercial application because of lack of incentives.


For governments and for manufacturing companies, global warming, rising energy prices, and customers’ increasing ecological awareness have pushed energy efficient manufacturing to the top of the agenda. Governments and companies are both striving to identify the most effective measures to increase energy efficiency in manufacturing processes. Based on results of a recent EU-funded roadmapping project, this paper highlights the needs of industrial companies for integrating energy efficiency performance in production management. First, it analyses concepts and tools for measurement, control and improvement of energy efficiency in production management proposed in literature. Second, the paper outlines that ICT tools and standardization are important enablers for energy efficient manufacturing. Third, industrial needs in these areas are presented based on expert interviews. The industrial needs thus identified are contrasted with concepts proposed in literature to point out the implementation gaps between practice and theory. The paper demonstrates that there exists a gap between the solutions available and the actual implementation in industrial companies. It concludes by deriving requirements for energy management in production that future collaborative research projects should address.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to provide a preliminary analysis of energy utilization from industrial waste in Taiwan, a densely populated island country with high dependence on imported energy. The discussion thus focused on the status of industrial waste generation and its management since the year 2002. This paper also presented the updated information about the new/revised regulations concerning the governmental regulations and policies for promoting industrial waste as energy source as well as controlling the emissions of hazardous air pollutants from industrial waste-to-energy facilities. It showed that the main types of combustible waste in the industrial sector of Taiwan include pulp sludge, scrap wood, sugarcane bagasse, textile sludge and scrap plastics, which were being reused as auxiliary fuel in the utilities (e.g., boiler and incinerator). Based on their reported quantities, the energy potential and the environmental benefit of mitigating CO2 emissions were also analyzed in the study.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(10-11):1037-1047
This paper reports the findings of a study conducted to identify the appropriate policy strategies for cleaner production in Zambia. Through direct consultation with industry and other stakeholders, it was observed that the major constraints that hindered implementation of cleaner production in the industry were financial problems, poor/weak enforcement of environmental laws, lack of knowledge, lack of awareness and lack of technical competence. Similarly, potential motivators for cleaner production in industry were identified and included the macro-economic climate, economic reforms and policies, economic incentives, regulation and environmental leadership. In conclusion, the low levels of cleaner production adoption were mainly due to the lack of environmental standards in some industries, low levels of cleaner production awareness, limited understanding of commercial and economic benefits of utilisation of cleaner production approaches, inadequate institutional arrangements for the promotion and implementation of cleaner production and the lacklustre enforcement of existing environmental laws.  相似文献   

ENERGY STAR® is a voluntary government/industry partnership that offers information to businesses and consumers on energy-efficient solutions, making it easier to save money and protect the environment for future generations. Introduced in 1992 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this voluntary labeling program was designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products as basic pollution prevention opportunities. The ENERGY STAR label can now be found on appliances, office equipment, lighting, buildings, and more. In 2002, ENERGY STAR was extended beyond its role in identifying energy efficient products to identifying energy-efficient production. The ENERGY STAR industry program focuses on encouraging and enabling sustainable corporate energy management. One of the three information tools EPA developed under ENERGY STAR, which also includes energy management networking and industry specific energy guides, is the energy performance indicator (EPI). The EPI is a statistical benchmarking tool that provides a “birds-eye” view of sector-specific plant-level energy use via a functional relationship between the level of energy use and the level and type of various production activities, material input's quality, and external factors, e.g. climate and material quality. The EPI uses stochastic frontier regression to estimate the lowest observed plant energy use, given these factors. This statistical model also provides a distribution of energy efficiency across the industry, which allows the user to answer the hypothetical but very practical question, “How would my plant compare to everyone else in my industry, if all other plants were similar to mine?” The result is a tool that can be used by corporate and plant energy managers to estimate the energy efficiency of their portfolio of plants. This paper describes the role of the EPI within the context of the overall goals of ENERGY STAR and gives examples of how this information tool was developed and is being used.  相似文献   

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